Dashil Masozi |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Well that settles it! Underwhelming mechanics it is!
Ha! Keep calm and Carrion Crown, then?
Radag Irefist wrote:I already died once, so... yeah nothing from me either. I kind of wish there were more traits and feats that had dying as a prerequisite.That would be cool. You could level up as a reincarnated medium!
You'd be...a reincarnated medium at large!
(At this point, GM R0B0 remembers why he left this game in the first place)

Dashil Masozi |

True - but I was using my Judgement and some buff spells, and a couple of Hero points; and the target didn't have a very high AC. It made for a good climactic fight, but it's not something I'd want to rely on being able to do regularly.
Are we done with the meeting, btw?

Aduard Bookman |

I guess.
I didn't want to unilaterally agree to the deal, so held off on the handshake, but I think it is about the best they can do.

Radag Irefist |

We could use a final loot summary, I can eventually get around to it sometime tonight if no one else cares or can do better. Looking forward to equipment purchases. I feel a little light on gear and magic at level 4, but to be honest, I don't remember the last time I was in a paizo campaign this long. This is probably normal?

Dashil Masozi |

Unfortunately I'm travelling with work for the next few days so posting will be intermittent.

Aduard Bookman |

I feel bad for Muricar. We should do something for him...
I also feel like I'm blocking the game. Happy to head back now.
@GM R0B0GEISHA: I realise I nova'd on that - sorry. I thought it was gonna go real bad. Blew all my daily abilities, every spell I had left, and a hero point.
I like the councillors characterisation, I'm sorry you didn't get to do more with them...
Well, maybe not sorry exactly, as odds are what they'd be doing is trying to put us over a barrel... but you get the idea.

Aduard Bookman |

Hello FC!
Uh.... Ady wanted to resurrect Brogol.
On the other hand I can see this town being a real bad place to try to hold on to a dead body right now. And Brogol's a big boy and not very portable.
How's this; Reincarnate only takes a body part, and Aduard's a "professional" mortician (Thanks Breadth of Expertise)
With a bit of Spell Studied and Focused Spell True Skill (+4) he can get to profession: 10 + 3 + 4 = 17 with take 10. profession: 1d20 + 3 + 4 ⇒ (12) + 3 + 4 = 19 if he has to roll.
That should give him the opportunity to put a little part of Brogol in a reliquary or something. A tuft of hair would probably do it.
He'll have to keep zapping it periodically to keep it in good enough nick though.
Don't suppose anyone has a thousand gold piece diamond hanging around?

Dashil Masozi |

Gah - didn't realize we were going to go on fast forward. Oh well. That's what I get for being called away with work.
Nice to meet FC's latest incarnation!
I'll post something soon. Ish.

Dashil Masozi |

OK, it's going to be more "ish" than "soon" - apologies

Dashil Masozi |

Dashil Masozi wrote:OK, it's going to be more "ish" than "soon" - apologiesIf you wanted to do some RP with Kendra or anything like that, I'm open to doing some flashback stuff in a spoiler.
Thanks for the thought - but Brogol's death and the cloak have thrown her off balance for the time being :-)
I see it's now officially GM R0B0GEISHA's Carrion Crown - yay!

Arruk Karras |

I see it's now officially GM R0B0GEISHA's Carrion Crown - yay!
Ooohhh, that is good news!


GM R0B0GEISHA wrote:Dashil Masozi wrote:OK, it's going to be more "ish" than "soon" - apologiesIf you wanted to do some RP with Kendra or anything like that, I'm open to doing some flashback stuff in a spoiler.
Thanks for the thought - but Brogol's death and the cloak have thrown her off balance for the time being :-)
I see it's now officially GM R0B0GEISHA's Carrion Crown - yay!
Haha I apologize for any inconvenience the name change had on finding the campaign in your game lists.

Dashil Masozi |

Did we also identify the items I dredged up from the pool? Think it was a dagger and a short sword?

Radag Irefist |

Just need to get this put here. I'm currently travelling around for work and encountering a lot of time constraints making it difficult to contribute. I should be back by this weekend. Do what you need to do to progress until then. My apologies.

Aduard Bookman |

Either (A) Kendra has hidden it, (B) it never made it (a month is a lot of extra leeway), (C) the professor sent it on to someone else, (D) the professor had it on him when he was killed and it was looted from his body by those who found him or (E) it was looted by the whispering way.
With Ad's great int, is he missing another option?

Dashil Masozi |

Advance warning: I have been called away with work and will be out from Sunday to Wednesday. Will post as I can which might not be much.

Dashil Masozi |

Ugh. Travel may broaden the mind but jet-lag sure as **** kills the will to live.
I'll review where we are and post once I'm awake.

Radag Irefist |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Stuff that needs someone to hold it:
silver arrow x12
sunrod x4
potion of cure light wounds x5
potion of lesser restoration x2
scroll of detect undead
scroll of hide from undead x2
scroll of protection from evil
Brass spirit planchette
potion of cure moderate wounds x3
potion of lesser restoration
potion of remove disease
scroll of lesser restoration
wand of cure light wounds (15)
healer's kit x2
antitoxin vial x3
antiplague vial x2
smelling salts dose x3
soothe syrup vial x2
potion of cure light wounds x4
mwk silver war razor
wand of lesser restoration (12)
Handaxe +1
mwk longsword
heavy mace +1
stone of alarm
mwk studded leather
mwk longsword
mwk heavy mace
mwk heavy crossbow
crossbow bolt x120
crossbow bolt +1
wand of hold person (11)
Potion of cure moderate wounds
rope of climbing
Other gold from loot I deemed vendor trash (that's a thing right?): 1218.9 (304.725 share)
Quest Items:
Manual of the Order of the Palatine Eye
On Verified Madness
Serving Your Hunger
The Umbral Leaves
Professor's Journal
Let me know what each of you would like to hold and or use. Anything not claimed will be picked over by Radag (looking at you Silver War Razor) and mass selling the rest. Do not take any shares of wealth until after we have picked over this list here. I will send a post as follow up so dont worry.

Aduard Bookman |

You rock!
Uh, Ady used ascroll of detect undead and the scroll of protection from evil. Are they the ones on the list?
He'd like a potion or two of cure light wounds, that's about it.
I'm inclined to ask someone to keep the Wand of Lesser Restoration - those things always come in handy - and probably the wand of cure light wounds. Ady can't do it though, so hopefully someone picks them up... Same argument could be made for the stone of alarm, I guess, though I'd want to post guards anyway.
He'd like to have gone through the quest items for spells ;P

Esta Vyrelian |

Esta can take the CLW wand and/or the Lesser Restoration wand, if no one else wants them. Or the Scroll of Lesser Restoration.

Aduard Bookman |

If we're doing shares, and if Radag can cope with it, I'd be happy to keep healing stuff as "group items". A cleric with a healing wand isn't carrying it to use on themselves...

Aduard Bookman |

I am interested in paying the money to upgrade Aduard's servants from Laborers to Lackeys. Hopefully reflecting a month of actually being forced to learn their trade.
This is pretty much a vanity spend; getting them a +2 or +3 bonus to their professions isn't actually going to help us.

Radag Irefist |

You rock!
Uh, Ady used ascroll of detect undead and the scroll of protection from evil. Are they the ones on the list?He'd like a potion or two of cure light wounds, that's about it.
I'm inclined to ask someone to keep the Wand of Lesser Restoration - those things always come in handy - and probably the wand of cure light wounds. Ady can't do it though, so hopefully someone picks them up... Same argument could be made for the stone of alarm, I guess, though I'd want to post guards anyway.
He'd like to have gone through the quest items for spells ;P
I forgot about that. Ill remove the used items from here.

Dashil Masozi |

I think Restoration is on the Inquisitor spell list; CLW certainly is. Happy to look after either/both.

Radag Irefist |

A share is just the gold value of all the stuff not claimed and then divided by the surviving four PCs. I’m not subtracting anything from anyone’s share for taking anything. Just share the gold from selling equipment down the road.
Vendor Rubbish:
Sunrod x4
Scroll of hide from undead x2
Brass spirit planchette
mwk longsword
stone of alarm
mwk studded leather
mwk longsword
mwk heavy mace
mwk heavy crossbow
crossbow bolt x120
Crossbow bolt +1
wand of hold person (11)
healer's kit x1
antitoxin vial x2
antiplague vial x1
smelling salts dose x2
soothe syrup vial x1
Total profits so far: 6708.4 (1677.1 share)
Stuff being kept:
Wand of cure light wounds (15)
Wand of lesser restoration (12)
Potion of cure moderate wounds x3 (1 per person?)
potion of cure light wounds x9
potion of lesser restoration x2
potion of remove disease
scroll of lesser restoration
Silver arrow x12 -Radag
mwk silver war razor -Radag
Heavy mace +1 -Radag
Rope of climbing –Radag
potion of lesser restoration x1 -Radag
Potion of cure moderate wounds x1 -Radag
Potion of cure light wounds x1 -Radag
healer's kit x1 -Radag
antitoxin vial x1 -Radag
antiplague vial x1 -Radag
smelling salts dose x1 -Radag
soothe syrup vial x1 -Radag
Quest Items:
Manual of the Order of the Palatine Eye
On Verified Madness
Serving Your Hunger
The Umbral Leaves
Professor's Journal
Should we buy cart and horse to pull the coffin for Brogol around in? If you want something I have tagged with Radag’s name just let me know. I’m sort of just scooping up things that could be useful.

Aduard Bookman |

Don't need a coffin for Brogol if we're going the resurrection route, just need a well preserved part of his body. And we do.

Dashil Masozi |

Pretty sure we gave it to Vesorianna's ghost so she could banish the others for good.

Esta Vyrelian |

I gave it to the ghost. I don't know if it disappeared after being used, but if not, Esta would have it, yes.


The badge remained after Vesorianna disappeared, so guys would still have it.
It functions as a lesser ectoplasmic metamagic rod.

Radag Irefist |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Alright to wrap this chore up here is the final totals, so let it be known:
Total profits so far: 6708.4 + 2500gp reward/blackmail = 2302.1 per survivior
Stuff being kept:
Wand of cure light wounds (15) -???
Wand of lesser restoration (12) -???
potion of cure light wounds x9 -???
potion of lesser restoration x2 -???
potion of remove disease -???
scroll of lesser restoration -???
Silver arrow x12 -Radag
mwk silver war razor -Radag
Heavy mace +1 -Radag
Rope of climbing –Radag
potion of lesser restoration x1 -Radag
Potion of cure moderate wounds x1 -Radag
Potion of cure light wounds x1 -Radag
healer's kit x1 -Radag
antitoxin vial x1 -Radag
antiplague vial x1 -Radag
smelling salts dose x1 -Radag
soothe syrup vial x1 -Radag
Potion of cure moderate wounds x1 - Dashil
Potion of cure moderate wounds x1 - Aduard
Potion of cure moderate wounds x1 - Esta
Quest Items:
Manual of the Order of the Palatine Eye
On Verified Madness
Serving Your Hunger
The Umbral Leaves
Professor's Journal

Aduard Bookman |

@GM R0B0GEISHA: I have a tendency to drown people in logistics. How much information and planning do you want before we move on to the road?

Radag Irefist |

Would need to hire two carriages (4 drivers, 4 horses);
Values are in total:
3cp/per person x mile = 18gp
5sp/per person Minimum 2 nights at Inns along the way= 6gp
5sp a day for provisions= 51gp
1cp a person assuming there is at least one toll. = 6cp
Total is 12.51gp a person

Aduard Bookman |

*sigh* only fair if Aduard pays for his servants as well. Can't abandon them out here in the middle of nowhere.

Radag Irefist |

Would need to hire two carriages (4 drivers, 4 horses);
Values are in total:
3cp/per person x mile = 18gp
5sp/per person Minimum 2 nights at Inns along the way= 6gp
5sp a day for provisions= 51gp
1cp a person assuming there is at least one toll. = 6cpTotal is 12.51gp a person
Whoops I miscalculated slightly.
40miles a day so 2.5 days to get there3cp/per person x mile = 18gp
5sp/per person Minimum 2 nights at Inns along the way= 6gp
5sp a day for provisions= 6*.5*2.5gp ~7.5gp (Whoops! I seem to have assumed we were lost for 17 days along the way in the original calc.)
1cp a person assuming there is at least one toll. = 6cp
5.26 gold a person.
Radag pays for everyone up front, so lets move on to book II