GM-Foxy's Hell's Rebels (Inactive)

Game Master Foxy Quickpaw

Hell's Rebels Adventure Path
Current Date: Moonday, 14th of Rova, 4715AR
Kintargo Map
Kintargo Map (improved)

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M Human (Chelaxian) Male Human Sorcerer 5, 32 HP, Init +2; Perception +0, 15 AC 12 Touch 12 FF 10; Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +4

"Well, you're safe now, kids. These diabolists have met their match."Diplomacy: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (12) + 12 = 24

Kitsune Game Master

"Will you release us?" they ask with a pleading look on their faces, holding out the manacles - that little bit the ring on the floor allows.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Female Tiefling Magus (Bladebound) 5, 43/43 HP, Init +5; Perc +9, 21 AC 15 T 16 FF, Fort +5, Ref +7, Will +5; | Arcane pool: 4/4 | Blade's pool: 4/4 | Conditions:

Zea nods "Of course we will." She searches for keys to release the prisoners. Lacking that, she sets to work with her magic blade, enhancing it with her arcane power until she can destroy the chains. "There. Now we've accomplished what we all really came here for, in a way. Throwing off chains."

Liberty's Edge

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4/4 Inspiration, 2/2 Luck, Combat Stamina 4/4. Buff/Debuffs: none Investigator-Sleuth 4, 28/28 HP, Init +6 (+4 if 0 luck left), Percep+7 (+8 vs traps), 21 AC 13 Touch 18 Flat, 19 CMD, Fort +3 (+5 vs poisons), Ref +9 (+10 vs traps), Will +6

It was a dark and stormy night in Kintargo, the city that just won't quit. The blasted Thrunes think they might rule this night, but dawn is coming. Jackdaw is coming after you, you bastards.

Saul pulls open the double doors to infinite adventure and he fades into the blackness beyond.

Kitsune Game Master

Kintargo had always been a safe haven for those who value their freedom more than the devilish Chelaxian government tolerates. Barzillai Thrune tried to snuff out this spirit and for a while it didn't look good for the citie's traditions.

But with the Silver ravens building their reputation and interfering with the evil forces that oppress the people a glimpse of hope has risen in the Silver City. With growing support the rebellion will become a force able to tip the scale.

But the fate of the heroes and Kintargo at large, is not for us to know as this story ends here...

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