AC 21, touch 12, flat-footed 18 (Armor +8, +1 Shield, +2 Dex)
HP 39
Fort +8(7), Ref +7(6), Will +4(3);
Defensive Abilities: +2 vs fear, +2 vs enchantment, immune to magic sleep
Speed 30ft. (20 ft. armored)
Melee Magic
Dagger +1 humanoid shapeshifter bane
[dice=Attack]1d20+9[/dice] (+2 higher to hit AC vs shifters)
[dice=Dmg]1d4+4[/dice][dice=+Bane vs shifters]2d6+2[/dice]Bypass DR
Favored Terrain The ranger gains a +2 bonus on initiative checks and Knowledge (geography), Perception, Stealth, Survival skill checks and leaves no trail and cannot be tracked (though he may leave a trail if he so chooses): Forest
Spells Known (CL 0; concentration +0)
Base Atk: +4; CMB: +8; CMD: 20
Racial Traits: Adaptability (Skill focus Perception), Low light vision, Elf Blood, Keen Senses
Class abilities: Endurance, Favored Terrain, Hunter’s bond
Feats: Quickdraw, Rapid shot, Power Attack
Traits: Forlorn, Making good on promises
Special Qualities: N/A
Skill Total [Rank+Trained+Ability+Trait+Other-ACP*]
Cloak of resistance +1
Greatsword, masterwork
Dagger x2
Throwing axe x5
Morningstar silvered
masterwork punching dagger
masterwork shurikens x12
masterwork silver war razor.
Armor 67# Medium (Suit +1) -4acp
Four mirror Torso 170gp +5AB +4Mdex –4acp
Lamellar, horn Arms 25 gp +1AB +5Mdex –2acp
Hide Legs 3 gp +1AB +4Mdex –2acp
Light wooden shield, quickdraew 30 go +1SB
Other Gear:
42gp 5sp 4cp
bronze war medallion from the Shining Crusade
Backpack, masterwork 2lbs
Pouch (belt) .5lbs
Sack .5lbs
Spell component pouch 2lbs
Wooden Holy Symbol, Erastil
Torch x2 2lbs
Flint & Steel
Bedroll 1sp, 5lbs
Hammock 3lbs
Blanket 3lbs
Tent, small 20lbs
Bloodblock 5lbs
Healer's kit 1lb
Leeching Kit 5lbs
Rope (silk) 5lbs
Crowbar 5lbs
Mirror 1/2lbs
Shovel/Spade 8lbs
Whetstone 1lb
Bear Bag (bag + 20ft silk rope)
Silver arrow x12
mwk silver war razor
Heavy mace +1
Rope of climbing
potion of lesser restoration x1
Potion of cure moderate wounds x1
Potion of cure light wounds x1
healer's kit x1
antitoxin vial x1
antiplague vial x1
smelling salts dose x1
soothe syrup vial x1
Repellent, Vermin x1 (5gp, 0lb.)
Spiked Gauntlet (5gp, 1lb.)
Signal Whistle (8sp)
Tindertwig (1pg)
Oil (1sp, 1lb)
Turquoise pendant worth 100 gp
12 gp
22 sp
Silver Knife worth 25 gp
Masterwork thieves' tools
Special Abilities
Other Party Members
Saved Dashil's life.
Character Appearance
Furious eyes burn with intensity on this larger than life man whose mouth is marked by a permanent scowl. He towers most humans at 6'6" and is wider than a barrel in the shoulders. Children, animals, and the meek are oft vexed by his presence even though his stature is lessened by his slouching posture. Constant exposure to the sun has turned Radag's hair blonde and his skin dark, and a large, jagged scar runs down the left side of his chiseled face, an injury that permanently turned a majority of the left eye's sclera red with blood.
Character Personality
Step 1: Concept
1) Made of grisle; Push it to the limits or it was all for nothing.
2) Loves competition; "Why is everything a game to you, Radag!?" "BWHAHAHA! What is it? Fear the taste of defeat? You should have kept home and to milking the cows if you can't stand the pressure!"
3) Un-pretty bastard; Everyone short of being a deity is flawed and is doomed to failure, such is life, such is Radag's perception of life
4) Insulting; See loves competition. Those that let his insults get to them only embolden Radag's persistence.
5) Team player; despite his gristle, insults, and lacking etiquette Radag is extremely loyal and would lay his life down for his companions if he had to.
Step 2: Goals
1) Vengeance for the fallen cleric that made a deal with the undead, even if he has to kill every single last one of the bastards to do it.
2) Get a flying mount or bad-ass companion like a nightmare or a wyvern, or gain ownership of a holding and wealth
Step 3: Secrets
1) Known secret- Radag killed a pretty important clergyman of the Pharasman faith. Those that learned of the cleric's killer also learned of the corrupted cleric's deal. These people want to avenge their friend's death just as much as Radag does, but their hands are full keeping the living, the dead, and the undead from revealing the corruption within the church. Radag is secretly in communication with these people trying to hide evidence of their friend's shame.
2) Unknown secret-While the goal of keeping the cleric's heinous deed a secret while simultaneously avenging him is still true, not all three of the people in communication with Radag agree that vengeance should be exacted on the undead creature that forced a deal on the cleric. One or two of the cleric's friends was involved in an evil plot and want to get rid of anyone that knows anything so they can salvage whatever is left of their plans.
3) GM's secret
Step 4: Contacts
Ellell of the Warder's Fangs; friend
Cyne Lewold of Rine's Rangers; friend
Withelm of The Gray Swords; hostile
Step 5: Memories, Mannerisms, or quirks
1) Fondest memories include the last time he saw his father, every visit with his mother, stealing money from the tax collector saving his father's business
2) Slouches
3) If words say one thing, and actions say another, Radag is an a-hole
Character History
Radag's parents are both merchants and alive at present, but he is an only child because his parents separated shortly after he was born. Radag takes after his father in stature and his elven mothers striking bone structure and he would do anything for either of his parents, especially knowing they still love one another but the pressure of society and life longevity leveraged them apart on mutual terms of understanding.
Radag was a sickly youth and wanted nothing more than to join his peers but was excluded because of his introverted personality and awkward half-human appearance. Being excluded didn't stop Radag from trying, and often he would interject anyway; in the beginning it was to his detriment, but as he reached his teen years the tables turned. Radag grew strong, agile, and hearty in his teenage years, and loved competing against the other children that tried to shun him. Radag really grew into his own after the annual Fall Harvest Frogman Competition, named for an incident involving bogmen over a generation ago, where men, women, and would be adults compete in various skills like archery, wrestling, sparring, arm-wrestling, and so on. Radag dominated the competitions where strength was key, and won a good share of the of the others and declared Champion of the competition, it was kind of a big deal in Radag's community to win overwhelmingly enough to be Champion.
Soon everyone was looking for a strong helping hand for a variety of odd jobs, and Radag grew well known in his community and soon in neighboring communities as they started to send challengers. Radag loved competition the most, and everything became a contest of always one upping others. Women seeking husbands, found him to be too intense and competitive for their tastes, especially since he was not well spoken or slightly handsome. Men in the village enjoyed rooting for him, but found him a bit detached from much else apart from competitions. Radag was not destined to become a merchant, so when Radag realized a normal life wasn't for him, Radag's father proposed he set out on a grand adventure until someone or something took the wind out of his sails. Radag took his father's suggestion to heart, and set out to test his mettle against whatever the world had to offer him.
Radag, in the beginning of his adventuring, joined up with a man of Pharasman faith. The man was very charismatic, and shared with Radag the temptation of undeath and the heinous acts that committed in pursuit and to maintain such an unholy state. Radag was immediately able to see the competition between life and death and how life parallels to Radag's youth in relation to undeath. It was from the Pharasman cleric's stories that Radag learned how to fight and destroy the undead in many of its forms.
Unfortunately the Pharasman cleric was not the ideal of his faith, and had made a deal with undeath when his life had been on the line. Radag learned of the deal and being very idealistic at the time, pressured the cleric into reneging the deal, or else the Pharaman church would hear about it. The Pharasman cleric, at first accepted that the deal must be undone but as the two neared goal destination, the cleric turned on Radag in desperation. The two struggled but when the dust settled, the cleric was lifeless and Radag was left standing with a near mortal wound that would be the scar on his face. Radag regrets having killed the man, even in self defense, the event opened Radag's eyes to the world as being many shades of grey and carries a skeptical view of anyone claiming to be dedicated so absolutely to any cause.
Radag pursued the cleric's dealer, which brought him to the Ustlav region, for vengeance.