![]() Sorry about the wait, it's been a week. Here's Garuda, my pilot: Garuda:
» Sonya Meysembourg // GARUDA «
Mercenary, LL0 [ SKILL TRIGGERS ] LEAD OR INSPIRE (+2), SPOT (+2), STAY COOL (+2), TAKE CONTROL (+2) [ GEAR ] Assault Hardsuit, Light Signature, Light A/C, *** [ TALENTS ] HEAVY GUNNER 1, LEADER 1, SPOTTER 1 [ MECH ] « THE WAY SHE GOES » GMS EVEREST H:0 A:0 S:0 E:2 SIZE:1 STRUCTURE:4 HP:10 ARMOR:0 STRESS:4 HEAT:0 REPAIR:5 ATK BONUS:0 TECH ATK:0 LTD BONUS:1 SPD:4 EVA:8 EDEF:8 SENS:10 SAVE:10 [ WEAPONS ] Main Mount: Mortar Flex Mount: Pistol / Tactical Knife Heavy Mount: Heavy Machine Gun [ SYSTEMS ] Comp/Con-Class Assistant Unit, Turret Drones, Pattern-A Jericho Deployable Cover She's built to be a field commander with fire support. In combat, she'll hang towards the back with any other sniper characters, providing Spotter assistance and deployable cover. She can throw Leadership dice and turret drones to give additional support, as well as lock down any shifty enemies with covering fire from her Heavy Machine Gun. Narratively, she's an old solider, with all the experience and ghosts that brings. She's professional, jaded, and sad. She believe's she's seen just about everything, and is almost correct. A woman in her late 50s, Garuda is trim and fit, with steel-grey hair almost always tied into a tight bun. She's handsome, but worn down. A large scar on her right cheek makes her look the part, but it's actually from a childhood accident. Backstory: A rough backstory is that Garuda's a career soldier, but a new pilot. Formerly a member of the Union Navy command structure, she served as the CO for a squad of auxiliaries, providing them with tactical and intelligence oversight. Eventually, she and one of her charges, an ace pilot named Duncan, fell in love and retired from the Navy to pursue lives as soldiers of fortune.
Recruiting a team of like-minded individuals, their small outfit met with some success, scoring lucrative jobs throughout the outer rim of Union space. Unfortunately, their brief stint as mercenaries ended in tragedy. Garuda's squad, led by Duncan, were ambushed by pirates during an operation and killed to a man; she could do little but listen. In the aftermath, Garuda sold what she could. In her grief, she paid for the creation of a custom COMP/CON assistant using the collected data and recordings from Duncan's life. Her new, digital Duncan could never replace him — it was only a machine, but it helped. Now Garuda has returned the Navy, although she has opted for a more action-oriented role, leading a team of auxiliaries in the field. Is it a death wish? Perhaps, but she doesn't think that way. She misses the camaraderie, and sometimes, when she's in the thick of the fight, she swears that she can feel Duncan there, right beside her. ![]()
![]() Just finalizing my gear, and I'm stuck on something I can't seem to find in the rules. So 10 L Bulk items make for 1 Bulk, but when you buy a stack of 10 torches or 10 arrows, the item table marks them as L Bulk. So my question is are stacks of those things simply L bulk, or is each individual thing L bulk? I hate how fiddly this is. ![]()
![]() SorrySleeping wrote:
Haft Strike is precisely what he wants, Sorry Sleeping. I'll point him in that direction. Thanks! ![]()
![]() Thanks for the input, Fuzzy. He has levels in fighter, but he's taken the Lore Warden archetype, so he can't replace bravery. His character is VERY finely tuned, so I'm not sure what he'd be willing to replace. Even potentially adding this feat throws off the flowcharts of possible feat paths he's devised. As far as the prerequisites go, our thought process was that removing the sole weakness of reach weapons was already in the game, the polearm master archetype. They had placed it behind a pretty steep barrier: at least two levels of fighter, so to make it a feat, there needed to be a similar level of investment. ![]()
![]() A player of mine has created a polearm bodyguard style character for my Curse of the Crimson Throne campaign, but he's frustrated that enemies can get inside his reach, where he has to move to hit or trip them. To that end, he's written a homebrew feat and asked me if he could use it. I'm generally inclined to support this sort of thing, but he's the sort of player that could take a mile if given an inch in character creation, so I thought I'd bring it here and see what Paizo's top minds had to say. Nimble Grip: Your quick hands and martial experience allow you to adapt your fighting style with spears and polearms in order to effectively engage enemies who close the distance.
Prerequisites: Dex 15, Combat Reflexes, Weapon Focus with reach weapon, base attack bonus +5. Benefit: You threaten adjacent targets with a reach weapon for which you have the Weapon Focus feat. Attacks of opportunity made against adjacent targets while using this feat suffer a -4 penalty. Additionally, you continue to threaten enemies within your extended reach even after attacking adjacent opponents during your turn. Normal: Characters wielding reach weapons do not threaten adjacent squares, and if they use another form of attack against adjacent foes, they cease threatening at range until their next turn. ![]()
![]() How much experience do you have in RPG’s?
How many PbP games are you currently in? GMing?
Have you played, GMed or read Reign of Winter?
Can you post at least once per day M-F 90% of the time?
Would you, if requested, provide an actual email for contact if you ghost the game?
Is there any other information you would like to share?
Do you understand that you need to track XP and other resources for yourself?