Expedition to the Ruins of Castle Greyhawk [3.5 D&D]
Game Master
3.5 Edition D&D campaign set in the environs of the City of Greyhawk.
M Human Duskblade 7/Abjurant Champion 4 | HP: 84/84 | Add 1 for Haste ** AC:20/T:13 /FF:16 | Init:+1, MAB:+14/+9/+4 Power Attack | W:+8,R:+4,F:+8 | Spellslots:6/6-9/9-8/8-4/5 | Arcane Attunement: 5/5 | Quick Cast:1 | Arcane Boost | Skills: Climb+16,Jump+12,Spellcraft+16,Swim+10 | Corner Perch/Leaping Climber/Speedy Ascent/Quick Swimmer
Just curious.... Would Furious Focus work with that build? That seems pretty broken to me!
Male Human (Aren't we all? Folks need to remember that!) Epic Level GM (35+ years!)
I think that's a Pathfinder only feat. But Morgym does have a Shock Trooper ability that lets him transfer all or part of the PA penalty to attack roll to his AC instead - though only on a charge attack.
male Human Code name: "Black out" (soon to be Lasombra 9th generation)
It is a pretty broken build that alot of terrain and other issues ruins. Honestly I can make any other build you like. This isn't the first time this has come up and I am not here to take the fun away from anyone.
I am going to delay and sit this combat out and come up with something more group friendly consistent with group dps and abilities. I will use the same character and similar background.
After having this discussion multiple times for various issues I don't think it's the right build for the game.
Male halfling Swashbuckler 4/Warlock 7 Init: +3 | AC: 20 / FF: 17 / Touch 14 [+4 vs giants] | Fort: +8 / Ref: +10 / Will: +9 [+2 vs fear] | Speed: 30' | DR 2/cold iron | Attacks: +2 rapier +15/+10 to hit (1d4+3 damage); Eldritch Blast +14 to hit ranged touch (4d6+2 damage, range 250', x2)
Sounds good to me Morgrym. I would wait until we escape the Wizard's Guild before you change the build here though.
Male Human (Aren't we all? Folks need to remember that!) Epic Level GM (35+ years!)
Sure Morgrym, no problem. Just let me know. I don't mind the build, but yeah circumstances have to pretty perfect for you to take advantage of that massive damage bonus for sure. Go ahead and start working on it and we can make the change official when you're ready. In the meantime, you can just use the spiked chain normally - with or without the Power Attack. If you don't want to bother, I'll just NPC you as needed.
You want to actually use this same character and we'll just change him up a bit? That'd be easiest on me, so I don't have to write out another character and write in a new one.
male Human Code name: "Black out" (soon to be Lasombra 9th generation)
Yes that's the idea to use the same fellow just with different abilities
Male Human (Aren't we all? Folks need to remember that!) Epic Level GM (35+ years!)
male Human Code name: "Black out" (soon to be Lasombra 9th generation)
Trying to pick a build that meshes well is tough but I will get it
Male Human (Aren't we all? Folks need to remember that!) Epic Level GM (35+ years!)
male Human Code name: "Black out" (soon to be Lasombra 9th generation)
I could go crusader 3/swordsage 1/cleric 1 and Ruby Knight 2. If I can get to 9 with the rest of the group I could keep a level of fighter or barbarian with RKV
Male Human (Aren't we all? Folks need to remember that!) Epic Level GM (35+ years!)
Not familiar with the Ruby Knight. That's in Tome of Battle, which is one of the few I don't have. And that's fine, you can go 9th level if you'd like. I think everyone else is at 9th, as you mentioned.
M Human Duskblade 7/Abjurant Champion 4 | HP: 84/84 | Add 1 for Haste ** AC:20/T:13 /FF:16 | Init:+1, MAB:+14/+9/+4 Power Attack | W:+8,R:+4,F:+8 | Spellslots:6/6-9/9-8/8-4/5 | Arcane Attunement: 5/5 | Quick Cast:1 | Arcane Boost | Skills: Climb+16,Jump+12,Spellcraft+16,Swim+10 | Corner Perch/Leaping Climber/Speedy Ascent/Quick Swimmer
Does this help?
https://dndtools.net/classes/rulebook/tome-of-battle-the-book-of-nine-sword s--88/
Male Human (Aren't we all? Folks need to remember that!) Epic Level GM (35+ years!)
Thanks Morrow! I found it online, but I'm more comfortable with the classes I've got the books for. Morgrym is working on another concept, I believe.
M Human Cleric 6 / Radiant servant of Pelor 4 HP: 61 / 61 AC: 22 (10 Touch, 22 Flat-Footed)(Armor +8, Shield +3) Init +0 Fort: +12 Ref: +3 Will: +14 Stalwart Pact
Ooooo, we are remaking characters? I can change into a bard, we don't need a dedicated healer now do we, it not like anyone is going to get hurt in this tower...;o)
Male halfling Swashbuckler 4/Warlock 7 Init: +3 | AC: 20 / FF: 17 / Touch 14 [+4 vs giants] | Fort: +8 / Ref: +10 / Will: +9 [+2 vs fear] | Speed: 30' | DR 2/cold iron | Attacks: +2 rapier +15/+10 to hit (1d4+3 damage); Eldritch Blast +14 to hit ranged touch (4d6+2 damage, range 250', x2)
Sorry about the lack of posts. I am out of town on vacation for the rest of the week. I will be back next week:)
M Human Duskblade 7/Abjurant Champion 4 | HP: 84/84 | Add 1 for Haste ** AC:20/T:13 /FF:16 | Init:+1, MAB:+14/+9/+4 Power Attack | W:+8,R:+4,F:+8 | Spellslots:6/6-9/9-8/8-4/5 | Arcane Attunement: 5/5 | Quick Cast:1 | Arcane Boost | Skills: Climb+16,Jump+12,Spellcraft+16,Swim+10 | Corner Perch/Leaping Climber/Speedy Ascent/Quick Swimmer
I'm waiting, either for healing or for someone else (Neb likely) to lead. And it looks like he did. One minute would give time for Verdan to use the wands on us (1 charge each) and for a few points of healing....
M Human Cleric 6 / Radiant servant of Pelor 4 HP: 61 / 61 AC: 22 (10 Touch, 22 Flat-Footed)(Armor +8, Shield +3) Init +0 Fort: +12 Ref: +3 Will: +14 Stalwart Pact
I was thinking that at each round I could do the healing since some of the pillars we can just answer with out fighting anything. That would give time and the bless and wolf would still be active incase we do have to fight something right away.
DM / GM / The man behind the curtain
Someone recommended we start where we left off. If we miss this question or the next we could find ourselves knee deep in a fight and very wounded.
Male Human (Aren't we all? Folks need to remember that!) Epic Level GM (35+ years!)
So 1 minute would let healing take place for a single person (since that spell doesn't stack, you can't cast multiple heals that act at the same time.)
So waiting just one minute for Morgrym and Morrow to heal 11 hp and then Neb is touching the pillar glowing green?
Just making sure... definitely don't want to rush your decision, but I did want to move the adventure along after noticing nobody seemed to be taking any actions.
Please confirm if this is the plan or if you want to discuss further, based on my description of the room after you defeated the Guardian and the fact that a couple of you are badly injured. I don't mind waiting so long as there's discussion taking place!

M Human Cleric 6 / Radiant servant of Pelor 4 HP: 61 / 61 AC: 22 (10 Touch, 22 Flat-Footed)(Armor +8, Shield +3) Init +0 Fort: +12 Ref: +3 Will: +14 Stalwart Pact
If we are waiting a minute we are not waiting on 1 HP per round, I would be using the wand of cure light wounds to get people healed up, since that will be 10 rounds. And I think the two ongoing spells would be over by then(Bless and the Wolf). (Also I was thinking that even if I cast cure spells, That the lesser vigor would run in the back ground.
My mistake when I used the wand.)
I was just thinking that if we continue, I could still use the wands and if need be use a spell to gain a lot of hit points at once if we get into combat again.
I understand that the next monster/creature/fight can be very dangerous, since in just a few hits we almost lost one of our party members. So if the party wants to wait to be at max HP before we do the next pillar, to reduce the chance of death. I am fine with that and I will start burning charges off my wands (I have 2 that are full).
Just let me know which way the party wants to go.
gestalt Fighter(High Guardiant)/Sorcerer (crossblooded Sage/Orc); HP 44/44; AC 19 TAC 11 FF 16; FOR +7 REF +3 WIL +3; INIT +1 PER +9 | ongoing effects:
I recommend using the wand and healing up, then proceeding.
Male Human (Aren't we all? Folks need to remember that!) Epic Level GM (35+ years!)
Correct Verdan, you can use your CLW wands while the Lesser Vigor healing is going on in the background. So Morgrym and Morrow will each be at +11 HP as you're using the wand - if you want to roll up the dice in the adventure thread (or I can do it, if you prefer.)
Once the minute of time is over, the wolf will be gone and assuming Morgrym lets go of his rage right after the battle ends, his fatigue will be over by the time that minute passes (bringing us to Round 14 or thereabouts) - though the bless will still have several minutes remaining.
Then Neb is touching the green pillar?
M Human Cleric 6 / Radiant servant of Pelor 4 HP: 61 / 61 AC: 22 (10 Touch, 22 Flat-Footed)(Armor +8, Shield +3) Init +0 Fort: +12 Ref: +3 Will: +14 Stalwart Pact
Just asking, I do not think this works with wands. But I thought I would ask anyway.
Empower Healing (Ex): When a radiant servant of Pelor of at least 2nd level casts a domain spell from the Healing domain, that spell is affected as though by the Empower Spell feat. This spell does not use up a higher-level slot.
Male Human (Aren't we all? Folks need to remember that!) Epic Level GM (35+ years!)
Correct, I don't believe that works with a wand.
male Human Code name: "Black out" (soon to be Lasombra 9th generation)
I sent a message to the gm for a question about a build.
male Human Code name: "Black out" (soon to be Lasombra 9th generation)
Man too many options. Any ideas for a good melee build I have analysis paralysis now
gestalt Fighter(High Guardiant)/Sorcerer (crossblooded Sage/Orc); HP 44/44; AC 19 TAC 11 FF 16; FOR +7 REF +3 WIL +3; INIT +1 PER +9 | ongoing effects:
I'm too far removed from 3.5. A good pathfinder build, that I could do.
Male halfling Swashbuckler 4/Warlock 7 Init: +3 | AC: 20 / FF: 17 / Touch 14 [+4 vs giants] | Fort: +8 / Ref: +10 / Will: +9 [+2 vs fear] | Speed: 30' | DR 2/cold iron | Attacks: +2 rapier +15/+10 to hit (1d4+3 damage); Eldritch Blast +14 to hit ranged touch (4d6+2 damage, range 250', x2)
Just a reminder here: This is the question we needs to answer wrong here, aka Zagig!
gestalt Fighter(High Guardiant)/Sorcerer (crossblooded Sage/Orc); HP 44/44; AC 19 TAC 11 FF 16; FOR +7 REF +3 WIL +3; INIT +1 PER +9 | ongoing effects:
Aren't we on Indigo, I thought I just answered the Blue one. Correction, it is in the Indigo pillar. Zagig it is.
male Human Code name: "Black out" (soon to be Lasombra 9th generation)
I am having an aweful time with a new build and do apologize
male Human Code name: "Black out" (soon to be Lasombra 9th generation)
Ok would you consider a level of thug fighter from phb 2? If so then it will be barbarian 1/cleric 1/fighter thug variant 1/rogue 3/scout 3 with extra rage, extra turn undead, craven, dark stalker, and exotic weapon spiked chain, power attack. Still good damage.
male Human Code name: "Black out" (soon to be Lasombra 9th generation)
Also going to need swift ambusher so we will see how it all washes out
Male Human (Aren't we all? Folks need to remember that!) Epic Level GM (35+ years!)
You do like to multi-class don't you? What page is the thug variant on? Not seeing it offhand, but if it's PHB 2 it's probably fine. Just want to take a look at it first.
male Human Code name: "Black out" (soon to be Lasombra 9th generation)
Yes I like the multiclass unless I am going full caster. Sorry Thug is unearthed arcana my bad, p 51
Male Human (Aren't we all? Folks need to remember that!) Epic Level GM (35+ years!)
I don't have that splatbook, but found the class in D&D Tools.
The only difference I'm seeing between Thug and Fighter is you get extra skill points in exchange for losing that 1st level feat, correct? And access to Urban Tracking - which might be of some use in this adventure, perhaps.
I looked up those feats (also on D&D Tools) since I don't have the books with them either, but I don't have any objections to them. Go for it!
male Human Code name: "Black out" (soon to be Lasombra 9th generation)
Thug gives you a sneak attack dice as well
Male Human (Aren't we all? Folks need to remember that!) Epic Level GM (35+ years!)
I'm not seeing that in the description on D&D Tools...
M Human Duskblade 7/Abjurant Champion 4 | HP: 84/84 | Add 1 for Haste ** AC:20/T:13 /FF:16 | Init:+1, MAB:+14/+9/+4 Power Attack | W:+8,R:+4,F:+8 | Spellslots:6/6-9/9-8/8-4/5 | Arcane Attunement: 5/5 | Quick Cast:1 | Arcane Boost | Skills: Climb+16,Jump+12,Spellcraft+16,Swim+10 | Corner Perch/Leaping Climber/Speedy Ascent/Quick Swimmer
I have the book (pdf) but don't see sneak attack in the description at the bottom of page 51.
However, on page 58, in the Other Class Variants section (kind of a summary listing?) it does list "Gain: Sneak attack (as rogue) Lose: Bonus Feats"
I'm guessing that they forgot to fix that in the actual chapter describing the Thug. That does balance out better. Losing that first level bonus feat and the medium & heavy armor just to gain Urban Tracking and 2 skills per level kind or sucks!
This might work.... ??
UA Download?
Male Human (Aren't we all? Folks need to remember that!) Epic Level GM (35+ years!)
Ooh! Hey, that link is for the original Unearthed Arcana for AD&D! I actually do have that one! :)
I think I understand the explanation though. So the Thug loses his 1st level bonus feat - presumably to get the extra skill points. Then Morgrym wants to drop the bonus feat for 2nd level as well (per this pg 58 variant section) to gain Sneak Attack as well.
I have no problem with that.
Hey Morrow, if you have a link for the 3.5 Unearthed Arcana I wouldn't mind seeing that book!
M Human Duskblade 7/Abjurant Champion 4 | HP: 84/84 | Add 1 for Haste ** AC:20/T:13 /FF:16 | Init:+1, MAB:+14/+9/+4 Power Attack | W:+8,R:+4,F:+8 | Spellslots:6/6-9/9-8/8-4/5 | Arcane Attunement: 5/5 | Quick Cast:1 | Arcane Boost | Skills: Climb+16,Jump+12,Spellcraft+16,Swim+10 | Corner Perch/Leaping Climber/Speedy Ascent/Quick Swimmer
Sorry, forgot to check the version....
Try This one?
Male Human (Aren't we all? Folks need to remember that!) Epic Level GM (35+ years!)
Excellent! Thank you, my friend!
M Human Duskblade 7/Abjurant Champion 4 | HP: 84/84 | Add 1 for Haste ** AC:20/T:13 /FF:16 | Init:+1, MAB:+14/+9/+4 Power Attack | W:+8,R:+4,F:+8 | Spellslots:6/6-9/9-8/8-4/5 | Arcane Attunement: 5/5 | Quick Cast:1 | Arcane Boost | Skills: Climb+16,Jump+12,Spellcraft+16,Swim+10 | Corner Perch/Leaping Climber/Speedy Ascent/Quick Swimmer
What a time to NOT be playing a wizard!?! I can't "learn" a spell and we've got free access to the greatest magic library on Oerth!
gestalt Fighter(High Guardiant)/Sorcerer (crossblooded Sage/Orc); HP 44/44; AC 19 TAC 11 FF 16; FOR +7 REF +3 WIL +3; INIT +1 PER +9 | ongoing effects:
male Human Code name: "Black out" (soon to be Lasombra 9th generation)
Yeah I am still working the build I might need to stick to the feats. It's tough to work this build just right
male Human Code name: "Black out" (soon to be Lasombra 9th generation)
Ok too much going on in this build, need to drop barbarian for sure.
Extra turn undead
Swift ambusher
Improved skirmish
Exotic won spiked chain
Combat reflexes
Power attack... Hmm still alot of feats. Can I use flaws to get feats?

Male Human (Aren't we all? Folks need to remember that!) Epic Level GM (35+ years!)
Wow, it's been awhile since I thought about Traits and Flaws! Sure, and in fact if anybody else wants to partake I'll allow you to do so - they will take effect immediately. Also, you may each take a level (including Mogrym), so you are all now Level 10! I'm going to start using the milestone method of leveling up, like I do for my other adventure. Tracking XP is a royal pain in the ass...
1) Everyone can pick 2 Traits and 2 Flaws. You don't have to take any, or you can take just one. Traits usually have a minor drawback, in return for a minor upgrade to a skill or the like. Try and make sure they match your character though. Flaws have fairly significant downsides, but you get a free feat in exchange. Again, pick something in keeping with your character, please. The link below (to my old board) has a description of all Traits and Flaws available.
Traits and Flaws
2) Everyone can Level up to 10th!
My next post will have the results of your searching the bookcase for anything useful, and your return to the bottle to be carried out of the Guild once your friendly neighborhood thief comes back around to pick you up.
Male Human (Aren't we all? Folks need to remember that!) Epic Level GM (35+ years!)
Wow, I thought there'd be more excitement about leveling up! :) No takers yet?
Male halfling Swashbuckler 4/Warlock 7 Init: +3 | AC: 20 / FF: 17 / Touch 14 [+4 vs giants] | Fort: +8 / Ref: +10 / Will: +9 [+2 vs fear] | Speed: 30' | DR 2/cold iron | Attacks: +2 rapier +15/+10 to hit (1d4+3 damage); Eldritch Blast +14 to hit ranged touch (4d6+2 damage, range 250', x2)
Sorry been busy with RL issues. I will get Reonnyn leveled up this weekend
Male Human (Aren't we all? Folks need to remember that!) Epic Level GM (35+ years!)
No worries, that was entirely tongue in cheek!
M Human Duskblade 7/Abjurant Champion 4 | HP: 84/84 | Add 1 for Haste ** AC:20/T:13 /FF:16 | Init:+1, MAB:+14/+9/+4 Power Attack | W:+8,R:+4,F:+8 | Spellslots:6/6-9/9-8/8-4/5 | Arcane Attunement: 5/5 | Quick Cast:1 | Arcane Boost | Skills: Climb+16,Jump+12,Spellcraft+16,Swim+10 | Corner Perch/Leaping Climber/Speedy Ascent/Quick Swimmer
Pass on the traits and flaws.
Morrow Level 10: Duskblade 6 / Adjurant Champion 4
+1 BAB (+10/+5)
HP: +1d8+2 (7?)
+1 to all saves Base for Duskblade
Fort: +8 [DB +5, AC +1, Con +2]
Ref: +4 [DB: +2, AC +1, Dex +1]
Will: +8 [DB +5, AC +4, Wis -1]
Spell Power +2: If I hit with a melee attack and target the creature with magic, +2 to CL for the remainder of the encounter to overcome SR.
Skills: 4 Ranks? (2 + INT(2))
+1 Climb
+1 Jump
+2 Swim
Spell Gained: Vampiric Touch
Spell Slots per day:
6/8/7/3 (Plus 1 INT bonus for level 1 & 2)