Lucian Arvandru |
Lucian is levelled up and ready to go. His familiar changed to an Azata Lyrakien sent by Desna, thanks to his new Improved Familiar feat!
Sealman Alerteyes |
I'll get to leveling Seal this weekend. I need to level Zynep too, I guess I missed her leveling so I need to jump her up 2 levels.
Tonight, its putting the smoker together. Tomorrow night, prepping the end of The Harrowing. Saturday, gaming and smoked meats. Maybe squeeze Five Armies in. Sunday, football and leveling characters. Boom-shaka-lacka!
Hidetsugu Rissi |
Interesting pairings there :)
I have to say I enjoyed the Imitation Game more than Five Armies. I think my favorite thing about the new hobbit movies was the ridiculous fantasy architecture.
Hidetsugu Rissi |
EF, in invented a spell. Please take a look and let me know if you would like me to rebalance
School evocation [sonic]; Level archivist 5, bard 5, magus 5, sorcerer/wizard 5
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S, M (a piece of oak)
Range medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)
Effect 20-ft.-radius spread
Duration instantaneous
Saving Throw Fortitude partial; Spell Resistance yes
A mighty burst of thunder erupts in the air. The spell deals 1d8 points of sonic damage per two caster levels (maximum 10d8) to each creature in the area and causes it to become stunned for 1 round. A successful Fortitude saving throw reduces damage to half and negates the stunned effect. Creatures that cannot hear are not stunned but are still damaged. A silence spell suppresses the damage and stunned effect within its area.
Hidetsugu Rissi |
According to my unique flavor of bookkeeping, here is a money breakdown:
General Party Fund 14,601.15
Hidetsugu Rissi 7,382.80
Kufieno 11,502.78
Lucian Arvandru 6,434.79
Miana, Champion of Irori 4,806.40
Sealman Alerteyes 3,283.36
Rissi is available for crafting, as usual. Lucian, Miana and Sealman have first dibs on Rissi's crafting wondrous items or rods, if they're interested. I think I will use Craft Rod, if anyone is interested.
Talking suggestions on ways to spend party funds: scrolls, items, investments. Or we can just save it for something really fancy, or just split it up among party members.
EndlessForms |
@Rissi: That looks pretty good and balanced to me.
@Seal: I love the Harrowing. Probably one of my favorite modules.
Everything outside the battle was fantastic but the battle itself ruined it for me. There were just too many ridiculous moments that had me shaking my head or even laughing at how stupid and impossible it was. You know how you can get sucked into a movie and not even realizing you're watching it after a while, it feels like you're there? Those ridiculous battle shinanegans knocked me out of that feeling and ruined the moment for me. I'm thinking specifically of a scene involving Legolas riding a bat creature upside-down and shooting it midair but there were about 6-7 moments like that (many of which involved Legolas now that I think about it) which I felt would have been more appropriate in a superhero movie.
But maybe some people like that sort of stuff or don't mind it. And I'm not saying the other Hobbit movies didn't have moments like that (I'm looking at you, rock'm-sock'm-monster-things) but they only had 1-2 moments that I could let slide, whereas Battle had far too many and it was hard to look past them.
Lucian Arvandru |
- Sure Sealman, no problem. I was counting on casting it on Rissi and another group member, since more than two can really cripple my Hp quickly (one area of effect spell can be really nasty in this case).
- EF, please note that Initiative and Perception are now:
Lucian's initiative: +5
Lucian's perception: +14 (+4 to determine whether he's surprised)
Evanya's perception: +15 (darkvision)
Not sure how you want to deal with initiative, most people tend to have the familiars act at the same time as their masters for practical reasons. Would you be okay with that solution? If not, Evanya's init modifier is +8.
- Party funds purchase suggestion: a scroll of invisibility purge to replace the one I've used against the Kreeg wizardess, please. Would it also be possible to buy
- Personal funds: I'd be grateful if you could craft a mnemonic vestment for Lucian (that would cost 2,500 gp to craft). Not sure how hard it is to craft since two prerequisites would have to be skipped (spell and caster level) I think.
I'd also like to invest in a piercing metamagic rod, lesser, which would cost 1,500 gp to craft.
Hidetsugu Rissi |
Party funds purchase suggestion: a scroll of invisibility purge to replace the one I've used against the Kreeg wizardess, please. Would it also be possible to buy
Your sentence got cut off :)
How many days do we have, EF, for R&R?
Hmmmm.... mnemonic vestment would be DC 32. My take 10 on spellcraft is 33 with familiar, so I couldn't reliably fast craft it and it would take 2.5 days (I still have halved creation time from the familiar archetype). Other then that I see no issue.
Miana, Champion of Irori |
@Rissi: Thanks for the offer. I realize that I should get a Handy Haversack as I need to carry books with me. Beyond that, I gotta save up for my Ring of Ki Mastery so I can smite all the things! After that a set of Bracers of the Merciful Knight so that I can be a reliable backup healer and fairly self-sufficient PC outside of the daily Mage Armors.
Oh yea, Seal, I went an extra level into Paladin so now I have the fatigue removal mercy :)
The first Hobbit movie did not entice me much; I liked the characters, but the poor CGI broke me out of the movie (especially the earth elemental battle at the ridge or whatever you want to call the things), haven't seen a Hobbit since.
I thought the Imitation Game looked good, so I may have to jump into that. Still waiting for Birdman to come to my area, too.
EndlessForms |
I think familiars are always supposed to act on the PC's initiative. Technically animal companions are supposed to be rolled separately but most GMs just have them act at the same time too for simplicity. I have seen people argue both way for mounts: some think they should be treated like ACs because that's how they function as a class feature but others argue they should just always act on the PC's initiative because it doesn't make sense for a mount to act after its rider (or before really).
You could really take as many days as you need within reason. You are unsure if the captain is even still alive, although if you wait too long the chances will probably decrease.
Miana, Champion of Irori |
@Endless: It actually says the mount uses the rider's initiative, so for that, it works, regardless if the mount is an AC or not. In my PFS games, I have PC's I have AC's go with the master (most prefer that), but I do have familiars go separately since they are intelligent and can act accordingly. That came up a lot with a certain faerie dragon my sister's magus had that carried around a wand of invisibility/cure serious wounds and bopping people with it.
So the faerie dragon was around when I ran the Harrowing locally. There is a CL 10 Wand of Fireballs that is found in one of the quests. A faerie dragon whipping that out and launching 10d6 fireballs is amusing, more so when they are greater invisibled.
@Sealman: Hope you have a lot of time planned for The Harrowing. Great module, but there is so much juicy stuff in there, it took me 15 hours to run through it over 4 sessions. Although I also had a Harrow deck to for the players to use. If you don't have one yet, get one! The art really does a lot for explaining the story and their use in the module.
Hidetsugu Rissi |
Wait, are we talking about the commander of the Fort? Commander = Captain?
Yes, we should forgo extended rest (more then one night's sleep) until we find him. I agree with that.
EndlessForms |
Ah, I guess I never noticed that about mounts. Good point about familiars being intelligent but I'llmstill stick to having them act on the PC's turn for simplicity.
And yes, I'm confusing the terms captain and commander.
Miana, Champion of Irori |
Miana is fully leveled at this point :)
EF: I increased Miana's Perception to +11. Only significant change for you.
Sealman Alerteyes |
*Fist pump for Miana*
I want to see Five Armies because its a movie I think should be seen in the theaters. But the previous films in the series haven't motivated me to see it until now. I really want to see Birdman and Intimidation Game as well if they ever come to my area.
This is actually our 4th session of The Harrowing. I thought it would have been done it two, but it had gone longer then planned. I'm making this the last game, playing until we get to the end even if its midnight! It was supposed to be a GM break for the guy who is running our Carrion Crown campaign. I picked it because you can start it anywhere. Also my girlfriend is playing a Harrower in our group and is a big Alice in Wonderland fan.
I'll fill you in on how it goes later. I had an interesting take on the module that I would like to tell but too long to type.
Kufieno |
Kufieno is nearly leveled, just deciding upon a feat and 2nd level spell. (Any suggestions?)
Kufieno will likely hold off any purchases, saving up for a Robe of Arcane Heritage. (I think)
Lucian Arvandru |
@Rissi: Yes, sorry about the cut sentence. I meant "Would it be possible to buy one, please?"
@Rissi & EF: If we don't have time, mnemonic vestment can wait and I'll just ask for an upgrade of my shield from +1 to +2 instead. Is it possible to have it done in Turtleback or do we have to wait until we go back to Magnimar?
@EF: Having it act at the same time as Lucian makes perfect sense, let's do that.
EndlessForms |
Mirror Image and Blur are both nice but mirror image gets better as you level.
Yep, you can craft on the go, you don't need to be in a big city.
Hidetsugu Rissi |
@Rissi: Thanks for the offer. I realize that I should get a Handy Haversack as I need to carry books with me. Beyond that, I gotta save up for my Ring of Ki Mastery so I can smite all the things! After that a set of Bracers of the Merciful Knight so that I can be a reliable backup healer and fairly self-sufficient PC outside of the daily Mage Armors.
The lady has expensive tastes.
I'll start on the rod of piercing - it will take me 3 days if we're on the road, and go from there.
@Kufieno: You've enough gold that I can start crafting the robes of arcane heritage, but it will take some time. Let me know if you want me to start (once the minor items are done)
Sealman Alerteyes |
Seals ready to rock. +15 Perception
Isoult has been transformed into a Large Dwarven Greataxe now that Titan Fighter from the Giant Hunter book opened the ability to use large two-handed weapons.
Defenses are with a daily casting of Shield Other included.
Lucian Arvandru |
By the way, Lucian's range of divination abilities has much improved recently. He has now at his disposal:
- augury once per day
- commune six questions per week
- locate object
- legend lore
Moreover, Evanya has a constant effect of detect magic and detect evil.
Speaking of which, we might want to purchase the Focus and Material component for legend lore next time we go to town: M (incense worth 250 gp), F (four pieces of ivory worth 50 gp each). That spell can be really helpful to gain insight on a place or person we're investigating.
If you have any idea of questions we could ask through augury or commune, by the way, please tell!
Sealman Alerteyes |
A slight bookkeeping question with Shield Other to the DM.
On odd damage, do we want to:
a) Give the extra point to the receiver.
b) Give the extra point to Lucian.
c) Around down to give each member the same HP dmg.
EndlessForms |
In the case of damage, you would usually round down. e.g. if you make your save against a 21 dmg fireball, you take 10 damage.
So with the way the spell is worded, the damage-receiver takes half (fractions rounded down), and according to the spell:
The amount of damage not taken by the warded creature is taken by you [the spellcaster].
So the spellcaster would take any remainders. In other words, that was a long way of explaining that b) is correct and Lucian should take the extra point of damage.
Lucian Arvandru |
By the way we have a scroll of remove blindness/deafness, but I doubt it's written in braille...
Hidetsugu Rissi |
For a "typical" strong fort save character (say 2+4+2 con + 2 resistance = +10), the odds of making a DC 26 are 25%. We have some better fort saves in our party members - so up to 45% in the case of Sealman. Still, hardly favorable statistics. The dice rollers are not in our favor, but that's a damned hard DC to make too.
Lucian Arvandru |
Thanks a lot Rissi! Can we also buy a new scroll of Invisibility Purge, please? I expended mine in Fort Rannick against the ogre witch.
EF, I've just received the Familiar Folio today in the mail - this companion's nothing short of amazing! I was wondering if you'd allow me to pick an archetype from there for Evanya, please?
Class Skills: An emissary treats Heal, Knowledge (religion), and Sense Motive as class skills.
Divine Guidance (Sp): An emissary can cast guidance at will. This ability replaces alertness.
Share Will (Su): Whenever an emissary or its master fails a save against a mind-affecting effect that affects only one of them, the other can choose to attempt the save as well. If this second save succeeds, treat the original save result as a success, and the emissary and its master can’t use this ability again for 24 hours. On a failure, both the emissary and its master suffer the effects of the failed saving throw, even if one of them wouldn’t ordinarily be a valid target. This ability replaces share spells.
Domain Influence (Sp or Su): At 3rd level, the emissary gains a spark of divine power from the patron that sent it. Choose one appropriate domain that grants a 1st-level domain power usable a number of times per day equal to 3 + the user’s Wisdom modifier. The emissary can use that power once per day. This ability replaces deliver touch spells.
This archetype seems like the perfect fit, since Evanya is an Emissary of Desna and has come to guide Lucian and his companions. As the Domain Influence, I wanted to pick one of Desna's domains (probably Luck).
What do you think?
EndlessForms |
Absolutely! And I agree, it is a great companion. Sometimes they can be hit of miss.
Lucian Arvandru |
Fantastic! Please note that this will reduce Lucian's Perception to +12 instead of +14 since he loses Alertness.
Sealman Alerteyes |
OK, I feel like an idiot.
On the PFS boards, there was a magic item that everybody was 3rd'ing and 4th'ing about buying that was cheap, 1.5k or 2.5k gp. This was a week or two ago. When I saw it, I thought it would be perfect for Seal since it had to do with holding off conditions. Now I can't remember what the item is. Some kind of headband/head slot item.
Anybody have any idea what I'm talking about with my vague description?
Hidetsugu Rissi |
Can we also buy a new scroll of Invisibility Purge, please? I expended mine in Fort Rannick against the ogre witch.
Yep, that was already purchased for you. Sorry if I wasn't clear.
Errr... I don't the Aegis is that good. The bonuses are resistance and don't stack with your cloak; for that price I can just improve your cloak. The heal me when I go down is ok
Some nice headslot items:
Headband of unshakeable resolve
Sealman Alerteyes |
I agree Rissi. I was just thinking of a quick purchase since the town limit was only 2.5k. Best option is to go with out.
I may look further into those headband options you presented when we have time to rest longer.
Miana, Champion of Irori |
Sorry for the quiet on my end, RPGSS stuff. I'll be a bit more vocal after Friday afternoon!
Sealman Alerteyes |
Anybody know if there is an item that is like the St. Bernard's brandy barrel that could hold a potion and then deliver it to a PC for an animal companion?
If not, Miana use that idea for RPGSS and make it so =v)
Lucian Arvandru |
Levelling up done here.
Perception changed to +17 (+4 against surprise), Init remains unchanged.
Sealman Alerteyes |
OK, sorry for not leveling Seal sooner. I just found out that Fire Pelts use the same stats as Leopards. For some reason I thought Fire Pelts were their own creature because of the stats of Thunderpuss. I guess the stats I was given are the stats when Thunderpuss was a druid animal companion. Of course, when the Thunderpuss was no longer an AC, he becomes a run of the mill Fire Pelt (leopard).
My plan was going to level Seal up high enough in Ranger to take Thunderpuss as an AC, then Nature's Bond feat. While he wouldn't have held up in a majority of the fights, it would be nice to have him for mook clean up and I like RP'ing with him. Sadly at 11 hp currently, he's one hit one kill.
After I get my taxes done, I'll dig into Seal. Otherwise, I'll just play him as level 9 until then.
With regards to these details, I swear I'm better as a DM then a player. Of course, its easier to play poker when you can look at everybody's hole cards =v).
Hidetsugu Rissi |
My plan was going to level Seal up high enough in Ranger to take Thunderpuss as an AC, then Nature's Bond feat.
Boon companion is probably what you mean.
Sealman Alerteyes |
That's it Rissi. I think it was called Nature's Bond in D&D 3.5. Now I think Nature's Bond refers to the ability to get either an AC or something else (spells for druids & group bonuses for rangers.)