GM Rednal |
@Rynjin: Those're the characters from my main games here on Paizo - The Forgotten God is kind of an experiment I'm running for creating a high-power, high-challenge solo game. Except Table 1 - for various reasons, that's a three-player game. The short version is that the players are fallen deities who got backstabbed, had all traces of their existence erased, and are now trying to regain their place in the heavens. Allowing players in my other games to pick them as deities amuses me. XD Existing choices are...
Aer’Besethir, Goddess of Love, Loyalty, and Protection
Astoroth, God of Facts and Information-Gathering
Hadran, God of Valor and Knowledge
Harath, God of Dreams and Nightmares
Iris, Goddess of the Morning
Makallun'abad, God of Mountains, Stone and Steel
Sevia, the Raven Queen and Keeper of Souls
Yidhra, Goddess of Paradoxes
Uuuuuuuuuuuunless their players would rather I not, of course. ^^

Harath |

@Rynjin: Those're the characters from my main games here on Paizo - The Forgotten God is kind of an experiment I'm running for creating a high-power, high-challenge solo game. Except Table 1 - for various reasons, that's a three-player game. The short version is that the players are fallen deities who got backstabbed, had all traces of their existence erased, and are now trying to regain their place in the heavens. Allowing players in my other games to pick them as deities amuses me. XD Existing choices are...
Aer’Besethir, Goddess of Love, Loyalty, and Protection
Astoroth, God of Facts and Information-Gathering
Hadran, God of Valor and Knowledge
Harath, God of Dreams and Nightmares
Iris, Goddess of the Morning
Makallun'abad, God of Mountains, Stone and Steel
Sevia, the Raven Queen and Keeper of Souls
Yidhra, Goddess of ParadoxesUuuuuuuuuuuunless their players would rather I not, of course. ^^
doesnt bother me, though Harath hardly feels like a deity again.

GM Rednal |
Kickstarter Update:
Confederates of the Shattered Zone is now fully-funded. The next goal is for the timely release of adventure number five, The Depths of Desperation, a high-level adventure set on a water world.
Also, this game was on the Paizo blog! For those of you who may be popping in just now after having seen that, don't worry about the number of posts here. I'm judging only by the final submissions, and yes, you can join in right now.

El Ronza |

I'm still trying to mull over ideas. I really want in on this (I've backed the adventure path for $100, a big commitment as the Australian dollar is so low!), but there are so many weird and wonderful submissions, and I'm the boring person who always plays humans and never multiclasses. I'm still interested, and I'm still trying!

DM Jelani |

I just saw this, and finished reading all of the GM Rednal posts so far. I am interested...a bit worried how I'll make a 25 pt buy gestalt character that doesn't come off as munchkiny, but I'll try.
So our backgrounds should leave our characters on Golarion, but yearning for travel/adventure, essentially?

GM Rednal |
As for not being munchkin-y, start by thinking about two distinctly different party roles, and how you could do an adequate job in each. Don't try to be super-good at one thing (and characters who look like they're doing that probably won't get chosen). Once you have two roles, trying to balance them out should help you naturally move towards avoiding munchkin-ness.
It helps if they have different primary stats. XD

Rynjin |

Blast. It turns out the majority of Psychometabolism powers are personal-only, which means I'll be level 6 before I can start sharing them with other people.
Hmm, there's gotta be a way around this somehow. I will do some digging.
Yeah, Psychometabolism is a self-buffing list, not a party buffing one.
What was your second class again?

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Warder. Fiendbound Marauder gives me lots of grappling, debuffing and defensive abilities.
I will look into the other Psion disciplines, but I really loved the feel of Psychometabolism combined with the Fiendbound Marauder's claw. It's really disappointing though, I thought Psychometabolism was just the "buffing, in general" discipline, not specifically for myself.

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I'm kind of against Arcanists on principal, and would also give me problems since the character is supposed to be wearing the heaviest armor possible.
My search has led me to believe that I should just stick with Transmogrifist and see what I can do with the generalist psion power list. The wait until being able to spread the personal spells will suck, but it'll definitely be an option eventually.

DM Jelani |

TarkXT |

Blast. It turns out the majority of Psychometabolism powers are personal-only, which means I'll be level 6 before I can start sharing them with other people.
Hmm, there's gotta be a way around this somehow. I will do some digging.
That's been my manor complaint about psionic only games. Playing support is so ridiculously hard the only class I've seen do it even remotely well is the vitalist.
Don't get me started on the tactician.

DM Jelani |

@DM Jelani: I like the references to your different talents in your background. ^^ It's always nice to see people citing skills and talents as things they've actually -used-.
I was also hoping, that should I be selected, I would be able to flavor her fire blast as a fiery bow that appears and fires an arrow then dissipates. As she levels up and gets more d6s, it can fire more arrows, etc. The mechanics would remain the same, just some extra elven flavor.

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Seranov wrote:Blast. It turns out the majority of Psychometabolism powers are personal-only, which means I'll be level 6 before I can start sharing them with other people.
Hmm, there's gotta be a way around this somehow. I will do some digging.
That's been my manor complaint about psionic only games. Playing support is so ridiculously hard the only class I've seen do it even remotely well is the vitalist.
Don't get me started on the tactician.
Yeah, it's kind of a pain. I'm actually half tempted to look into a Spheres of Power class instead of Psion, and go with that instead. That is, if SoP is an acceptable resource.

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Neat. I'm actually looking at the Symbiant right now, and it seems really cool. It would have the same fluff as Psion (a second mind augmenting Kosmar's own) and would allow me to spread my shapeshifting around to the whole group. I need to do a lot of reading, but I think I'm pretty sold on replacing Psion with this class. :)

GM Rednal |
@Johnny: Creepy seems fine.
@Maverick: How did your character get to be in the frontier area where the story begins? It's quite a long ways from the libraries of Kyonin - though overall, I do like the backstory. ^^
(Independent research, perhaps? Or Astronomy from different places, as a way of maxing comparisons on star charts?)

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Okay, I think I've got the Symbiat stuff changed, but I have a few questions.
1) Since I won't have an actual psicrystal anymore, it'll be all fluff. Is it okay if I still have a small red crystal necklace? It'd probably cost way more than the 7g Kosmar has left to spend, but he has zero intention to sell it, since it's the source of his powers, and he never takes it off.
2) Are drawbacks okay? I was wanting to grab the Focus Casting and Magical Signs drawbacks, which means that Kosmar would need the above-mentioned necklace to use spheres abilities (sort of like a divine focus), and that the necklace, his eyes and his fiend's grip(s) will glow when he's using his spheres abilities, alerting anyone nearby that he's doing so.

Gavmania |

I'm not a great fan of the 10 minute background as it usually expects me to have things like friends and enemies, while I usually play loners that have neither.
In this case, however I have a background I developed for an Aasimar (he was going to be Eldritch Knight, back in the day when Aasimar got early entry) that would be just perfect.
So, Here is the 10 minute background for Martyn Brannor
Step 1: Write 5 background and concept elements that you feel are important to your image of the character. These can be a concept overview, a list of important life events, a physical description, a personality profile…whatever you need to get an image in your mind. 5 is just a minimum…more elements are encouraged!
#1) Martyn is a well-educated, handsome young man with obviously otherworldly features. He has a charming, melodious voice and is easily given to chuckling. Most people like him instantly, and his easygoing manner means he gets on well with everybody.
#2) Martyn is noble-born, with Rich clothing. However, he does not Lord it over others, able to speak with people in all stations of life with ease.
#3) Martyn moves with a fencers grace, and the rapier at his side indicates that he has had training in it's use.
#4)Martyn loves exploring. Whether it is finding out what's round the next corner, or a new idea or some new device, Martyn loves them all.
#5) He hates being railroaded; believing passionately that a decision made freely is more often the right one, and likes to see others free to pursue their goals without interference as far as possible.
#6) Martyn likes people, and wants to do right by them. He isn't afraid of breaking a few rules if that's what it takes - and that goes for himself too.
Step 2: List at least two goals for the character. At least one of these goals should be one that the character has, while another should be one that you, as a player, want to see developed over the course of the game.
#1) {Character Goal) To be free of his uncle, who is his guardian and wants him to marry a rich merchants daughter.
#2) (Player Goal) To gain his true inheritance, a large estate in Taldor.
Step 3: List at least two secrets about your character. One is a secret the character knows, one is a secret that involves him but that he is not actually aware of yet. This will help me in creating plots that center around your character. I will also be creating a third secret which you as a player will not be aware of, so expect some surprises!
#1) (Character knows) The Night his parents died, his uncle was in the area. This was why his uncle was able to step forward as guardian so quickly.
#2) (Character knows) His uncle has been grooming him as a potential husband for the highest bidder; several Rich Merchants who wish to improve their station in life have been bidding for him to marry their daughters; they gain higher social status, ties to Old Blood and the obvious sign of favour that being related to an Aasimar brings; his Uncle gets rich. Martyn gets hitched.
#4) (Character knows) His uncle is involved in several lucrative deals that are either immoral, illegal or both. In addition, as guardian, his uncle is taking the opportunity to plunder the lands that belong to Martyn by birthright before he has to hand them over. While this is not illegal, it is causing distress to many commoners who are losing their common land and their forests. Martyn cannot halt it without claiming his birthright, but doing that would mean accepting his guardians choice for marriage.
#3) (Character doesn't know) His uncle was responsible for his parents deaths. The fire that burned their bodies was used to hide the fact that they had been murdered. Even then, his uncle knew that an Aasimar Noble would be a highly sought after prize, and he has ensured that his "prize" nephew was well-educated and taught the basics of Nobility to keep his appeal high.
Step 4: Describe at least three people that are tied to the character. Two of them are friendly to the character, one is hostile. If you like, you can include an enemy of yours here as well, so I have an instant NPC nemesis to throw at you.
#1) His Uncle Stefan Olayev Rurikovitch. Stefan is cruel and avaricious, though he understands the need to invest in order to profit and has provided excellent education for his Nephew as a result. He is distraught that his Nephew has left and has alerted the authorities that an underage person has left his charge. It is even possible that he will hire some people to retrieve his nephew.
#2) Georgi Petrov was Martyn's tutor. He taught Martyn History, geography, politics (Nobility), and all the subjects that a young nobleman is supposed to know about, and a few others beside. It was from Master Petrov that Martyn first learned about distant lands, and together they spent long hours planning expeditions together. Georgi even managed to arrange a few field trips to keep his appetite strong, and he also taught him the basics of bardic magic. Martyn has made it his own, taking it in slightly different directions than normal bards, but there is a genuine love between them.
#3)Piotr Stefanov Olenki was Martyn's Fencing Master. After a crippling injury retired him from active service, Master Olenki sought a position as teacher. His daring cavalier riding days behind him, he concentrated on his Fencing, and Martyn was a wonderful pupil. Martyn absorbed all the ethos of a cavalier except the riding, making it his own unique style.
Step 5: Describe three memories that your character has. They don’t have to be elaborate, but they should provide some context and flavor.
#1) Martyn's only memory of his mother is of her singing a lullaby as he drifted off to sleep. Despite all his efforts, he cannot remember what she looked like, but he suspects he has inherited his melodious voice from her. He has no memory of his father.
#2) The winter they went skating and the ice broke. Luckily, Martyn was skating under a low branch and was able to haul himself up as the ice broke beneath him. His tutor remarked how lucky he was, and that perhaps fate has marked him out for something special, and for a while the other kids on the estate would touch him hoping the luck would rub off. While there has been several lucky escapes over the years (including the fire that killed his parents), that was probably the luckiest that Martyn remembers.
#3) The journey from his parents estate. Too young to understand that his parents were never coming back, Martyn used the opportunity to see what he could of the towns, villages and city they passed through. Later it would be overshadowed by the grief of loss, but at the time Martyn was fascinated by all the different people doing different things. Trips to Towns and Cities have been rare since then, but Martyn has treasured every one of them.
#4) The night he stole away from his uncles estate, to an unknown future. The moon was bright and seemed auspicious for a new venture, and by morning he was halfway to the city. Long before he could be caught, he had disappeared into the hustle and bustle of city life, seeking adventure.
So that's Martyn Brannor. Escaping a cruel Uncle who planned to marry him off, he is a Noble-born Azata-blooded Aasimar Cavalier (Daring Champion)//Bard (Archaeologist). He brings to the table a whole set of skills (knowledge, disable device, etc.) and swordplay (Rapier, Fencing Grace (at 3rd level), as well as a few spells (though I am not planning this as his main focus). He is a perfect face, and I will invest in Diplomacy (and if I can, bluff, etc.)He has the fate's favoured trait (which will boost his Archaeologist's luck). he is succumbing to his sense of wanderlust, and wants to travel.

Maverick Silidar |

@Maverick: How did your character get to be in the frontier area where the story begins? It's quite a long ways from the libraries of Kyonin - though overall, I do like the backstory. ^^
(Independent research, perhaps? Or Astronomy from different places, as a way of maxing comparisons on star charts?)
Was there more information released about the starting town? I'd prefer to find out a little more information about the starting location and the possibly the party for more detailed tie-ins closer to the start of the campaign. That said, any of these could easily get him away from home:
- Traveling to a different hemisphere for research on the other half of the night sky not visible from Kyonin.
- Looking for new methods of designing and enchanting his telescopes at home.
- Accidentally activating an elf-gate while analyzing it, then not knowing how to get back.
- Hunting a demon that captured his friend/pet/research.

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Okay, I believe Kosmar the Dark Champion is rebuilt and good-to-go. I am more likely to let his magic talent progression be something I decide when he levels up, because it'll feel more organic that way.
I will likely give him background a bit of work before the deadline, if only to smooth over the differences between actual Psionics and the Symbiat's psionic-flavored abilties. :)

Tenro |

@GM Rednal: When you get a few moments, could you take a gander at my Background so far?
I am planning on writing a third part, and was wondering if there were any questions you had that would spur me to answer in story fashion.

DM Jelani |

I may have missed it somewhere, but what is starting gold?
Arialora's excuse to go to Holver's Ferry would be to observe an astronomical event taking place in the sky there. A meteor shower or the like.
I got the character makin' bug lately, so I think I'm going to come up with some kind of hobgoblin as well.