About Lucian ArvandruLucian Arvandru
Hp 165/165
Active effects Gentle Repose, Glamered Armor (permanent) Conditions None Resources & Macros:
Daily spells / powers / items Spells (1st) 9/9 Spells (2nd) 9/9 Spells (3rd) 9/9 Spells (4th) 8/8 Spells (5th) 8/8 Spells (6th) 8/8 Spells (7th) 8/8 Spells (8th) 5/5 Channel (8d6) 12/12 Extend Rod of Metamagic (lesser) 3/3 Extend Rod of Metamagic (normal) 3/3 Mnemonic Vestment 1/1 Sihedron Medallion 1/1 Quill of Revelation 1/1 (per week) Automatic Writing (commune) 1/1 Phantom Steed 1/1 Artifact Hunter 1/1 (3/3) Defiant Luck 1/1 Inexplicable Luck 1/1 Spiritual form 18/18 Macros
[dice=Range Touch Attack]1d20+13[/dice]
Blessing of Fervor: Don't forget to pick one of the following bonuses that can be changed each turn!
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 18th; concentration +40)
Oracle Spell-Like Abilities (CL 17th; concentration +39)
Oracle Spells Known (CL 17th; concentration +39): 8th (5/day)—create demiplane, mass cure critical wounds, euphoric tranquility (no initial save, Will DC 29 if attacked), moment of prescience, symbol of insanity, symbol of death 7th (8/day)—control weather, delayed blast fireball (Ref DC 28), ethereal jaunt, greater restoration, mass cure serious wounds, mass fly, resurrection, symbol of stunning, symbol of weakness, vision, waves of ecstasy (Will DC 28) 6th (8/day)—heal, mass cure moderate wounds, mass owl's wisdom, music of the spheres, summon monster VI (Summons Lillend Azata - picture), symbol of fear, symbol of persuasion, symbol of sealing 5th (8/day)—breath of life, contact other plane, mass cure light wounds, plane shift (Will DC 26), spell resistance, symbol of pain, symbol of scrying, symbol of sleep, symbol of striking, teleport (through New Arcana), true seeing 4th (8/day)—blessing of fervor, cure critical wounds, debilitating portent (no save, but everytime Will DC 10 + 1/2 clvl + Cha = 29), freedom of movement, legend lore, restoration, symbol of revelation, symbol of slowing, wall of fire 3rd (9/day)—cure serious wounds, dispel magic, locate object, prayer, remove blindness/deafness, resist energy, communal, symbol of healing 2nd (9/day)—burst of radiance (Ref DC 23), cure moderate wounds, flaming sphere (Ref DC 23), ironskin (+7), lesser restoration, oracle's burden (Will DC 23), scorching ray, shield other, suppress charms and compulsion, tongues 1st (9/day)—bless, burning hands (Ref DC 22), cure light wounds, identify, liberating command, murderous command (Will DC 22), protection from evil, sanctuary (Will DC 22), shield of faith (+4), unbreakable heart 0 (at will)—detect magic, detect poison, guidance, light, mending, purify food and drink, read magic, stabilize Statistics
Feats Artifact Hunter (story), Deific Obedience (Desna), Defiant Luck, Extra Revelation, Improved Initiative, Skill Focus (Knowledge (history)), Eldritch Heritage (Arcane), Improved Familiar, Improved Eldritch Heritage (New Arcana), Divine Interference, Inexplicable Luck, Steadfast Personality Traits dangerously curious, scholar of the ancients Skills
Languages Common, Thassilonian, Varisian, Giant, Celestial, Abyssal, Aklo SQ +4 to perception to avoid surprise, bloodline arcana (arcane), mystery (lore), oracle's curse (blackened), revelation (automatic writing, lore keeper, sidestep secret, mental acuity +4, whirlwind lesson, channel energy 8d6 (12/day, Will DC 28)), starlit caster Combat Gear
Greater Strand of Prayer Beads (bead of summons used)
potion of cure moderate wounds
Scroll of Mass Heal (2)- in wrist sheath
Bead of Newt Prevention Slotted magic items
Artifact: revelation quill (slotless) (divination, contact other plane) Other Gear
Special Abilities
Inspiration (Su): A nymph can choose an intelligent creature to inspire and serve as a muse by giving that creature some token of her affection (typically a lock of her hair). As long as the nymph retains her favor for this creature and as long as the creature carries the nymph's token, the creature gains a +4 insight bonus on all Will saving throws, Craft checks, and Perform checks. A bard who has a nymph for a muse in this way can use his bardic performance for an additional number of rounds per day equal to him nymph muse's Charisma modifier (+9). The nymph retains a link to her token and its carrier as if she had cast a status spell on the carrier. The nymph can end this effect at any time as a free action. A single nymph may only inspire one creature at a time in this manner. Favored class: Oracle
Lucian was born in Sandpoint, though his parents quickly understood they wouldn't be able to keep up with the young boy's thirst for knowledge. Early in his life, he displayed an amazing capacity to absorb knowledge of all kinds without effort. In fact, it was as if knowledge came to him on its own volition. At first it wasn't a problem, and Lucian's parents were both very happy to raise a bright child. Things didn't remain this way though. To nobody's surprise, the Varisian boy joined the Turandarok Academy one year earlier than most children. Sandpoint's appointed teacher, Ilsoari Gandethus, welcomed the child with open arms, excited to see a student that would care about his teachings on old Varisia, the various Shoanti tribes, and the effect of bonemeal on crop cultures in the Sandpoint hinterlands. The old teacher soon had to admit he was unable to cater to Lucian's needs in learning, and the boy's reaction was not a decent one. He started sabotaging the teacher's courses, acting as a know-it-all or give the answers to his classmates when an infuriated Ilsoari wanted each of them to think their way out of the problem. Needless to say, Lucian soon found the Turandarok academy's gates closed to him. The prodigy's father then turned to the only man who could be a good teacher for young Lucian, Sandpoint's sage Brodert Quink. The elderly man proved a strange if perfect match for the boy, who learned to love listening to the endless ramblings - or were they pieces of a historical jigsaw puzzle? - that Quink fed him with. He became an eager listener to this source of endless knowledge on lost empires, forgotten languages, planes of existance, and lines of succession among the Shoanti chieftains of the Shiikirri-Quah. Lucian eventually came to share Brodert Quink's great passion in the ancient civilization of Thassilon, and helped him in his experiments on the Old Light, unfortunately to no avail. One day, the young boy noticed that his mentor would travel alone to a secluded location on the coast at night, without even telling him where he would go. Moved by his unquenchable curiosity, Lucian decided to follow the old man to that place and was able to understand why Bordert was so secretive about it: the loremaster had unearthed a Thassilonian artifact, marked with the rune of wrath. Ever the cautious man, Quink spent the whole night studying the dweomer from afar, refraining from touching the dangerous rune. Hours later, he returned to Sandpoint, without noticing his apprentice who was hidden not far away. Once his master gone, Lucian approached the artifact, fascinated by it. After a quick study and some preliminary remarks, he decided to cross the threshold the loremaster was unwilling to cross - he touched the rune. The Thasslionian stone burst into a pillar of flame instantly, seriously burning the young man's hands. Power infused Lucian as a result, but the price to pay was high: his hands would forever be charred beyond healing. Fortunately, the young man's master wasn't far away and could save Lucian's life. He even refused to scold the foolish boy, as the lesson was already learned. In time, Lucian lost his troublemaker attitude completely to become a fine, balanced young man who was taught to love sharing his knowledge within the canvas of social conventions. He has grown very fond of Brodert Quink, but he knows there is a moment a man has to leave his mentor in order to learn on his own... Appearance:
Lucian is what could be considered as a pure Varisian: his pale skin is adorned with jet black hair tied in a neat ponytail. His dark eyes burn with a passion that animates every fiber of his being. This makes him an extremely outgoing and friendly person, eager to share stories with people he's just met. His clothes are simple. He usually wears a scholarly tunic, its numerous pockets being more practical than good-looking. One touch of vibrant color is apparent, though. His kapenia, or Varisian scarf, flashes brightly of red and blue hues. A keen eye could spot many pockets in this scarf, filled with parchments, scrolls, vials and various tokens the Varisian people are so fond of. |