EndlessForms |
And thus ends Book 2: The Skinsaw Murders! You've earned a PFS chronicle sheet (levels 4-6); I will get those out tonight. If you already know which character you are applying it to, please post their number here. If you want to wait until you see the chronicle, that's fine too.
Go ahead and level up to 8!
We will begin Book 3: The Hook Mountain Massacre right away!
p.s. You might want to report what you learned in that note to the Mayor....
Miana, Champion of Irori |
For my PC, I choose Cornelious Bunbury, 43025-10, Silver Crusade.
Loot division... if Kufieno doesn't want the Snakeskin tunic, I'll happily take it :) It is pretty sexy.
Going to sell the +1 longsword now unless someone wants it.
I've updated the Gold Ledger with the gold/jewelry that EF listed, but not for the other items as of yet.
Miana, Champion of Irori |
@Rissi: I'm going to get myself broke... but I have two items I'd like you to craft :)
Amulet of Mighty Fists +1 (should just wait until I get the 6K to make it a Holy Amulet... but I can save that kinda overkill for a later point :)
Monk's Robes.
Total cost should be 8,500 gp. Assuming you or GM have no qualms about that.
Hidetsugu Rissi |
EndlessForms |
Yeah, taking time off to craft is fine if you have the feats and gold for it. At this point Rissi could probably T10 and craft most items you can afford anyways; it's just a matter of taking a couple weeks off to let her do it.
And Kufieno reminded me: if your Perception, Initiative, or Sense Motive increases (or does not agree with the Campaign Info tab), please let me know.
Miana, Champion of Irori |
@Kufieno: Interested in the Snakeskin Tunic? Seems like a good fit for you :)
Kufieno |
It would be nice, yes...yesssss.
I'm fine taking it. It would boost my Dex to 20, which helps since Kuf has Weapon Finesse.
If Miana REALLY wants it though, Kufieno isn't one to stand between a girl and her fashion.
Miana, Champion of Irori |
No worries, I think just for the name alone, I'll have to save up to have Rissi get me a Belt of Physical Perfection even if it's just +2's across the board :)
And it's good to see your build really coming to its own now.
EndlessForms |
Well if you're going to play a slow build, this is the AP to do it in I guess.
Lucian Arvandru |
Lucian's level up is done. His Initiative is still +5, but his Perception is +10 (still +4 to determine whether he's surprised). Sense Motive remains the same.
Does anyone mind if I take that Sihedron Medallion? A false life once per day as a free action is always nice. Unless someone else wants it?
Selling my heavy wooden shield = +3 gp, 5 sp
- Spring-Loaded Wrist Sheath (for that scroll of breath of life) x2 = 10 gp
- Five platinum rings (focus for shield other), one for each group member. Since it's 50 gp for a pair, five = 125 gp
- A +1 mithral buckler (to free my right hand, especially with these wrist sheaths) = 2005 gp
- An Extend metamagic rod, lesser = 3000 gp
- Upgrading my +1 mithral chain shirt to +2 = 3000 gp
- A scroll of invisibility purge = 375 gp
Everyone please wear your platinum ring (especially Rissi, I expect)! A gift from your friendly local martyr.
Miana, Champion of Irori |
Lucian: Go ahead! My neckslot just got used up :)
EndlessForms |
There's the chronicle! It's the same for everyone so you can print it off as-is.
I'll need numbers from Rissi, Kufieno, and Seal whenever you decide who you are applying the credit to.
Hidetsugu Rissi |
Seal gets two potions of cure moderate
Kufi and Rissi one potion of cure moderate.
How about 1 potion of Barkskin (+3 enhancement to natural) to Lucian, Kufi, and Sealman?
Gold after crafting and some sales
General Party Fund 12,887.79
Hidetsugu Rissi 4,688.45
Kufieno 11,358.43
Lucian Arvandru 1,040.44
Miana, Champion of Irori 2,742.05
Sealman Alerteyes 11,299.51
Rissi perception is at +11. Other stats same.
Amulet of Mighty Fists +1 DC 5+5+3+5 (accelerated, 1 pre-req not met); can't fail
Monk's Robes (For the record, I go with a more fabulous color then brown. Bright Green! Irori can bite me if he doesn't approve.)
DC 5+5+10+5 (accelerated, 1 pre-req not met)= 25 1d20 + 23 ⇒ (12) + 23 = 35
Headband of Int +2 -> +4 DC 18; can't fail
3.25+1+3 = 7.25 days
More when I get home...
Hidetsugu Rissi |
So here are my recommendations for items from the communal fund:
*scrolls of restoration (x2) 1600 (Lucian)
*scroll of breath of life (Lucian) 1125
*diamond dust 500 Rissi (stoneskin for Melee types?)
*eyes of the eagle 2500 to Kufi (resident trapspotter)
*scroll of fly for Rissi (Rissi already has one, but another party scroll wouldn't hurt to get people up in the air if needed) 375
*scroll of gust of wind for Rissi (cloud be gone!) 150
This leaves 6500+ in the communal fund, more then enough for a raise dead.
Any commentary/thoughts?
Lucian Arvandru |
Great suggestions. Could we also add a scroll of suppress charms and compulsion, please? It's 150 gp, which is quite resonable I think.
Lucian Arvandru |
First, suppress charms & compulsion works regardless of the alignment of the charm's caster, second it doesn't allow a resave, but suppresses the effect for the duration of the spell (like remove fear or unbreakable heart). Finally, it has a range of close and not touch, and can affect more than one creature.
Miana, Champion of Irori |
I'd also suggest either a wand of bless weapon or some oils of bless weapon.
And for Lucian... may want to look into a Piercing metamagic rod at some point.
Miana, Champion of Irori |
@Rissi: Green is actually one of Irori's colors, so rock it :)
I've also realized... if I mix up my levels just a bit and save up for a Blinding Energy Temple sword for some reason... I got a jedi thing going on. Just sayin' :)
Hidetsugu Rissi |
Go ahead and set the sheet for the Level 1 option (I'm forgetting what that is in terms of gold, but I can go look it up when I get home). Or I can do it myself.
How about we get 2 oils of bless weapon and 2 scrolls of align weapon. Not all bad guys are weevil, some are kaotic, lawdful or even gud.
EndlessForms |
I just need a number from Rissi and I'll report it.
I'm ready to move forward whenever you guys are done shopping and whatnot.
Hidetsugu Rissi |
Go ahead and set the sheet for the Level 1 option (I'm forgetting what that is in terms of gold, but I can go look it up when I get home). Or I can do it myself
Miana, Champion of Irori |
@Rissi: With the last bit of gold given to us, I'd like to request a +2 Wisdom Headband, please :)
Miana, Champion of Irori |
I finally am getting the hang of the spreadsheet and updated it accordingly :)
GM: My Perception and Sense Motives now +11 and +9 respectively.
Hidetsugu Rissi |
If we are looking into alternate campaign rules, I suppose I would like to plug the rules from the Faction Guide and Inner Sea Magic.
Seal as a member of the 9th battalion would be pretty nifty. But then we'd have to listen to him sing... (9th battalion allows use of "battle songs" which generate minor personal bonuses, 1 rank of perform (sing) is required, activate as a standard. )
I could totally see Rissi (in combination with Lucian?) starting an Academy
Lucian Arvandru |
That would be a fantastic idea!
-Posted with Wayfinder
EndlessForms |
If we are looking into alternate campaign rules, I suppose I would like to plug the rules from the Faction Guide and Inner Sea Magic.
Seal as a member of the 9th battalion would be pretty nifty. But then we'd have to listen to him sing... (9th battalion allows use of "battle songs" which generate minor personal bonuses, 1 rank of perform (sing) is required, activate as a standard. )
I could totally see Rissi (in combination with Lucian?) starting an Academy
Yes, I like this idea. I've been using the Faction Guide with my Shattered Star group and I think I gave you a few Prestige with the Pathfinder Society when you guys made friends with them, didn't I? I'm willing to start trying to fit more of the Faction Guide stuff in. I like the idea of using ISM rules as well.
And yes, if you guys want to start an academy or anything else using the Ultimate Campaign downtime rules, go ahead. It would probably be easiest to do that here (in the Discussion thread) so as no to interrupt the gameplay but I've always wanted to see those rules in use so I encourage you guys to go for it!
Hidetsugu Rissi |
Rissi personally finds the Pathfinder Society chronicles little better then penny dreadfuls, and would prefer to ally with a hardworking, supportive organization. She detests the vainglorious, so-called "venture captains", who seem to relish sending their subordinates on suicide missions while refusong to dirty their own hands.
EndlessForms |
To be honest, most of the organizations in the Faction Guide will not come up naturally in the AP (besides of course the generic 'religious organization' of various religions you encounter or participate in). However, if there are any particular organizations your characters would be interested in, let me know and I can try to work them in somehow. I'm also going to be looking back over some of your backstories (hint, hint, if I can find them on your profiles) and any Story feats you may have taken (no, I didn't forget about them; I just didn't want to address them right away).
EndlessForms |
Ha! Actually, unless I missed something Rissi and Lucian were the only ones to take the optional story feat. And to be honest, Rissi's is really up to her once she reaches the appropriate level to create her own spell and Lucian's is bound to happen eventually anyways since he just needs to possess and artifact. Good to know!
Hidetsugu Rissi |
Yes, I've been contemplating that whole spell-creation bit. I've not been inspired to make any particular thing, yet. Especially since it has to be "truly unique". I'm sure I'll come up with something eventually though.
Miana, Champion of Irori |
Yeah, none of the story feats I found at the time seemed to work. Hopefully we can see some awesomeness from Lucian and Rissi's :)
Miana, Champion of Irori |
@GM: So looking at the Downtime stuff, I'd like to setup a Monastery, but I can't quite get to that yet (short about 2/3 of the cost). So for right now, the supplied funds will cover the following room that goes toward the Monastery:
1 Courtyard (180gp)
1 Altar (210 gp)
1 Bath (130 gp)
1 Book Repository (Kn: History, 460gp).
Also, despite not being a part of the monastery (for some reason), I'd like to attach a dojo for 310 gp. That's 1290 of the 1300gp supplied thus far. I figure that's enough for townsfolk to work out, study, or pray.
This will take 72 days to construct all five rooms.
One thing I realized is that I'll need someone to run the building in my absence, but I guess I can wait until the 2 1/2 month period is up when all the rooms are created to assign someone for that task.
EndlessForms |
@Miana: Yeah, that all sounds fine to me. It will probably be completed by the time you get back to Sandpoint and you can hire someone then to look after it while you are gone.
Lucian Arvandru |
Lucian's story feat represents his fascination with items of great power but un-understandable (is that even English?) nature or problematic intention. Lucian would probably delighted in joining the Society to write about his many travels, and since he's very attracted to women in general (see his attitude toward Miana and Ameiko so far), he would definitely make a great addition to the Heidmarch lodge in Magnimar (Sheila is a hell of a woman - combining his love of lore and high-profile women!) or the newly-founded Dark Archive which match his fascination for artifacts as well as being led by a very ambitious and decisive woman. Yes, I could definitely see Lucian join the Society, though on a personal level-I wouldn't like to see the whole group follow the same path.
All in all, Lucian is just craving for two things: recognition and love/affair. I think it is obvious enough in his very awkward attitude with beautiful women that he hasn't been in a real relationship before, and the young Varisian just has his hormones working him up.
Miana, Champion of Irori |
Yeah, and poor Miana is polite, but currently uninterested or too focused on her own training to switch into romance. Of course in my mind, being the strange half-blood has caused her to be somewhat distant beyond a superficial level. But since this is the longest she's been together with a group after he initial training, I think she can finally start developing stronger bonds.
Although, I did just learn Thassilonian and it only makes sense that she learned it from Lucian.
@GM: Sounds good :) I should also have the funds to finish the monastery outright at that point!
Of course... I guess I am now forcing you to create some NPCs that I can choose from to hire to run the place :) Hopefully the Desnans don't mind some new Iroran converts!
Lucian Arvandru |
-Posted with Wayfinder
Lucian Arvandru |
I was wondering if all the items had been distributed? For example the Impaler of Thorns or the Medusa's Mask?
Hidetsugu Rissi |
Here is a list of undistributed/unsold items:
Ammunition, Arrows 60
Ammunition, Arrows, +1 Elf-Bane, 4
Ammunition, Bolts 30
Cloak of Elvenkind (as boots of elvenkind, but cloak slot)
Golembane Scarab
Key, Aldern Foxglove
Keyring, Aldern Foxglove
Medallion, Sihedron (not the one Lucian has)
Medusa Mask
Ring of Force Shielding (Sihedron)
Ring of Jumping (not the one Miana has)
Weapon, Dagger, Alchemical Silver, Masterwork
Weapon, Impaler of Thorns
Weapon, Longsword, Adamantine
Weapon, Short Sword, +1
I was kind of eying the Medusa Mask, but if someone else wants it be my guest.
I'm assuming in the near-term absence of better neck slots, Kufieno or Sealman would jump at the golembane scarab. I don't think it does anyone else much good (since Miana already has a neck item)
The impaler of thorns is kind of interesting, as it is a longspear. Seal seems like the only to potential user of it (Kufieno finesses, and not a monk weapon so no good for Miana), but I suppose Lucian or Kufieno could wield it in a pinch. Or we could just sell it.
Lucian Arvandru |
Be my guest on the Medusa's Mask. In my experience, people tend to be a little shy when it comes to claiming loot. My input is (unless someone has another claim to make):
- Medusa's Mask to Rissi
- Sell the Impaler of Thorns if Seal doesn't want it. It's a fantastic weapon, but I think Seal's set on the Dorn, and Lucian won't be able to use it efficiently until level 9 or 10 (when the penalty on weapon attack rolls decreased from 4 to 2). Better sell it to buy more interesting items for the team.
- The ring of force shielding should go to Kufieno. I'm even surprised it wasn't allocated before.
- The ring of jumping would be very useful to anyone, to be honest. I'd stick it to Sealman since he's the less Dex-heavy among our encumbered companions.
- The adamantine longsword should go to one of the three melee fighters who doesn't have the golembane scarb. Since Miana's neck slot is taken by the amulet of mighty fists, I suggest it goes to her. Sure, her attacks will be sub-optimal when it's used, but she'll use it on golems, when her normal attacks won't be dealing much damage anyway.
- Give the Cloak of Elvenkind to Kufieno. (no shoulder slot)
- Give the Sihedron medallion to Kufieno (no neck slot). The combo medallion + elvenkind allows him to boost his stealth significantly while still having the +1 to saving throws that is usually reserved to the cloak on the shoulder slot.
- Sell the +1 short sword
- Give the arrows to anyone who has a bow? Sell the ammo otherwise.