About Ueto HarutoMedium Chaotic Good Humanoid (Kitsune, Shapechanger) Oracle 3/Sorcerer (Nine-tailed Heir) 3 FCB Sorcerer: 3/6 Magical Tail Saves
Initiative 3
Feats and Traits
Oracle Spells Known (CL 3rd; concentration +7)
Tail Spell-Like Abilities:
Racial Traits
878.9 gp
Amulet of Stars:
Desna's Amulet of Stars- A simple silver butterfly pendant, with a single onyx set in the center.
At first level, the amulet provides a +2 Divine bonus to AC, to-hit, Charisma, or skill checks, decided at random via rolling 1d4 at the start of every day. At third level, the amulet tends to miraculously get in the way of attacks. Once a day, when the amulet's wearer would be hit by an attack that would knock them out or kill them, the amulet can reduce the severity of the attack, allowing the wearer to survive at exactly -1 hp and stable. At fifth level, the amulet's other patron shows itself, the onyx in the amulet growing until it consumes the entire amulet, leaving flecks of diamond scattered throughout the gem, black as space with stars in between. Whenever the wearer is blinded, the wearer doesn't take a penalty to AC, and adds half their level as a luck bouns to AC. All other penalties from being blinded remain. At seventh level, the amulet bolsters the blessings the wearer has. Interstellar Void and Spray of Shooting Stars can be used an extra time per day. Coat of Many Stars can be summoned and unsummoned at will, with no limit on duration. Lure of the Heavens increases your land speed as if you always had the slipstream spell active, but your fly and swim speed are uneffected. At ninth level, the wearer of the amulet can't be caught flat footed, dodging through miraculous strokes of luck. When the wearer is blinded, they gain blindsense out to 10 feet. At eleventh level, the wearer rolls twice the Divine bonus gained from the amulet's first level ability, and takes both results. If the same result is received, it stacks with itself. At thirteenth level, once a day, the wearer can transform into a swarm of butterflies for one minute as per the spherewalker class ability. Whenever this ability is used, the wearer can choose a swarm of normal butterflies, or a swarm of shadowy butterflies. If a normal butterfly swarm is chosen, it works as normal. If a shadowy swarm is chosen, the swarm entangles instead of nauseates, and gains improved evasion. At fifteenth level, the wearer of the amulet can hold their amulet aloft as a full round action. While the amulet is displayed this way, darkness creeps along the ground at a rate of 10 feet per round- this does not actually cause the area to get darker, simply turning the ground and any other surfaces black. Any enemies within this darkness are targeted by a meteor from Spray of Shooting Stars at the start of your turn. Allies are immune to damage caused by these. This darkness advances by 10 feet at the start of every turn thereafter, to a maximum of 100 feet, so long as the amulet continues to be displayed as a full round action. You must be no more then 20 feet away from the ground to use this ability. While using this ability, you can, starting on the second turn, at the start of your turn, do any combination of three of these things- Create a shadowy duplicate within the area of darkness that allies can flank with.
Or, you can neglect to do any of those things and cast 1 spell of 4th level or less. At seventeenth level, the wearer grows an extra fox tail. If you already have nine tails, this tail causes all of the others to turn silvery white, with the new tail larger then the rest, and it appears to be a portal into the night sky.
The wearer can, as an immediate action when he takes damage, sacrifice a daily use of a racial spell-like ability to negate 3 times the sacrificed spell's spell level in damage. The tenth tail can be left out, or incorporated into the other tails, turning every other tail starry, however the wearer seems to keep them. At level nineteen, Once a day, when using the fifteenth level ability, the darkness can be made to instantly expand to it's maximum size. In addition, all creatures of 1/2 your HD or less that enter into the darkness caused by this ability can be forced to make a Fortitude save (DC 10+1/2 charecter level+cha) or instantly be stolen away by the black butterfly. Class Features
As he grew up, Haruto would often talk about his dreams. He dreamed of sea and stars, of peoples and nations, of past and future. Some listening who had been to other lands would remark on how similar his dreams were to other places--at which his father would just smile and point out how many stories of distant lands the young kitsune loved to hear. Sometimes he would dream of dancing in the stars with butterflies... but these dreams he did not share. His father was a powerful sorcerer, a five-tailed kitsune who had wandered widely across Tian Xia before settling down with Haruto's mother. Haruto himself showed signs of magical talent from a young age, using simple tricks to entertain himself and others or help out with his chores. For all this, however, his childhood was fairly quiet. The worship of Desna came naturally to him, given the mark on his forehead and his father's love of wandering. Of course, this meant that he wanted to travel--something his father was perfectly willing to prepare him for, but wasn't quite ready to let him do yet. So Haruto practiced his magic and learned all he could of travel and adventure, waiting to be old enough to go on his first big journey When he turned sixteen, things changed. First of all, Haruto grew a second tail. While very uncommon among kitsune, his father had five, so it was not entirely unexpected. What was more worrisome was how strange things started happening around him. He would set a teapot down on a shelf, only for it to slip off and break without being touched. Strange gusts of wind would tug on his pack when he was trying to find something in it. Once he dropped a chopstick only for it to land perfectly flat on the table next to his bowl... in spite of the fact that he'd dropped it on the other side of the bowl. Stranger still was that he developed new magical powers--powers of healing and blessing, divine rather than sorcerous powers. Yet somehow they seemed to complement his sorcery, as if the two powers were intertwined. And then, he had a dream. Unlike his normal, happy dreams of far-off lands, this one was dark. He saw people dying, trodden down or ripped asunder by laughing demons. The land itself seemed broken and ill, as if the demons were killing it, too. Haruto felt sick looking over the devastation... but then a butterfly fluttered by, and his gaze followed it to where a number of people were fighting back against the demons. One of them was him. The dream's message was clear. He had a destiny to fulfill. He told his parents--who were, of course, against it. So he ran away. He left in the middle of the night with nothing but the stars to guide him, and headed north, to the Crown of the World. The crossing was difficult, but he was able to sign up with a caravan who appreciated someone who could both heal and harm with his magic. Once across the Crown of the World, it wasn't hard to get signed up for the crusades. He stayed in human form, wary of how a two-tailed fox person might be viewed in the tense atmosphere of Mendev, but his magic won him a place in the fight against the demons. Kenabres is his first assignment... and, he feels certain, the first step towards his destiny, for he feels certain he has seen these streets in dreams before... Appearance