EndlessForms |
Welcome all!
You will be joined shortly by Tektite. I believe he is bringing a suli sorcerer>dragon disciple.
Miana, Champion of Irori |
First an uncharacteristic greeting: Howdy all!
"Greetings everyone.", bows the armored woman in front of you before taking her place at the tavern's round table.
"What brings you to Varisia?"
Hidetsugu Rissi |
A gloved and heavily robed and cowled woman, perhaps a halfling or a gnome, shifts in her seat nervously. She has a book written in strange script in front of her, as well as a cup of brownish tea.
"*chhh*" - Most humble greetings, Madam. I would not wish to burden you with my tale, but I am a victim of unfortunate circumstances; I was on my way to Magnimar but was waylaid, and have not yet found the means to restart my journey. Goblins were involved, but the details *chhh* are irrelevant. She coughs a little. "I apologize, I seem to have something stuck in my throat. *chhh*"
"Why do I stay, is *chhh* perhaps a better question. The Old Lighthouse, the Varisian people - so much fascinating history and magic here. There is much here *chhh* to learn if one looks with the right eyes."
"But I get ahead of myself. I am Hidetsugu Rissi, a minor student of the arcane and alchemical arts. " She bows slightly.
Miana, Champion of Irori |
"Pleasure to make your acquaintance, miss Rissi.", tilting her body forward slightly with prayer hands.
"I've heard that goblins are particularly problematic here in southern Varisia; they and some of the more rumored monsters in the area are why I am here.", sipping some tea as she tries to identify more of the strange guest given her dialect.
"Although I do agree with you there is much history and culture to learn. I believe there is to be a local festival tomorrow that should be entertaining and informative."
Dipping some hard bread into the tea to soften her meal, Miana continues. "Hidetsugu... you hail from Tian-Xia as well?"
Hidetsugu Rissi |
She excited replies in a lilted Tien.
She pauses for a moment, closing her book.
Miana, Champion of Irori |
"Agreed, although my situation is somewhat the opposite of yours. My mother left Qadira during my infancy and traveled much before settling near Quain. It is there that I call home; I became devoted in the monastic ways of Irori and learned how to balance and control the... typical impulsiveness of those with my history."
Miana then pauses upon Rissi's last statement.
"Citizen of Golarion... that is a very worldly view. I admire it."
Miana, Champion of Irori |
"Perhaps to become a citizen of Golarion like yourself.", grins the paladin, unable to resist the obvious opening.
"Truthfully, this is just the latest of many stops. I came to Varisia via Magnimar, and have journeyed along as I am guided. I do not have a direct goal here in Sandpoint, but I do hear of rumors of several legendary monsters that roam the land."
Finishing her tea and looking at the marked beam ahead, Miana continues. "And locally, I hear there's a test of fortitude within this very establishment that I may push myself to pass."
Lucian Arvandru |
Lucian blinks as he hears Tien being spoken in the room. He politely waits for both speakers to finish their conversation, though his restlessness seems to indicate he would like to chime in. Refraining from doing so, he simply smiles in a friendly way.
"Well met, I am Lucian Arvandru, native of Sandpoint and apprentice to our local sage, Brodert Quink. Forgive me my asking, but did you just mention the Old Light? I could tell you a tale or two about this monolith, if you so desire. I have been helping Sage Quink for years now, and while this tower of sorts remains little more than a local curiosity for most people, I assure you it is the depository of long-lost secrets. It is only a matter of months until we learn the truth."
The Varisian boy who just spoke appears to be no more than twenty years old, the bashful tone of youth vibrant in his voice. He's dressed in simple clothes, though his colorful kapenia, wrapped around his waist, makes him stand out a little.
"Ah yes, goblins. Pesky buggers, to be honest. They have been interfering with our research at the Old Light on a regular basis, for they harbor an interest in what we Sandpoint locals call "the Junk Beach". You see, goblins are ever so fond of salvaging useless items. You can find some of these green pests there after dawn, they're particularly fond of that place."
Shifting the conversation to a more joyful topic, the Varisian smiles as he accepts another mug of ale from the innkeeper.
"Maybe you would need directions? I would be happy to help you around town. We townspeople take great pride in the upcoming Swallowtail festival, visitors are most welcome!"
Miana, Champion of Irori |
"An escort would be valued; I hear there is a festival coming up shortly. Perhaps you can indulge us with details the upcoming event, Mr. Arvandru?"
Lucian Arvandru |
"Gladly! I believe there are some stalls on the village square, where you could barter with our local craftsmen or buy some of our local foodstuffs - I do recommend the Shoanti minted mutton, if you have a chance to sample it. However, the most important event will be the consecration of the Sandpoint cathedral by our local priest, Father Zanthus. He's a truly holy man, Desna bless him. Oh and please, call me Lucian. Mr. Arvandru sounds so formal."
Sealman Alerteyes |
[Sean Connery]
The Tektite. He is the strongest of all the immortals. He's the *perfect* warrior. If he wins the Prize, mortal man would suffer an eternity of darkness. We cannot let that happen. There can be only ONE! [/connery]
Greetings all. Good to have a friend along on this trip and I plan on making a few more with the group. Let's see what makes this campaign so special, eh?
EndlessForms |
Yep. Tektite will be along shortly. He was waffling between two different builds.
Also, NEB! It's been a while!
Sealman Alerteyes |
It has been too long, old sport. Taking us once more into the breech, then? I'm glad that you are the one at the helm.
In response to Riss Yep, we got a regular Cantina cast here. Let's hope the locals are friendly to outsiders.
Miana, Champion of Irori |
My first time with a suli, but we'll see how it goes!
Kufieno |
Hello everyone, Tektite here, sorry for the delay. I really had a hard time pinning a concept on this one. Happily, I know everyone here, though some of you would know as Jostrum, Leastrie, or Caradeum.
@Miana: I too have never played a suli, hence my choice to play one as well. Two sulis in Sandpoint? Do think it makes sense that we are siblings? I have no preference one way or the other, just the sheer coincidence for two of the same rare race to be in the same town on the same adventure, struck me as needing an explanation.
I plan on having something meaningful in Gameplay this afternoon, this week has been quite busy for me.
EndlessForms |
I'm busily wrapping up final combats and whatnots in a few other scenarios but I'll update you guys this morning some time. I plan on taking this first bit at the festival a little slow to give you time to RP and get to know each other anyways.
Miana, Champion of Irori |
So we do get to play together Kufieno/Tektite/Jostrum :) Huzzah! As far as being sibling... that is an interesting possibility; I'm borrowing a lot of Tien elements to explain the class choice as well as starting equipment However, my background is mother (Kelesh human) left with Miana during her early childhood. Perhaps Kufieno is an older brother who stayed with father and empowered his bloodline (I'd assume one of the genie-based sorcerors for good ol' suli flavor :P)?
As far as the real reason I chose suli... well my build was actually based on aasimar for my PFS concept character; I'd even go Angel Blood, Angel Flesh, and Heavely Radiance along with a few monk feats. Not optimal, but sorta cool. The big trick will be convincing the GM to somehow let a set of Monk's Robes and a Ring of Ki Mastery become available at some point in the campaign (either as loot or for purchase). *hint hint* :P
EndlessForms |
(I'd assume one of the genie-based sorcerors for good ol' suli flavor :P)?
I think draconic actually, as he was planning on going for Dragon Disciple.
The big trick will be convincing the GM to somehow let a set of Monk's Robes and a Ring of Ki Mastery become available at some point in the campaign (either as loot or for purchase). *hint hint* :P
I'm sure you'll get enough money eventually if it doesn't come up. It'll be a while though, those are expensive items.
Miana, Champion of Irori |
Ahh I forgot dragon disciple... so dragon and genie blood... don't think I could find a combo there to work :P
And yes, those are mid-game items... but it's nice to have a goal to look forward to. Then smite ALL the things! :)
Lucian Arvandru |
Hey Tektite, it's good to see you again! I remember Caradeum from Thornkeep part 1, and Leastrie in the Midnight's Mirror. It seems the community here is a small world. :)
EndlessForms |
It is likely that the first combat will break out in the next day or two just to warn everyone in case people are still making final tweaks to their characters. I'm giving everyone just a little more time to chat in the gameplay before I move to the next part.
Kufieno |
@Miana: I left it sort of open, implying familiarity as I wasn't sure if the sibling thing was a go. We can always make it so.
Also, I wasn't sure if we all knew each other or not. Usually it seems everyone starts out in the same town, having lived there for a while. Considering the only has about 1200 residents, I didn't know who knew who.
EndlessForms |
For my other APs they have a shared google spreadsheet with primarily one person in charge but editable by everyone in case they want to look over it and claim something before it is sold. That has worked fairly well as long as someone keeps up on it. If you give me the link I can add it to the top of the page for easy access.
I'll read through your posts and make a small update this morning and hopefully we'll get to some action by tonight!
EndlessForms |
Woo! First combat! The adventure is underway!
Does google maps work fine for everyone?
I have the pdf map pack for this AP but that doesn't include every map in the AP (seems odd to me but whatever). It has most of the important big maps and dungeons (and I can remove labels and such from those) but this first map is not included in the pdf so I had to steal it from google and couldn't find one without the labels. That problem shouldn't come up too often though; it's only the smaller minor maps that aren't included in the pdf.
Miana, Champion of Irori |
Without trying to be rude, does anyone here happen to have a 3-5th level PFS PC that has NOT played Night March of Kalkamedes? Had a player drop in a PbP I'm running and would like to keep it at 6 PC's.
Hidetsugu Rissi |
Yes. I could bring a few different characters. How far in are you, and how do you feel about a rather uncharismatic sorcerer?
Miana, Champion of Irori |
I'm fine with almost anything; the party is a rogue/sorcerer, fighter/rogue, stonelord melee paladin, melee oracle of metal, and conjurer wizard.
We are 3 puzzles in, but there's still plenty of adventure to go. No actual combats yet.
EndlessForms |
Do you know about the Flaxseed Lodge? That's another good place to find PFS PbPers. I mostly use it to recruit for my own games but I don't mind other GM's using it for recruitment either. Also, you should check it out anyways to keep up on my PFS games.
Miana, Champion of Irori |
Strange combo of both. Skill challenges you had to think about how to apply it best; brute force would work but clever ideas made things much easier.
I'll send you a PM with the links.
@Endless: I'll keep that in mind, thanks!
Lucian Arvandru |
That's a great scenario, I loved playing and GMing it. Unfortunately playing it again would mean burning my sole GM star, and I have other plans for it. Sorry!
Lucian Arvandru |
By the way GM EF, I was reading "Faiths and Philosophies" yesterday and found that the Sandpoint pantheon was actually an eligible choice for a deity. Would you allow me to switch Desna for the Sandpoint Pantheon, which could be interesting as the various gods protecting the town might be called on occasions linked to the situation Lucian's in, please?
The Sandpoint Pantheon includes Abadar (LG), Desna (CG), Erastil (LG), Gozreh (N), Sarenrae (NG) and Shelyn (NG).
Miana, Champion of Irori |
@Kufieno: My apologies; since Rissi replied first, I went with her. I will have an opening shortly for another game; have a group halfway through the 3rd level of Thornkeep and I believe they wish to progress further or run more missions afterwards. If you're interested, I'll invite you in once things clear.
Miana, Champion of Irori |
I <3 Faiths and Philosophies; plenty of cool things in there!
Lucian Arvandru |
Ah, the third level of Thornkeep... my players are facing the BBEG at the moment, it's a bloody mess.
Kufieno |
Don't forget, Kufieno is Jostrum.
As for Night March, no worries. I just put it out there in case Rissi wanted to do it from start to finish.
As far as Thornkeep...yeah, that last one was rough. I read somewhere that this level was brutal. I played in Lucian's first level run, but was in Miana's 2nd level and had to decline continuing with Lithrac.
Also, as well the EF's Pathfinder Lodge, there is the Frothing Alembic as well, if you want to recruit from it. Good, solid players and posters. As a matter of fact, EF stole the idea from me and I in turn, stole the idea from someone else!
Miana, Champion of Irori |
<_< I did forget. Whoops.
Well, I was still sorta thinking of you... GM points for that, right?
Thornkeep seems to be every other level is quite difficult (assuming you play Dark Menagerie before Sanctum, more so just because the level ranges are more appropriate).