Dashil Masozi |

Late to the party on this, but I read the Horror Adventures sourcebook last night (I have free time for reading again, it's wonderful). Has anyone else looked at it?
There's some great stuff in there, and the cut-yourself-to-get-Will-save-bonus feats are positively Dashil-esque, but...
...the Corruptions: fail 3 saves and become an NPC?! Did I miss something - or did the editor?

Aduard Bookman |

I have.
There's some nice stuff in there - not too overpowered, good flavour.
The corruptions really only work if the GM is building a game around them, I feel.

Dashil Masozi |

Agreed, it all looks well-balanced, which is why the corruption mechanics came as such a surprise.
The corruptions really only work if the GM is building a game around them, I feel.
That's a fair point - but would you build a game around a mechanic that would turn your players into NPCs after 3 failed saves?

Aduard Bookman |

Well, there are things to help with that. Clever players can find ways to hold off on even making the checks, I believe.

Brogol Stockl |

Moving to TX tomorrow and will be without internet until the 3rd. Please bot Brogol as needed. Thank you!

Brogol Stockl |

Were having issues with our new Internet provider. A tech is coming by tomorrow to look at everything. Hopefully I'll be back up and running then.

Dashil Masozi |

Aha! Level 3. And good call on the ability/hitpoint recharge, GM. We might actually get out of here alive survive a little longer before succumbing to the inevitable.
Level 3:
Third level feat: Combat Stamina*
+1 BAB
+1 Reflex save
+1 Spell/day
+1 Lvl 1 spell known (Wrath)
+8 hit points
Solo Tactics
Teamwork Feat (Precise Strike)
6 skill points
1 Intimidate
1 Perception
1 Sense Motive
1 Stealth
2 Knowledge (religion)
*Are you allowing this feat, GM? It's from Pathfinder Unchained. Let me know if not and I'll change it to something else - Power Attack, probably.

Aduard Bookman |

Did Aduard need to make a will save after throwing the book away? Sort of guessing yes.
I'm thinking about getting Make Whole and using it on the spellbook - would you prefer I did not?
Turns out I'm losing a hero point (over maximum). Would it be possible to spend that for a hint on the book's curse?

Radag Irefist |

Level 3
1st favored terrain: Forest
+1 Will
+8 Hp
Power attack
+1 Handle Animal
+1 Heal
+1 Knowledge Dungeoneering
+1 Perception
+1 Stealth
+1 Survival

GM Alias |

@Dashil: Sure, I will allow Combat Stamina.
@Aduard: I lost track of the book, and thought you still had it. Where is it now? And yes, at this point you still have to make the Will save in order to cast, even though it is no longer in your possession. You could try casting Make Whole, on the book, but you suspect it may not be very useful. As for a hint on the book, you have a hunch that it is going to be the key to defeating the Splatterman, despite its current ill effects.

Dashil Masozi |

Aduard - please tell me you didn't leave the haunted book, which has links to a powerful evil, in the home of a defenceless civilian... If Dashil finds out, she's likely to go absolutely crossbow*.
*Like "ballistic" but more medieval

Aduard Bookman |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Please! I'm a professional here.
"Gods damn you Fean!" Aduard strives to turn his fear into anger, but fails to overcome the curse. Furious he throws the book at the nearest skeleton
I threw it at a monster in a hissy fit.

Aduard Bookman |

Third Level
Skills =7
Spellcraft +1, Knowledges: (Engineering, nature, planes), Handle Animal +1, Bluff +2
Feat = Heroes Fortune
spells/day = +1 2nd
Spells known = +Make Whole, False Life
Hero points = +3
Favoured= Hp

Brogol Stockl |

Third level
7 hp
10 sp: alchemy, diplomacy, disable device, intimidate, arcana, dungeoneering, religion, perception, spellcraft, stealth
+1 BAB
+1 Fort
Feat: Power Attack
extracts/day 1 1st
extract: Reduce person
Favored class: sp
investigator talent: Quick Study
keen recollection
trap sense +1

Aduard Bookman |

Worst case: 2 hero points lets you cheat death.
Hero points are pretty much for situations exactly like this, I think.

Dashil Masozi |

Agree with Aduard (it's ok, this is the discussion thread; we haven't just triggered the apocalypse). Hero points are for just this situation. However, IIRC that will still leave him with negative hit points (but stable).
In other words, it doesn't matter for the purpose of deciding how we act whether Radag is dead, or just slightly dead-ish.

Aduard Bookman |

If he isn't dead, then Aduard is going to drag him the hell out of there! If he's decapitated we go straight to vengeance.
If he's up... I'm not sure.

Dashil Masozi |

I don't think that's the best use of a round here - you are unlikely to outrun the skeleton while dragging Radag's body. If nothing else, it'll catch us up while we're using the lift.
I think, unfortunately, we're going to have to fight this one out.

Dashil Masozi |

I've moved to stand over the body, so hopefully I can prevent that... remember that any damage you sustain in an AoO is added as a penalty to whatever roll you were trying to make (e.g. for combat maneuvers and so on).

Brogol Stockl |

This is - tactically speaking - a bad situation. Brogol could try and tumble through the creature's space, but with a mere +5 modifier, he's likely to fail, even with inspiration.
Next round, I may go ahead and try to drag Radag into the room. If Dashil can beat a staggered retreat, behind us, we could then flank the creature on round 3.

Dashil Masozi |

Ah - I hadn't looked at the map before, I was posting on my mobile. I see what you mean; there's no easy way to get behind the thing. I also see what you were getting at, Aduard - I thought you meant pick him up and try and get out of here. My bad.
Now that Dashil is standing over Radag, maybe next turn Aduard can 5ft step in and drag his body away and I can then 5ft step back - if the skeleton advances into the room after me, Brogol can then get behind him. At that point, I'll be adding Sneak Attack damage to my hits, courtesy of my shiny new Teamwork Feat, which should help take this thing down.
After that, can I make a modest proposal that those of us who survive get the hell out of here?

Aduard Bookman |

Given there is a reasonable chance Aduard can't cast next turn, having him on dragging duty isn't such a bad idea.
On the other hand, part of me is intrigued by having Aduard hold the fort while Dashil and Brogol set things up and drag Irefist to safety.
Of course, all this is dependent on whether and how Irefist spends those Hero Points.

Aduard Bookman |

The important thing is if someone can prove this isn't the lopper. Man has a handaxe, jumps out of nowhere - fits his m.o.
Unless we later meet some wraith that goes "Hello, I'm the Lopper." I'm not sure Aduard is going to admit he's wrong.

Brogol Stockl |

Indeed! I hope it is a nice week for you, GM Alias!

Dashil Masozi |

Have fun, GM!
The important thing is if someone can prove this isn't the lopper. Man has a handaxe, jumps out of nowhere - fits his m.o.
Unless we later meet some wraith that goes "Hello, I'm the Lopper." I'm not sure Aduard is going to admit he's wrong.
Heh. Just re-read this. Given your prescience in wanting to build a joist in case you needed to drag Radag's body out of here, I wouldn't rule out meeting some wraith that goes "Hello, I'm the Lopper" at some point.
Just a thought :-)

Aduard Bookman |

"Hello, I'm the Lopper"
"No, you're not."
Good thought! :)
Man, I hope he is alive, and we can get him back on his feet for that climb.

Radag Irefist |

How time flies. Appreciate yours efforts Alias. As hard as it can be to keep vested players, all that is for nothing without someone taking on the challenge of running the show.

Brogol Stockl |

Woot! ^ As Radag says, thanks for running this, GM Alias! Much appreciated!

Dashil Masozi |

That is pretty awesome. Thanks, GM Alias, for taking over. I'd have hated to give this one up.

Dashil Masozi |

Sorry to hear that - condolences.
I really appreciate the time you're putting into a great story, but it can wait.

Dashil Masozi |

I'll be travelling with work for the next couple of days.
Please bot as required.