![]() Belltrap wrote:
If the DM is cool with it, this is suggested under gestalt sphere rules: Characters may take up to two extra Discipline talents (and/or Armor Training) from the Equipment sphere for each martial class beyond the first, representing their training with additional weapons from a second martial class. GMs may allow a character to gain two extra Discipline talents even if the second class does not use martial spheres if the backstory, class theme, or character theme justifies it. As a general rule, all full-BAB classes and most 3/4ths BAB classes (except those limited to unarmed strikes) qualify for the extra Discipline talents. Custom Training should cover it. ![]()
![]() First Pass: William McCarty, my "gunslinger". He is built to represent a man in transition, so part rogue/trickster, part paladin. He is mostly a ranged combatant with decent group buffing from his Astrology auras. I'm still working on skill points and finessing the details, but the meat of it is there. ![]()
![]() Avatar of the Source wrote: @Slyness: The Becoming Feats are legal, but you do have to belong to the Covenant and you will need to clear the template with me. I will agree that most Parity-exclusive content is quite good and that's because a PC has to be an actual member to acquire it. Being a member is a two-way street though and Parities often ask their members to undertake various tasks for them. Indeed, but I really like the Chrysalis Covenant for a couple of my character ideas. The templates I'd like to inquire about (for different ideas) are Animal Lord from Paizo, and Sublime from Rite. Edit: Another question, for gunslingers in an advanced firearms setting, the gunsmithing feat becomes gun training. If I take it as one of my feats, can I do the same as a non-gunslinger? If not, I'll just dip a level. Gun Training (Ex) a gunslinger can select one specific type of firearm (such as an axe musket, blunderbuss, musket, or pistol). She gains a bonus equal to her Dexterity modifier on damage rolls when firing that type of firearm. Furthermore, when she misfires with that type of firearm, the misfire value of that firearm increases by 2 instead of 4. ![]()
![]() Avatar of the Source wrote: No templates or custom races. My experiences with custom races has been rocky and templates are far too varied in power-to-CR to really account for. I was thinking of this for myself, but try taninim (specifically allowed) with the feykin alternate racial. +2 Dexterity, +2 Charisma, -2 Wisdom Feykin: Some taninim belong to the subspecies they
![]() What Rednal said. The Striker has Speed Step: The striker can spend a swift action to move up to her speed with whatever methods of moment she possesses. Combine that with Blink Step: The striker can use her speed step tension technique as a free action. You can also have a fly speed from Eagle’s Path: Your fly speed increases to become equal to your base speed, and your maneuverability improved to (average). Another fun thing about SoM is that multiple abilities can trigger off the attack action. It also has neat combos like: Sweeping Kick: Whenever you make a successful unarmed strike against a creature using the attack action, you may make a trip attempt against that creature with a -2 penalty as an immediate action that doesn’t provoke an attack of opportunity. Snap Kick: Whenever you succeed on a trip combat maneuver against a creature, they provoke an attack of opportunity from you (you can choose to wait until the creature is prone before resolving this attack of opportunity), this attack of opportunity considers “whenever a creature lands prone” and “whenever you succeed on a trip combat maneuver” to be part of the same trigger, and you can not take more than one attack of opportunity due to this circumstance. If your attack of opportunity is successful, the creature must make a successful Reflex save or become staggered until the end of their next turn. ![]()
![]() ElegantlyWasted wrote: On that note, I have a query for people more familiar with 3pp than I am. First of all, should I be using SoM and if so, why? Second, does anyone have any recommendations for material for me to look over to create a wire fighting Kung fu master? Spheres of Might is a solid yes. It has both versatility and customization. Because most abilities rely on the attack action over iterative attacks, mobility is greater. Certain spheres even give free skill points. For a monk-type, consider the Striker. With Unarmored Training, you can have a really high AC. The Open Hand sphere is also a good place to start for spheres. For your sorcerer side, check out Dual-Blooded Sorcerer. If you do a Shadowed Fist Striker, you can even skip the Empyrial bloodline. ![]()
![]() Hex Maven
Most hexes have some form of "Whether or not the save is successful, a creature cannot be the target of this hex again for 1 day" built in. I think this feat is supposed to affect them, but the wording is slightly off. DM, thoughts? ![]()
![]() Arc, somewhat in limbo. There are things I haven't changed yet; I'm waiting for more details to be sorted out. One of the limiting factors for switching is only being allowed 1 per level, but yes, it makes for a much buffer character. Hopefully, everyone will be buff and that won't be an issue. ![]()
![]() Sebecloki wrote:
I'm okay with doing something other than the epic thing. I used the change out option quite a bit. That solution for race seems good. ![]()
![]() River of Sticks wrote:
It feels like this summed it up well. Admittedly, I am suspicious of the chart and the ability to work around it, but if it's agreed on, I'm willing to try it. I think another thing was someone got the okay to combine 2 epic items and seriously crazy things started popping up. ![]()
![]() Having a discussion isn't "complainy". ------------------------------------------------------------------- Drow noble is a 41 RP race. It's pretty much a template itself with big stat boosts and a lot of at-will spells. ------------------------------------------------------------------- I'm not sure why combining two epic items received the go-ahead. They are already fairly crazy. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Possible solutions to the "arms" race: ---A cap of 1 million gp: Belt of Epic Strength(+10), you're in. Bracers of Relentless Might(+12 to Str & Con), you're out. Still crazy good, but there is a limit to the insanity. ---No stat-boosters: Steering people towards thematic stuff rather than raw power. There may be unforeseen loopholes here, but it's a thought. ---No items at all, feats and abilities only: The stat-boosting feats give a whopping +1 to one ability score, or +4 to one save. That could lead to more interesting choices, too. ---Growing items(a mechanic I really like): Bracers of Relentless Might, you're in, but you only give +2 for now. Unless more feats/abilities open up also, we're just putting the problem off for later. ------------------------------------------------------------------- ![]()
![]() Slyness wrote:
![]() Sebecloki wrote:
Fast Healing falls into an odd area of having neither dice, nor a caster level. Most discussions interpret it the way that Rednal stated, from what I've seen. Healing Spells and Effects: When casting healing spells or using an ability with a healing effect (such as channeling holy energy on living creatures or the paladin’s lay on hands ability), the creature casting the spell or using the effect must choose whether it wants to heal wound points or vigor points. The creature decides this before casting the spell or using the ability. When that creature decides to heal vigor points, the healing spell or effect acts normally, replenishing a number of vigor points equal to the number of hit points the spell or effect would normally heal. If the creature decides to heal wound points, it heals a number of wound points equal to the number of dice it would normally roll for the healing spell or effect. In the case of effects like the heal spell, where a spell or effect heals 10 hit points per caster level, the creature heals its caster level in wound points.
For instance, if a 12th-level cleric uses her channel positive energy power to replenish wound points to living creatures, she would typically heal 6 wound points for all living creatures with her channel energy burst. If she casts the heal spell, she would restore 12 wound points to the
![]() Aglaron wrote:
You, Sir, are my new friend. Thank you very much! Do you know which splat book it's in? ![]()
![]() Decimus Observet wrote:
Aye, no casting cheat there, but it does give bonus class skills. Which is why I ended up with Lore over Nature. Sidestep Secret is similar to Nature's Whispers. The Lunar Mystery also has a revelation like that. ![]()
![]() Decimus Observet wrote: Wondering now if my trade of Wild Mischief (Feyspeaker) for Revelation (Oracle, Nature's Whispers) nets me one revelation, or three. And if all revelations must come from a single mystery or can be spread out. We had a similar question come up early in the thread: Swashbuckler(Inspire Blade). Here is my interpretation for what it is worth: Revelation says "At 1st level, 3rd level, and every four levels thereafter (7th, 11th, and so on), an oracle uncovers a new secret about her mystery that grants her powers and abilities. The oracle must select a revelation from the list of revelations available to her mystery". So, you have two potential revelations at the moment(1st and 3rd level). If you have no mystery, there is nothing to choose, so you need to exchange something for the Mystery class feature and choose one. That's what I did for Arc. ![]()
![]() Here's a question for the DM: I was originally using the Crossblooded sorcerer as one of my archetypes, but I switched to Sphere sorcerer as I prefer to have Sphere casting. Since crossblooded receives casting, would it be reasonable to do a crossblooded sorcerer as a spherecaster? I would give up "The sphere sorcerer gains 1 additional spell point for every sorcerer level gained" to comply with "A crossblooded sorcerer has one fewer spell known at each level (including cantrips)". If not, that's cool, just thought I would ask. ![]()
![]() Haha, thanks for the compliment. I do not consider myself a rules expert, though. I frequently find myself double-checking things on the boards to make sure I am rules-compliant. But I'll take a shot at interpreting things even though I have some template envy regarding Sublime. Which is ridiculous considering that I'm using Half-Dragon. =) That Fast Healing is nuts, though along with the Cha to HP. Sublime says "Strong Life-force: In addition to its Constitution modifier, the sublime creature also adds its Charisma modifier to each of its HD when determining hit points." I would interpret that as "use Cha as you would use Con, and you receive both bonuses." So, I think the wound interpretation is correct. As to character level, everyone is a 6th level character, but chassis abilities only scale to level 5 as the prestige class level does not advance class abilities. It looks like I need to reel my guy in as I have 8 replacements as I did not realize it was 1 per level. Oh well, some things will need to wait. ![]()
![]() gyrfalcon wrote:
I'm excited to see this. Some sort of uber plant druid is an idea I've tossed around. ![]()
![]() River of Sticks wrote: So, if I wanted to trade out a magic talent for the Caveliers order, that would be A) 4 talents for 4 progressions, or B) all talents for 4 progressions? Could I just trade out for one ability rather than getting the entire ability? (trade one talent for the second level ability of an order, for example). If you are talking about Spheres of Power talents, you're probably better off using one of your archetypes to grab that. For example, the Sphere Oracle would give those. ![]()
![]() Sebecloki wrote:
Just want to double-check this. I've been using the "chassis" level which is 5, while character level is 6 with the prestige class. ![]()
![]() Vincent Bloodmoon: I think crunch is done, working on background. I ended up going with Haunted Gun & Spirit Mender druid.