Aduard Bookman |

@Edison: Are you all right to get another holy water for Aduard, a potion of clw, and 6 Vermin repellents?
@GM ROBOGEISHA: can a Heroic human take Blood of Heroes and get 3 hero points when they level? Hero points seem to work really well for Aduard's occasional flash of competence.
My patience has paid off! At level 5 Aduard can finally take the Feral speech discovery and talk to his cat. Well, I mean he could always talk to it, but now he understands its side of the conversation.
@All: if you have a good idea for feats or wiz3 spells yell out!

Edison Wyatt |

Edison's eyebrow will arch at the specific number of vermin repellant doses, but he will do that, yes!
Not a bug man, Mr. Bookman? Professor? Doctor?

Arruk Karras |

loot sheet Radag maintained doesn't have people for the things we found there, but I think that in fact they were handed out - except for the coins?
Getting some standard gear sounds like a plan. Given time Aduard can scribe, and the Doctor can brew, but we don't have time. Even a few simple items like holy water and a few potions would make a difference.
Doc has a little over 100 GP, but he wouldn't have split any of the coinage, as he came along after Brogol died, and that coinage would have been accumulated before then.
Is the doctor still poisoned from before? I don't think so, but if he is we should definitely get that fixed.
Since then we've all been poisoned by bees. I think fixing that should be a priority, especially if we can hire a cleric to do some lesser restorations rather than pay for potions. In theory I believe it is 60gp/pop in a normal market.
Yes, he's still poisoned. He'll be 2 dex down after tonight, so it isn't the end of the world.
He was saving up to Reincarnate Brogol - that means 1000gp are 'spoken for'.
Doc will pitch in on this when he has the coin accumulated. Since I killed my PC, Aduard shouldn't really pay anything, honestly.
My patience has paid off! At level 5 Aduard can finally take the Feral speech discovery and talk to his cat. Well, I mean he could always talk to it, but now he understands its side of the conversation.
@All: if you have a good idea for feats or wiz3 spells yell out!
Haha, I look forward to Aduard's conversations with his cat. As for spells, haste is always nice. Memorizing an extra magic weapon per day, if possible, would be great too. Doc is rocking the MW longspear.
Professor? Doctor?
Doc is good, thank you!

Aduard Bookman |

Alright, looking at
* Haste - 5 people for 5 rounds is pretty much perfect, if we stay together. I think enough people use weapon attacks to make it worthwhile.
* Clay Skin - DR is awesome, but only 10 min.lvl
* Communal Resist Energy - could be gamechanging if we end up some sort of incendiary creature. Feel like this might be better as a scroll that gets used on the rare occasion it is needed. Can use ss to get it, but not in combat.
* Blood Biography - worried this will shortcut mysteries, and can always use ss to get it.
* Suggestion - eerily good, if it can be cast subtly. Not very good if it cannot. @GM ROBOGEISHA - what is your opinion?
* unflappable Mien - only 10min/lvl. Needs a 100gp focus. Pushes an attacker back 5ft and does some damage. Could make a big difference... if it is up.
* battering blast - basically a level 3 magic missile. MM has been a real winner though, given we seem to run into a lot of incorporeal or dodgy monsters.
Any other suggestions?

Arruk Karras |

Hmmm, I agree Communal Resist Energy is better as a scroll.
So far, most of our enemies have been incorporeal and/or undead. I'm not sure if this holds for the bulk of the AP, but I'd be leery of spending 1/2 of your spells on it at this point.
Battering blast sounds good. Personally, when picking spells for spell casters, I always try to have one offensive spell/level available (at least, more if they're energy spells). But then I almost always play spontaneous casters which changes the calculus a little.


Hang on gosh dang it. I'm waiting to level Aduard until he sleeps and can rememorise, but technically he's level 5 now. That means he'll get 2 shiny level 3 slots. He's still got Spell Study, so he can burn them for a single level 1-3 spell. Lesser Restoration is level 2.
Alternatively if he can get his hands on a 100gp silk pillow he can cast Nap Stack, and we can all get a couple days recovery tonight.
@GM ROBOGEISHA: do either of these sound reasonable? If so I'll put something about it in gameplay if that is okay?
The former is doable, the pillow will need to wait until the next adventuring day. All the upcoming purchases will.
@GM ROBOGEISHA: can a Heroic human take Blood of Heroes and get 3 hero points when they level? Hero points seem to work really well for Aduard's occasional flash of competence.
Yep! Finalize your purchases, Hector will go shopping tomorrow. Next court day begins very soon.
@Aduard: Do you still want a secretary? I can whip up an NPC.

Edison Wyatt |

Also @Aduard: the holy water, the cure light wounds potion, and the 6 vermin repellents are going on your character sheet, right?

Aduard Bookman |

@Edison: they are - and the money to come from there. 6 repellents is probably too many, but they're not too expensive and having just been stung to unconciousness by bees Aduard is prepared to spend the money.
@GM ROBOGEISHA: I appreciate the offer. I've been thinking about it. I have a group of NPCs already that I make you deal with, and I'm about to add a cat.
I mainly wanted a secretary to run some errands and buy things. I'm reluctant to make you have to run another NPC though. On the other hand, if you feel inspired or think it would help then I'm happy to pay wages. At this point Aduard would want to send him out to find scrolls and spellbooks, I think.
Incidentally - would you be okay if I ran the cat some of the time so long as it was in no way useful?
@Karras: that's a good point. Hmmm. Haste seems like a good 1st round combat spell. I'm thinking maybe Ice Spears. It does a little damage, can do basic blocking/cover, has the possibility for trip and (if worst comes to worst) could be used to make a little iceberg to stay afloat, or a thing to climb. It does cold damage, which might be good if we end up fighting fire stuff. Ignore SR, and does something even if the save is made. Damage isn't great, but it scales indefinitely - could still be useful 10 levels from now.

Arruk Karras |

No issues here. Thanks for thinking of the impact of the story on us, R0B0.

Aduard Bookman |

I appreciate you raising the issue - it is a hard thing for an ST to do. While it is certainly something I'm not comfortable with, assuming you are talking about the events from Herstag, I'm okay.

Edison Wyatt |

All is well here, thank you for clearing it with the group!

Arruk Karras |

Sorry, buried with work. Hope to get caught up this afternoon/evening.

Aduard Bookman |

Aduard had five notes;
First a note for my driver, Drey. He was to wait outside the courtroom. When the dear ladies Garrow, Starle, and Flicht exited he was to give them a note and offer to conduct them back to my lodgings.Second a note for the sisters. Here I explained my horror at what we had found, my fear that having been stirred up he may attack them, and an offer to take refuge with me until either an expedition had been sent to clear poor damned Herstag, or I had the capacity to do so myself.
Third a note for my valet Willem. A list of books I was interested in, and instructions to ask at various bookshops as to their availability and price. Most were innocuous enough, but the list also contained the Libris De Malificat - the infamous Book of Harms. If I were to prepare for war, I would do so with arguably the best treatise on the infliction of injury ever written.
Fourth a note for Willem to deliver to Kendra. Here I laid out - though carefully, lest it should fall into hostile hands - the events we had so recently endured. Additionally I asked if she could find information on the isle to which we must travel.
Finally a note I intended to deliver in person. A note to Adivion - for after the circus of a courtroom we must endure today. The note pointed out that it was unlikely that the vigilante crowd gathered to see an execution would be content were we to succeed and see Adam proved innocent. In such a case contingencies would be needed ready to ensure he could vanish to safety.
If all is gone well Willem and Drey should be waiting outside the courtroom with replies, and Aduard has a note to deliver to Adivion.
How is it looking?
Esta Vyrelian |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Hello friends! I'm still here, I've just been having a lot of issues with the Paizo website. I posted something a couple weeks ago, but it apparently got eaten and I didn't realize it until recently. Plus for the last week or so, it just hasn't been letting me post at all.
SO, I apologize for my absence, and I'll work on getting a proper post up soon!

Arruk Karras |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Glad you're still here, Esta! This week has been bananas and I'm traveling tomorrow through he weekend, will post when able.
Doc largely agrees with Aduard on matters of education regardless.

Edison Wyatt |

I've got a shot of Lesser Restoration prepared that I can drop on you, Karras. How much ability damage you got?

Arruk Karras |

I've got two dex damage, so a lesser restoration would be perfect! Thanks, Edison!

Aduard Bookman |

I should clarify that Ice Spears is not an actual Wall, but does provide cover, which provides +4AC and blocks AoO.
I thought they blocked movement, but I must have imagined it.
Can I change it to the two squares between us and Elliot? Then, if he comes back to us he can use them for cover from AoO.

Aduard Bookman |

I figure Aduard is not used to working with Paladins (and their amazing saves) and has lost a number of people recently.
Not meant to be an indictment of Edison's competency.

Arruk Karras |

Camping the next couple of days, will be away from the Internet. Happy holidays all!

Edison Wyatt |

Indeed! Wishing y'all only the happiest (and safest)!

Arruk Karras |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Just read a thread that to get back on the forums you have to clear Paizo's cookies and then log in again. How to clear cookies in Chrome

Aduard Bookman |

With Aid Aduard will make it!
@GM R0B0GEISHA: you okay with Aided Sense Motive, or is it individual checks? I've seen GMs go both ways, so checking in first.

Arruk Karras |

I'm working away from a computer today and will be back tonight/tomorrow.

Arruk Karras |

I'm headed to a cabin in northern california for the week. Should have wifi but posting may not occur every day. Please bot as needed.

Aduard Bookman |

is there a way for the Mongrelmen on the top to get down to the bottom short of jumping? I'm not seeing it.

Arruk Karras |

Doc's gonna wait for Edison's lead here. One of us should probably go after Vorkstag, while the other one of us should probably run interference between the mongrelmen and our squishy companions.

Edison Wyatt |

Edison has his bow, so I think he will keep a watch on the mongrel men from the door while laying down suppressive fire. It also means that none of us will have to walk over the vats of badness . I will make a post when I get home.

Aduard Bookman |

And if Aduard's ploy is problematic I'm cool if it falls over. Also happens if everyone runs off and he keeps up his spiel.
In that case, though, I'd like to Buff the others before they get out of LOS.

Aduard Bookman |

Hmmm. Hostile is DC (25+cha mod), and every extra +5 raises the attitude by 1 - and Aduard has Silver Tongued, so he can increase attitude up to 3 times, which would take them to friendly (DC 35+cha) IF they have a -1 cha modifier. Hoping ugly = low cha mod, and not like undead where Rot is in!
On the other hand there is the 'cannot be done in combat', so if combat has actually started he might be out of luck. The Bluff was partly try to get in fast enough to start talking before actual combat happened.
The next problem is that diplomacy takes a minute of interaction - that'd be a hard sell if they're actually attacking when he started speaking.
The last problem is we will have to actually pay them I think - I have a feeling our Paladin might frown on fraud.
But yeah, I liked the idea enough that I was prepared to spend a hero point on it :)