Aduard Bookman |

Can Aduard tell if he is still under the casting curse?
Will affect the load out. If he isn't I'll look at things like Magic Missile, if he is then more like Magic Weapon.

Aduard Bookman |

Who has the list of loot? I've lost track of what we've picked up.
Ady would like to go past the warden's wife and ask her how many remain. Not sure if you guys took out Father Charlatan last night. She might also be able to give us a feel for if there is an area we haven't cleared yet.

Dashil Masozi |

Apologies for delay in posting - am doing my first tabletop game in like forever this evening so gearing up for that.
Will post later.

Esta Vyrelian |

Agreed, no such thing.
I hope Esta's comment in my post isn't what made you feel that way. I like Aduard's long-windedness. ;)
-Posted with Wayfinder

Brogol Stockl |

I'm in the path of Harvey (southern end of the storm, not a direct hit). If I'm incommunicado these next few days, I'm internetless. Please bot if needed.

Esta Vyrelian |

Oh yikes. Yes, stay safe!
-Posted with Wayfinder

Brogol Stockl |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Oh gosh, I'm sorry. I'm good. I'm at the farthest south you can be in Texas and still be in the states (indeed, one of the campuses that I work at is the last right turn before the border crossing). Harvey made landfall further north and we barely saw much weather at all - certainly nothing like Houston and SE Texas got.
We were also on the "dry" side of the hurricane, which not having been through one before, I didn't know is a thing. Apparently, the spinning action of the storm drags moisture up from the water and then dumps it onland in the north/northeast portion of the storm (which is why Houston got hit so bad). We were on the southwestern edge, which sees much less rainfall, because much of the storm's energy is spent by the time those winds get to us - before picking up again, and grabbing more moisture over the gulf and then dumping it to the north, again and so on.
I've just been silent because Brogol hasn't had much to add to the roleplay. Sorry for the worry!

Dashil Masozi |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

I've just been silent because Brogol hasn't had much to add to the roleplay.
Liar - that was another beautiful post, as always :)

Aduard Bookman |

Haunt's primary effects are mind-affecting fear effects. Does Aduard's bonus against fear effects help?
Additionally; how constrained are actions? Should we be using our best effort to remove the words, assuming they are real? Trying to work out how tactical it is likely to be.

Aduard Bookman |

Dashil Masozi |

Incidentally, my better save isn't against fear, it's due to deathless spirit racial ability, which replaces the usual celestial resistances.
Deathless Spirit: Particularly strong-willed aasimars possess celestial spirits capable of resisting the powers of death. They gain resistance 5 against negative energy damage. They do not lose hit points when they gain a negative level, and they gain a +2 racial bonus on saving throws against death effects, energy drain, negative energy, and spells or spell-like abilities of the necromancy school.

Dashil Masozi |

Heh. "Either Imagined or Eaten: Visit Ustalav Today!"
-- Ustalavic Board of Tourism

Aduard Bookman |

Nice description :)
Can Aduard sense anything different about the curse or the book?spellcraft or Knowledge: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (13) + 11 = 24
Kept this here because it seemed OOC.
Is Aduard okay to be flippant? I was thinking there might be some sort of fear effect, but I have him respond to fear by being irritating, mostly.

Dashil Masozi |

Wow, Aduard, your dice seem to be cursed.
Who are we waiting on? Just Esta?

Esta Vyrelian |

Yes, sorry, you're waiting on me.
-Posted with Wayfinder

Dashil Masozi |

No problems, I was corrected on this relatively recently which is why it's fresh in my head.
Given that he's (1) an incorporeal in difficult terrain (2) immune to normal weapon damage and (3) a high level caster, I'm not entirely convinced he needs additional compensation, but you know, whatever :-)
(I suppose at least this way we know where the blame lies for any TPK)

Dashil Masozi |

@Dashil: He is a 7th level wizard, but he comes with significant limitations.
No complaints here, he's providing a suitably epic fight! Also, at least he's a wizard and not a cleric, so he can't heal himself, right?
...Right? :/

Aduard Bookman |

You reach out to touch the name. As your fingers approach the writing, you blink, and the name disappears.
The spellbook has not weathered the years very well. However, there are several spells that are still legible.They are: comprehend languages, dispel magic, false life, gust of wind, illusory script, levitate, mage armor, magic missle, and summon monter IV. If you want to try copying them into your spellbook, each attempt takes a Spellcraft check (DC 15+spell level) and one hour of effort.
Every few pages, as you flip through the book, the name 'Jonas' is inscribed in the margin in random places.

Radag Irefist |

Fyi, I am travelling abroad and finding internet access is scarcer than I originally predicted. So posting may be spotty through Wed or Thru. Apologies for any delay it causes.

Brogol Stockl |

I've got one, but I attack with a -4 nonproficency penalty with it :)
No worries, I didn't even realize it until this fight started. Otherwise I would've asked for you to memorize another one of those nifty magic weapon spells.

Aduard Bookman |

Oh, of course, sorry :(
Ady actually did memorise a spell for you, but then I thought it wasn't needed. Ah well.

Dashil Masozi |

Whut the whut whut?

Brogol Stockl |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |

Aw, this is f~%#ing great.
I'm not gonna lie, this one hurt to write. I've been waffling back and forth on killing Brogol since the idea first occurred to me. But, RP-wise, Brogol was too introverted, too mired in self-doubt. I've been having a little trouble with playing him lately.
And more importantly, I've been feeling for a little while that the story demands Brogol's death. Brogol was in his weird way innocent, and innocence has no place in Ustalev. Thanks for a good sendoff, everyone, and especially to GM R0B0, for giving Brogol's death meaning.
But, I'm still around! Working on another PC now...

Esta Vyrelian |

It hurt to read too, and I haven't even been around here that long, so I can't imagine how you and the others are feeling. I am glad you're not leaving for good though. :)
-Posted with Wayfinder

Dashil Masozi |

Well I for one am GUTTED. Don't get me wrong, I'm no stranger to the realisation that the PC you've created is temperamentally unsuited to the scenario, but Brogol's outlook was a great foil for Dashil's world weariness, Aduard's jaded cynicism and Radag's Radag-ness and it meshed well with Esta's more hopeful outlook.
Damn. Gonna take Dashil a loooooong time to get over this. That frickin tombstone....
Looking forward to seeing what your next character is like! Can I suggest some sort of face type? We're low on Charisma as a party, and there may come a time when Dashil's patented "glare at it until it does what the f#$@ it's told"™ approach doesn't work.

Fighting Chicken |

I am glad you're not leaving for good though. :)
Brogol's outlook was a great foil for Dashil's world weariness, Aduard's jaded cynicism and Radag's Radag-ness and it meshed well with Esta's more hopeful outlook.
Yeah, this is something else that made me hesitate about killing Brogol. His personality played really well off the others. But we've got Esta, so we've still got that more optimistic/innocent worldview to work with. Not put any burden on Esta's shoulders, or anything :)
Can I suggest some sort of face type? We're low on Charisma as a party, and there may come a time when Dashil's patented "glare at it until it does what the f!@# it's told"™ approach doesn't work.
You know, I hadn't considered this. The character concept I have in mind wasn't really designed to be a face, but I can probably finesse it a bit to make it work. Silver lining to Brogol's death is, Brogol was probably never going to be a face either; poor kid just didn't have it in him.

Dashil Masozi |

No no no, you must make the character you want to make! If s/he(?) turns out not to be such a good 'face', well... we've done ok so far (albeit with a worryingly high mortality rate!) - and this campaign doesn't strike me as the sort where a kind word and a smile will get you terribly far, anyway.

Aduard Bookman |

I thought Brogol's innocence added a lot. I understand the need for a character to have a "right end" though.
I'd say build what you want. Dashil's a reasonable face for now, and in five or six levels Aduard should have gotten better as well. If necessary I can pick up or retrain to Student of Philosophy or Cunning Wordplay.