GM Burglar's 4-13 Fortress of the Nail (Inactive)

Game Master mechaedd

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Dark Archive

Male Half-Orc Sorcerer/Barbarian 17 | HP 134/184 (150 stoneskin, 0 temps) | AC 17 (22) T 11 FF 16 (21) | CMB +20, CMD 39 | F: +20 (22), R: +13 (15), W: +15 (17) | Init: +1 | Perc: +19 (21), SM: +0 (2) | Speed 40ft (50ft) | Active conditions: A bunch.
Spell Slots:
1st 7/8 | 2nd 7/8 | 3rd 1/7 | 4th 4/7 | 5th 7/7 | 6th 7/7 | 7th 2/4

In less tasteful words, yes.

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