GM Jammin's Serpent's Skull (Inactive)

Game Master YanJieming


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Okay, I did it. Got a bit carried away with the background though. Would gladly provide a tl;dr version if asked.

You can put her under the martial category, though with 7 skill points per level (plus that additional one at 1st level you courteously supplied :) ) she wouldn't make a terrible skill monkey either.

(The Addition Traits feat I picked mostly for rp-flavor - figured if there was something I wouldn't lack as a human monk were feats).

Yanistah Stands-Tall:

Female Human (Shoanti) Monk 1 (Martial Artist)
NG M Humanoid (human)
Init +2; Senses Perception +7;

AC 15, touch 15, flat-footed 13(+2 Dex, +3 Wis)
hp 10 (1d8+2)
Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +5

Speed 30 ft.
Melee unarmed strike +3 (+4 if AoO) (1d6+2) or
... unarmed strike flurry of blows +2/+2 (1d6+2)
Special Attacks flurry of blows, stunning fist (1/day, DC 13)

Str 14, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 16, Cha 8
Base Atk +0; CMB +3 (+5 if grappling); CMD 17 (19 vs. grapple)
Feats Additional Traits, Improved Grapple, Improved Unarmed Strike, Stunning Fist, Weapon Focus (unarmed strike)
Skills Acrobatics +6, Climb +6, Craft (jewelry) +5, Intimidate +4, Knowledge (history) +2, Knowledge (planes) +5, Perception +7, Sense Motive +7, Survival +8
Languages Common, Shoanti, Celestial
Traits Bred for War, Bullied, Charming, Jenivere Crew, Scholar of the Planes
Drawbacks Doubt
Other Gear a couple of jeweled gold rings, each engraved with Falayna’s holy symbol


Blood roared in Yanistah’s ears as she watched her burly half-orc opponent first stagger, then fall to the ground, unconscious.
I… I did it. I would have never thought I could make it – and now… I won?
Truth be told, she looked very little like a winner. Her whole body ached, her left eye was swollen and blood was flowing freely from a nasty cut on her right cheekbone. Her foe had been stronger, bigger and more experienced than she was, a fact he had been thoroughly proving by dominating throughout most of their battle. But just as the Shoanti woman had accepted her inevitable loss, something sparkled within her. If she was to be defeated, she would honor Falayna by going down with a bang – or at least, that’s what she thought as she unleashed everything she had and more. Only as she looked upon the prone figure of her opponent, though, she began to realize her outburst had just resulted in the most unexpected of outcomes.
What now?
The roar in her ears was gradually fading, only to be replaced by the cheers of the crowd gathered on the balconies above. The Serpent’s Run was suddenly filled with hundreds of voices chanting her name, the little-known underdog who had just managed to overcome all odds to defeat the seasoned veteran. She raised a clenched fist into the air, letting the thundering response of the crowd permeate her, invigorate her. But just as the jubilant sensation of triumph was starting to sink in, it suddenly dawned of her that she had just made the gravest mistake of her comparatively short life.


Magnimar, the city of Monuments. A city imbued with the whispers of history and dotted with landmarks celebrating the deeds of heroes long gone, a city whose very stones resonate with power and where shrines are erected to honor the Mysteries of the High Heavens. But besides those dedicated to mighty Ragathiel, passionate Arshea, and mysterious Ashava, other smaller, less-known sanctuaries can be found by those who know where to look, scattered throughout dark alleys and passages seldom threaded by the uninitiated. It is in one of these sanctuaries, little more than a small alcove carved into the very foundations of Magnimar’s arena, the Serpent’s Run, that one single Shoanti woman had made her unofficial home.
The youngest of five siblings born among Magnimar’s Shoanti population, it was made sure Yanistah had to learn fast where she stood: namely, as the runt of the litter within a community of what other city dwellers regarded as second-class citizens at best. As she spent most of her younger years enduring the worst a society can throw at those it considered its pariahs, one of the very first lessons she taught herself was that she could either let such a life break her, or try to become stronger every day. So every time she was punched, she learnt how to punch back; every time she fell, she strove to rise again. Yet for all her determination, few things were more disheartening to her than watching her own people resort to lowly jobs and even petty thievery to eke out a living, proud warrior clans turning into destitute gangs of thugs.
The few times she experienced the rare sting of pride in her heritage were when she sneaked in into Magnimar’s Arena, up in the lofty Alabaster District, to watch powerful Shoanti gladiators fight and win in the Grand Games that were held there, earning fame, glory, and wealth. Consequently, it came as no surprise that, on the day of her thirteenth birthday, she proclaimed in front of her family that she had decided to leave her house to pursue a career as performer in the Serpent’s Run. There were tears and there were farewells, as stories of long lost cousins who supposedly made it big were recounted, but all in all, they didn’t seem too bothered by her decision. One less mouth to feed, she cynically thought. Her heart hardened, she walked away and never looked back.
And thus it happened that a lone Shoanti girl, with no reputation nor noble sponsor to speak of, strode along the Champion’s Walk leading up to the Arena’s main entrance. She never knew exactly what passed through the aged Master of Games’ mind when he saw Yanistah’s lanky figure walk in, demanding the honor of competing in the next events – still, the thunderous laughter that erupted from his throat gave her ample grounds to make an educated guess. And yet, what happened next was equally unexpected.
”Though I guess I can at least let you stay here, young girl” he added, suddenly turning serious “There are maintenance passageways below the Arena, you can spend your nights there. In the meanwhile, train hard, learn what you can about fighting and performing… and in a couple of years, come back and try making that same requests again, will you?”
Whether that gesture stemmed from having seen something in her, or was just a way of getting rid of a nuisance, she could not tell. But never one to look the gift horse in the mouth, Yanistah immediately settled in and started her training. A brawler at heart, she started with observing the other fighters as they were practicing, trying to mimic their techniques. Her recent growth spurts had left her freakishly tall for her age (as well as earning her the mocking honorific of “Yanistah Stands-Tall” from her older brothers), so she tried to incorporate that into her style as well. Perhaps even more importantly, she worked on improving her endurance and agility, every day pushing her body a little further. But even then, without a true mentor or even a sparring partner, she soon found with no little vexation that her improvements were stalling.
That was hardly the only thing occupying her mind, though. One of the first things that had caught her attention upon moving in had been the marbled effigy of a statuary yet beautiful woman, a magnificent long sword held high in her ring-adorned hands, occupying a niche in one of the remotest underground vaults. For reasons she could not yet pinpoint, she felt immediately drawn by the aura of solemn nobility emanating from the statue, an aura seemingly possessing the power to soothe both her body and her soul. She would later discover that it depicted the Empyreal Lady Falayna, patron of martial excellence and feminine beauty alike, and that it was put there as a way to propitiate the goddess’ favor on the newly-erected building – but for the time being, as she laid down a modest pallet right at the statue’s feet, to her it just felt as the sensation of a newfound home.
That was when the dreams began.
Indistinct at first, then more and more vivid (though not any less cryptic), her nights were suddenly populated by visions of heroines displaying dazzling feats of martial might, stern yet beautiful, gentle yet strong. Gradually, with each passing night other women seemed to join them, stately and regal, walking proudly in their jewels of every possible craft and fashion. Eventually, she started to perceive another presence: clad in armor and silk and towering above them all, an angelic paragon of both beauty and might was smiling benevolently, all the while challenging them by virtue of her very presence to even higher standards of excellence and skill. Eventually, one night following a particularly frustrating day of training, the radiant figure suddenly lifted her gaze, as if looking straight into Yanistah’s soul, silently testing her resolve by daring her to follow into that same path. Unflinchingly, she stared back. In that moment, the fearful girl who went to sleep was gone, just as a woman woke up.
Having finally found her holy calling, everything started to swiftly fall into place. By that time, she had already begun doing her own researches. Entering the good graces of the chief librarian, herself a half-Shoanti woman, gained her access to the Founder's Archives, the closest thing Magnimar had to a public library. Slowly but surely, she taught herself the celestial language she had heard in her dreams, and from then on it was just a matter of throwing herself with zealous ardor at the task of unraveling the heavenly mysteries. Every day she would spend at least one hour praying and meditating in front of the shrine, pondering upon the wisdom that was being revealed to her. Indeed, after the fateful night of her initiation, her dreams had been subtly shifting their focus, and she now found herself more often than not engaged in mock fights against a creature of pure light, its voice a jubilant choir as she nonchalantly imparted teachings of both martial and philosophical nature amid their sparring.
Under the guidance of her divine patron, the Shoanti woman blossomed. The end of adolescence, combined with years of rigorous training, had eventually turned a scrawny girl into a fully-fledged woman. Her sustenance she was getting by having apprenticed herself to an old jeweler, who claimed that having a person touched by the Many-Ringed Goddess herself in his shop ”had been a blessing to both craft and business” – a most welcome respite from the menial jobs she once had to scrounge down in the Dock District. Perhaps most importantly, her fighting techniques were getting more and more refined with each passing day, a fact that had not gone unnoticed in certain places. At first, she was allowed to take part in minor athletics competitions. Then, they cast her as an extra during the yearly mock nautical battles. Eventually, she was given the chance to prove herself in a contest against an experienced fighter, a massive half-orc by the name of Urgash known for his strength, his ferocity and for being backed by none other than the local Sczarni gangs.
”No one will remember if a young fighter loses her first match” the flashily dressed man had told her, idly caressing his well-groomed moustache ”On the other hand, I’ve never heard too many questions being asked after a Shoanti body is found floating in the harbor… Alas, how do they call them nowadays? Common occurrences? Oh well, the choice is yours, I suppose.”


I have to flee.
And flee she did. She didn’t even stop by the Master of Games’ office to collect her winnings - that’s the obvious place they’d be waiting for her, she figured. Instead, she run straight to the Docks.
It was late afternoon already, and she quickly found out there was only a single ship still waiting to depart for that day, a cargo ship headed to Sargava – a name that didn’t ring any bells in Yanistah’s head. O well, beggars can’t be choosers, I guess, she thought as she approached the wharf.
”Hold on there, miss. What’s your business aboard the Jenivere?” a rugged sailor guarding the boarding plank asked her.
She didn’t bother to lie. She knew she was horrible at it, anyway. ”My name is Yanistah. I’m looking for a passage out of Magnimar. I’m afraid I currently lack the required gold, but I’m more than willing to pay for the voyage in sweat and hard work.”
”You look in quite a hurry miss. You Shoanti always have a penchant for picking the wrong fights, huh?” he replied, pointing at her face still bearing the marks of her recent fight.
”You could surely say so.” Still, no lies.
”Well, consider yourself lucky – the old lady here is quite undermanned as of now. Do tell me though, what would your experience as sailor be anyway?”
Here it comes, she thought. For a moment she considered to drop the whole sincerity thing, but she eventually decided against it. The truth would come out soon enough anyway. ”About that… I admit I have none. But I work hard, I’m a good climber, and I rarely get tired” she opted to retort, trying her best to conceal the direness of her need ”Most importantly, I never complain about the jobs I’m assigned to or…”.
”So you claim” he cut her short, as he gave her a long look from head to toe. To her relief, she could tell he was liking what he was seeing. ”Though there might still be some truth in it. We’ll see. It turns out the life on the seas isn’t made for you, you get off first time we get to port. In the meantime, welcome aboard, lass.”

(Also, I'm not a native speaker, so please consider any quirkiness in the prose as a side-effect of her being a Shoanti and having learnt Common as a second language :) )

Obviously, I'd be more than happy to provide any kind of clarification if required.

In the meantime... Good luck everyone!

Liberty's Edge

Here is my submission for a divine. I decided to go with a cleric instead of a druid or oracle, although nature and archery focused.


Name: Viisa Stytto
Abilities: Str 10 Dex 10 Con 10 Int 13 Wis 20 Cha 10
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Race: Human (Varisian)
* Focused Study: Three Skill Focus feats at levels 1-8-16, replaces bonus feat
* Heart of the Wilderness: Half character level bonus to Survival, replaces extra skill point
Class: Cleric
* Deity: Cernunnos the Stag Lord
* Domains: Animal (Feather subdomain), Plant
Languages: Taldane (Common), Varisian, Polyglot
Traits: Jenivere Crew (Survival +1 and class), Seeker (Perception +1 and class)
Feats: Point Blank Shot, Skill Focus (Survival)
Skills: (2 + Int + favored = 4) Heal, Perception, Profession (Doctor) [free point], Sense Motive, Survival

Background: Viisa was born member of a Varisian nomadic clan, traveling the land and venerating nature. She grew up in the vast outdoors, swimming in streams and running in fields. As she reached adolescence, she found an affinity for herbs and the treatment of human bodies, their sicknesses and ailments, and she became an apprentice healer for the clan. At the same time, though, she found herself chafing under the many restrictions the clan had for a woman-to-be. Behaving in certain ways, do this, don't do that, marry and raise children -- she found herself reluctant to submit to the clan's traditions.

When a ranger came along, Viisa took the opportunity to abandon her clan and its laws and rules. She stole away in the night, taking only a few of her most prized possessions, and never said goodbye. Leaving the clan was a taboo in itself, doing so unannounced far more so. She knew she could probably never go back. She spent a few years with the ranger, traveling the wilds as a couple, romantically involved with the older man, and learning many things, especially the worship of the Stag Lord Cernunnos.

Just before the start of the campaign, Viisa and her ranger lover had hired onto the Jenivere as crew in Magnimar, he as a sailor and she as the ship's doctor. As the campaign starts with a shipwreck, my thoughts are that the ranger will be killed, leaving her dealing with emotional distress, and then she finds out that she may be pregnant as the party is stranded on a deserted island. I'm willing to modify these if they seem like undesired themes, however.

Made some slight adaptations to Wu and completed his trait line-up. He now has a Birthmark on his skins which resembles a small butterfly. The other young Vanara teased him for it.
Dumped cha for int (more skillpoints). He was never going to be a very social character anyway, which I intend to roleplay heavily. He is closer to the animals then to humanoids due to his capture and maltreatment over the years of captivity. So he will stay with the group at first to survive, but he will be very careful and submissive around them. Think of him like a slave whose spirit is broken heavily, which has to be built up. He thinks the world of being back in the jungle again and will feel right at home.
He can stealth, climb, swim, jump and even tie knots ;).

And rolling for starting gold 4d6 ⇒ (4, 6, 1, 6) = 17 170 gold yay.

Sovereign Court

Good luck everyone.

I've begun looking over applications and this is the list I'm using to make sure I catch everyone. Make sure that this has your character on it! Let me know if I need to make changes.

Vazio Tanzer—Halfling Sorcerer (Void-touched)
Shaenol—Sylph Witch
Xabala Kybwa’ka—Half-elf Witch (Beast-bonded)
Variel Nightstorm—Elf Magus
Talathel "Tal" Darkariel—Elf Wizard (Void)
Eizzach Bitterbalm—Gnome Alchemist (Chirurgeon)

Yulia Mulberry—Halfling Warpriest
Malthu—Tiefling Inquisitor
Jukil—Human Druid
Viisa Stytto—Human Cleric (Cernunnos)

Egerton Blakemore—Human Swashbuckler
Jordi—Human Paladin of Iomedae
Nadia Sayraddin—Human Ranger (Trapper)
Gur—Orc Fighter
Garran Oakthorn—Human Barbarian
Mosi Ndiya—Tiefling Ranger
Alard Gammugw—Halfling Hunter
Wu Kong—Vanaran Hunter (Primordial Companion/Divine Hunter)
Barrick "Glaive-Fist"—Human Brawler
Yanistah—Human Monk (Martial Artist)

Avarl Nolastra—Elf Bard
Nichelle Crassior—Human Rogue (Poisoner)
Carmen Terpsichore—Human Bard
Ked of Clan Metaldeath—Goblin Rogue (Knife Master/Scout)

Helio—Some kind of Divine Caster
Wolfgang Rolf-swadhbuckler (daring infiltrator)

So we're waiting on Wolfgang Rolf, redbeardredeyed, Helio and Rysky. I've heard from Wolfgang and Rysky somewhat recently. What about redbeardeyed and Helio, Are you still around?

This is basically a check post which I take profit to say I have refined Jukil's background and sheet. No stat changes though.

Rysky here! Presenting Lalaru:
Sorry if it's not all that coherent, typing this at 4:30 in the morning :3


Lalaru had always called Mediogalti home. From its waves to its jungles to the seediest bars to the most esteemed clubs. As much as she liked being below the waters she found that with her more land suited tail she could explore much of the above world as well, more than her relatives anyway, who almost exclusively sticked to the shallows. With her looks and voice it wasn't long before club owners began trying to scout her for their establishments.
One such man was the former adventurer Gavlan, a retired swordsman of some renown whose adventuring days had left him a tidy little sum to fall back on and open a rather nice establishment that catered more towards adventurers, explorers, and travelers than the usual gruff looters and raiders passed through. At first seemingly aloof to his advances she finally agreed to a working agreement on the condition that he also teach her how to use a sword.
Beneath the waves a sword would serve little than being dead weight but that had never stopped Lala from admiring the fencers and other duelists that passed through the ports. Such elegance she thought, and now it was finally within her being to know it as well, casting aside her people's usual armaments of the trident and net for the rapier and buckler. She practiced with these every chance she could, honing her martial skills to be on par with her voice.
Unfortunately (or not) a fight a few nights ago in one of the adjoining bars had spiraled into full on mayhem that resulted in not only that bar burning down but severe damages to all the clubs it was next to. While Gavlan dealt with headaches that ensued from business owner with an extended closed business Lalaru took on a job as entertainment for the ship Jenivere until her usual work would resume. Giddy with what travels might unfold upon leaving her home island and seeing new wonders as well as a chance to finally test her fighting prowess in an actual fight have left her anxious these past few days, but nonetheless mirthful and friendly to anyone new she might happen upon.

Character Sheet


Merfolk have the upper torsos of well-built and attractive humans and lower halves consisting of the tail and fins of a great fish. Their hair and scales span a wide range of hues, with Merfolk in a given region closely resembling each other. Merfolk can breathe air freely but move on dry land only with difficulty, and rarely spend long periods out of water. As a race, Merfolk are insular and distrustful of strangers, but individuals, especially adventuring Merfolk, break the mold and can be quite garrulous. Merfolk concern themselves more with nature and the arts than with morality and ethical debates, and have a strong inclination toward neutral alignments.
Ability Score Racial Traits: Merfolk are graceful, hale, and beautiful. They gain +2 Dexterity, +2 Constitution, and +2 Charisma.
Size: Merfolk are Medium creatures and thus have no bonuses or penalties due to their size.
Strongtail: A few Merfolk have broad, strong tails that are more suited for land travel than the typical Merfolk tail. Merfolk with this racial trait have a land speed of 15 feet and a swim speed of 30 feet.
Type: Merfolk are humanoids with the aquatic subtype.
Languages: Merfolk begin play speaking Common and Aquan. Merfolk with high Intelligence scores can choose from the following: Aboleth, Aklo, Draconic, Elven, and Sylvan. See the Linguistics skill page for more information about these languages.
Armor: Merfolk have a +2 natural armor bonus.
Legless: Merfolk have no legs, and therefore cannot be tripped.
Amphibious: Merfolk are amphibious, but prefer not to spend long periods out of the water.
Seasinger: The beautiful voices of the Merfolk are legendary. A seasinger gains a +2 racial bonus on Perform (sing) checks and a +1 racial bonus to the save DC of language-dependent spells. This racial trait replaces low-light vision.

Cavalier (Daring Champion):

While many cavaliers are the champions of old fighting forms, some younger, more daring cavaliers mix a martial style influenced by the lighter armored and more flamboyant swashbuckler forms with the dedication of cavalier orders.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency
Daring champions are proficient with all simple and martial weapons, light and medium armor, and bucklers. This replaces the cavalier's weapon and armor proficiencies.

Champion's Finesse (Ex)
At 1st level, a daring champion gains the benefits of the Weapon Finesse feat with light or one-handed piercing melee weapons, and he can use Charisma in place of Intelligence for the purpose of combat feats prerequisites. A daring champion also counts as having the Weapon Finesse feat for the purpose of meeting feat requirements.
This ability replaces mount.

Challenge (Ex)
Once per day, a cavalier can challenge a foe to combat. As a swift action, the cavalier chooses one target within sight to challenge. The cavalier's melee attacks deal extra damage whenever the attacks are made against the target of his challenge. This extra damage is equal to the cavalier's level. The cavalier can use this ability once per day at 1st level, plus one additional time per day for every three levels beyond 1st, to a maximum of seven times per day at 19th level.
Challenging a foe requires much of the cavalier's concentration. The cavalier takes a –2 penalty to his Armor Class, except against attacks made by the target of his challenge.
The challenge remains in effect until the target is dead or unconscious or until the combat ends. Each cavalier's challenge also includes another effect which is listed in the section describing the cavalier's order.

Tactician (Ex)
At 1st level, a cavalier receives a teamwork feat as a bonus feat. He must meet the prerequisites for this feat. As a standard action, the cavalier can grant this feat to all allies within 30 feet who can see and hear him. Allies retain the use of this bonus feat for 3 rounds plus 1 round for every two levels the cavalier possesses. Allies do not need to meet the prerequisites of these bonus feats. The cavalier can use this ability once per day at 1st level, plus one additional time per day at 5th level and for every 5 levels thereafter.

Order of the Guard:

Cavaliers who join the order of the guard dedicate themselves to the staunch and unyielding protection of a specific person or object—generally one they have been hired to protect. Members of the order of the guard are often mercenaries, offering their valuable services for a fee to those who wish to protect their investments. An order of the guard cavalier can offer his services to a cause in which he believes without accepting a monetary payment, though the cavalier's protection must come at some price, be it a favor, the release of knowledge, or other intangible trade. A tenet of the order is that the high level of protection the order strives for is only obtainable if the protector invests something of himself in the task and stands to lose something valuable should he fail.
Edicts: An order of the guard cavalier must strive to protect his ward to the best of his ability, even if doing so costs the cavalier his life. The cavalier must always receive some compensation for his services, be it money, a favor, or other payment. A member of the order of the guard must carry out the orders stipulated in his contract or dictated by his employer as long as doing so does not violate other elements of the order's code or a previously agreed upon contract.
Challenge: At the start of each day, an order of the guard cavalier must declare a person or object (including an easily defined group of objects, such as a series of chests or a collection of books) that he is dedicated to protecting that day, typically the subject he has been hired to protect; the selected item is known as the cavalier’s ward. Whenever the cavalier issues a challenge, he receives a +1 morale bonus to AC against the target of his challenge so long as the cavalier is physically located between his ward and the target. This bonus increases by 1 for every 4 levels the cavalier possesses.
Skills: An order of the guard cavalier adds Knowledge (geography) and Perception to his list of class skills. Additionally, an order of the guard cavalier receives a bonus on Knowledge (nobility) checks equal to 1/2 his cavalier level (minimum +1).

Feats & Traits:

Boarded in Mediogalti
Your travels have brought you to the Jenivere through the dangerous port of Ilizmagorti, home to both pirates and assassins. Perhaps you’re fleeing a price on your head, perhaps you’ve jumped ship from another vessel, or perhaps you’re merely looking for a new start in a land where the dangers make themselves more obvious. Your familiarity with subtle slayings and toxins grants you a +2 trait bonus on all saves against poison. In addition, you can pick one type of poison listed below to be immune to, having undergone a long and painful process of building up an immunity to its effects: blue whinnis, giant wasp poison, medium spider venom, small centipede poison, or spider vine poison (a poison derived from a toxic plant native to the Mwangi Expanse).

Alright. About 12 hours to go. At this point I've read through all complete applications, and I'm just waiting for those which are incomplete. Recruitment will close at midnight tonight, and I will have results for you at 6 tomorrow morning (it'll only be that long cause I'll likely be asleep by then). And if everyone who's chosen responds quickly, we can get started that day.

A shadowy figure is seen entering the Jammin' Archives late at night. Slowly, the cloaked woman shuffles through sheets and files, setting devious traps on those that look very good and useful to those in charge. About a quarter of the way through, a soft swearing erupts from the shadows and the figure leaves, returning shortly with more supplies. She goes back to rigging the files, skipping over the human ranger section, and finally finishes early in the morning.

Later that morning, a tired and bedraggled Nadia comes into the waiting room, rooting around for some coffee and stifles a yawn, "G'luck guys... may the gods smile upon you and yours" she manages with a weak smile.

Apologies but I am going to have to bow out, had some sudden schedule shifts and I doubt I'll be able to finish the character in time. Thanks for the extended deadline GM Jammin and I am sorry for wasting your time.

KBoom wrote:

A shadowy figure is seen entering the Jammin' Archives late at night. Slowly, the cloaked woman shuffles through sheets and files, setting devious traps on those that look very good and useful to those in charge. About a quarter of the way through, a soft swearing erupts from the shadows and the figure leaves, returning shortly with more supplies. She goes back to rigging the files, skipping over the human ranger section, and finally finishes early in the morning.

Later that morning, a tired and bedraggled Nadia comes into the waiting room, rooting around for some coffee and stifles a yawn, "G'luck guys... may the gods smile upon you and yours" she manages with a weak smile.

A well-rested Yanistah walks into the waiting room with a confident stride, trying her best to hide her insecurity.

"O hey, you too up early this morning?" she greets the single woman currently occupying the chamber, who seems far too intent on enjoying her morning coffee to truly strike up a conversation.

Curiosity slowly getting the best of her, she starts looking at the half-open door leading to the archives with an ever-growing interest.

"Psst... I'm going to sneak in to peek into some of the submissions. Cover me, will you?" she asks her quite dozy companion as she goes in, without really waiting for an answer.

A short while later, a very bruised Shoanti woman walks out of that same door.

"Okay, I'm not saying we're having some very strong submissions there. Just that merely trying to get a peek at one almost put me at negative hp"

Alright. Since Wolfgang has dropped out and I have not heard from redbeardeyed or Helio since their expression of interest, I'm closing recruitment now. . . . And announcing those who have been selected. But first I want to say there were a lot of great submissions. So much so that you almost convinced me to run two tables. Unfortunately, I do not know that I could do justice to two. So I had to narrow it down. I managed to narrow it down to:

Eizzach Bitterbalm Gnome Alchemist (Chirurgeon)
Vazio Tanzer Halfling Sorcerer (Void-touched)
Nichelle Crassior Human Rogue (Poisoner)
Xabala Kybwa'ka Half-elf Witch (Beast-bonded)
Lalaru Thalassa Merfolk Cavalier
Yanistah Stands-tall Human Monk (Martial Artist)
Matlhu Tiefling Inquisitor

Please make your way to the discussion thread.

Awesome! I will make my way over.

One front line fighter, and no true healer. Good luck all! :D

They have a witch, an Alchemist, and a Monk in a seven man party. Damage distribution should be good enough for everything to work out.

Good luck guys. Keep me in mind if someone drops.

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

Congrats to those who made it! Good luck with any serpent gods you find!

Good Luck to those that got through.

Yay! Best of luck and wishes to those who didn't get in though.

Thanks a lot! I'll be right over.

Good luck in the jungle without someone skilled in survival like a ranger or druid ;)

Good luck and have fun!

Good luck and glad to see you made it Vixen.

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