GM Jammin's Serpent's Skull (Inactive)

Game Master YanJieming


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Male Middle-Aged Gnome Alchemist (Chirurgeon) 1 | HP 10/11 {effects: none} | AC 16 Tch 13 FF 14 | F +2, R +4, W +2 | Init +2 | low-light vision, perc +7

Oh, no worries; I just caught you posting here and figured it had been overlooked by accident. In any case, thanks for bumping up your reply to today. I'll try and wait longer for GM gameplay posts in the future, and will attempt the Heal check tomorrow.

Female Human (Shoanti) Monk 1 (Martial Artist) | HP 10/10 {effects: none} | AC 14 (Tch 14 FF 12) | F +4, R +4, W +4 | Init +2 | Perc +6

@Xabala: remember to give Aerys the berries you've harvested ;)

Wildborn Beast-Bonded Witch 1 | HP 8/8 {effects: none} | AC 12 Tch 12 FF 10 | F +1, R +2, W +4 | Init +4 | low-light vision, perc +2

Thanks. I just assumed it was given while I was away, considering it was morning now. Edited my last post.

HP 9/10 AC 13 | T 10 | FF 13 | CMD 15 | F +4 | R +0 | W +4 | Init +0 | Per +6

Hey everyone, I'm in the process of picking up my games again. I have already posted in a couple, and will be catching up here.

Status update: mom-in-law was released to rehab and has been doing well, though she is back in with pneumonia. Her mental condition seems to be deteriorating right now and they are struggling to find out why. We'll see how things progress from here.

Anyway, glad to be back. I should have a post up today or tomorrow depending on the events of today.

On a fun note, I got an Asus MeMO 8 tablet. Linky.

-Posted with Wayfinder

Yay! glad you're back, sorry to hear that about your mom though.

HP 9/10 AC 13 | T 10 | FF 13 | CMD 15 | F +4 | R +0 | W +4 | Init +0 | Per +6

Work update: I will be traveling this evening for my employer. I will try to post tomorrow evening as I am able.

-Posted with Wayfinder

Female Human (Shoanti) Monk 1 (Martial Artist) | HP 10/10 {effects: none} | AC 14 (Tch 14 FF 12) | F +4, R +4, W +4 | Init +2 | Perc +6

Hey Malthu! Very nice to have you back and that you mother-in-law's medical emergency has somewhat subsided; though I'm still sad to hear she isn't out of the tunnel yet :(

Female Human (Shoanti) Monk 1 (Martial Artist) | HP 10/10 {effects: none} | AC 14 (Tch 14 FF 12) | F +4, R +4, W +4 | Init +2 | Perc +6

So... shall we press on into the interior and spend the night in a makeshift camp, or shall we fall back?

HP 9/10 AC 13 | T 10 | FF 13 | CMD 15 | F +4 | R +0 | W +4 | Init +0 | Per +6

Is Malthu with the wandering group? Or is he at camp?

Female Human (Shoanti) Monk 1 (Martial Artist) | HP 10/10 {effects: none} | AC 14 (Tch 14 FF 12) | F +4, R +4, W +4 | Init +2 | Perc +6

We've never actually discussed IC who's leaving and who's staying, so I guess my answer would be: wherever you'd prefer him to be ;) (as of now, we've always assumed Malthu's been following us).

Though since it looks like we might be spending some time away from the camp, I can't say I wouldn't welcome his presence with the scouting group

I'm fine with either, though if you're at camp it will give Nichelle some company.

It is your choice. I was assuming you had gone with, but if you wish to remain behind, that is fine as well.

Female Human (Shoanti) Monk 1 (Martial Artist) | HP 10/10 {effects: none} | AC 14 (Tch 14 FF 12) | F +4, R +4, W +4 | Init +2 | Perc +6

Ooooor he might just see if there's a TPK brewing before collapsing out of his quantum state...

Female Human (Shoanti) Monk 1 (Martial Artist) | HP 10/10 {effects: none} | AC 14 (Tch 14 FF 12) | F +4, R +4, W +4 | Init +2 | Perc +6

Luckily I can't misplace my hands or who knows what I'd be fighting with by now...

Female Human (Shoanti) Monk 1 (Martial Artist) | HP 10/10 {effects: none} | AC 14 (Tch 14 FF 12) | F +4, R +4, W +4 | Init +2 | Perc +6

Now that I've read what GM Jammin' wrote more carefully

GM Jammin' wrote:
[...] it is 20' away from Yani--the head of the line. Marching by twos, you can assume to be 20 to 30 feet away.

it occurs to me that Lalaru should be within 10 ft. of Yanistah, so she could draw her weapon as a free action during her move action and then still attack the Giant Crab as a standard action - even without charging...

I only have 15ft of movement, so yeah kinda have to charge :3

Female Human (Shoanti) Monk 1 (Martial Artist) | HP 10/10 {effects: none} | AC 14 (Tch 14 FF 12) | F +4, R +4, W +4 | Init +2 | Perc +6

I admit it might be the second time in a row I'm missing something, but from what I understand it should be feasible

Move Action: move up to 15 ft. right next to Yanistah (+ unsheathing her sword as a free action since her BAB is +1)

Standard Action: attack

EDIT: Oh! Perhaps I get where the confusion might have stemmed from. I think it was the crab which closed in, not Yanistah

Ah okay if the crabby moved up then i shall unleash stabby hell upon it's carapace.

Female Human (Shoanti) Monk 1 (Martial Artist) | HP 10/10 {effects: none} | AC 14 (Tch 14 FF 12) | F +4, R +4, W +4 | Init +2 | Perc +6

Aaah... I interpreted the 20 - 30 feet away as "away from the crab", rather than "away from the head of the line". Guess we'll have to wait for clarifications.

Still, if we're marching by twos, who's in the front with Yanistah?

And who's on second?

Female Human (Shoanti) Monk 1 (Martial Artist) | HP 10/10 {effects: none} | AC 14 (Tch 14 FF 12) | F +4, R +4, W +4 | Init +2 | Perc +6

Indeed, among the things we've never really bothered about is setting a marching order.

Standard practice should be tanks first, then the progressively squishier characters. Which would make it

Yani - Lalaru

Malthu - Eizzach

Xabala - Vazio

Works for me.

After rereading I believe the 20-30 away was from the crab, with you marking the 20 point, which means i'm in range now.

Happy Halloween everyone! ^w^

Female Human (Shoanti) Monk 1 (Martial Artist) | HP 10/10 {effects: none} | AC 14 (Tch 14 FF 12) | F +4, R +4, W +4 | Init +2 | Perc +6

Much reciprocated. Though it's already almost over here...

To all of my games:
A family emergency had just arisen. I will be unavailable for the next little while. I hope to have everything resolved and to return in a week. I am sorry for any inconveniences this causes.

Youch, np though. You take care of what you need to, we'll still be here.

+1 to what Rysky said. Take care & I hope everything turns out for the best. Other than that, take however much time you need. You've been GM'ing a strong game, and I'll be here for when you come back be it a week or a month or whatever.

Werehare Inquisitive 3/ Seeker 3/ Bard 3

Family first. We understand. Take care!

Male Halfling Sorcerer (Void-Touched) 1; HP 12/12; AC 13 (T 13, FF 11); Init +4; Fort +3, Ref +3, Will +3; Per +2;
1st: 3/4, Motes: 7/7

Ditto what the others have said.

Male Middle-Aged Gnome Alchemist (Chirurgeon) 1 | HP 10/11 {effects: none} | AC 16 Tch 13 FF 14 | F +2, R +4, W +2 | Init +2 | low-light vision, perc +7

Real life comes first, as always. Take however long that you need, and good luck.

Wildborn Beast-Bonded Witch 1 | HP 8/8 {effects: none} | AC 12 Tch 12 FF 10 | F +1, R +2, W +4 | Init +4 | low-light vision, perc +2

Take care.

Things are finished now, though not as I had hoped. I lost a major part of my life and as such, have had to reevaluate some peons of my life. I regret this, but I must withdraw from most of my campaigns, including this one. I simply do not have time to dm any campaigns right now. I am sorry we could not complete this, but thank you for the game we had.


I'm so sorry Jammin, many, many thankies for the campaign you've given us and the fellow players you've allowed me to play with.


Hopefully things will begin to look up for you.

Werehare Inquisitive 3/ Seeker 3/ Bard 3

I completely understand, and wish you well.

No, thank you for the time you poured into it and the chance you gave us to share this game with each others.

I'm really sorry for you. Take care, be well.

To all my fellow players: thank you for this short yet very enjoyable adventure together. I seriously hope to come across as many of you as possible in some future PbP game. See you around!

HP 9/10 AC 13 | T 10 | FF 13 | CMD 15 | F +4 | R +0 | W +4 | Init +0 | Per +6

To anyone that wishes, add me to your friends list so we may keep in contact.

Good luck to you Jammin!

-Posted with Wayfinder

Male Halfling Sorcerer (Void-Touched) 1; HP 12/12; AC 13 (T 13, FF 11); Init +4; Fort +3, Ref +3, Will +3; Per +2;
1st: 3/4, Motes: 7/7

Thank you, Jammin', for the game. Take care.

And thanks to the rest of you for a good game.

Male Middle-Aged Gnome Alchemist (Chirurgeon) 1 | HP 10/11 {effects: none} | AC 16 Tch 13 FF 14 | F +2, R +4, W +2 | Init +2 | low-light vision, perc +7

I understand, and thank you for the opportunity. Whatever happens, good luck to you.

To everyone else in the group, it was good playing with you. Take care.

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