Nebuzaradan |
Does Nebuzaradan have a home in Greyhawk or near it? If so, I'd think he has it memorized and could safely teleport there. That means having to study the current location for a return trip. I think it is the safest and the fastest means of travel if we can remove the risk.
I also think any assault on their position will need to use illusion and summoned beasts to draw them out. Another thought is similar to last time, we could drop a fog cloud on top of the stairwell followed by a cloudkill spell. It should sink down the stairwell, or so I would think. A little chemical warfare to draw them out.
Morrow, Tue |
Didn't we have magical armor and other heavy stuff piled somewhere to haul out when we left? Didn't want to carry the heavy/bulky stuff....
Sounds like a plan!
Fash Daergal |
OK, I think we are agreed. 1) We camp overnight and get everyone healed up. 2) We go back to Greyhawk City and come back after a) reporting in, and b) doing some research, planning and shopping.
I think we should walk out, because according to the campaign page, a lot of our loot has been cached and will need carrying. Also, I am not sure if the loot list is complete - I think there are several items in the recent past that are not on it - Ring of Invisbility (Reonnyn has), a Sustaining Spoon (Morrow), Wand of Dispel Magic (Reonnyn), Stone of Alarm (Sobok), Magic long bow (Morrow), Potions (Fash, Sobok)...
As to carrying stuff, I have 60 lbs available in the main compartment of my handy haversack, and a further 15 and 16 lbs in the side compartments.
@Neb, do you have any useful lower level utility spells, given we are walking out (to pick stuff up on the way) - Floating disk, unseen servant, mount?
Morrow, Tue |
No bow or spoon on my CS.
I'd probably recommend selling both....
Sobok. |
Sobok can carry a lot. I about 550 lbs before I go over my heavy load and I have some room in my haversack as well.
Fash Daergal |
I think I have a solution to our transport problem - I have Shadow Evocation, which can simulate evocations of up to 4th level:
Fash Daergal |
I have a bit of a family emergency and will be travelling. I am not sure how much I will be able to keep up with posting, so feel free to bot me if needed.
Sobok. |
Take care!
Reonnyn |
Hope everything goes smoothly Fash.
Nebuzaradan |
Gentlemen,I hate to do this to you but I think I am going to bow out. The game is going along fine but me with a full caster just isn’t cutting it and I much prefer Pathfinder to 3.5. My apologies again but I think I will put my energies elsewhere.
Fash Daergal |
I don't have a bunch of time here, but a couple of quick hits
1)@Party how are we handling the split wrt items claimed in the game. GM West's list doesn't include them (for example, Reonnyn got a ring of invisibility , Here). There are more such items - Morrow ended up with a +1 frost longbow IIRC
2)I have no problems with Sobok wanting to grab one of the glaives, presumably we will deal with it the same as the above...
3) I agree with keep the tabards
4) for the war plans, can we hand them to Mordenkainen? Or do you guys have another contact high up in the City hierarchy?
GM West |
Dang, I'm usually pretty good at keeping track of treasure, but it's possible some slipped through. If you think there's an item you got and it's not on the list NOR on your character sheet, let me know and I'll research.
I've got the Ring of Invisibility and the Longbow +1 "Frost" to look into at this point. Anything else?
GM West |
By the way, if I get no bites for Recruitment, I figure we've got a couple choices.
We could go on with four characters (plus the NPC cleric.) You should be okay, I think - but no arcanist might make it a bit more difficult than it would be otherwise. Still, you DO have magic available, so I think you'll be fine.
If anybody wants to do so, you can run two characters. I have no problem with that. You could choose Glorb or Neb, or create another one if you'd like - though I'd prefer you choose one or the other of those two if we go this route. For that matter, if anybody wants to run Verdan, I've got absolutely no problem with that and would thank you kindly besides!
Lastly, while I'm investigating those missing magic items, I'm going to consider letting you all take another level. No guarantees, I need to see what you've done since the last level up and what the adventure calls for at this stage of the game. But at a guess, start figuring your level-up choices, because I'm thinking it'll probably happen, and doing so while in the city rather than the dungeon would be ideal.
Morrow, Tue |
The +1 Frost composite longbow [+2 STR] can go in the party treasure to be sold. Morrow is not likely to use it....
GM, it was at this post, Nov 21, 2022.
Reonnyn |
GM West: The Ring of Invisibility was found on THIS post.
I could take over either Neb or Glorb if need be. Actually was considering using Glorb as a backup PC in case Reonnyn is killed, so that works out OK.
Fash Daergal |
Sustaining Spoon and a 500gp silver serving set...
WRT to not having a wizard type along, Fash can do a lot of specialized things well, but he's got a lot of holes in his spell set as well: no teleportation, no flight, very little non-shadow battlefield control, and more...
Morrow, Tue |
Same for Morrow. He's got some magic, but it is mostly for enhancing his fighting....
Sobok. |
I am always of the opinion that if there is an item someone will use then the group should allow the player to use it. If at some point the player buys something better or we find something better the item can go back into the group pile for someone else or to be sold.
Sobok lacks magic so a wizarding type could be useful.
GM West |
Thanks folks! So the magical Sustaining Spoon, Ring of Invisibility, and the Frost Longbow +1 will be added to the list - along with the 500gp silver serving set.
Only the Ring of Invsibility and Bead of Force have been claimed thus far, though it sounds like Sobok might want to keep one of those magical glaives (there are six total, so five can be sold) as well, correct? Also saw Neb wanted to keep the scrolls, so we'll add those to his character sheet - should Fash go ahead with his plans to run the wizard. Also sounds like you're keeping those battle plans, to perhaps share with someone in charge of Greyhawk's defense. You have no idea how to find Mordenkeinen at this point, since you ran across him while breaking into the Wizard's Guild. Though you can certainly ask around. Sounds like you're also keeping those clothes (with Iuz's crest) as potential disguises.
Everything else listed above and on that Treasure List in my last post to be sold? The 8k ruby as well? I'll do the breakdown in my next post and give you all one more chance to make a claim before making it final.
Reonnyn |
If no one else claims it then Reonnyn will claim the Bead of force.
It looks like Fash is going to run Neb, so I am OK with taking Glorb over and running two PCs.
PS: Should we hang onto the 8k Ruby for emergencies?
Morrow, Tue |
Hate to ask the stupid question, but what emergency would call for an 8K Ruby?
West, If you'd like I'll take over running Verdan. ?? I'll want to change a couple of his prepared spells.
Morrow, Tue |
Any chance I can get a greater Crystal of Energy Assault, Fire? MIC says 6,000 GP. Page 64. I've got a couple thousand gold on my sheet to add to what we are getting.
Greater: This crystal adds an extra 1d6 points of energy damage of its type to the weapon's damage, as well as a secondary effect depending on the type of crystal: Fire Assault: Target takes an additional 1d6 points of fire damage 1 round later (multiple hits on the same creature don't increase the next round's damage beyond 1d6).
Fash Daergal |
Ok, I'm back home and hopefully on a more regular schedule...
...should Fash go ahead with his plans to run the wizard. ...
It looks like Fash is going to run Neb, so I am OK with taking Glorb over and running two PCs.
Um what! Who's plan was this? Only reference I can find to someone taking over Neb is this:
I could take over either Neb or Glorb if need be. Actually was considering using Glorb as a backup PC in case Reonnyn is killed, so that works out OK.
Reonnyn |
Sorry Fash, GM West suggested we run an additional PC to help bolster the party since no one has responded yet to the Recruitment post. I am willing to run Glorb here as I assumed either you or Morrow would run Neb. Now since Morrow wants to take over Verdan, I suppose I could run Neb if no one else wants to, as I do think we could use a wizard here.
GM West |
Thanks folks, and apologies to Fash! I must have misread your post somehow, though no idea where I came up with the idea you were intending to take over Neb. That was entirely my bad!
So Morrow will run Verdan's character and Reonnyn - please feel free to take either Glorb OR Neb, whichever you'd find more fun for you! You do have some magic available, so Neb isn't necessary (not as crucial as a healer, for sure!)
I'll get to the rest of your questions (the sending, the magic items, etc) as soon as I can.
Sobok. |
I am sorry, work has slammed me and affected my posting this week. I have a big deadline for next week and all my time is being thrown into that. Please bot me as needed while I take care of this.
Reonnyn |
OK even though I think the party is justifiably stronger with Neb in the party I cannot justify a reason for him to stick around with the group. I therefore will play Glorbe Goldendew along with Reonnyn.
GM West: I created a profile for Glorbe HERE. Please look him over and let me know if there is anything I missed, other than levelling him up that is.
PS. I will be dealing with Hurricane (hopefully Tropical Storm) Hilary this weekend. My posting may be spotty.
Fash Daergal |
Strategically, I'd like to deal with 'Rhaiani' before getting stuck into the Iuzites in the temple of Nerull...
I think we're agreed that she's not an elven princess, but I'd like a confirm what she actually. But how? Not sure True Seeing (Verdan can cast it) would help, but is there a divination to see through polymorphs and/or shapeshifting and disguises? Probably, there's a spell for everything in 3.5 (if you look at enough sources).
Assuming that she's not, we probably should fight her? We could wander down there, pretending to be fooled, and open up with a spell from a scroll... (we should also purchase a scroll of AM field, in case she's the real thing...)
@GM West, have you made a decision about levelling?
Morrow, Tue |
Actually, I was planning on Verdan using True Seeing. It "sees through illusions, and sees the true form of polymorphed, changed, or transmuted things." The only "weakness" the spell lists is that it doesn't show through mundane disguises, which I'm sure we aren't dealing with. It doesn't mention anything about curses. But if the curse causes a transmutation effect it should show what the non-transmuted creature would look like.
Fash Daergal |
Actually, I was planning on Verdan using True Seeing. It "sees through illusions, and sees the true form of polymorphed, changed, or transmuted things." The only "weakness" the spell lists is that it doesn't show through mundane disguises, which I'm sure we aren't dealing with. It doesn't mention anything about curses. But if the curse causes a transmutation effect it should show what the non-transmuted creature would look like.
Ok, that will work.
See GM West's last para HERE.
GM West |
Any chance I can get a greater Fiendslayer Crystal for my sword? MIC says 5,000 GP. Page 65.
Least: A weapon with this crystal attached deals an extra 1d6 points of damage to evil outsiders.
Lesser: As the least crystal, and the weapon is treated as good-aligned for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction.
Greater: As the lesser crystal, and if the weapon scores a critical hit against an evil outsider, that creature can't use any teleportation abilities or spells for 1 round.
Any evil creature grasping a weapon that bears a fiendslayer crystal gains one negative level, which remains as long as it holds the weapon and disappears when the weapon is no longer wielded. This negative level never results in actual level loss, but it cannot be overcome in any way (including restoration spells) while the weapon is wielded.
You got it!
As far as leveling goes, feel free to work on your builds, but for now we'll stay with your current level. Once you've defeated the cleric and the demons, you can level up officially!
Fash Daergal |
Ok, so tactical planning for Rhaiani... We start by assuming she's a fake.
First we prebuff
1) I cast Telepathic Bond so that (Verdan, Fash, Morrow and Reonnyn) can communicate without words.
2) Verdan casts true seeing
3) Drop any other pre-fight buffs.
Then we walk up to her cavern and Verdan looks at her to see what she really is. He uses the telepathic bond to tell everyone in contact. At this point the plan splits. Either
A) She really is a transformed elf princess, at which point I whip out a scroll of Antimagic Field and start with the UMD checks. If at that point, she turns out to be a hostile elf. At that point, I keep close to her with the AM Field, and Morrow and Sobok beat on her...
B) She's something else. Given she's been lying to us, we can assume she's hostile. At that point, I dig out a scroll of something offensive, and pretend it's AM Field... When it goes off, everyone jumps her.
A couple of questions
1) Do we have a party fund to pay for things like the components for the True Seeing (250 gp), the AM Field scroll (1650 gp)?
2) Anybody got any suggestions whathe offensive scroll in B) should be?
Reonnyn |
1) Reonnyn would be more than happy to contribute his share of the money for the scroll components.
2) Maybe a Dimensional Anchor spell to keep her from 'porting around? Or Evards Black Tentacles/Ice Storm/Cloudkill?
Morrow, Tue |
Gotta keep in mind that if she's a chained demon she might be something really powerful. How do those spells 'play' with DR and SR? And once cast what is the effect on the battlefield? Don't need something that is going to protect her from the fighters wading in to pound on her!
We'll also need to protect from any sort of mind control. Can Verdan get a wand of protection from evil? It is a minute per level so we'll have to be quick, but I don't want to wipe out all of his 1st level spells!
Fash Daergal |
1) Who has K planes (other than Neb; it's not Fash) - that is who we should cast true seeing on. Also, can we buff whomever's knowledge checks? (they could then share through Telepathic bond)
2) Protection from Evil would be a good buff; perhaps Magic circle vs Evil? Any other ideas for pre-buffing (Heroism)? Does Glorb have anything?
3) I agree that area effect terrain control (Black Tentacles, Ice storm, etc) is out for an opener; it would make the fighter's lives much more difficult. Glitterdust has no SR (but a save) and no lingering effect. One of the orb spells (the 4th level ones) would be a possible; but which one - outsiders tend to elemental resistances and we can't count on her failing the save for the rider effects. Actually, if we prepped, Telekinesis might by a good choice, if we showed up carrying a bunch of alchemical touch weapons - at least 1 tanglefoot bag, and a bunch of holy water (although that only works if she's an evil outsider). I am not familiar with the 3.5 equipment pile any more; is there something out there that will do reliable damage (like sonic or dehydration or something not generally resisted) in the alchemy pile?
GM West |
Figure you can find out the following general information about demons quite easily while in Greyhawk:
Immunity to electricity and poison.
Resistance to acid 10, cold 10, and fire 10.
Summon (Sp): Many demons share the ability to summon others of their kind (the success chance and type of demon summoned are noted in each monster description). Demons are often reluctant to use this power until in obvious peril or extreme circumstances.
You also know that the spell was a Hedged Binding Spell
It's easy enough, given your resources, to know further that you can’t dispel a binding spell with dispel magic or a similar effect - though an antimagic field or Mage’s disjunction affects it normally. A bound extraplanar creature cannot be sent back to its home plane due to dismissal, banishment, or a similar effect. This presumes it IS in fact a demon of course, and not an elf or other humanoid.
Reonnyn |
Glorb has the Knowledge Planes handled, as he is a bard so perhaps he should get the True Seeing cast on him? As for combat abilities, He has a few combat spells but nothing flashy. Maybe Glorb can use that wand of Protection vs Evil?
I linked his profile HERE. Feel free to have a look and let me know.
Fash Daergal |
How does Glorbe have K planes handled; this is 3.5, and bardic knowledge is:
A bard may make a special bardic knowledge check with a bonus equal to his bard level + his Intelligence modifier to see whether he knows some relevant information about local notable people, legendary items, or noteworthy places. (If the bard has 5 or more ranks in Knowledge (history), he gains a +2 bonus on this check.)
That doesn't help with monster ID...