Falcon's Hollow MiniAP

Game Master Azure_Zero

Falcon's Hollow
DarkMoon Vale

Droskar's Crucible

Dungeon Level 01

Character Images

NPC Folder 1
NPC Folder 2

NPC Females:

Recruitable NPC height Reference.
Front Row: Eve, Lady Cirthana, Noya, Vona.
Back Row: Mary, Mina

Recruitable NPC Data

Eve: 5'9"
Lady Cirthana: 5' 10"
Noya: 6'0"
Vona 6'6"
Mary: 6'9"
Mina: 7'6"

NPC Males:

Recruitable NPC Data

Hu Wang: 5'9"
Harold: 6'0"
Jack: 6'0"
Luk: 6'3"
Roger: 6'4"
Duke: 6'5"
Locksly: 6'7"
William: 6'9"

Planned Time Gaps.

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Male Human, AC 17 (T 13, FF 14), CMD 18, Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +1, Init +4, Perception +6, HP 15/27 Ranger (Skirmisher) 3

A heads up to all my games:

Tomorrow morning, my wife and I will be driving across a couple of states to spend the week with her family, and we will be returning on Friday.
I will be bringing my laptop with me, so I can still make posts during downtime, but my posting rate may be a bit more erratic than usual.

Thank you very much, and happy holidays.

Ran into an interesting Youtube vid of how silver weapons could work in a fantasy world in that they hurt monsters more then a steel version.

Been working on the map for the level below, and getting use to the software.

And Looking for Feedback on current state of the game,
I know I need to speed myself up some
How do you like what I've done so far?
Are you enjoying the "Nightmare Arc" I've setup so far?

Male Human Wizard 16| AC 28 T 16 FF 25 | HP 144/144 | F +12 R +13 W +18 | Init +3 | Perc +23

I'm enjoying the story so far and the changes. I've run parts two and three a while ago and this is enjoyable.

I agree a little more speed would be good. The last couple days have been good.

Male Human, AC 17 (T 13, FF 14), CMD 18, Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +1, Init +4, Perception +6, HP 15/27 Ranger (Skirmisher) 3

I like the twists you've added to the mini-AP to keep it fresh and original.

I can't really talk about pacing since my own schedule's been out of whack this week and I've been falling behind on posting myself.

Well I hope I'm getting the horror element/aspect of the Nightmare Arc just right...

Male Human, AC 17 (T 13, FF 14), CMD 18, Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +1, Init +4, Perception +6, HP 15/27 Ranger (Skirmisher) 3
DM Azure_Zero wrote:

One Kobold falls to the ground twitching with an axe embedded in it's nervous system.

Very nice. I had that exact scene in mind when I came up with the idea for my attack description.

I also wanted to take a moment to compliment your use of video and audio clips to enhance your descriptions. It really adds to the gameplay. Thank you.

Yeah the moment you wrote the, axe to the head, I thought of that scene...
and couldn't resist linking it to that moment in the Movie.

I've found sound can do a lot for setting things up, since words can't really convey sound details, so I looked for sounds that would fit as best as possible.

And I bet you never thought Kobolds could be trouble makers for level 3 characters and taking advantage of their being only one AoO per round, and trying to set things up to improve their chances using combat maneuvers.

Made the new dungeon from scratch using software
so it might not be the most logical dungeon....
But I did leave something so you could all delve deeper later.

Nice new Humble Bundle perfect for GMs and world builders a like.

Male Human, AC 17 (T 13, FF 14), CMD 18, Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +1, Init +4, Perception +6, HP 15/27 Ranger (Skirmisher) 3
DM Azure_Zero wrote:
Nice new Humble Bundle perfect for GMs and world builders a like.

Way ahead of you, but thanks for the reminder.

I'll be gone for a few days with out internet starting tomorrow afternoon.

I've been thinking of throwing a cursed item in somewhere,
but after starting watching an old anime with a cursed item and the problems it made,
I've started deciding not to, as a item like the Sword of Baltanders would likely cause a number of issues for everyone....
Almost like a certain legendary deck......

Male Human Wizard 16| AC 28 T 16 FF 25 | HP 144/144 | F +12 R +13 W +18 | Init +3 | Perc +23

But the decks were so much fun :)

Male Human | Wizard (Diviner: Foresight subschool)/ Level 3| HP: 13/21 | F:+3, R:+3, W:+3| AC: 12 | Diplomacy +2, Perception +6, Knowledge arcana: +9, Knowledge local: +9, Knowledge nature: +9, Knowledge planes: +10, Spellcraft: +10, Craft (alchemy): +9, Use Magic Device +7| Spells; Euphoric Cloud, Detect Thoughts, Summon Minor Monster, Color Spray, Grease, Detect Secret Doors -0- Detect Magic, Acid splash, Dancing lights

Is Milton around anymore I do think I’ve seen a post from him in quite some time

Male Human Wizard 16| AC 28 T 16 FF 25 | HP 144/144 | F +12 R +13 W +18 | Init +3 | Perc +23

Hey all! My son was hospitalized for his seizures on Sunday night. Hopefully we will be out on Tuesdays. If things are silent on my end that is why. Bot me as needed please.

I pray he gets better.

Male Human, AC 17 (T 13, FF 14), CMD 18, Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +1, Init +4, Perception +6, HP 15/27 Ranger (Skirmisher) 3
DM Azure_Zero wrote:

Stumped at how to win?

Think of Kabran's personality to get a hint.

Okay, time for a huddle. What do we know about Kabran? He's an untrustworthy crimelord who favors intimidation, right?

Do you suppose the kobolds might be illusions or otherwise fake?

I'll let you guys huddle and think about it for a while,
but I'll be moving it along in about a week or two, plan or no plan.

So far it looks like no plan, which could be bad as I won't be tilting anything.
This is a puzzle that you as players need a solution for.
As this is a boss that isn't doing the same mistakes that most BBEGs do.

You have a vengeful, former-crimelord, who plays dirty, and had everything wrecked by a small group of people (and made a plaything by an outsider), think what will he do and how would he pull it off, given what is there.
What did the characters see and maybe didn't notice.
As I did hint some things.

Lets do a roll call and see if everyone is still here.

Male Human Wizard 16| AC 28 T 16 FF 25 | HP 144/144 | F +12 R +13 W +18 | Init +3 | Perc +23

I'm here. Not sure where to go with this. I have suspect they are illusions but not sure Milton would think that.

Yeah you can talk about a plan here, without worry if your character could think it up, since this is a Out Of Character discussion thread.
All the players can come up with ideas, to this predicament.

Male Human, AC 17 (T 13, FF 14), CMD 18, Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +1, Init +4, Perception +6, HP 15/27 Ranger (Skirmisher) 3

I'm still here, even if I am being wishy-washy on a course of action.

In character, Corindus' instinct would be to charge ahead and try to cut down Bloodeye and put an end to his unrepentant evil. Of course, out of character, I know he probably would not survive this, especially if those kobolds aren't illusions.

I've taken some time this weekend to think and ask questions to myself about the game and have decided I'm not doing the game the service it needs and no where near enough to what the players deserve.
As I've been running games on these boards for nearly 10 years straight, and the battery is running on critically low levels.

So I'll be going on hiatus for a year or two to recharge.

Male Human Wizard 16| AC 28 T 16 FF 25 | HP 144/144 | F +12 R +13 W +18 | Init +3 | Perc +23

Good luck Azure Zero. I hope you recover fully. Have a Merry Christmas!

Male Human, AC 17 (T 13, FF 14), CMD 18, Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +1, Init +4, Perception +6, HP 15/27 Ranger (Skirmisher) 3
DM Azure_Zero wrote:

I've taken some time this weekend to think and ask questions to myself about the game and have decided I'm not doing the game the service it needs and no where near enough to what the players deserve.

As I've been running games on these boards for nearly 10 years straight, and the battery is running on critically low levels.

So I'll be going on hiatus for a year or two to recharge.

I understand. Self care is important, so you have to do what you think is best.

Thank you for taking us on a great adventure.

Just giving an update since I for some reason could not post for a month or two since my last post here (apparently it was a certificate or token issue), and then got busy with work.

It seems I can feel my batteries recharging these past 4 months, and I am hoping by the end of this year I have enough energy to continue and resume this game if your all still on board for it.

If none of you want to continue this one, Well I can tell you I'm working on a module of my own making, almost from complete scratch as to keep my GMing skill up some during times I feel a PF creative surge hit and not wanting to waste it. I've also setup an interesting start for it, and as I am work on it hoping it becomes a complete kit, so any GM (even new GMs) can run it with differences.

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