Lina Weaver |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Oh come on the odds of rolling 1d4 and 2d6 and getting three 1s is one in...okay actually it's 1/144, which is honestly higher than I thought, if still really unlikely. I've rolled on gachas with worse odds.

Shayde, Shadow's Champion |

Though really, to tell the truth, I've had a bit of a creative slump the last week or two and have been falling behind on my PBPs. Trying to pull myself out of it, but still a bit behind.

Lina Weaver |

Point is pretty moot since I deflected it, but I have figured that Lina wears her holy symbol opening from her belt. Since it's from the paladin kit, it's wooden, I can't find specific stats but as a wooden object that is hardness 5, if it's 1/2 inch thick that's 5 hp. While it wouldn't be even remotely an issue now to lose her holy symbol, that would be a problem starting at level 4 since Divine Favor, among other very useful spells, calls for a Divine Focus.
Also correct me if I'm wrong, but Azlana shouldn't be affected by the Howler's howl, since she is an Outsider and the ability description says all creatures except for outsiders in range.

Shayde, Shadow's Champion |

Sorry for being kind of flaky here. I really mean to post more often. I don't even have a good excuse this time, unless you count being distracted by Kingdom Hearts III.
Also, the dice continue to hate me.

Shayde, Shadow's Champion |

Hey, at least Shayde will get to show off some breaking-and-entering skills here. As if the door is barred in addition to locked, he can always just send Stalker to open it from the other side.

icehawk333 |

Why are my posts so insanely infrequent?
Well, here we go.
I have rather crippling anxiety. It's my problem, I try and deal with it quietly.
But sometimes, it gets the better of me. And by sometimes, I mean often.
Lately, and often before, I would get stuck in a loop where I would worry myself to exhaustion about posting, because I'm letting people down, then not post because I was exhausted, piling up guilt and exhaustion as I kept the group waiting longer and longer.
I'm not sure I have the energy for this, anymore.
I want to hear what you all think.
I could keep going, understanding there's no time pressure.
I could drop the game.
I could finish chapter 1.
Or something else I haven't considered.
I just can't keep doing it like this. I was dwelling on how long I take to post while I was at work today to the point of it distracting me.
This is *purely* my problem, and I'm not blaming anyone else. I just need to talk about this before I just end up uncerminuoisly ceasing to post entierly.

Azlana |

No worries. It is really up to you. I don't think that any of us mind the game going slowly, or we would have already dropped. I don't think there is any time pressure.
I am okay if you want to end the game though, too. You won't be disappointing me... I have a lot of games, and I'll be happy either way. :)

Ueto Haruto |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

No worries! Don't feel pressured to keep things going--you've mentioned this issue before, and I think we all totally understand that sometimes brains are dumb and do things that don't make any sense and you just have to deal with it as best you can. If you feel you can continue and it won't make you feel pressured, then do it--if you don't think even our reassurances of understanding will make you feel less anxious, then just drop it. Your health is more important than the game.

Lina Weaver |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

I'm with them, really. This is supposed to be fun, and if you aren't having fun, you shouldn't be forcing yourself along because you're afraid of disappointing people.

Shayde, Shadow's Champion |

If you need to take a break, take a break. As said, those of us here are the patient ones, and I've not always been the most reliable of posters myself.

icehawk333 |

I have, unfortunately, come to the conclusion that I really can't keep doing this.
Even if i were to work up the energy again, I think my anxiety would lead be back down to these issues.
I don't think I'm really cut out for play by post DMing as a result.
Thank you, again, for parting on good terms.

Lina Weaver |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Ah, well, that's unfortunate, but understandable.
Since we won't be continuing, I'd like to come out with it. Lina was the one who had the ire of the entity. She was in the process of turning into a kobold, afflicted with cowardice, and was to be afflicted with a modified curse of lycanthropy. The reason she's been wearing a scarf over her face from the start and has recently made some disguise checks is that before the game began, she woke up with her face transformed into a draconic muzzle.
I've gotten quite attached to the character, and I plan to use her in the future. Either as a half-elf paladin who struggles with her fears of failure, or as a kobold as a result of a curse :P

Shayde, Shadow's Champion |

Shayde was also mutating in some interesting ways, though he was technically the recipient of the entity's 'blessing'. We were just in discussion about how to make one part more worth using. (he could have made a blade out of his blood, but it lacked the ability to penetrate DR, making it inferior to the cold iron shortsword).
His arm was also turning into a snake. Hence his keeping it hidden all the time. This was frustrating him significantly.
Hope all goes well for you, Icehawk! Maybe we'll find someone else to GM. Or just go out separate ways.

icehawk333 |

Ah, well, that's unfortunate, but understandable.
Since we won't be continuing, I'd like to come out with it. Lina was the one who had the ire of the entity. She was in the process of turning into a kobold, afflicted with cowardice, and was to be afflicted with a modified curse of lycanthropy. The reason she's been wearing a scarf over her face from the start and has recently made some disguise checks is that before the game began, she woke up with her face transformed into a draconic muzzle.
I've gotten quite attached to the character, and I plan to use her in the future. Either as a half-elf paladin who struggles with her fears of failure, or as a kobold as a result of a curse :P
I'm glad this got you a charecter you liked, and I hope it serves you well in another game.
If you find a new game for her, I'd like to hear about it, if you don't mind telling me.
Regardless! Good luck.

icehawk333 |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Shayde was also mutating in some interesting ways, though he was technically the recipient of the entity's 'blessing'. We were just in discussion about how to make one part more worth using. (he could have made a blade out of his blood, but it lacked the ability to penetrate DR, making it inferior to the cold iron shortsword).
His arm was also turning into a snake. Hence his keeping it hidden all the time. This was frustrating him significantly.
Hope all goes well for you, Icehawk! Maybe we'll find someone else to GM. Or just go out separate ways.
I hope things work out well.
I will definatly miss all you guys, overall. Been a good time for the most part, but my anxiety over the game, when it did happen, was far too prolonged for my own good.
You've all been wonderful, and I wish I was more able to stay motivated and avoid my stupid depressive anxiety spirals.
But with players as good as you, I should hope you have little trouble finding new games.