Prof. Benedictus Dickens |
Ben quickly joins Zilchus in front of the doors and takes a look at the flight of steps descending to the west. The small holes and tunnels riddling the southern wall draw the scholar attention, but this time Benedictus chooses not to be so bold as to enter the passage first. "This passage does not seem safe at all to me, Zilchus. But we must enter it regardless, I suppose". Ben shrugs. “Shall we go?”, the scholar says, turning to Augustus and knowing he’s likely to enter first.
Perception check (+2 Alertness): 1d20 + 5 + 2 ⇒ (8) + 5 + 2 = 15
Florence Corvina |
Florence peers over Zilchus' shoulder down the stairs, frowning. "It looks crumbly...I hope the walls aren't going to fall in or anything like that. I guess we'll just have to be extra careful while we pass through."
Perception: 1d20 ⇒ 15
She considers the tight confines of the stairwell as well as how small most of the rooms they've come across have been and looks down at the crossbow in her hands.
Quarters are really tight and I'm not the best shot...maybe I'd better put this away for now.
Stowing her crossbow she pulls out her longspear, an item she'd received only the most rudimentary of training with. At least this was a weapon she had some control over, even in tight spaces, though she'd still need to be cautious. She was pretty certain that she'd never hear the end of it from Zilchus if she accidentally skewered him or someone else.
"Onward and downward, right?"
Nidhi Aashirya |
You see nothing on the doors to give you pause, and push them open to reveal a flight of steps gradually descending to the west. Halfway down the stairs, small holes and burrowed tunnels riddle what remains of the passage’s southern wall. Earth and sand have spilled over the collapsed masonry, covering the stairs with dirt and rubble.
Stone doors engraved with a golden scarab, its wings open beneath a golden sun, stand at either end of the stairs.
The stairs are considered difficult terrain
Nidhi peers into the stairway to access the sturdiness of the walls and ceiling. She doesn't want to continue if there is a danger of becoming caved in.
Perception: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (13) + 6 = 19 Knowledge (Dungeoneering) is +1
GM Euan |
Knowledge Engineering also would have worked - the structure seems sound, it's just a bit of collapsed wall - no threat of further collapse any time soon.
GM Euan |
As Zilchus enters the hallway, Benedictus gets another twinge... Something's wrong!
-Round Surprise-
Zilchus - 15+ (surprised)
Augustus - 15 (surprised)
Benedictus - 14
Nidhi - 11 (surprised)
Good Folk - 7
Florence -3 (surprised)
Augustus 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (14) + 1 = 15
Benedictus 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (1) + 13 = 14 (acts in surprise round)
Florence 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 2 = 3
Nidhi 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (10) + 1 = 11
Zilchus 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (13) + 2 = 15
Good Folk 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 1 = 7
Benedictus is up, then me - both in the surprise round.
Prof. Benedictus Dickens |
"Zilchus watch out!" Unable to describe exactly with his words the strange hunch his mind is giving to him, Benedictus loads his crossbow and keeps his eyes open for any sign of trouble, bracing himself for incoming danger. "Something's wrong, come back!"
I'm perfectly aware my warning won't have any effect in-game, but regardless I think it's the only reasonable way to roleplay Ben's hunches ;)
GM Euan |
As you enter the stairwell, the sand swirls up from the ground, and congeals in a swirling mass around Zilchus.
-Round 1-
Zilchus - 15+
Augustus - 15
Benedictus - 14
Nidhi - 11
Good Folk - 7
Florence -3
Zilchus, Augustus, Benedictus, and Nidhi in round one. Sorry Florence.
Zilchus Lyghtlode |
Round 1, Init 15+
Zilchus, hearing the warning too late and totally could have been given minutes ago, backs out of the area. Withdraw action.
"What? WHAT? WHAT?!" Zilchus says as he moves by people and into the other room. "What?! Is there a spider on me?!" Zilchus shoos the imaginary spider off his back.
Attack red.
[ dice]1d20+4+2[/dice] to hit;
[ dice]2d4+4+2[/dice] slashing damage.
HP: 12/12
AC: 18 (6 armor, 2 dex)
Smite: not used
Grit: not used
Panache: are you kidding me?
Ki: not used
Rage: maybe later
Augustus Voralius III |
Round 1
Init 15
"What is that thing!" Augustus isn't sure what to do as he runs towards the swirling mass of sand that engulfed Zilchus. He draws his sword as he gets near and tries to put himself between the enemy and his party.
Augustus will pull his long sword out as he moves up and waits not wanting to hurt Zilchus by swinging at the sand.
AC: 18 (7 armor, 1 dex)
Conditions: None
Challenge 1/1
GM Euan |
The creature remains behind as Zilchus leaves the hallway. You may swing away safely. :)
Prof. Benedictus Dickens |
Ben fires his crossbow instinctively, aiming for the mass of swirling sand in front of him as soon as Zilchus moves away. Regardless of the results of his attack, the scholar stares at the swirling sand with a mix of awe and curiosity for a few seconds, trying to remember something about suddenly animating sands, before retreating back into the room. "Florence, Nidhi, stay back! Augustus, where are you going?"
Ranged attack: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (19) + 2 = 21
Critical confirm: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (16) + 2 = 18
Crossbow damage: 1d8 ⇒ 7
Critical damage: 1d8 ⇒ 6
Knowledge (arcana, local, nature religion) : 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (6) + 8 = 14
GM Euan |
Though Benedictus' bolt connects - and criticals, it seems to pass through the creature's somewhat airy form, and does less damage than it should (DR).
He does not learn anything about it, its apparent rarity eluding even his studious mind.
Nidhi Aashirya |
Round 1, Initiative 11 (Surprise Round)
After Zilchus, Augustus, and Benedictus act in Round 1, it's Nidhi's turn.
Move Action: Nidhi observes Zilchus back up and follows in haste. She moves 20 feet into the room with the mummified cats.
Free Action: Nidhi gasps, "What is that?"
Standard action: Nidhi makes a Knowledge Nature check?
Knowledge (Nature): 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 1 = 7
GM Euan |
Nidhi, Knowledge checks are, at least in this context, free actions. You can look at a creature and attempt to identify it with a roll, without losing an action. So you still have your standard. Also, you're no longer in the surprise round, though your header suggests it. :)
Augustus also has a standard remaining if he wants it.
Augustus Voralius III |
With Zilchus out of the way Augustus will attempt to charge the swirling mass of sand in the stairway.
"Witness my greatness!" Augustus rushes at the enemy taking a powerful swing at it with his blade.
Long Sword/Power Attack: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (16) + 3 = 19
Slashing Damage: 1d8 + 5 ⇒ (7) + 5 = 12
AC: 18 (7 armor, 1 dex)
Conditions: None
Challenge 1/1
GM Euan |
Zilchus withdraws, wondering if there are spiders crawling all over him. Augustus moves up and… swings - connecting mightily though he too does less damage than he thought he should (DR). Benedictus also connects and criticals, but does rather less damage than he thought (DR). Nidhi draws her bow and makes ready.
The sandy whirlwind quickly settles back into the ground from whence it came. It did not seem to ‘collapse’ so much as ‘flee’ though it’s a little hard to tell given its ephemeral nature.
We are out of initiative. For now. Sorry Florence!
-Round 1-
Zilchus - 15+
Augustus - 15
Benedictus - 14
Nidhi - 11
Good Folk - 7 (-15hp)
Florence -3
Florence Corvina |
Florence nervously grips her spear in her hands as she watches the stairwell. "Wh...what was that? There was a thing there, right? Augustus, it looked like you actually hit something! But it just looked like a little sandstorm..."
She looks at the others, trying desperately to think if she's ever heard or read about something like this before. "Sandstorms can't be solid, can they?"
Kn. Arcana: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (16) + 7 = 23
Kn. Nature: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (15) + 7 = 22
GM Euan |
Sorry, the correct Knowledge is Knowledge Planes for this little friend. No one got close enough on the roll except Florence, but I think she does not have it trained...
Nidhi Aashirya |
Nidhi takes her time to examine Zilchus at a distance for possible spiders. She's careful not to touch him, in fear of a bug crawling onto her. Those nasty critters weren't going to sneak up on her!
After examining Zilchus for spiders, Nidhi asks "What was that thing? Do you think it'll return?"
Zilchus Lyghtlode |
Zilchus seems to quiet down pretty quickly after Nidhi confirms the lack of spider on his back and Augustus seems to vanquish the threat.
"Professor, a little more warning would have been keen there. Don't be afraid to speak out *before* we go someplace dangerous," Zilchus suggests as he regains his composure.
He walks closer, falchion still in hand, and checks the hallway for spider and whatever Augustus took out.
"I'm going back down. Watch my back," Zilchus asks.
He steps back, gingerly, into the gap...near the tunnels. If he makes it to the far doors, he'll examine them again, then open them when others are ready.
1d20 + 7 ⇒ (7) + 7 = 14 Perception
Prof. Benedictus Dickens |
"I'd like it so be as simple as you say, Zilchus...Unfortunately, my mind only informs me of incoming danger when it's very close...", awkwardly says the scholar with a smile, before moving in front of the opened doors and watching Zilchus as he goes back down where the swirling sand had suddenly attacked him before.
GM Euan |
The party examines the doors and finds nothing amiss. Zilchus opens the heavy stone with a strong push and beholds a large room on the other side.
A tapestry hangs from a frame against the south wall of this large chamber; it depicts an otherworldly vista where the souls of the dead, shepherded by strange beings, enter an ethereal river ambling through space toward a landscape dominated by an impossibly tall spire. It is decently preserved, but removing it would likely destroy its value.
Columns sculpted in the shape of Osirian warriors wielding khopeshes stand in all four corners of the room. The floor is tiled in a white spiral pattern on a black background, and this spiral pattern is repeated on the stone double doors to the north, east (where you’re entering), and west.
Augustus Voralius III |
"Ha, what now? You think these columns will come to life and try to kill us too?" Augustus jests, nodding at the large warriors sculpted into the columns.
Not that i wouldn't be up for that fight...
"This is an interesting pattern on the floor. Does it represent anything in particular?" Augustus traces the spiral pattern with his eyes waiting to see if anyone can explain.
Nidhi Aashirya |
Hearing Zilchus, Nidhi follows his inside. After hearing Augustus' question about the spiral and taking an initial assessment of the room, Nidhi speaks up:
“The spiral is Pharasma’s symbol, but I don't know the purpose of this room. Perhaps it leads to the river, which shepherds guide the dead on. Someone should check the doors, this might take us to the beyond.” Nidhi says superstitiously.
Nidhi examines the tapestry further, stepping up close to it.
Knowledge (History): 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (2) + 4 = 6
After examining the tapestry further, Nidhi will turn and look at the statues.
Knowledge (Religion): 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 1 = 7
Prof. Benedictus Dickens |
Benedictus follows the others inside the room, and spends a whole minute admiring the tapestry, the warrior-like columns and the spiral pattern on the floor. "Everything here leads me to think that we're in a room sacred to the Lady of the Graves", confirms Benedictus, nodding to Nidhi in agreement. "I also agree that we ignore the purpose of this room. Perhaps, as the tapestry seems to suggest, this is only a passing room, something in-between the realm of the living and the dead, just like the river in the tapestry. But we've got no clear evidences to support this interpretation. Anyway, give me a moment before moving on, I need to take some notes..." Repeating a gesture he has done several times already from the moment the group entered Akhentepi's tomb, Benedictus pulls out his journal from his backpack and quickly draws some sketches of the room along with a few side notes.
"I'm ready", simply states the scholar as soon as he finishes his work. As he passes closer to Florence, Ben whispers something in her hear. "Please keep an eye on the columns, milady. Tales of animating statues and columns fill the adventure novels... Benedictus does not expect Florence to stay back and watch over the columns, anyway. Instead, he just wants to warn Florence, perhaps trying to do as Zilchus reccomended and sharing his hunches before it's too late. "Let's open the doors to the north, okay?"
Knowledge (religion) check (tapestry; +1 Osirion): 1d20 + 8 + 1 ⇒ (12) + 8 + 1 = 21
GM Euan |
Zilchus believes the western doors to be safe, though they do appear to be locked.
Professor Benedictus confirms his own believes about Pharasma, and suspects he's correct about the transitory nature of the room. He glances at the northern doors casually, and finds them too to be locked.
Florence Corvina |
Florence was almost ready to laugh at Augustus' suggestion of the columns coming to life, until Ben whispers that such a thing isn't as unlikely as she might think. "O-oh, um...okay, I'll do my best," she whispers, face paling slightly.
"North sounds fine...but let's look them over real quick first," she agrees more loudly. She moves up to the northern doors and begins looking them over for anything unusual or dangerous, shooting nervous glances at the nearby columns all the while.
Perception (Northern Doors): 1d20 ⇒ 9
Nidhi Aashirya |
Nidhi doesn't pick up any new information from looking around the room besides what the others verbally tell her.
If Nidhi is asked by her adventuring party, she will agree to attempt to unlock one of the doors. A party member must (1) announce the door is locked (so Nidhi knows) and (2) say/gesture to the specific door they want Nidhi to try unlocking.
Perception (Locked Door Traps?): 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (8) + 6 = 14
Disable Device: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (19) + 7 = 26
If nothing is asked of Nidhi, she still continue to stand by the tapestry, looking around the room and listening to her fellow adventurers.
Augustus Voralius III |
"Well lets hurry up then! Maximus must be bored all the way back at the entrance!" Augustus starts walking towards the door, long sword still in hand.
"I'll open the door! You all stay back and try not to get hit by any more traps.... they hurt" He reaches up to the brand still scorched into his forehead and frowns.
Augustus will attempt to approach the northern doors. If no one stops him he will try to open them.
GM Euan |
Augustus pulls at the northern doors, which are locked to his touch. They rattle a bit, but hold firm against the lock.
GM Euan |
As Augustus posted prior to Zilchus, and it's a simple little hallway again, I'm going to have Nidhi open the northern doors.
It's a short hall, with another set of double doors ahead. The new doors are unlocked. You may now proceed with either the western doors (still locked) or the new northern doors (unlocked).
Nidhi Aashirya |
"Maybe this way first. Seems odd to have locked doors in a tomb, don't it? Means there might be a key someplace in the world."
"Locked you say? Let me try." Nidhi offers, walking over to the northern doors. Nidhi manages to unlock the northern doors and flashes a charming smile to her companions. "Tada!" Nidhi says and laughs, pleased at her useful ability.
GM Euan |
As Nidhi can take-20 on locks, the Western door is now also unlocked.
Where to next, intrepid tomb robbers?
GM Euan |
Finding no traps, the doors open to...
another set of doors! yay!
These doors are, like the last, plain and unlocked but firmly closed.
Prof. Benedictus Dickens |
Benedictus follows Zilchus and Nidhi past the doors. The scholar sighs when he sees another set of doors beyond the first. "Okay, this seems like more work for you, Augustus". Whoever built this place didn't know the principle of economy, apparently! So many useless doors! They would make sense if they were trapped, but if they're not... In the meantime, Benedictus concentrates on the new set of doors, trying to detect any magic aura that might be on it.
Benedictus casts detect magic and scans the set of doors.
Augustus Voralius III |
"I tire of these doors! This damn Akentupi or whatever can rot in his grave. Augustus frowns again, and touches the brand on his forehead. "Not only are there too many doors, there are traps and monsters down here! All for what? We've hardly gotten anything so far!"
Augustus walks towards Zilchus and the other set of doors. "After you Zilchus. I dont want to have all the fun."
GM Euan |
No magics are found on the doors, nor any traps or other impediments. Zilchus opens them to reveal a much bigger chamber.
The center of this large octagonal room is a raised square platform a few feet above the floor, with a stone pillar at each corner. A gold-trimmed and beautifully carved sarcophagus sits in the center of the platform, flanked by two statues of humanoid beings with canine heads (Anubis), each of which holds an ankh in one of its crossed arms. Stone double doors exit the room to the north and south (where you entered). The ceiling climbs to 15’ in this chamber, giving it a regal appearance indeed.
The room is quiet, and relatively clean, the multiple sets of doors keeping the worst of the dust and sand at bay.
Nidhi Aashirya |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
"Oh cute, another set of doors," Zilchus deadpans. "This place isn't just's a-DOOR-able." Zilchus sighs as his own bad joke, moving up to inspect, then open, the door when others are ready.
Nidhi lets out a “Pfft!” Darn, why didn’t I think of that?
After Zilchus enters into the room first, Nidhi tentatively walks around the room looking for traps.
Perception: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (2) + 7 = 9 (Can I take 10?)