Flintlocks and Feathered Hats (Inactive)

Game Master Treppa

A Three Musketeer style campaign in Golarion.

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I've been around, just posting slowly.

Glad to have YOU back! :)

Lastwall Heroes - Current Date: Toilday, 31 Desnus, 4711 AR | Shadowrun - Current Date: Saturday, March 13, 2060

I've been throwing posts in other games along the way -- but yes, I didn't check back in.

Meh. Seems to have been a rough Spring for everyone.

But we're back now baby! ;)

Lastwall Heroes - Current Date: Toilday, 31 Desnus, 4711 AR | Shadowrun - Current Date: Saturday, March 13, 2060

Wife is into full-on nesting mode now -- so she's keeping me busier than usual.. (which, to be fair, is a positive thing .. as is being able to watch meaningful hockey this late in the post-season...)

Tilnar wrote:
I've been throwing posts in other games along the way --

I only checked Jorvik.

Tilnar wrote:
Wife is into full-on nesting mode now -

Nesting? As in bouncing baby bugbears?

Lastwall Heroes - Current Date: Toilday, 31 Desnus, 4711 AR | Shadowrun - Current Date: Saturday, March 13, 2060

Yeah. We've got a little level 0 female human on the way. End of July...

... And I haven't checked Jorvik at all. I'm a slacker.

Coolio, Congrats in advance Tilnar! ;)

Tilnar wrote:
Yeah. We've got a little level 0 female human on the way. End of July...

Congratulations to you and yours! That's wonderful news. :D


Sorry for lagging a day, but I realized the holiday weekend might have prevented some people from posting. Wait... one person. Who posted. Hmm.

ANYhoo, moving along now. Feel free to quip and wisecrack at will.


Where is "horse-pocky" or "horse-pucky" from? My boss used to use it, and she was from Ohio. You're from what, Lousiana? What an odd term.

I'm an OKie from Tulsa, actually. Living in Louisiana.
(NOT an improvement) ;P

So obviously I've heard it used, although I can't say that it was common in my family. :P

Not saying my mother didn't use it at all either. She preferred not to cuss. Although that doesn't mean we didn't give her reasons to WANT to! ;)


Please forgive my disappearance. I've had to start a third shift job to make ends meet, and have been picking up extra work there in addition to dealing with my clients. When I am awake, I can rarely think.

I've told the night job that they need to find another contractor to handle the extra work permanently, but I'll fill in until they do. Some nights, I'm done by 4 am and am actually human the next day. I'll try to get some posting done and keep the plates spinning, at least, so you guys can RP.

No worries Treppa, one's gotta make a living!
(Heavens knows my job isnt making it easy!) ;P

I'll pitch and RP when time permits, we're gearing up for start of semester here as well, and that means busy-work for all! (And I'M not a teacher! If I was, they'd have to actually PAY me a decent wage!) :P
</end wage rant> ;)


I am not dead (yet), but drowning.

Updating pbps is on my schedule for Thursday, 21 september. I will post at least something in all active pbps, and schedule an hour 4x/week to do pbps after that (sat/sun/tue/thu).

To my players: sorry for the delay, and thank you for your patience.

To gms and other players: feel free to bot me if I am holding up the game.

Oh good, I thought maybe it was just me! ;P

All good Treppa, I'm staying busy with RL (sadly) but I'll be here when your ready! (I hope!) ;)


OK, things are stabilizing, and I generally have a little time available on Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, and Sunday.

It seems best to me to focus on keeping one of my games running, so I think I will put this game on hiatus and focus on Hell's Rebels. That's pre-written, so I don't have to dither around figuring out what to do.

I'm going to make this game inactive this weekend and hopefully resurrect it sometime in the spring.

Sorry about this. It's utter misery for me, believe me.

Lastwall Heroes - Current Date: Toilday, 31 Desnus, 4711 AR | Shadowrun - Current Date: Saturday, March 13, 2060

.. yup, I've definitely missed a whole bunch of stuff (in the future if I seem to be ignoring a thread, feel free to poke me, guys)

And it's all good, Treppa -- real life comes first -- as I joked on the other thread, this does give me a lot of time to catch up (...and to look forward to the spring...)

Is all good Treppa!

believe me, I've been swamped with RL as well, and I think I'm going through a "Meh" phase. It's getting hard to keep up and focus on all of my fun extra curricular activities. :)

OR I'm just tired, and as soon as I actually get 8 hours of sleep, I'll be rarin' to go! Either way, I'll be looking forward to spring! ;)

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