GM-Foxy's Hell's Rebels (Inactive)

Game Master Foxy Quickpaw

Hell's Rebels Adventure Path
Current Date: Moonday, 14th of Rova, 4715AR
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Liberty's Edge

male Human Magus(eldritch archer/hexcrafter) 1 init +6, Perc +4, Max HP 9 F +2, R+4, W+2 AC 17 , low light vision

Jarithe will pick up the magical clothing and take a look at it

bardic know: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 2 = 8

there are some items of magical nature up here but I can't tell what they are

Liberty's Edge

4/4 Inspiration, 2/2 Luck, Combat Stamina 4/4. Buff/Debuffs: none Investigator-Sleuth 4, 28/28 HP, Init +6 (+4 if 0 luck left), Percep+7 (+8 vs traps), 21 AC 13 Touch 18 Flat, 19 CMD, Fort +3 (+5 vs poisons), Ref +9 (+10 vs traps), Will +6

Not releasing the rope, Jackdaw pulls himself over the trapped floor,moving prone.

HP 43 l AC 19 (T 13, FF17) l 3/3/5 (+2 vs Fear) l Init +2 l Perc +8 *Cover Name - Ba*

Fhingle waits in the hole for the Mighty Jackdaw to save him.

CLW wand: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (7) + 1 = 8

"Once you are done crawling about you can pull me up." Fhingle calls up

Female Tiefling Magus (Bladebound) 5, 43/43 HP, Init +5; Perc +9, 21 AC 15 T 16 FF, Fort +5, Ref +7, Will +5; | Arcane pool: 4/4 | Blade's pool: 4/4 | Conditions:

Zea takes a look at any magical gear as well.

Spellcraft: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (10) + 9 = 19

Probably not high enough.

Kitsune Game Master


M Human (Chelaxian) Male Human Sorcerer 5, 32 HP, Init +2; Perception +0, 15 AC 12 Touch 12 FF 10; Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +4

1d20 + 10 ⇒ (18) + 10 = 28

Cassius takes a closer look at the supposedly magical clothing.

Kitsune Game Master

Cloak of the Manta Ray

M Human (Chelaxian) Male Human Sorcerer 5, 32 HP, Init +2; Perception +0, 15 AC 12 Touch 12 FF 10; Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +4

"Hey, not bad. You can breathe oceanwater with this!"

HP 43 l AC 19 (T 13, FF17) l 3/3/5 (+2 vs Fear) l Init +2 l Perc +8 *Cover Name - Ba*

"Does it get you out of a hole?' Fhingle shouts up

M Human (Chelaxian) Male Human Sorcerer 5, 32 HP, Init +2; Perception +0, 15 AC 12 Touch 12 FF 10; Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +4

"Nope, sorry."

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Kitsune Game Master

It does. You just need to cast create water, til the hole is filled. ;)

Liberty's Edge

1 person marked this as a favorite.
male Human Magus(eldritch archer/hexcrafter) 1 init +6, Perc +4, Max HP 9 F +2, R+4, W+2 AC 17 , low light vision

I would have strangled someone for that cloak at medium level when I was doing skull and shackles

Female Tiefling Magus (Bladebound) 5, 43/43 HP, Init +5; Perc +9, 21 AC 15 T 16 FF, Fort +5, Ref +7, Will +5; | Arcane pool: 4/4 | Blade's pool: 4/4 | Conditions:

The rope is still lowered for Fhingle and Zea is ready to help him climb out.

Rope+wall is only a DC 5 climb check, I believe.

HP 43 l AC 19 (T 13, FF17) l 3/3/5 (+2 vs Fear) l Init +2 l Perc +8 *Cover Name - Ba*

I have a -2 to climb

Taking 10: 10 - 2 = 8

Fhingle climbs out of the hole, sweat pouring down his face. "That is not what I expected at all. Saul did you fix the trap?" Fhingle asks

Liberty's Edge

4/4 Inspiration, 2/2 Luck, Combat Stamina 4/4. Buff/Debuffs: none Investigator-Sleuth 4, 28/28 HP, Init +6 (+4 if 0 luck left), Percep+7 (+8 vs traps), 21 AC 13 Touch 18 Flat, 19 CMD, Fort +3 (+5 vs poisons), Ref +9 (+10 vs traps), Will +6

"Jackdaw has had enough of this trap. Let's just walk around it, shall we?"

He points out the extent of it.

"Ba, could you hit me with a heal?"

currently 20/34 HP. That cloak is awesome!

Kitsune Game Master

Walking around is not possible, without stepping onto it. You could jump if you're really good at acrobatics.

Liberty's Edge

4/4 Inspiration, 2/2 Luck, Combat Stamina 4/4. Buff/Debuffs: none Investigator-Sleuth 4, 28/28 HP, Init +6 (+4 if 0 luck left), Percep+7 (+8 vs traps), 21 AC 13 Touch 18 Flat, 19 CMD, Fort +3 (+5 vs poisons), Ref +9 (+10 vs traps), Will +6

Jackdaw ties the rope around his wait. "Keep this thing taut, ok? Jackdaw will try the trap again. If he starts to fall, pull it hard."

disable: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (12) + 9 = 21 If he fails and doesn't wipe again, try and try again. Here are several rolls.

disable: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (19) + 9 = 28

disable: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (13) + 9 = 22

disable: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (19) + 9 = 28

Kitsune Game Master

It takes Saul two tries but this time he manages to block the trap without falling in again.

Liberty's Edge

4/4 Inspiration, 2/2 Luck, Combat Stamina 4/4. Buff/Debuffs: none Investigator-Sleuth 4, 28/28 HP, Init +6 (+4 if 0 luck left), Percep+7 (+8 vs traps), 21 AC 13 Touch 18 Flat, 19 CMD, Fort +3 (+5 vs poisons), Ref +9 (+10 vs traps), Will +6

"Ok, we are all alive, Jackdaw is vertical again, and Ba is going to hit him with a heal. Proceed?"

He recovers his rope from Zea and stashes it away, and then sneaks off to the south to look into the next room (c5)

stealth: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (4) + 11 = 15

HP 43 l AC 19 (T 13, FF17) l 3/3/5 (+2 vs Fear) l Init +2 l Perc +8 *Cover Name - Ba*

Fhingle waits till the rope is on the far side to climb up, once he does he touches Jack Daw with the wand again.

CLW: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (7) + 1 = 8

Kitsune Game Master

An antique wooden desk sits in the southwestern corner of this room, attended by a high-backed chair with tufts of stuffing protruding here and there from its rotting cushions. Partially broken shelves sit against the north and east walls, and strange symbols of a one-eyed insectile face have been painted on the walls along with curving lines of strange, sinister script.

Understanding Infernal:
The script conveys prayers to the Dowager of Illusions - Mahathallah - particularly praising her role as an usurper of death said to cause ripples in the flow of souls to the Boneyard.

to be continued...

Kitsune Game Master

Knowledge Planes DC18:
This is a bearded devil

"Welcome." the sonourous voice of a muscular, horned and clawy creature greets you, as you enter the room.

M Human (Chelaxian) Male Human Sorcerer 5, 32 HP, Init +2; Perception +0, 15 AC 12 Touch 12 FF 10; Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +4

Cassius examines the script, recognizing it as Infernal. Hmmm. Prayers to the ...Dowager of Allusions? No, Illusions. Mahathallah. They're really into her role as an usurper of death ...causing some kind of ripple effect in the flow of minds--no, souls to the Boneyard. But Cassius' musing is interrupted by a clawy beardy horny thing!

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Kitsune Game Master

Yeah, right. Ignore that bearded devil.

M Human (Chelaxian) Male Human Sorcerer 5, 32 HP, Init +2; Perception +0, 15 AC 12 Touch 12 FF 10; Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +4

Haha, I didn't see that post. Editing.

Liberty's Edge

4/4 Inspiration, 2/2 Luck, Combat Stamina 4/4. Buff/Debuffs: none Investigator-Sleuth 4, 28/28 HP, Init +6 (+4 if 0 luck left), Percep+7 (+8 vs traps), 21 AC 13 Touch 18 Flat, 19 CMD, Fort +3 (+5 vs poisons), Ref +9 (+10 vs traps), Will +6

k planes: 1d20 + 7 + 1d6 ⇒ (14) + 7 + (6) = 27

Jackdaw recognizes the devil, and the language. He responds in kind.

"Schöne Grüße. Du bist der Boss hier?"

Translation from infernal: Greetings. Are you the boss here?

Kitsune Game Master

"Je nachdem was du als hier bezeichnest." The devil replies with a smirk.

From 'Infernal': Depends on what you define as here.

HP 43 l AC 19 (T 13, FF17) l 3/3/5 (+2 vs Fear) l Init +2 l Perc +8 *Cover Name - Ba*

K. Planes: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (10) + 8 = 18

"What is it saying? What is Saul saying?" Fhingle asks pulling out a wand and stepping closer to Zea.

The Wand of Align weapon, going to make it axiomatic or good as needed

Kitsune Game Master
Fhingle wrote:
"I am ok yes, Jarithe when did you learn Celestial? I can also speak Infernal and understand it now while in a battle trance, don't ask me how but I just can." Fhingle says

Just as an info for Mr. I don't understand the Infernal talking:

Whenever you are in combat, you can only speak and understand the selected language. This does not interfere with spellcasting, but it does apply to spells that are language dependent. You gain the selected language as a bonus language.

At 5th level, pick an additional language to speak in combat and add it to your list of known languages.

Female Tiefling Magus (Bladebound) 5, 43/43 HP, Init +5; Perc +9, 21 AC 15 T 16 FF, Fort +5, Ref +7, Will +5; | Arcane pool: 4/4 | Blade's pool: 4/4 | Conditions:

Zea listens carefully as Saul and the creature speak her native tongue. This was... unsettling... She grips her weapon tightly and pipes up "This underground hideout. What are you doing here?"

K planes: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (9) + 7 = 16

Kitsune Game Master

"<It's just a job. A boring one at that. And you? You don#t look like those Mahathallah cultists."> the devil replies.

Female Tiefling Magus (Bladebound) 5, 43/43 HP, Init +5; Perc +9, 21 AC 15 T 16 FF, Fort +5, Ref +7, Will +5; | Arcane pool: 4/4 | Blade's pool: 4/4 | Conditions:

Zea relaxes somewhat as the devil doesn't seem immediately hostile. "<What do you do here? I'm here checking this place out with my friends to see if there's anything good here. What is up with those cultists? What's Mahathallah?">"

Kitsune Game Master

"<Haha, if you aren't you won't find anything good down here. I'm just guarding the kids next door til it's their turn to become sacrificed to Mahathallah. I don't see why they need to wait, but I'm just doing my job here.>"

"<Mahathallah is the Queen of the Night.>"

HP 43 l AC 19 (T 13, FF17) l 3/3/5 (+2 vs Fear) l Init +2 l Perc +8 *Cover Name - Ba*

Who will ping as good if he decided to detect good, Fhingle is LN

Hearing about Sacrifices next door Fhingle has to turn away from the Devil to now show any facial emotions. "<Why sacrifices down here?"> Fhingle asks once he has composed himself.

Kitsune Game Master

"<Why not? Some deities appreciate that.>" the Devil answers Fhingle's inquiry.

HP 43 l AC 19 (T 13, FF17) l 3/3/5 (+2 vs Fear) l Init +2 l Perc +8 *Cover Name - Ba*

<"Down here specifically I meant."> Fhingle shudders at talking to this Devil. "<We can go past to talk to the cultists?"?

Kitsune Game Master

"<You can go and look for them.>" the devil tells pointing to the direction you came from.

Female Tiefling Magus (Bladebound) 5, 43/43 HP, Init +5; Perc +9, 21 AC 15 T 16 FF, Fort +5, Ref +7, Will +5; | Arcane pool: 4/4 | Blade's pool: 4/4 | Conditions:

Zea's trying to be NG but finding it tricky as a rebel.

Zea nods. "<Thanks! What about these sacrifices? If the cult were to... disband... what would happen to them?">

Kitsune Game Master

"I guess they'd starve to death." the devil shrugs.

Liberty's Edge

4/4 Inspiration, 2/2 Luck, Combat Stamina 4/4. Buff/Debuffs: none Investigator-Sleuth 4, 28/28 HP, Init +6 (+4 if 0 luck left), Percep+7 (+8 vs traps), 21 AC 13 Touch 18 Flat, 19 CMD, Fort +3 (+5 vs poisons), Ref +9 (+10 vs traps), Will +6

In infernal:

"You don't seem to care to be here at all. Does something compel your service? Perhaps we could free you from that and send you back to Hell. And Jackdaw says that with pleasant intentions, not in the... "Go to Hell!" standard meaning."

Female Tiefling Magus (Bladebound) 5, 43/43 HP, Init +5; Perc +9, 21 AC 15 T 16 FF, Fort +5, Ref +7, Will +5; | Arcane pool: 4/4 | Blade's pool: 4/4 | Conditions:

Zea nods and listens carefully for the devil's response to Jackdaw.

HP 43 l AC 19 (T 13, FF17) l 3/3/5 (+2 vs Fear) l Init +2 l Perc +8 *Cover Name - Ba*

Fhingle waits for the response

Liberty's Edge

male Human Magus(eldritch archer/hexcrafter) 1 init +6, Perc +4, Max HP 9 F +2, R+4, W+2 AC 17 , low light vision

Jarithe picks a wall spot and leans in not really understanding all the conversation in other languages thinking he needs to up his education he will look around a bit to see what other exits and directions the group could go from here once ppast the trap.

Kitsune Game Master

"<You know how it is. I got a contract to fulfill. Not much you could do about that.>" the devil gives back.

Liberty's Edge

4/4 Inspiration, 2/2 Luck, Combat Stamina 4/4. Buff/Debuffs: none Investigator-Sleuth 4, 28/28 HP, Init +6 (+4 if 0 luck left), Percep+7 (+8 vs traps), 21 AC 13 Touch 18 Flat, 19 CMD, Fort +3 (+5 vs poisons), Ref +9 (+10 vs traps), Will +6

"<And what would it take for you to attack us?>"

Kitsune Game Master

"You attacking me, or trying to get into the room I'm guarding. Are you planning on ruining this nice conversation with heroic deeds?"

Liberty's Edge

4/4 Inspiration, 2/2 Luck, Combat Stamina 4/4. Buff/Debuffs: none Investigator-Sleuth 4, 28/28 HP, Init +6 (+4 if 0 luck left), Percep+7 (+8 vs traps), 21 AC 13 Touch 18 Flat, 19 CMD, Fort +3 (+5 vs poisons), Ref +9 (+10 vs traps), Will +6

"<You just answered my question, friend. You are guarding a room. What, pray tell, lies in said room.>"

HP 43 l AC 19 (T 13, FF17) l 3/3/5 (+2 vs Fear) l Init +2 l Perc +8 *Cover Name - Ba*

"<So you are not guarding the cultists?"> Fhingle asks

Kitsune Game Master
Foxy Quickpaw wrote:

"<Haha, if you aren't you won't find anything good down here. I'm just guarding the kids next door til it's their turn to become sacrificed to Mahathallah. I don't see why they need to wait, but I'm just doing my job here.>"

"<Mahathallah is the Queen of the Night.>"

As Saul doesn't seem to pay attention, the devil answers Fhingle instead. "That is not part of my duty right now." he answers with a smirk. "I didn't care much as you slaughtered a few of them, did I?"

HP 43 l AC 19 (T 13, FF17) l 3/3/5 (+2 vs Fear) l Init +2 l Perc +8 *Cover Name - Ba*

"<Well the Contract would be strict and to the letter, it may say that you protect this room and only 1 other room. Nothing that happens in the remaining rooms concerns you."> Fhingle says as he knows about contracts

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