GM Rednal's Legendary Planet AP (Inactive)

Game Master Rednal

Current Goal: Find the Opus Aeterna and learn how to repair Gates

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Silver Crusade

Hi Edward

"And on tonight show.."

GM Q: -Some one may have asked but what is the gun level for this SiFi/Magic cross over setting?

GM Q: Languages, with this setting what will we be using GM?

*Shakes Magic 8-Ball*

Answer Unclear.

(But no, seriously, it's Science-Fantasy instead of Science-Fiction. Expect SOME tech, but probably with more of a mystic component. Judging by the art, there WILL be guns, but you're world-hopping to places that probably have widely varying tech levels. The best way to think of it is that different parts of the game will have different gun levels, and I have exactly no idea how easy it will be to go back to previous places. XD)

The best answers I have seen is to use the recent John Carter of Mars as a good example of how the setting/tech/magic/etc will be/feel.

Silver Crusade

cool I love John Carter of Mars

You can never escape, Rednal. Never ever.

How do you feel about Tripod Game's Scholar? I'm thinking of going nice and intelligence heavy without any actual casting, or at least a lower level of it than usual. Maybe combine it with a Bard for a wandering story teller/gatherer character? Dunno exactly yet.

Popping in to ask a question real quick:

Do you have any issues with Unchained Summoner/Synthesist?
Also would you consider Synthesist Reborn instead of the normal synthesist?

I'm planning a Sylph Summoner/Sorcerer as a Tank/Blaster. I haven't decided for sure on a Synthesist vs a straight Summoner, but knowing what options I have helps!

I'm actually quite fond of the Summoner, though I often go the Master Summoner route myself. That said, I noted that all Paizo classes are legal, and since the Unchained Summoner is a Paizo class...

I'd love to try out a crafter looking for new materials to use and experiment with. This leads me to asking about The Artisan, a class based all around crafting.

My role: support. Doesn't matter if it's healing, blasting, utility, me lee or ranged combat, I'll have an item for helping out.(be it weapon, wand, or item). I hope Dynamic Magic Item Creation will be available too.

Crptic is a good fit for the other side too. I'll get to work on refining the idea.

Hi, Monkeygod. :)

Dark Archive

Would you allow a gestalt Magus/Witch with Bladebound and Winter Witch archetypes? What I'm asking, to be precise, is are you willing to allow a character to have both black blade and familiar?

@Azten: I would prefer to stick with the classes from sourcebooks I cited as legal.

@nightflier: Bladebound specifically forbids getting a familiar from another class. As part of my effort to avoid munchkin-style stuff, restrictions will generally be as written.

I thought I'd check, since you did say other 3rd party was a case-by-case thing. Have a fun game!

Dark Archive

GM Rednal wrote:

@Azten: I would prefer to stick with the classes from sourcebooks I cited as legal.

@nightflier: Bladebound specifically forbids getting a familiar from another class. As part of my effort to avoid munchkin-style stuff, restrictions will generally be as written.

It's your decision, of course. But how would you combine the Bladebound Magus and the Witch? Would you be open to allowing the blade to function as a Witch's familiar at 1st level?

Silver Crusade

Think I am going to drop, kind of had my fill of level 1 games for a while, have fun everyone.

@nightflier: I would take an archetype that doesn't have a familiar, or simply shrug off the loss and move on. Gestalt characters can actually afford the loss of one or two incompatible abilities if the rest of the build works well.

150 backers and the third adventure is funded!

I have a Grippli from a game along similar themes I want to try out. I can broaden his backstory and adapt him real quick I simply need your approval on his race if the initial idea is sound. The character himself intrigues me and kind of has a Rigel from Farscape + Yoda vibe.

Old backstory:
This is the song of Penance; failed assassin, banished romantic, whose name and status were murdered by his own sense of honor and love.
Deep under the swampy canopies of hot jungles lie cities and civilizations largely ignorant of the songless and overly large human nations.

It is in one of these places that under an ominous moon the Grippli known today as Penance was born. Of bright skin and toxic soul Penance was destined to be trained as one of the king's personal assassins. Tasked with keeping the song of the kingdom in harmony by removing those elements from it that could cause discord Penance was quite skilled at ensuring death and silence. The king and his advisers, and Penance did.

It might be thought that such an occupation would create a cynic. But, if anything it has given Penance's song brilliance and levity, for if life is so fleeting than every moment is to be cherished and loved. Every note of the song becomes important, nothing, not even the silence, should be taken for granted.

However, for some among the king's advisers such a willful servant with the ear of the king could drown out their own voice in the song of the kingdom and thus represented a threat to their verse.

Thus when Penance fell in love and sang his romantic song to a lovely mage's apprentice he was ordered to silence her as a message and warning to her master.

Love demanded that he rebel. Honor demanded that he comply. His shame in having to choose forced him to run.

Having given up his name and his song Penance is dead to his king and his people.

In a way this has worked out for him. It has given him cause to think on the greater song of the world and to hone his skills at silence on the big folk, the ugly folk, and those who dwell in silence and light.

He has signed on to this exploration ship to expand his verse and increase the glory of his own song. The Grippli that is Penance may have no past, no name, but the song of Penance may be quite grand indeed. Perhaps one day that Grippli's name will be devoured and subsumed into Penance and he can reclaim his lover.

Closest approximaring picture.

For reference, this guarantees timely release of content that will bring the players up to 11th level. Thing seem to be proceeding quite well. ^^

OK, I guess the scholar won't work, so I'll use Investigator instead.

How do you feel about the Spellscorn Fighter Archetype?

I'm a little afraid of how they're going to react when they start seeing futuristic magic. o wo; Also, for what reason would they deliberately go exploring into strange places with strange magic, rather than remaining in a familiar area?

That odd moment when you've accidentally come between a "^" post and its target.

Eeyup. XD As cited, races other than those I named aren't automatically denied. You CAN submit them, but I'll be examining them much more closely as a result.

Hmmm, still trying to decide what classes to pair for my background. Usually having a concept ready first makes this easier, not harder!

Put some more polish on Steeora. Any feedback?

Depends on where you stretch the concept. Penance is an Assassin. But such a profession can entail a lot. I want to stick with Stalker since I like the magic ninja feel of it. So, going bard for that set of tools doesn't work out too well. I don't see him as particularly religious so no death god worship.

I could go for a full bab class like slayer or, perhaps more favorably, monk or brawler.

However I'm currently looking at Vitalist and it matches well mechanically and grants me a different set of tools that can be useful both in terms of support and performing the necessary role of terrifying violence. It also matches the ideas and concepts that this is a person from a culture very much in tune with the pulse of things around him and his knowledge of anatomy doesn't seem all too much out of place. Of course he would know a variety of ways to repair damage to a living body. He's spent so much time ensuring such damage is permanent. Probably what I'll end up going with.

Hmm... I have a few ideas floating around. Since I see you're allowing Psionics and Path of War, would you consider the material from Akashic Mysteries? Or the expanded PoW content? Better to ask straight-up before I start building and get shot down. >.>

Dotting in because of coolness factor.

@El Ronza; I don't have access to Akashic Mysteries or the expanded PoW content, so that's a no. XD; Unless someone added it to when I wasn't looking, anyway.

@Dave: One does not become a bard just by singing, and Cyphermages are more about knowledge and understanding than performing. Indeed, if the guy yelled at her to STOP singing, he may not care too much for the arts. Why did she bother learning bardic skills at all, and she receive any formal training, or is she simply self-taught?

By the way...

@All: Players who are selected will be asked to reformat their profiles into the official statblock style (this is the normal output for HeroLab users). Having everything in the same format makes it much easier for me to scan and read, and I'll be slightly more favorable towards profiles doing that. ^^

Noted... I had considered that. I will incorporate that into the next draft.

Hi Rednal,

I was wondering when you'll begin looking at individual characters? I realize that we are several weeks out from the completion of recruitment and that you're probably pretty busy. However, I am curious to see what items I should focus on, character wise. As you said, almost anyone can just make a character sheet. Given what you mentioned about the 10-Minute Background, I am curious about how viable my character is, given those parameters.

Think of the 10 Minute Background as a starting point for your character, to help you get a better sense of who they are as a person. It's not meant to be the entirety of their background. Once you have the basic details, try expanding on them, asking how your character's powers and abilities fit into what you've written so far. Don't just say "she can cast X", tell me why she casts that in her life, or how it's helped her in the past. Things like that. ^^

I probably won't do a serious examination of backstories for at least a week. I want to give you time to write them, after all. ^^

Wow, this looks really cool. I'll see if I can't get something together. Sadly I am not too familiar with Deep Magic and 1001 Spells, but I am sure I'll manage something. Now to figure out what I want to play...

Liberty's Edge

Not going to submit, but as excited as I am about this campaign I will definitely be following along. Best of luck to all!

Sourcebooks like Deep Magic are not required - merely available for those who DO have them. XD And I may pull out suggestions every now and then. Feel free to stick with other material if you'd prefer to.

GM Rednal wrote:

Think of the 10 Minute Background as a starting point for your character, to help you get a better sense of who they are as a person. It's not meant to be the entirety of their background. Once you have the basic details, try expanding on them, asking how your character's powers and abilities fit into what you've written so far. Don't just say "she can cast X", tell me why she casts that in her life, or how it's helped her in the past. Things like that. ^^

I probably won't do a serious examination of backstories for at least a week. I want to give you time to write them, after all. ^^

OIC! OK, so let me ask you this...what kind of guidelines are you thinking of in terms background. I mean, many paragraphs, just a few short ones, from day of birth forward kind of thing, or more of a highlight reel?

Hmm, I just noticed Occult Adventure's classes have no spell failure chance. And a mystical organization certainly fits. I think my character's magical side is becoming a psychic side. (I also just really like trying out new classes!)

Whatever you think works best to describe the character. 2-3 pages (1000 - 1500 words) would probably suffice, especially once you start exploring the implications of the powers they have and the things they've done. If you put a point in Spellcraft, for example, you can mention how they got that training and a particularly notable time they used it - for example, doing abnormally well when studying a magical item, and that event being the catalyst for training as a wizard or something after they realized they really liked magic. Or maybe they wanted to start making such things themselves, hence your future goals in crafting.

In short, just write in whatever way you think best explains who your character is and how you're likely to play them in the game. ^^

I am thinking to do something with heavens oracle and I don't want a martial character. Sorcerer seems like a natural fit, especially if focusing on illusions. Bard, summoner or wilder could also work great. I also really want to play a very curious explorer type character, but I am not sure that'll mesh all that well with my first idea. I built a factotum//wizard that kind of fit that theme. Investigator is an option, but somehow the class doesn't seem to resonate with me all that well. I don't like how studied combat works. I will have to reexamine my options to figure out what I want the most. I am not incredibly familiar with psionics, maybe there is something there to help me out. For a completely different direction mechnically Magus//Swashbuckler with the inspired blade archtype could work great. That would retain the curious nature, though obviously with more martial focus. This is always the problem with gestalt, instead of x options you have x! different to chose from.

Edit: Whoops, posted as a character from another game by mistake...

Would you allow a Heavens oracle with the spirit guide archtype to pick the lore spirit? If so, how would arcane enlightenment work? Would I be able to pick spells and then cast them or would I have to use the hex before getting a level that grants a spell known and then pick a spell granted from the spirit then? Since oracles don't prepeare spells it isn't clear what it does for an oracle. I would probably pick a class granting a lot of skills for the other side, bard or rogue or maybe even a summoner with a skill eidolon.

Abilities are as written. Arcane Enlightenment only matters for characters who prepare spells - it has no value for spontaneous casters.

Would you allow Strange Relevation?: 3rd-party---kobold-press/strange-revelation that might enable what I want from this character by picking the lore mystery and using strange relevation to pick up awesome display.

Strange Revelation is fine. It's burning a feat just to get something from a different list instead of from your current list - rather than in addition to it - and that seems like a reasonable cost.

Maybe I'll go with a dual cursed, cross-blooded sorcerer//oracle with revelations from two mysteries then ;).

GM Rednal wrote:
@El Ronza; I don't have access to Akashic Mysteries or the expanded PoW content, so that's a no. XD; Unless someone added it to when I wasn't looking, anyway.

And if you did? A lot of it's still in playtesting, and I could send you the docs.

I apologize for my own cheekiness; I have a couple of concepts that just will not get out of my head.

Is the realms beyond bloodline from deep magic -from-3rd-party-publishers/kobold-press---bloodlines/realms-beyond permitted for a gnome? I think I read somewhere that the bloodlines there had some strict requirements. It seems really fitting for this game, gives my character a great reason to want to travel around, if his natural curiosity wasn't enough. Somehow it gets a cantrip as its first level bloodline power and a third level spell as its 15th level power. I will have to try to replace those somehow. Maybe the seeker archtype. It seems to go well with the theme (even if I will be lacking the skills to make full use of it).

@El Ronza: Being in playtesting is another reason to reject it, at least for now - Occult Adventures has the virtue of being fully released in the near future, in time to easily update characters. XD; Stuff gets tested BECAUSE it often has problems that need fixing. Once the full documents are out, however, I may make them available... and retraining means you COULD train into those classes...

@Oyzar: Does it say it's forbidden to gnomes? (Answer: No.) Well, then! It is, however, true that some stuff in Deep Magic has additional requirements.

GM Rednal wrote:
I'm a little afraid of how they're going to react when they start seeing futuristic magic. o wo; Also, for what reason would they deliberately go exploring into strange places with strange magic, rather than remaining in a familiar area?

If I'm honest, I wasn't paying much attention to the fluff. I was thinking more of the character as a kinda anti-mage. Incredibly intelligent but for some reason unable to do magic, and eventually becoming more difficult for magic to affect. Kinda like a Blank in 40k. If that's not cool, then I can drop that archetype quite merrily. I'm still tweeking his backstory and motivation.

Dotting for interest. Will start working on something soon.

Does anyone have interest in linking backstories? It may be prudent, with only three slots (*shudder*), to try and give ourselves as much background as possible.

I'm thinking of going Swashbuclker, very possibly Mysterious Avenger. Not sure what my other half of the gestalt will be. Leaning either Magus, which will make the character more super-heroy, or Warpriest and be a divine vengeance type.

Absolutely up for character ties.

I believe there is a magus archtype that uses whips as well.

Character ties are really cool, but with only 3 players and a huge number of applicants it might be a high chance that one of you is selected without the other.

Yeaaaaaah... I would recommend holding off on that until the character selection, then working in ties afterwards if that's what you want to do. XD;

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