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Player: Aaron
PC: Noisy
PFS#: 84637-6
Faction: Sovereign Court
Day Job: Perform (percussion): 1d20 + 23 ⇒ (12) + 23 = 35
Class/Level/etal: Dwarf Bard 9 / Gunslinger 1
I actually have some other characters in tier, if needed, but for now am on the bard.
Pondering if I need to make any purchases and will update before we start.

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Depending on tier, I can still swap out a L9 Magus for this guy here. I was hoping Bizzle would be free by the time this came around but, oh well.

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yes, high tier please.
Though Bartholomew's character info lists him as level 8, and on the sign up it was level 11... so not sure if we are high tier even at the default.
Too bad about Bizzle... if Aarvid's bringing Fendahl... we'd have half the team back together from Wrath of the Accursed.

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Bizzle is busy making deals and traveling in the Ethereal Plane. Hopefully I'll be able to catch the next 7-11 game to come along. Unusual to find so many recently.

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I need to update Bart's stats on here. He's level 11 now but I haven't played him in ages.
Let's see, there's a few things I'll warn you about with this character (and as a reminder/check for myself):
- As a diviner wizard, Bart always acts in the surprise round.
- As a bandit, he can can take a move, standard, and swift action in the surprise round.
- Normally drawing a concealed weapon is a standard action, but with Quick Draw a concealed weapon can be drawn as a move action.
- With his underhanded rogue talent, twice a day if he hits an opponent in the surprise round with a concealed weapon (that the opponent didn't notice), the sneak attack does maximum damage.
- As a knife master, his sneak attack dice are d8 with his daggers.
- Soooo, if everything works, he can act in the surprise round by drawing a concealed dagger (move action), throwing it or stabbing with it (standard), and hitting for maximum sneak attack, which is d8 rather than d6.
Ok, I think those are most of the intricacies of the build. He's only been able to pull off the above sequence a few times (partly because I haven't played him much) but when it happens it certainly feels nice.

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Ooh, I'll be very interested to see how this plays. I have an unchained bandit/knife master rogue who is just 3rd level, I haven't played him in a long time (since before we could respec).

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The bandit archetype is the only way to get the underhanded rogue talent to work, so you should look into taking it. Having bigger sneak attack dice with knife master makes the underhanded talent just that much better. Now all you need is to follow in Bart's footsteps and take a dip in diviner (or some other class/archetype) so that you always act in the surprise round and have a better chance of using it.

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Well, I guess the next 1-5 scenario that I can find will have that guy in it. I think that will get him to 4th and I can take that dip.

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I'm fine to go whenever. We can give him a day.
PFS #55162-11
Day Job: Sleight of Hand: 1d20 + 30 ⇒ (18) + 30 = 48
Init: +14 (always acts in surprise)
Perc: +21

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Sorry for clogging the room with cats. I figured if/when we are underwater, Fendahl will not have much opportunity to summon them.

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Moving this to discussion to keep things clean in gameplay theead.
Assuming we need to wrestle this guy...Fendahl would not kill or steal from him since he acted mostly honorable to us. Not sure why he did not mention the seal, but he could have had his reasons.
If wrestling is the only option and a sword duel etc is not, then I am guessing Fendahl as a dire tiger form may have the best chance of the four of us. Which does not mean much chance vs a dedicated grappler. Without spells this could be ugly and over quickly.
Other thoughts? Maybe we go down and deal with boggards and maybe he gives us seal as a reward? Or rescue his flutist?

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Per HeroLab:
Beast Shape 3
Large animal: If the form you take is that of a Large animal, you gain a +4 size bonus to your Strength, a -2 penalty to your Dexterity, and a +4 natural armor bonus.
Str 25 (+7), 12 Dex, 20 AC (8 nat, 1 Dex, 1 ring)
Speed 40 ft.
Vs Grapple CMB +20, CMD +29 (+27FF) +1 from Samurai Challenge
Space 10 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Scent, Lowlight vision

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7 strength
1 size
7 bab
4 grab
total 19?
7 strength
1 dex
1 size
7 bab
1 ring
1 challenge
total 28?
What am I missing Fendahl?
King clears an area and squares off with the Fendahl in his large tiger form. He raises his arms and lowers his center of gravity in a classic wrestler's stance.
Init: 2d20 ⇒ (5, 6) = 11
Grapple: 1d20 + 27 ⇒ (18) + 27 = 45
The giant kappa lunges for his feline opponent with lightning quickness! He grabs a solid hold of the tiger's neck and locks in a tight choke.
Fendahl is up.

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Fendahl's BAB is +8 (I missed updating that in his profile). Also, Challenge only adds to damage, so that does not apply in this case...unless things get ugly. I also noticed that since dex dropped to 12, he loses his prereq for Dodge feat, so that drops to +28 (instead of +29). HeroLab flagged the feat as no longer legal but did not remove from CMD.
So +20 CMB, +28 CMD

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LoL - I thought I had seen the grapple and then went to post and did not see it. Was thinking I had imagined it. Ok, replying in game thread.
BTW - was the "pin for 3 count" - 3 seconds, 3 rounds 1..2..3 ?

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oops thought I had. Thanks GM - nice job indeed .
. Fendahl Silvermane
PFS # 9884-3
11 (Lion Shaman/Samurai)
Grand Lodge
trapper + 9
Initiative modifier +4
Perception modifier +16
Trapper : 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (4) + 9 = 13