Sealman Alerteyes |
OK. Thinking caps to avoid Lucian's death. Seal's AC is 19 with the Cleave and Rage penalties.
Instead of going for dmg on AoO, Seal could do Trip attacks against Pink and purple instead. The rolls would be the same, I believe, it would just be verses their CMD. That would stop them from getting within range that round. If DM allows this change up.
Quickly looking at Lucian's sheet he has Divine Interference which can force one of the mummies to re-roll with a penalty, possibly missing.
Anybody got a Breath of Life scroll? Any other ideas?
Miana, Champion of Irori |
One of the mummies did crit you Sealman, so there's that. If that one misses, that's a good difference there.
Lucian Arvandru |
Oh right, I'm not used to using Divine Interference yet. Yes, Lucian would have used it on the threat roll, spending a first-level spell to have the mummy reroll with a -1 penalty.
Sealman Alerteyes |
I would go with a higher level spell (6th?). Seal's AC is only 19. With current bonuses to hit they only need to roll a 2 to hit. Bump it to an 8, and you got a chance.
But looking over on Gameplay, it looks like Rissi may have us covered.
Lucian Arvandru |
Yes, though the point is to make the enemy reroll a threat and hope he'll be less lucky next time and land a normal blow instead of a critical one. But you're right, no need to be stingy - especially under these circumstances.
Lucian Arvandru |
A quick post to let you know that I'll be away for one week, with few possibilities to post. I'll be visiting New York from Monday 12th to Tuesday 19th. Please bot me accordingly.
By the way, thanks Rissi!
EndlessForms |
Sorry I've been slow posting in all of my games as well. Just as I suspected, the power connection went out on my laptop and because it requires soldering a new jack to the motherboard and because the computer shop is backed up, I won't be getting it back for another week. Which constrains me to posting while in the lab or from my iPad (which I really despise because it takes twice as long).
EndlessForms |
Heh, I've done some basic soldering before but never on a computer. I considered it but was worried I'd fry the whole thing in the process. I have a friend back home who builds computers and probably would have done it for me for free and I almost took it to him last time I was in Indiana (the weekend that it died, actually). Hindsight and all....
Anyways, I'll have it back next week and hopefully it will hold out for another couple months until I can get a new one for Christmas.
Hidetsugu Rissi |
Thanks for the save Lucian.
There is a ring of protection +2 and the bracers of armor could probably find a good home adorning either Kufi or Miana.
Rissi will take the staff of hungry shadows.
Also, the Tome of Understanding is a Wisdom boost (I think maybe there was a thought that it was an Intelligences boost). Maybe we want to give that to Miana instead of Lucian? Not immediately relevant to our situation, just throwing it out there.
Hidetsugu Rissi |
I think we have a wand with some charges on it? Healing from the interlude.
15d6 ⇒ (3, 1, 2, 6, 1, 3, 2, 4, 6, 1, 6, 4, 4, 5, 3) = 51
15 charges. I have some potions if we are running low on wand charges.
Sealman Alerteyes |
Is that incorrect? CLW wand charges are 1d8+1. Or are you getting the charges from something else?
Damn, I'm down 45 hps. I need to remedy that too.
CLW Wand: 8d8 + 8 ⇒ (8, 7, 2, 4, 3, 6, 3, 4) + 8 = 45
Bam! Perfect Pump!
Hidetsugu Rissi |
Ah, right. So 12 charges, and I'm at full. Assuming we have them.
You know, if I UMD them I could cast them at full CL on account of my feats. Hmmm, efficiency.
Hidetsugu Rissi |
Just quick handy outness of stuffness.
Two rings of protection +2 floating around the party. Would a warrior like to trade up? Rissi will take one of their +1 rings in exchange. My vote would be Seal and Kufi each get one.
Amulet of Natural Armor +2. Kufieno could get this, and give his +1 amulet to someone else - Rissi has a free neck slot.
Cloak +3. Miana can upgrade her cloak.
Bracers of Armor +5 It seems that one of Miana or Kufieno should take them.
Belt of Physical Perfection. I don't think it was ever explicitly stated, but I think Sealman wanted to trade his belt for this.
Rissi would like to take:
staff of hungry shadows
ring of wizardry II
yet another wand of magic missiles (Lucian: let me know if you want any of the wands)
wand of lightning bolts
...I think that's it for the immediately useful magic items.
Evanya, Desna's Guiding Star |
Evanya would love one of the magic missile wands, since she hardly does anything during fights nowadays. With +19 UMD she can safely use it every round, for instance to disrupt spellcasting.
How many charges are in this wand?
Lucian Arvandru |
Of course, Lucian would like to read the Tome of Leadership and Influence. Just like the other time, he can grant the benefits of it to someone else too.
For the Intelligence tome, Lucian + Rissi.
For the Charisma tome, Lucian + ? (not sure who would benefit Cha the most - Miana? Seal for his animal companion?)
Hidetsugu Rissi |
Rissi gives Evanya:
wand of enervation (CL 7th, 10 charges)
wand of magic missile (CL 5th, 8 charges).
If she runs out of those magic missiles, there's more where that came from...
Miana, Champion of Irori |
I would like it for Charisma :) If no one else wants (Kufiemo perhaps?)
-Posted with Wayfinder
Miana, Champion of Irori |
Loot stuff again: I'll take the cloak; if Kufieno wants the bracers, then cool. Otherwise, the bracers will only be +1 AC to me without Rissi Mage Armor, which I actually prefer since it works for incorporeal effects, too.
EndlessForms |
I'll be leaving for Florida tomorrow to work on our fields down there for at least a week, probably closer to 10-11 days. While I'm there I won't be able to post as often as I normally do so my games might be running a little slow. I'll do my best to keep up though!
EndlessForms |
Hey everyone! Thanks for your patience. I know this game has been moving slowly due to my travels and that is unusual for me so I wanted to give you an unfortunate update:
I thought I was going to be heading home tomorrow but my trip has been extended so I won't be back until Friday at the earliest. Unfortunately that means my posting is still going to be very slow until then. We are putting in 9+ hour days in the field down here to finish our work as soon as possible and after that I just usually don't have the energy to update all of my games. I will do what I can though and thanks again for being patient!
So I was supposed to leave tomorrow but of course got a call tonight that plans have changed and we are abandoning the immature plants in the last population and starting measurements tomorrow, which means I'm staying down to help measure them rather than trade off with someone else. So my trip (and workload) just got doubled without warning.
Hidetsugu Rissi |
"default" Golarion opposition schools conveniently listed
Miana, Champion of Irori |
Lucian, was it a +1 or +2 Wisdom book that was shared?
Miana, Champion of Irori |
Thanks! Just wanted to make sure as I realized I haven't updated that part of my character sheet.
Sealman Alerteyes |
OK, just thinking out loud here.
So if Seal did get sent to another plane, how would we work that out? Would there be a mini-side campaign to go rescue him depending on where he went? In my War of the Burning Sky game, I sent our lizard man to the Prison Plane in D&D (I can't remember the name right now). So one of the players took up mantle of DM off my hands to run a side mission to rescue Chaka-kan. It was a lot of fun, but the final boss was a brute, some weird flying snail that kept sending out waves of negative energy at us. The whole party almost died rescuing one fellow.
So would we go that route, or something quick and dirty like: Divination, Plane Shift, "Oh Hey Seal, there you are. Let's go back home and kill more giants", then Plane Shift back home.
EndlessForms |
OK, just thinking out loud here.
So if Seal did get sent to another plane, how would we work that out? Would there be a mini-side campaign to go rescue him depending on where he went? In my War of the Burning Sky game, I sent our lizard man to the Prison Plane in D&D (I can't remember the name right now). So one of the players took up mantle of DM off my hands to run a side mission to rescue Chaka-kan. It was a lot of fun, but the final boss was a brute, some weird flying snail that kept sending out waves of negative energy at us. The whole party almost died rescuing one fellow.
So would we go that route, or something quick and dirty like: Divination, Plane Shift, "Oh Hey Seal, there you are. Let's go back home and kill more giants", then Plane Shift back home.
I would have been up to adding a short side adventure, probably while keeping the campaign going (assuming Seal was rescued) for the sake of not stalling a PbP game too much but I assumed that with Lucian's divination abilities you all would have located Seal pretty quickly before he got in too much trouble so it probably would have actually turned out a little more like the second scenario.
In short answer, I might have drawn it out a little more in a tabletop game because it would have been a fun diversion but over PbP it might have turned into a half-year break from the actual AP and I'm not sure I would have wanted that so I would have kept it short for practical reasons.
Lucian Arvandru |
I'll post as soon as I can from work, but my computer just died. Posting may be a little irregular until I get a new one.
Lucian Arvandru |
I'll be on holiday since Sunday February 21st to March 6th (two weeks - Malta then Venice), with limited access. I'll post as often as I can, but feel free to bot me if I don't post within 24 hours.
Hidetsugu Rissi |
Miss Bossy Whiskers will just dip the spare silver blade we have in the goop and get a Dominant weapon. She's mostly just keen to get absorb three transmutation spells a day. I'm pretty sure we've established that Rissi is "in tune" with the Dominant/Commanding vice/virtue.
Tyrannical/Liberal seems halfway decent as well, for some other player.
I'll try to tally up goods on the morrow. Let me know if you have any new crafting requests. I still have +6 to Kufi's head band as a request.
Lucian Arvandru |
Lucian would like to have a weapon enchanted with the Dominant component, for the same reason as Rissi, and even though he's not really a dominant/commanding type.
Could we do a list of all unassigned items, so that we may know what to keep and what to sell, please? That would give us an idea of how much gold we have to work with for the item upgrades. My priorities would go for upgrading my CHA headband from +4 to +6, perhaps get a CON belt (+2 would be nice and inexpensive), and get my morningstar enchanted (+1) before applying the runeforged bonus. About the belt and a simple weapon, I was wondering if we had any in stock to spare the crafting time?
EDIT: Level up is done, apart from Evanya. Lucian has now +22 perception, Darkvision 60ft (thanks to his obedience), and can cast mass fly - unless someone has a better suggestion for a 7th-level arcane spell that would fit Lucian's personality?
Hidetsugu Rissi |
Since you asked, this is what I have, which may reflect reality to various degrees:
+1 adamantine flaming ranseur
Ammunition, Arrows 60
Ammunition, Arrows, +1 32
Ammunition, Arrows, +1 giant-bane 12
Ammunition, Bolts 30
Armor, Chain Shirt, Mithral +3
Azaven's Research Books (10000)
Bag of Holding, Type 1
Belt of Giant Strength +2
Belt of Giant Strength +4
Bracers of Archery, Lesser (I vaguely suggesting Sealman get these)
Cape of the Mountebank
Chime of Opening
Cloak of Resistance +2
Cloak of Resistance +3
Contingency Statuette
Delvahine's Toys (Runeforged Component) 12
Diamond Dust, 1000 gp
Diamond Dust, 750 gp
Diamond, 5000 gp
Ethillion Dose (runeforged component) 12
Eversmoking Bottle
Flame Tongue
Gem of Brightness (13 charges)
Golembane Scarab
Handy Haversack
Handy Haversack
Headband of Vast Intellect +2
Headband of Vast Intellect +4
Headband of Vast Intellect +4
Hide, Red Dragon, Large
Hide, White Dragon, Huge
Holy Water 6
Key, Aldern Foxglove
Keyring, Aldern Foxglove
Manual of Gainful Exercise +2 (Str)
Medallion, Sihedron
Ordikon's Research Books (10000)
Pearl of Power (2nd level)
Potion of Cure Light Wounds 17
Potion of Cure Moderate Wounds 12
Potion of Cure Serious Wounds 3
Potion of Cure Serious Wounds 2
Potion of Remove Disease
Potion of Remove Paralysis
potions of resist energy cold (CL 7th, 2) 2
Ring of Protection +1
Ring of Protection +2
Rod of Absorption
Rod of Extend Metamagic
Rod of Metal and Mineral Detection
Scroll of Planar Ally
Scroll of Stone to Flesh
Scroll of Teleport
Shield, Buckler, Darkwood +3
Staff of Mithral Might
Thunderstones 6
Tome of Leadership and Influence +2 (Cha)
Tome of understanding +1 (Wis)
Undead Wine (Runeforged Component) 68
Vraxeris' Reseach Books (15000)
Wand of Clairvoyance/Clairaudience (32 charges)
Weapon, Dagger, Alchemical Silver, Masterwork
Weapon, Dagger, Cold Iron, +1 returning
Weapon, Warhammer, Adamantine, +1
I listed the Tomes and Manuals even though they've nominally all been claimed by Lucian.
Research notes from the wizards are on here too, but generally this stuff seems in the "things man was not meant to know" unsalable catagory. Thankfully, Rissi can responsibly handle all the knowledge.
In addition, here is free cash per player
General Party Fund 59,577.55
Hidetsugu Rissi 54,518.46
Kufieno 64,075.94
Lucian Arvandru 35,511.45
Miana, Champion of Irori 43,929.56
Sealman Alerteyes 61,666.52
And the rough wealth in items per player, as a general estimate
Hidetsugu Rissi 178996.62
Kufieno 90640.02
Lucian Arvandru 127159.33
Miana, Champion of Irori 72119.73
Sealman Alerteyes 94138.64
EndlessForms |
Ok everyone! Here is the PFS chronicle sheet for book 5. Please let me know the PFS # of the character you are applying it to once you've decided and I'll get it reported. Thanks!
Also, my Shattered Star group (which started about a year ahead of you guys) started book 6 a couple months ago. So now it's a race to the finish! In all actuality, you'll probably finish in about the same time as them.
Lucian Arvandru |
Thanks! I'll apply the CS to 76446-1 / Kynrac / Grand Lodge.
As for the crafting, I'll make my choices as soon as I get back home.
Miana, Champion of Irori |
For reporting; 43025-24 Dravna Helmsbane, Dark Archives. I'll actually be reducing it down to level 1 PC levels (as much as a raw 75K gp would be, since I don't get to play high tier much, it'll just be a pipe dream :P)
For loots... well, Rissi got that sweet, sweet staff that is worth a kingdom to some. So, there's that :P Plus Lucian at least doubles the value of the books, so that is pretty awesome; I think everyone's gotten to take advantage of it at least once now, so thank you Lucian :)
I gotta decide what I want a Rissi to make; apparently I'm low man on the equipment totem pole, more so for resisting the (probably necessary) runeforge boost. What to do :P
EDIT: And thanks, EF, for running this :) It has been a blast to play under you and with the others!
Lucian Arvandru |
Some thoughts /decisions:
- We should keep the diamond (dust or not) for spell components for the party.
- Lucian only claimed the charisma tome for himself, though his whirlwind lesson revelation allows him to share the benefits of tomes with another person (he doesn't need Str or Wis, these are just freebies and allow the time to be read much quicker).
- From the list you've posted, Lucian will only ask for a Handy Haversack. If Rissi isn't interested in the extend metamagic rod, he'll gladly take it though. Apart from these, pass on everything else.
-Crafting/purchases: I'd like my headband to be upgraded from +4 to +6 (10k),a belt of constitution +4 to be crafted (8k) and I'll purchase upgrades for my shield (upgrade from +2 to +4 for 12k), and enchant my morningstar for 2k (+1)
Miana, Champion of Irori |
Either Kufieno or I should join you for the Charisma book, Lucian. It's a nice boost to my saves, smiting, and lay on hands, but I know it'll affect Kufi's spells and maybe some other sorceror abilities.