Florence Corvina |
"You know, I wonder if a person could make money by doing what we're doing and mapping these places more thoroughly?" Florence muses aloud as they get the chariot going again. "I mean sure, there's already basic maps but wouldn't it be much better to have hazards and other landmarks mapped too?"
GM Euan |
The group seems ready to search onward, and leaves the trail to grow cold as you criss cross the desert, looking through the various valleys, around dunes, etc. The desert is hot, when you’re not on the chariot, so you stick close to each other another day as you seek what the sand has to offer.
Unfortunately, this day, the sand offers little. You find the occasional lizard, and perhaps one of your recently freed camels wanders by, but otherwise the day is spent in the shade of the chariot canopy, hiding from the heat and glare of the deep desert. You make camp that evening, having found little.
I started with Ben’s suggestion as his ending hex is next to Stelle’s suggestion. As the next hex is mountainous, you’ll only get two hexes tomorrow. What hex do you want to search after going east?
From what you can see, even at a distance, the river on the map is an actual riverbed, with a few palm trees and other greenery. Although it could be a mirage too at this distance…
Also - 5,000 posts! Woot!
GM Euan |
OK, I’ll have you route to the headwaters of the river after you search the mountains. As you begin your next day (Oathday, Erastus 16, 4714), you head back up into the mountains. The terrain slows you a little, but your mounts are tireless as you begin your trek.
About mid morning, just a few hours into the day, you come across a large structure - though no mighty sphinx. The facade of a once-grand temple extends from a rocky slope among the dunes. The slender gold columns and cupola of the temple suggest the image of an elegant gilded cage. Patches of bare rock show through where the gold leaf has flaked away, however, and cracked steps worn from the passage of countless feet show the temple’s age. Desert sand lies thickly on the temple’s balustrades, but the steps seem freshly swept.
- - -
- - -
As you are examining the outside of the structure, an old man wrapped in white (image) comes out from within the temple. ”Greetings fellow travelers. I’m afraid I’ve not much water to share, but if you are in need I shall share what I can.”
The broad-shouldered human with sun darkened skin, white hair, and a dignified bearing goes on to introduce himself as Zaid Faad, an explorer of many years, specializing in ancient temples. ”And you see this one is quite old. I hope to write a book on its history, and have already done some research in Tephu toward that end.” he shrugs, grinning, ”Though of course if there is little here, and the hieroglyphs all turn out to be dull and uninspired, it won’t be much of a book. But I already spent my advance.” he laughs.
- - -
Florence Corvina |
Kn. Religion: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (7) + 8 = 15
Kn. Religion: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (19) + 8 = 27
"No maidens," Florence sighs for probably the 4th or 5th time that day as they ride up to the temple to have a look, "but this does seem to be a temple to Sarenrae and not a mirage."
She starts a little as the old man steps out but relaxes when he offers greetings and water over violence. "Hello! We didn't expect to see anyone out this way," Florence calls back. "Do you always make such pilgrimages by yourself? Seems like it could be dangerous!"
Zilchus Lyghtlode |
1d20 + 13 ⇒ (20) + 13 = 33 Know (Religion)
"Is Sarenrae a maiden?" Zilchus jokes, knowing full well what the answer is, but also holding lesser religions (like Sarenrae) in some contempt (especially compared to the power of the Great Crocodile). "Well, we should check it out. Might be directions or a map or something, you never know."
Zilchus smiles to the man who approaches them. He does not speak just yet...as he probably has some unkind things to say.
1d20 + 13 ⇒ (5) + 13 = 18 Know (Religion)
Zilchus does definitely *not* laugh at the man's ridiculous headband.
Yeah, as if I would submitting to you. Ha! Not while the river rages will you ever see me bend a knee to you.
Nidhi Aashirya |
Knowledge (Religion): 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (3) + 7 = 10
"A real place! Fan-tastic!" Nidhi gets off the chariot and looks at the building while the man talks.
Knowledge (Religion): 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (20) + 7 = 27
Finally, someone who isn't evil. "So you're a follower of Sarenrae? A fine goddess, indeed! I'm honored and humbled to have reached your temple. Maybe I can sing a prayer inside - in the name of Sarenrae." Nidhi flashes her onyx and silver holy symbol of Pharasma that hangs around her neck. She makes it clear she has no qualms with Sarenrae, but she's clearly a devoted follower of Pharasma.
Sopdet-Ka "Stelle" |
”And you see this [temple] is quite old. I hope to write a book on its history, and have already done some research in Tephu toward that end.” he shrugs, grinning, ”Though of course if there is little here, and the hieroglyphs all turn out to be dull and uninspired, it won’t be much of a book. But I already spent my advance.”
KnowReligion: 1d20 ⇒ 7 (0 Ranks)
Stell can't help but ask the obvious.
"Wow. How long have you been here?!"
"So you're a follower of Sarenrae? A fine goddess, indeed! I'm honored and humbled to have reached your temple. Maybe I can sing a prayer inside - in the name of Sarenrae." Nidhi flashes her onyx and silver holy symbol of Pharasma that hangs around her neck.
Stelle nods as Nidhi speaks, has Annie curtsy, and smiles in a most congenial way at BeardGuy. She starts heading into the Temple, but stops if there is any resistance.
GM Euan |
She starts a little as the old man steps out but relaxes when he offers greetings and water over violence. "Hello! We didn't expect to see anyone out this way," Florence calls back. "Do you always make such pilgrimages by yourself? Seems like it could be dangerous!"
He laughs amiably and says, ”Well, I’m a sorcerer of some little power, and I have the protection of the great goddess Sarenrae to be my armor. It is dangerous, but I manage to avoid the worst of it! I do see few travelers out here though. Mostly other treasure seekers really. What are you lot doing out this way?”
"Wow. How long have you been here?!"
”Oh, just a couple of weeks really. Just getting settled in all things considered. It may be months of work, piecing together the various glyphs and cartouches. I have hired a veritable caravan of folks to bring me supplies, so I should be OK.”
"Well, we should check it out. Might be directions or a map or something, you never know."
"Maybe I can sing a prayer inside - in the name of Sarenrae."
She starts heading into the Temple, but stops if there is any resistance.
”Oh my no. You see Archaeology is an exact science. I’m afraid you can’t go inside. Here, look…” He leads you up the steps to the entry and opens the doors a little. Within is a large temple stretching into darkness. Scattered throughout the area however are taught ropes, flags, and other various items demarking specific areas and sections.
”You see, it’s quite impossible, my work is very delicate. Now please.” he escorts you back and closes the door. He moves off a little to some shade provided by a portico where a small table sits, with three folding chairs. He offers the ladies the chairs, pours a little water from a nearby keg, and produces a little bread and cheese.
”But how have you found this place? Perhaps you too are Archaeologists? Do you know something of this temple?”
Florence Corvina |
"Er...something like that?" Florence replies, glancing at Ben. "We weren't looking for this temple in particular though; just call it intuition - we figured there'd be something near the headwaters of the river so that's where we were headed."
She nibbles at the offered bread and cheese; not too much since she didn't want to eat all of his supplies but enough to not appear rude. "This might be a strange question but have you seen or heard of anyone else out this way recently?"
Sopdet-Ka "Stelle" |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
He leads you up the steps to the entry and opens the doors a little. Within is a large temple stretching into darkness. Scattered throughout the area however are taught ropes, flags, and other various items demarking specific areas and sections.
Stelle gasps. "My, you've been busy!"
"But how have you found this place? Perhaps you too are Archaeologists? Do you know something of this temple?”
Well, we're looking for the Sightless Sphinx --
Stelle checks herself as Florence begins to speak.
"This might be a strange question but have you seen or heard of anyone else out this way recently?"
Stelle politely declines the food and water offerings. More than content to wait for Zaid's response, she finds that she is keeping a loose eye on Zilchus.
Are you going to do something weird?
She frowns at her own thought, looks back toward Zaid, then smiles encouragingly.
Zilchus Lyghtlode |
Zilchus looks in, respecting the man's desire to keep them out. He smirks at the haughty nature of the man, thinking his god is *so* great, when it is nothing compared to the Raging River and the crocodiles therein.
Must be nice to hang out in dainty little palaces like this. So safe. So sheltered. Nothing like the river when it rages.
Zilchus says nothing, trying to keep himself from being impolite and cracks open another bottle of Applejack to share...he'll even share with the Sarenraite.
GM Euan |
"This might be a strange question but have you seen or heard of anyone else out this way recently?"
”Well, how do you mean by recently? I haven’t seen anyone here at the site before now, but I met some folks on my way here a little over two weeks ago. They were like me, headed to a dig site. Large group, maybe eight or nine people and a few slaves.” he munches on a piece of cheese hungrily and sips at a little water.
Nidhi takes a look inside when he opens the doors. "So you're excavating this site all by yourself? ...Alone? You must be lonely. And doing this work all alone must be a slow process. Maybe we can help you?"
”Oh, no m’lady, it’s not lonely. I’ve got all of history at my fingertips. The voices of the past telling me story after story. The richness of it all. Why I once worked on a large dig, surrounded by people. But it was poorly run, and we found little in our excursion. The camaraderie didn’t help ease the failure - I’m much happier now.”
”Now if you’ll excuse me, it’s been a most pleasant chat, but I do have a lot of work to do yet today. I’ve just found a section of priests names, but I’m not sure why they’re there. I’ve almost figured it out!” he clearly seems eager to get back to work.
- - -
Florence Corvina |
Florence thinks a bit.
Two weeks? And we've been out here several days already, so that sounds about right...
"Really? Did they say anything about where they were headed?" Florence asks. "Or did you happen to see which way they went? There's been a group that we've been having a little ah, friendly competition with, and it might've been them, you see."
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (11) + 7 = 18
Sopdet-Ka "Stelle" |
”Oh, no m’lady, it’s not lonely."
Failing in feigning interest, Stelle places her elbow on the table and upon it props her head.
How quixotic.
" ... all of history ... the past telling me ... The richness of it all. Why I once worked on a large dig..."
Is he just obsessive, or is the dullness of the hieroglyphs due to his nature? Is he the one obliterating the temple carvings?!! ... but why?!
Sense Motive: ...
Stelle's thoughts are interrupted as Nidhi ushers the team aside.
"He's hiding something."
Stelle nods in agreement. "He is in a real hurry to rid himself of us. I myself was wondering just now if he is the one scratching out all of the Temple carvings," she whispers in response.
Stelle pauses briefly, lost in thought.
"We need to find out what's really happening here. If we all agree, how should we start? Offer some of our provisions, and camp away... wait until he falls asleep, then sneak in?"
Prof. Benedictus Dickens |
Ben is too busy studying the self-proclaimed archaeologist to chime in the conversation. He takes note of everything the old man says, and of what he answers to his friends' questions, but still he does not intervente until the opportunity presents itself.
Ben clears his throat and extends his hand, offering it to the man to shake.
"Benedictus West Dickens, Osirionologist. It's a pleasure to make your acquiantance, Mister Faad. We are colleagues, to a certain extent, so I will tell you that we were not intentionally looking for this place. I understand your reasons: you don't want us to invade your research space, and that's legitimate. I would ask the same. But you cannot really demand that. We could accept your request, and leave the temple unspoiled and unexplored, but that would be an act of kindness on our part. Perhaps you can give us something back? Do you happen to know the location of the Sightless Sphinx?"
Diplomacy check: 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (9) + 17 = 26
GM Euan |
Sorry Zilchus, he earlier declined, with a smile, your liquor this early in the day.
"Really? Did they say anything about where they were headed?" Florence asks. "Or did you happen to see which way they went? There's been a group that we've been having a little ah, friendly competition with, and it might've been them, you see."
He seems to grow a bit frustrated that you haven't taken the hint, but he does try to answer your question none the less. He makes it pretty clear from his description they are not the ones you seek, but are in fact just a group of archaeologists.
"Benedictus West Dickens, Osirionologist. It's a pleasure to make your acquiantance, Mister Faad. We are colleagues, to a certain extent, so I will tell you that we were not intentionally looking for this place. I understand your reasons: you don't want us to invade your research space, and that's legitimate. I would ask the same. But you cannot really demand that. We could accept your request, and leave the temple unspoiled and unexplored, but that would be an act of kindness on our part. Perhaps you can give us something back? Do you happen to know the location of the Sightless Sphinx?"
He smiles as Benedictus begins, but grows colder by the end, perhaps misinterpreting his meaning. ”I cannot demand… Are you threatening me with kindness? Tell you where your dig sight is, or you’ll do what exactly?” he seems to grow more uneasy by your presence. He steps away from the party a little, and fingers his spell component pouch uneasily.
”Now look here. You are strangers to me, you have come upon my work and temporary home. I have been hospitable, offering you water and food, but now I should like to be left alone. I do not know where your Sightless Sphinx is, nor have I heard of it. There are many and varied sites out here, each with their own draw. I wish you luck finding yours.”
"Would you please excuse us for a moment?"
He looks a little exasperated, but agrees, ”Of course.” He nervously pecks at a bit more cheese and watches you discuss matters from afar. I expect you go 100’ away or so to avoid easy eavesdropping.
Sopdet-Ka "Stelle" |
Stelle, without looking, tries to remember what Zaid looked like. Old, broad shouldered, possibly spry.
"Well, I'm pretty sure that with the help of Anubis I can out run him, but maybe we should save Charm for a last resort?"
"Since we seem to agitate him, maybe we can leave, grab some wild antelope for dinner, bring some choice cuts back here as a peace offering. Maybe with a little food and some drink he'll get really sleepy..."
Florence Corvina |
"So...you two think he's hiding something?" Florence asks when Nidhi calls everyone away for a moment. "I don't know...his story makes sense; some people really do like working alone better than in a group. And those other people he mentioned, I don't think they're part of the Cult, either..."
She looks at the rest of them and shrugs. "I think he probably just wants us to leave so he can do whatever it is - excavate, desecrate, research, run around naked - that he was up to before we got here."
Sopdet-Ka "Stelle" |
Stelle considers Florence's words.
"Hmm, yes. Maybe he meant if the hieroglyphs were dulled. Maybe he's just hiding what he thinks is a very good archeological find... the Temple is old."
Anubis would be able to tell us if the baby bee were about.
She pulls a bit of honey wax from the stash of honey that was gifted to them by the Thriae, and holds it under Annie's nose..
Annie, do you fine that there is a baby bee around here?"
Anubis Survival (Scent): 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (20) + 8 = 28
Should Anubis indicate there is no presence of nearby bee-type or bee crèche nearby:
"Well, perhaps we should bid Zaid farewell and be on our way after-all."
Prof. Benedictus Dickens |
With the party gathered away from the old man, Ben speaks in conspirational tone.
"I don't like the idea of someone preventing me from seeing something, just because he considers that thing his own. As a matter of fact, that temple is not his own. I would like to take a glance inside, to be honest."
Zilchus Lyghtlode |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
"Well, turn invisible and fly in. Don't let him see you, you know? Ain't that hard," Zilchus says to Ben, drinking more of his applejack. "Sheesh, Ben. You need to be more like the Crocodile and take what you want. Do what you want. Be the river that crashes where it wants to go...don't be the whiny Sarenrite washed away by the flood."
Ben's eyes flicker to Florence.
"If you want something, Ben. Earn it. Get it. Take it. Sheesh."
GM Euan |
Anubis licks his chops at the offering of honey, but dutifully sniffs the air in the vicinity for a similar smell. Without letting him loose in the temple proper, or around Zaid’s gear it’s hard to know with certainty, but Anubis can find no more of the honey, much to his disappointment. If Anubis is anything to go by, the sorcerer has no honey of his own - or at least not this honey, unless it is vey well sealed indeed.
The sun continues to climb higher in the sky, and it’s extremely hot standing here in the desert away from the powerful magics of the chariot to protect you from such things. Sweat is pouring from you as you slowly roast in the heat of the day.
So what is the plan?
Nidhi Aashirya |
"Let's do it. And if my negotiations fail, we can just tie him up. Sarenrae is all about redemption and forgiveness, right? So it'll probably be fine. Probably." With that said, Nidhi casts disguise on herself. Her traveling cloak turns to a dull, course fabric. Her hair golden blonde. And the longbow and quiver hold the appearances of scimitars. Nidhi's face looks different - older, with brown eyes and a pointed nose.
Disguise: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (19) + 10 = 29
"You guys hold back. Maybe go invisible or something." Nidhi pulls out a scroll she acquired from one of their first adventures in the Necropolis. She hands it to Zilchus, "scroll of invisibility. I want you to watch my back. Knock him out with a rock if you need to." Nidhi looks at Florence, then Ben: "And Florence can hover nearby with her flying and Ben can go invisible too." Nidhi tilts her head and places a hand on her hip, "sorry, I don't have a plan for Stelle and Annie."
Before departing towards the site, Nidhi makes sure to cast Good Hope on everyone.
Nidhi walks towards the site, disguised as a poor, weary traveler. A follower of Sarenae. Loudly, Nidhi calls out: "Finally! I have made it to my pilgrimage! Bless my stars! Bless Sarenrae! My prayers have been answered!" The disguise doesn't change Nidhi's voice, so she has to to that on her own. She takes on a "southern bell" accent.
Bluff (+Good Hope): 1d20 + 10 + 2 ⇒ (12) + 10 + 2 = 24
If/when the man appears, Nidhi exclaims in her fake accent: "Oh! A person! Are you here to meet the pilgrims?" During his response, Nidhi casts Charm Person on her poor, unsuspecting(?) victim.
Do I roll?
Charm Person (Charisma): 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (1) + 5 = 6
GM Euan |
Well... as you're in sight of Zaid Faad this won't quite work the way Nidhi describes. You'd need to make your goodbyes, ride over the hill, and double back or something. Just so you know, considering he hasn't seen anyone in two weeks, he'll likely be a little suspicious of two visits in the same hour, but that's not so big a thing.
There is no charm person roll on your part - I get a saving throw, and if I fail, I treat you as an ally and friend. Note that I am not beholden to you, just friendly and helpful. What is the DC of my will save?
I'll resolve after the party has an opportunity to at least discuss the plan.
Oh, I'll also need to know how far away the party is when Nidhi returns with her plan. The nearest cover of any large degree is about 150' away from the temple entrance, so not too far really.
Florence Corvina |
"Well...okay then," Florence sighs, rather uncomfortable with this plan but resigned since she seems to be outvoted. "Just try not to rough him up or kill him though, okay? If he's hiding something important that's one thing but if he isn't then I'd rather not have innocent blood on my hands."
"There's no way I can hide myself so I'll need to stay back and out of sight until something happens," she continues. "But yes, I can at least make up ground quickly by flying if I have to."
Florence thinks for a moment and then snaps her fingers. "Here, let me put a Message spell on you, Nidhi. It'll let us talk back and forth even at a distance - all you have to do is whisper what you want to tell me and I can hear it."
Sopdet-Ka "Stelle" |
"Anubis says there is no baby bee presence here," Stelle cheerfully explains, giving Anubis a "snacky treat" for his effort. She then shoots Zilchus a bemused look.
Could you be more crude?
"After thinking it through, I think Zaid is just staking a claim to a find of his own in the hopes of outclassing the other Archaeologists." She turns to Prof. Benedictus Dickens. "He said Archaeology was an 'exact science', didn't he? You can appreciate that, right? -- After all, you wouldn't want someone messing up your lifes research."
She looks toward the Temple entrance. "We're not even Archaeologists, but he doesn't know that."
"Not allowing us to disturb all the careful sticks and strings and things he's set up in there is hardly strong-arming us out of something -- particularly something in which we have never had a stake."
Stelle points north. "Our path is to find the Sightless Sphinx and the Cultists. Should this Temple of Sarenae prove to be part of our mission, I'm certain we'll be returning anyway."
She looks at the old digger Zaid still sitting a ways away.
"That worshipper of Sarenae isn't going anywhere else anytime soon."
Prof. Benedictus Dickens |
"It's...It's not that easy, Zil. I'm not someone who "takes" from others. In this case, the fact is that the old man has arisen my suspicions by insisting that we don't get in. Otherwise," he says, glancing at Stelle, "I would also be pressing the group forward at this moment. But I have this strange feeling that the old man is holding something potentially useful for us inside...You know what? If Nidhi's plan fails, I have another option in mind. Nidhi," Ben continues, looking at Nidhi now, "would you mind to take a body part from him, if all else fails? A lock of hair, or even a bit of nail would do. Can you do this for me?"
Ben casts invisibility on himself, and commands Ptolomy to stay behind for the moment. While Nidhi negotiates, he keeps himself within 30 feet of his friend, watching from a distance the outcomes of her attempt.
GM Euan |
Zaid wishes you all well in your search for the Sightless Sphinx, and waives to you as you pass beyond the dunes and back into the mountainous desert terrain. Little does he know the evil acts you have in store for him…
You travel a bit beyond the area, and double back somewhat on foot. Nidhi then circles around coming from another direction with Benedictus trailing invisibly in her wake. The party waits huddled 150’ away, hiding behind a dune. Nidhi does an excellent job, and Zaid initially welcomes her as he did the party - perhaps with a bit of a sigh as if he really didn’t want more visitors.
- - -
Perception: 1d20 ⇒ 18
Looks like a DC 14 will save on the Charm. Let me know if that is incorrect.
Will: 1d20 ⇒ 18
His smile turns grim and he looks closely at Nidhi. He barely suppresses his rage as he speaks, voice quivering with adrenaline, ”I think, all things considered, you and your wizard should leave now, before I lose my temper and slay you both for your hubris. Begone from here, and do not return, for I shall treat you as you treated me - as an enemy.”
We're not in initiative exactly, but if you're not leaving quickly, please limit your actions to a single round.
Sopdet-Ka "Stelle" |
Stelle watches from behind the dune as Nidhi makes her way back toward Zaid, with an invisible Ben presumably trailing behind.
She looks at Ptolemy and whispers generally to all of her companions present. "Remind me again -- why are we doing this?"
SenseMotive DC21: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (5) + 7 = 12
"Wha -- did he say he would slay both of them? Oh, please come back! Do has he says, please please please!"
Stelle gives all of her companions a chance to react before acting further.
Florence Corvina |
Going to assume that Florence hit either Nidhi or Ben with a Message spell as she suggested earlier.
Florence listens in intently as Nidhi and Ben attempt to try their ruse to gain access to the old temple...and then her face grows deathly pale as things begin to fall apart.
"Oh s~&@, he's on to them!" she hisses to Stelle and Zilchus.
"Guys, leave, it's not worth it, just turn around and come back okay???" Florence whispers frantically to her outed friends.
Nidhi Aashirya |
I have no idea XD Sounds good to me
"Round 1"
Nidhi backs up slowly, her palms lifted in a sign of surrender. She does not turn her back to the man (just in case) and doesn't make any sudden movements towards her weapons. 30 feet back
Diplomacy (+Good Hope): 1d20 + 16 + 2 ⇒ (13) + 16 + 2 = 31
"We saved Wati from the undead uprising. Defeated the cultists who stole Hakotep's mask from the Temple of Nethys,"
"Round 2"
Nidhi continues to back up, but she has to raise her voice as the distance increases. 30 feet
"cultists who massacred innocents and enslaved majestic creatures, forcing them to fight against their will. We only want to end that suffering." That should appeal to his religious beliefs.
Prof. Benedictus Dickens |
Ben becomes visible, arms folded across his chest, as he looks with disappointment at the old man who has just threatened to slay him and Nidhi. Ben shakes his head, then shrugs. "We didn't treat you like an enemy. We just want to make sure you are not one of them, and in order to do that we have to see what's inside the temple. Listen, I trust you, you are a fellow archaeologist. But there is no reason to deny us, or at least me, a quick visit inside. I promise I won't steal your work, and on the contrary, you could gain a quotation in the book I am working on myself, being credited for your research. Just take me on a quick tour inside, I ask nothing else."
Diplomacy (+2 good hope): 1d20 + 17 + 2 ⇒ (11) + 17 + 2 = 30
GM Euan |
"I do not care who you are in Wati, or what you're doing out here."
The old man stutters he's so angry, "You d-did not t-treat me like an enemy?!"
"You snuck up on me invisibly and tried to charm me to ensure my compliance with your raid upon my research! And who knows what else?!"
"How dare you! GET AWAY!!"
He begins to prepare a spell.
Nidhi Aashirya |
"Round 3"
Nidhi continues to back up, now wordlessly that she's said what she's wanted to say. She's afraid the old man might be preparing to throw a fireball in her face. 60 feet, for a total of 120 feet. He's a terrible follower of Sarenrae. Worst I've ever met.
She steals a quick glance in the direction of Stelle and Zilchus, the two tankiest members of the party. Alone in the desert - he's gone senile!
Sopdet-Ka "Stelle" |
Oh, Ben, Ben, Ben. It's times like these that I wish I had pledged to the Order of the Paw. Stelle shakes her head and sighs.
"Yes, Nidhi! Come back!" Stelle gasps in a barely audible whisper, which she continues. "Even were Zaid just a feeble old man, I have no real desire to fight him!"
It just doesn't feel 'right'.
Prof. Benedictus Dickens |
"Very good. I'll go. But we will meet again, I promise."
Ben turns on his heels and leaves as demanded.
GM Euan |
The party falls back behind the dunes, as Zaid Faad watches you depart. You rejoin at the caravan to get out of the blistering heat of mid-day.
Do you continue on with your search of the next hex this afternoon? Or is there another plan?