GM R0B0GEISHA's Carrion Crown

Game Master R0B0GEISHA

Current Scene Music: Sergei Prokofiev – Dance of the Knights [Romeo and Juliet]

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skills & init:
Init +1 Per +2 Know(All)+11 Know(Rel) +15
HP 18/26 FS 0/1 SS 0/1 HeP 4/5
AC 11(15) Touch 11 Flat Footed 10(14) CMD 12 Fort +1 Reflex +2(+1) Will +5 +2 vs fear/death

To Buy: Ladder for the hole
To Buy: Sunrod to drop into the hole.
To Buy: (or craft) Scrolls of Burning Hands to purify cold spot room.

[ HP: 32/39] | AC: 21 T: 12 FF: 17| F: +8 R: +7 W: +4*| Init: +2 Perc: +13 (Low Light) (Favored Terrain: Forest)  Effects: none Hero Pts: 2

Is that a hole in the wall where the water is pooling? We can avoid the cold spot room by going around it for now.

Welcome back everyone. I hope you all had a good break and a good time over the holidays.

Yes, you could enter the room with the hole by coming in through the breaks in the wall. You would have to swim through the pond to get there.

Female Aasimar Inquisitor 4 AC 17 [T 11 FF 16] | CMB +6 | CMD 17 | HP 35/35 | Fort +6(8); Ref +2(4); Will +8(10) | Init +6 | Percep +10, Darkvision 60 ft
Resist Negative Energy 5 | Hero Pts 3/3 | Judgement 2/day | Restorative Touch 6/6 | SLA (Continual Flame) 1/day | Detect Alignment | Track |

Sick. Try and post tomorrow. Sorry.

Bot as required.

[ HP: 32/39] | AC: 21 T: 12 FF: 17| F: +8 R: +7 W: +4*| Init: +2 Perc: +13 (Low Light) (Favored Terrain: Forest)  Effects: none Hero Pts: 2

Get Well

skills & init:
Init +1 Per +2 Know(All)+11 Know(Rel) +15
HP 18/26 FS 0/1 SS 0/1 HeP 4/5
AC 11(15) Touch 11 Flat Footed 10(14) CMD 12 Fort +1 Reflex +2(+1) Will +5 +2 vs fear/death

Whoops - Sorry Brogol. I didn't check if anyone posted between me opening the page and making the post.
Guess Aduard is just a bit distracted. Maybe arachnophobia?

Male N Ustalev Half-orc Investigator 3 | HP 10/24 | AC 15 (17 currently) (Tch 12; Fl 13; traps 16) | CMD: 17 | F: +5 R: +6 (traps +7) W: +5 | Init +2 | Perc: +8 (+9 traps); SM: +6 | Active conditions: Inspiration 4/6; Extracts: (1) 3/4; AC 13; STR 18; Reach 10'

Haha, no worries - Brogol's perfectly OK being overlooked. He rather prefers it, actually.

skills & init:
Init +1 Per +2 Know(All)+11 Know(Rel) +15
HP 18/26 FS 0/1 SS 0/1 HeP 4/5
AC 11(15) Touch 11 Flat Footed 10(14) CMD 12 Fort +1 Reflex +2(+1) Will +5 +2 vs fear/death

Player can keep going, character wanted to turn back. He is not much use anymore, and isn't used to trusting in others.

Male N Ustalev Half-orc Investigator 3 | HP 10/24 | AC 15 (17 currently) (Tch 12; Fl 13; traps 16) | CMD: 17 | F: +5 R: +6 (traps +7) W: +5 | Init +2 | Perc: +8 (+9 traps); SM: +6 | Active conditions: Inspiration 4/6; Extracts: (1) 3/4; AC 13; STR 18; Reach 10'
GM Alias wrote:
So you've got three more doors in this wing of the prison, or you could head back to the other half, or head upstairs. Which will it be?

What do you all think? The three remaining doors right here?

Female Aasimar Inquisitor 4 AC 17 [T 11 FF 16] | CMB +6 | CMD 17 | HP 35/35 | Fort +6(8); Ref +2(4); Will +8(10) | Init +6 | Percep +10, Darkvision 60 ft
Resist Negative Energy 5 | Hero Pts 3/3 | Judgement 2/day | Restorative Touch 6/6 | SLA (Continual Flame) 1/day | Detect Alignment | Track |

Sounds good to me - let's get this floor done, at least.

skills & init:
Init +1 Per +2 Know(All)+11 Know(Rel) +15
HP 18/26 FS 0/1 SS 0/1 HeP 4/5
AC 11(15) Touch 11 Flat Footed 10(14) CMD 12 Fort +1 Reflex +2(+1) Will +5 +2 vs fear/death


skills & init:
Init +1 Per +2 Know(All)+11 Know(Rel) +15
HP 18/26 FS 0/1 SS 0/1 HeP 4/5
AC 11(15) Touch 11 Flat Footed 10(14) CMD 12 Fort +1 Reflex +2(+1) Will +5 +2 vs fear/death

Was this the last room anyway?

skills & init:
Init +1 Per +2 Know(All)+11 Know(Rel) +15
HP 18/26 FS 0/1 SS 0/1 HeP 4/5
AC 11(15) Touch 11 Flat Footed 10(14) CMD 12 Fort +1 Reflex +2(+1) Will +5 +2 vs fear/death

Also, before Aduard bolts - does the clattering mean we're safe for now?

[ HP: 32/39] | AC: 21 T: 12 FF: 17| F: +8 R: +7 W: +4*| Init: +2 Perc: +13 (Low Light) (Favored Terrain: Forest)  Effects: none Hero Pts: 2

I think harmlessly means we are done with the irons.

[ HP: 32/39] | AC: 21 T: 12 FF: 17| F: +8 R: +7 W: +4*| Init: +2 Perc: +13 (Low Light) (Favored Terrain: Forest)  Effects: none Hero Pts: 2

Only one room left on this floor

Female Aasimar Inquisitor 4 AC 17 [T 11 FF 16] | CMB +6 | CMD 17 | HP 35/35 | Fort +6(8); Ref +2(4); Will +8(10) | Init +6 | Percep +10, Darkvision 60 ft
Resist Negative Energy 5 | Hero Pts 3/3 | Judgement 2/day | Restorative Touch 6/6 | SLA (Continual Flame) 1/day | Detect Alignment | Track |

...and no spells, or any other abilities to help if someone takes an unlucky crit.

I think we should call it a day while we're still alive.

skills & init:
Init +1 Per +2 Know(All)+11 Know(Rel) +15
HP 18/26 FS 0/1 SS 0/1 HeP 4/5
AC 11(15) Touch 11 Flat Footed 10(14) CMD 12 Fort +1 Reflex +2(+1) Will +5 +2 vs fear/death

Magic Weapon. Will actually last 2 minutes, but who's counting.

skills & init:
Init +1 Per +2 Know(All)+11 Know(Rel) +15
HP 18/26 FS 0/1 SS 0/1 HeP 4/5
AC 11(15) Touch 11 Flat Footed 10(14) CMD 12 Fort +1 Reflex +2(+1) Will +5 +2 vs fear/death

Yes! Thank you very much GM Alias :)

Alright Radag - your turn to shine.

Male N Ustalev Half-orc Investigator 3 | HP 10/24 | AC 15 (17 currently) (Tch 12; Fl 13; traps 16) | CMD: 17 | F: +5 R: +6 (traps +7) W: +5 | Init +2 | Perc: +8 (+9 traps); SM: +6 | Active conditions: Inspiration 4/6; Extracts: (1) 3/4; AC 13; STR 18; Reach 10'

I'm going to be out of country from 2-26 to 3-10, and probably won't have the opportunity to check email much. Please bot Brogol as needed. He's happy to be ordered about and put to use opening doors and carrying stuff and such.

Female Aasimar Inquisitor 4 AC 17 [T 11 FF 16] | CMB +6 | CMD 17 | HP 35/35 | Fort +6(8); Ref +2(4); Will +8(10) | Init +6 | Percep +10, Darkvision 60 ft
Resist Negative Energy 5 | Hero Pts 3/3 | Judgement 2/day | Restorative Touch 6/6 | SLA (Continual Flame) 1/day | Detect Alignment | Track |

Hi all - internet connection has died (it's just one damn thing after another at the moment). Posting from my phone is fine but intermittent.

Apologies. Should be back up in 5 working days, apparently.

Bot as required.

Ok, so we've got two people with spotty internet. And I'm going out of town next week for work, and probably won't have good internet access. So don't expect a lot of activity over the next week.

We're at a rest and recover point anyway. Radag and Aduard can finish arm wrestling over whether or not to retrieve the book. Otherwise, give me a general plan for what you guys want to do in town and over night, and I will get something up when I can.

skills & init:
Init +1 Per +2 Know(All)+11 Know(Rel) +15
HP 18/26 FS 0/1 SS 0/1 HeP 4/5
AC 11(15) Touch 11 Flat Footed 10(14) CMD 12 Fort +1 Reflex +2(+1) Will +5 +2 vs fear/death

At this point he could be convinced to leave without the book, and come back to read it in situ tomorrow. Going to be a lot of time with Radag sranding bored though ;)
That said, didn't someone already grab a hammer or something?

skills & init:
Init +1 Per +2 Know(All)+11 Know(Rel) +15
HP 18/26 FS 0/1 SS 0/1 HeP 4/5
AC 11(15) Touch 11 Flat Footed 10(14) CMD 12 Fort +1 Reflex +2(+1) Will +5 +2 vs fear/death

Aduard plans to take reasonable precautions with the book.
He's actually keen to store it on consecrated ground, which would mean convincing the church.

[ HP: 32/39] | AC: 21 T: 12 FF: 17| F: +8 R: +7 W: +4*| Init: +2 Perc: +13 (Low Light) (Favored Terrain: Forest)  Effects: none Hero Pts: 2

Do we have the resources to get a more thorough explanation of what the items do on the cursed end of things?

[ HP: 32/39] | AC: 21 T: 12 FF: 17| F: +8 R: +7 W: +4*| Init: +2 Perc: +13 (Low Light) (Favored Terrain: Forest)  Effects: none Hero Pts: 2

Radag will rest and try to harden his resolve with some weapons practice

@Radag: Sorry for the late response on your question. You guys do have the spirit board and planchette. The right question could offer some insight into the cursed items. Otherwise, you would need to dig into divination magic somehow.

skills & init:
Init +1 Per +2 Know(All)+11 Know(Rel) +15
HP 18/26 FS 0/1 SS 0/1 HeP 4/5
AC 11(15) Touch 11 Flat Footed 10(14) CMD 12 Fort +1 Reflex +2(+1) Will +5 +2 vs fear/death

I have the dumb.
We had a plan where Aduard would stock up on Burning Hands, and burn the Cold Spot out of existence (rather than just subduing it).
I believe we realised why that might not work, but I've lost it.

Should Aduard be stocking up on Burning Hands for a day of "rock up, burn the prison, go home early".

skills & init:
Init +1 Per +2 Know(All)+11 Know(Rel) +15
HP 18/26 FS 0/1 SS 0/1 HeP 4/5
AC 11(15) Touch 11 Flat Footed 10(14) CMD 12 Fort +1 Reflex +2(+1) Will +5 +2 vs fear/death

GM Alias:
Love what you're doing with the name - guessing means nothing to Aduard "Mr Last Names", right?

Male N Ustalev Half-orc Investigator 3 | HP 10/24 | AC 15 (17 currently) (Tch 12; Fl 13; traps 16) | CMD: 17 | F: +5 R: +6 (traps +7) W: +5 | Init +2 | Perc: +8 (+9 traps); SM: +6 | Active conditions: Inspiration 4/6; Extracts: (1) 3/4; AC 13; STR 18; Reach 10'
Aduard Bookman wrote:

I have the dumb.

We had a plan where Aduard would stock up on Burning Hands, and burn the Cold Spot out of existence (rather than just subduing it).
I believe we realised why that might not work, but I've lost it.

Should Aduard be stocking up on Burning Hands for a day of "rock up, burn the prison, go home early".

Hmm, was the plan to burn the haunt originally with the pews, but then we switched it to "do a lot of fire damage" because the we needed magical fire? I think the burning hands plan was the solution to the problem of the mundane fire not working.

I suppose we won't know until we try it.

[ HP: 32/39] | AC: 21 T: 12 FF: 17| F: +8 R: +7 W: +4*| Init: +2 Perc: +13 (Low Light) (Favored Terrain: Forest)  Effects: none Hero Pts: 2

We could just walk around it? It feels a waste of a day just to get rid of an easily ignored haunt.

Male N Ustalev Half-orc Investigator 3 | HP 10/24 | AC 15 (17 currently) (Tch 12; Fl 13; traps 16) | CMD: 17 | F: +5 R: +6 (traps +7) W: +5 | Init +2 | Perc: +8 (+9 traps); SM: +6 | Active conditions: Inspiration 4/6; Extracts: (1) 3/4; AC 13; STR 18; Reach 10'

Good point! We can always mop up the haunt after we've dealt with everything else.

skills & init:
Init +1 Per +2 Know(All)+11 Know(Rel) +15
HP 18/26 FS 0/1 SS 0/1 HeP 4/5
AC 11(15) Touch 11 Flat Footed 10(14) CMD 12 Fort +1 Reflex +2(+1) Will +5 +2 vs fear/death

Are we in a hurry?

Sure, we can come back for it later if people wanted. Our stated goal is to exorcise the whole thing though.

OOC once Aduard gets higher levels spells this'll be a lot easier.

[ HP: 32/39] | AC: 21 T: 12 FF: 17| F: +8 R: +7 W: +4*| Init: +2 Perc: +13 (Low Light) (Favored Terrain: Forest)  Effects: none Hero Pts: 2

Something about the Splatterman breaking free from the former prison guard captain's wife might be a time sensitive matter, so I'd say we are in a little bit of a hurry.

Female Aasimar Inquisitor 4 AC 17 [T 11 FF 16] | CMB +6 | CMD 17 | HP 35/35 | Fort +6(8); Ref +2(4); Will +8(10) | Init +6 | Percep +10, Darkvision 60 ft
Resist Negative Energy 5 | Hero Pts 3/3 | Judgement 2/day | Restorative Touch 6/6 | SLA (Continual Flame) 1/day | Detect Alignment | Track |

Agree with Radag on this - let's take the poltergeist and then get down to the lower levels. The cold haunt isn't going anywhere.

Thanks. Inspiration was the brief conversation we had at the end of December regarding whether Aduard was a colleague of Feramin. As to where it's going....bwahaha!

Everyone, minor hint/spoiler:
You get the feeling that most of the haunting is being empowered by the five main spirits. Taking care of them might just take care of the rest of the prison.

Oh, and don't forget. You have an upstairs level to deal with as well. Nasty things tend to dwell underground.

skills & init:
Init +1 Per +2 Know(All)+11 Know(Rel) +15
HP 18/26 FS 0/1 SS 0/1 HeP 4/5
AC 11(15) Touch 11 Flat Footed 10(14) CMD 12 Fort +1 Reflex +2(+1) Will +5 +2 vs fear/death

I think we would know we might not want to go underground and potentially leave stuff above us that could come down and block our way out.

skills & init:
Init +1 Per +2 Know(All)+11 Know(Rel) +15
HP 18/26 FS 0/1 SS 0/1 HeP 4/5
AC 11(15) Touch 11 Flat Footed 10(14) CMD 12 Fort +1 Reflex +2(+1) Will +5 +2 vs fear/death

Aduard's on 1 hp. Even with natural healing that puts him on about 2 or 3. He's okay to heal himself up, but it'll take a day or so and he's not going into harrowstone a hairs breadth from death.
Drop by the church and get some healing done? How much gold do we actually have?

[ HP: 32/39] | AC: 21 T: 12 FF: 17| F: +8 R: +7 W: +4*| Init: +2 Perc: +13 (Low Light) (Favored Terrain: Forest)  Effects: none Hero Pts: 2

Well according to my character sheet Radag is carrying 500gp. We can use that to heal you up, and it might be a good idea to split the remainder around just in case Radag falls into any bottomless pits. It would be a shame to lose all that money :P

Male N Ustalev Half-orc Investigator 3 | HP 10/24 | AC 15 (17 currently) (Tch 12; Fl 13; traps 16) | CMD: 17 | F: +5 R: +6 (traps +7) W: +5 | Init +2 | Perc: +8 (+9 traps); SM: +6 | Active conditions: Inspiration 4/6; Extracts: (1) 3/4; AC 13; STR 18; Reach 10'

I think GM Alias kept Wakati around for healing reasons, if I recall correctly?

skills & init:
Init +1 Per +2 Know(All)+11 Know(Rel) +15
HP 18/26 FS 0/1 SS 0/1 HeP 4/5
AC 11(15) Touch 11 Flat Footed 10(14) CMD 12 Fort +1 Reflex +2(+1) Will +5 +2 vs fear/death

Either of those would work.

Uhh...yeah, did say that didn't I? So Wakati is still hanging around, and good for 4 castings of CLW per day. Use as needed.

skills & init:
Init +1 Per +2 Know(All)+11 Know(Rel) +15
HP 18/26 FS 0/1 SS 0/1 HeP 4/5
AC 11(15) Touch 11 Flat Footed 10(14) CMD 12 Fort +1 Reflex +2(+1) Will +5 +2 vs fear/death

Great, then let's go!
CLW: 1d8 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 2 = 4
CLW: 1d8 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 2 = 8

Male N Ustalev Half-orc Investigator 3 | HP 10/24 | AC 15 (17 currently) (Tch 12; Fl 13; traps 16) | CMD: 17 | F: +5 R: +6 (traps +7) W: +5 | Init +2 | Perc: +8 (+9 traps); SM: +6 | Active conditions: Inspiration 4/6; Extracts: (1) 3/4; AC 13; STR 18; Reach 10'

So. bust into the poltergeist room. Aduard hits Radag (if he makes his save) with magic weapon, Brogol (if he makes his save) attacks the creature with the axe, Dashil shoots or takes the magic weapon if Radag fails the save?

[ HP: 32/39] | AC: 21 T: 12 FF: 17| F: +8 R: +7 W: +4*| Init: +2 Perc: +13 (Low Light) (Favored Terrain: Forest)  Effects: none Hero Pts: 2

The level of fear isn't sufficient to make Radag drop his weapon, but the rest of that plan is legit.

Male N Ustalev Half-orc Investigator 3 | HP 10/24 | AC 15 (17 currently) (Tch 12; Fl 13; traps 16) | CMD: 17 | F: +5 R: +6 (traps +7) W: +5 | Init +2 | Perc: +8 (+9 traps); SM: +6 | Active conditions: Inspiration 4/6; Extracts: (1) 3/4; AC 13; STR 18; Reach 10'

Oh, I figure we'll wait to see if you run or not before Aduard casts - that way he can hit Dashil if she's not running and you are.

[ HP: 32/39] | AC: 21 T: 12 FF: 17| F: +8 R: +7 W: +4*| Init: +2 Perc: +13 (Low Light) (Favored Terrain: Forest)  Effects: none Hero Pts: 2

Ah, yes. I now see the orignal meaning. Sorry :)

skills & init:
Init +1 Per +2 Know(All)+11 Know(Rel) +15
HP 18/26 FS 0/1 SS 0/1 HeP 4/5
AC 11(15) Touch 11 Flat Footed 10(14) CMD 12 Fort +1 Reflex +2(+1) Will +5 +2 vs fear/death

Given it's a touch range spell, I'm willing to take the risk. Don't want to have to get into frontline combat and touch a wielded weapon.
Might be good to have someone spending an action cheering Radag on (ie Aid the save)

[ HP: 32/39] | AC: 21 T: 12 FF: 17| F: +8 R: +7 W: +4*| Init: +2 Perc: +13 (Low Light) (Favored Terrain: Forest)  Effects: none Hero Pts: 2

Where's a paladin when you need one... or a protection from evil spell

skills & init:
Init +1 Per +2 Know(All)+11 Know(Rel) +15
HP 18/26 FS 0/1 SS 0/1 HeP 4/5
AC 11(15) Touch 11 Flat Footed 10(14) CMD 12 Fort +1 Reflex +2(+1) Will +5 +2 vs fear/death

Can Aduard aid the save on his init?

Female Aasimar Inquisitor 4 AC 17 [T 11 FF 16] | CMB +6 | CMD 17 | HP 35/35 | Fort +6(8); Ref +2(4); Will +8(10) | Init +6 | Percep +10, Darkvision 60 ft
Resist Negative Energy 5 | Hero Pts 3/3 | Judgement 2/day | Restorative Touch 6/6 | SLA (Continual Flame) 1/day | Detect Alignment | Track |

Dashil has protection from evil - she'll cast it on Radag. Gives him a +2 AC boost, as well.

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