GM West |

Hey, Happy New Years everyone! I'm back from vacation, but will keep this paused a bit until Sobok returns. Then we'll pick up where we left off. I'd rather not push things too fast in this room without everyone around...

Fash Daergal |

... Fash, forced movement never draws AoOs.
My brain was telling me this wasn't right for 3.5, so I looked it up... Hate to break this to you, GM West, but you've Pathfinder'ized yourself.
In PF, being Bull Rushed (or other combat maneuver effects) doesn't draw AoOs unless the rusher has the Greater Bull Rush Feat (or appropriate Greater Maneuver feat).
In D&D 3.5 though:
"Note: The defender provokes attacks of opportunity if he is moved. So do you, if you move with him. The two of you do not provoke attacks of opportunity from each other, however."

GM West |

LOL is that right? OK then, roll those AoOs! And yes, I'd say so long as they are either in his space or adjacent (even in a wall or something) they'd get to make the attack. Thanks for finding that rule! I must have been looking at the Paizo board or something.

Morrow, Tue |

Pity.... I'd rather they AoO'd him while casting the invisibility!

Fash Daergal |

Pity.... I'd rather they AoO'd him while casting the invisibility!
They would have, there are 3 more that could take an AoO on him this round, but he made his concentration check to cast defensively... but you needn't worry about his invisibility, he got glitterdusted.

Nebuzaradan |

When using spectral hand for a touch attack, do I use Dex or Str? Trying to decide which to modify in order to deliver some touch spells with some semblance of success.

Sobok. |

For melee based attacks you always use strength unless you have Weapon Finesse and the attack is with a finesse-able weapon. Melee Touch attacks still use strength.

Fash Daergal |

For a 30, I'll give to ya! Let me know your intended spell selection for the next day, but my next post will either see you well rested and ready to continue on, or perhaps interrupted during your rest... What is your watch schedule?
@GM West, WRT to watch scheduling, do you consider standing watch to be an interruption in a caster's 8 hrs of rest? "The wizard does not have to slumber for every minute of the time, but she must refrain from movement, combat, spellcasting, skill use, conversation, or any other fairly demanding physical or mental task during the rest period." Note that we have 3 characters that need a full 8 of rest - Morrow, Neb and Fash (Sobok, Reonnyn and Verdan don't).
Asssuming that you do, with 6 pcs, assuming double watches and 2 hrs/ watch, I think that means we take 12 to rest...
A Shift Fash and X (Sleeping: Neb, Morrow, Y, Z)
B Shift Fash and Y (Sleeping: Neb, Morrow, X, Z)
C Shift X, Y (Sleeping: Neb, Morrow, Fash, Z)
D Shift Z, Y (Sleeping: Neb, Morrow, Fash, X)
E Shift Neb and Morrow (Sleeping, Fash, X, Y, Z)
F Shift Neb and Morrow (Sleeping, Fash, X, Y, Z)
X, Y and Z are Sobok, Reonnyn and Verdan, and can be moved as convenient). Assuming Neb and Morrow study their spells (for 1 hr) as part of their guard shifts, we can get going in the morning after Fash meditates for 15 minutes...

Sobok. |

Those shifts seem overly complicated.
Why not just three four hour shifts:
Shift A Fash And Verdan
Shift B- Sobok and Reonnyn
Shift C Neb and Morrow
Sobok, Verdan and Reonnyn are interchangeable in this.

Morrow, Tue |

To prepare her daily spells, a wizard must first sleep for 8 hours. The wizard does not have to slumber for every minute of the time, but she must refrain from movement, combat, spellcasting, skill use, conversation, or any other fairly demanding physical or mental task during the rest period. If her rest is interrupted, each interruption adds 1 hour to the total amount of time she has to rest in order to clear her mind, and she must have at least 1 hour of uninterrupted rest immediately prior to preparing her spells. If the character does not need to sleep for some reason, she still must have 8 hours of restful calm before preparing any spells.

Sobok. |

I will be traveling from 1/26 through 1/29. I should have good access to the internet and be ble to post in the evenings. But feel free to bot as needed.

Morrow, Tue |

Sorry for my absence, but posting is nearly impossible for me now. I'm in intensive care at the Surgical Trauma Intensive Care Unit at Wake Med. Got an infection in my leg that turned into necrotizing fasciitis, or something like that. They've had to remove several pounds of skin and such, making my leg look like something from a horror show.
I will be back and would love to continue this game if possible, but will likely offline for an unknown period, possible 4-6 weeks.

Reonnyn |

Yikes! Take all the time you need AGM Lemming. Your health is far more important and this sounds extremely serious. I hope you make a full recovery too.

Fash Daergal |

Ok, follow up question, do we a) bot Morrow, b) go on hiatus for a month-ish, c) Morrow disappears in a flash of light (to hopefully reappear in the future) or d) some other plan?

Sobok. |

That sounds terrible. Hopefully, they got all the dead tissue and you can heal quickly! Take care.
We have Morrow's stats. He could just be bot'ed along so he is there and ready to go when Morrow returns.

GM West |

Sent you an email Morrow, my thoughts are with you and please keep me updated! Wishing you a speedy recovery and join us whenever you're ready.
I will go ahead and bot the character in the meantime, and as this is tax season for me here at the office, the next 4-6 weeks will likely be slow going anyway. I'm going to work at getting the next post up very soon though, so we can kick off this combat.

Morrow, Tue |

Sorry for the delay. Even back at home it's taken time to get my life back in order. Still have numerous doctor's appointments and out-patient stuff trying to get my leg back close to original function.
And West is aware, had a very close, long-time friend just pass. It was a shock and there have been too many of those lately....
But, let me get through the 95 posts and I'll try to rejoin the game. Thank you everyone for your patience! And Steve, I'll try to rejoin the Shifting Sands tomorrow.

Fash Daergal |

Sorry for the delay. Even back at home it's taken time to get my life back in order. Still have numerous doctor's appointments and out-patient stuff trying to get my leg back close to original function.
And West is aware, had a very close, long-time friend just pass. It was a shock and there have been too many of those lately....
But, let me get through the 95 posts and I'll try to rejoin the game. Thank you everyone for your patience! And Steve, I'll try to rejoin the Shifting Sands tomorrow.
Hey, you made it! Good to see you're alive and kicking!

Reonnyn |

Glad to see you rejoining us Morrow, and glad to see RL settling down for you now!

Morrow, Tue |

Doing much better. Alive and kicking with my left leg. The right leg is the one that was nearly destroyed by the virus and still has a way to go!
Had a wound care appointment today. I drove to and from, and walked in from the parking lot for the appointment. In the past Pepi had been doing all of the driving and dropping me off at the door. The hospital is pretty big so the walk wasn't fun.... But I've been working at it so it's pretty easy now. Another couple of weeks and I might try walking a mile or more on the local track....

GM West |

Moving into a new place, I'll be back online after this weekend, but then taking a short vacation. My posting will be spotty until Monday, 6/12. Going to try and post once or twice during that time, but if I go radio silent you'll know why. Thanks folks!

Fash Daergal |

Ok folks, we are in deadly trouble and no mistake. These things hit like freaking hammers - those 6 shot volleys are nasty. I think we need to break off. So before we all start posting actions, let's decide that, so everyone chime in if you please. My vote is break off and run away...
Although how is going to be an issue.

Sobok. |

@GM- My AC starts at 23. Raging I should be at 21 and then 22 Hasted. So several of those attacks would have missed me I believe.
We have to go through here right? It might be worth focusing fire for a turn or two and trying to drop at least one before running. If we have some more defensive spells maybe we can do another round.
But there are some of us who are really ripped up already so maybe we run and get a better plan before coming back.

Reonnyn |

I have to agree with Fash here, retreating would be a wise call here. We can use hit and run tactics here and try luring one of the arrow demons away from its allies.
Reonnyn doesn't believe in fighting fair.
PS I am on vacation this week so posting will be spotty for me.

GM West |

Sobok, I'm showing your AC 23 includes you having a shield readied, which NORMALLY requires a hand to use, but you're using a two-handed falchion, correct? So... you'd have to 'activate' the Animated ability of the shield by using a move action, which would allow you only to use a standard action for the attack - but per your post, you used a full round attack, so the shield I think is still strapped to your back.
Note that the magical Animated shield only protects you for 4 rounds once activated, if I read the description right, at which point it drops to the ground at your feet.

Fash Daergal |

Fash Daergal |

WRT to trying to get one more before we run,
A) currently if either me, Sobok or Morrow eat another full attack from an arrow demon, I suspect it's new PC time;
B) We've already got 1 with dismissal;
and C) I believe 1 more Arrow demon still in the fog, and whatever it was that was with them, and is a caster of some sort (see the spellcraft roll that I missed). They may not let us run away...
Tactically, I can lay down a temporary blocking spell (Shadow Conjuration or Shadow Evocation), and then we could beat feet. But that would rely on them blowing assorted spell resist and will saves...Not sure what else everyone has...

Morrow, Tue |

I think if we turn to run we take a round of attacks. ?? I posted a full attack on the demon right in front of me. Where are the arrows coming from?

Nebuzaradan |

I can teleport everyone away. Most likely the bedroom we spent the night in after we found Fash and Sobok. The paizo board is loading at the speed of sludge for me so it will take me a moment to find the initiative track but I should be able to get everyone out before the demons go again, particularly if you delay actions in case I am moving near the end of initiatives.

GM West |

LOL! You are correct Fash! Jeez, that's what I get for running a pbp Pathfinder game and a 3.5 game as well. Oh yeah, and I've got a 5e one on another board as well. I'm getting too old for all these damn versions...
Sobok, with your AC 22 (and an animated shield floating around, blocking two of those arrows that otherwise would have hit you), I'm thinking you were struck by four of six arrows, so you'll be getting 23 HP back!

GM West |

@Morrow - The demons have four arms and two oversized longbows. They have multiple attacks, are apparently using Rapid Shot AND they seem to have no issues with being right up in an adjacent square, as they aren't taking AoOs for this tactic. Whether they could themselves take an AoO with their bows if you turn and run, you aren't entirely sure...

Fash Daergal |

I can lay down a Shadow evocation Wall of Ice, to block their LoS, so Neb can then swoop down and teleport. BUT...
Neb can teleport - with himself and up to 3 other medium sized creatures (assuming CL 10). That's Neb, Morrow, Sobok and Verdan? I think I can sneak away, being the sneakiest of sneaky gnomes. That leaves Reonnyn... Reonnyn's got Flee the Scene (short range Dimension Door), and a ring of invisibility... Does this sound like a plan?

Fash Daergal |

@Morrow, you have spellcraft right, so you might want to roll to figure out what the unknown enemy cast...
@Verdan, you too please.

Fash Daergal |

With the init as posted, if we like the plan above, that means everyone unloads into the demons up until Fash's action. He drops a shadow evocation Wall of Ice across the battlefield (along the dashed yellow line), which hopefully blocks the arrow demons for a round... Neb flies in and teleports out with Morrow, Sobok and Verdan. Reonnyn and I try to sneak our way out of trouble.

Sobok. |

Sounds good.

Reonnyn |

Yep agreed. Reonnyn will slip his ring on and Flee the Scene.

Fash Daergal |

OK, we are in strategy time again, and it's a pain to do in character. This is what I see:
Clearly, we are going to camp for the night and then I think we have 2 choices...
A) Go back down tomorrow
Pros: 1) Minimal time for them to heal and reinforce 2) Minimum time for them to continue their evil plot (whatever it is)
Cons: 1)They will probably be on max alert 2) We can only use what we know already and have on us; no getting more gear, etc or doing something like researching the arrow demons...
B) Go back to Greyhawk City and come back at some later date...
Pros: 1) If we don't show up for some time, they may relax back to regular wariness. 2) We get to research, get more gear, etc.. 3) We can take the papers we found to the Greyhawk city guard.
Cons: 1) They will heal up and might be reinforced 2) They get to continue their evil plot (whatever it is) unmolested 3) This does mean walking out - the plan to leave by teleport is just too many repeated teleports (each with a chance of failure...Note that any failure would result in a long term split party.) given Neb's limited capacity to carry others.
If anyone else has other pros and cons, bring them up ... and then vote for your choice of options.
Fash would vote for option B), and when we come back, doing a serious sneak job to start off - just sneak on down there and then hang around observing. Is this encounter a gate guard for a temple below? Does the cleric take shifts (and who's her alternates) or is she camped out here?

Morrow, Tue |

I don't remember. West, Can we leave and come back freely? I don't remember it being that easy to enter the building. ??

Reonnyn |

Fash: I disagree with your opinion the Iuzians will sit back and relax here. We have had run ins with them and I am certain they will press an attack on us even if we return to Greyhawk. Still Reonnyn thinks returning would be a wiser course here. Our element of surprise is gone and I see no way to get the drop on them.
Morrow: As far as I know the wards are down so we should be able to come and go freely.

Sobok. |

If there is no time frame that we are under falling back and gathering strength makes a lot of sense. Assuming we can come and go.

GM West |

You can definitely retreat, as the wards that once shielded this tower are gone. How the Iuzite will react you aren't certain, they seemed certainly to have some amount of heightened security in place already, though whether they could (or will) go above and beyond what they had is entirely unknown.
Let me know your plans and should you decide to retreat back to town, I'll see if there are any surprises in store for you on the way to the city of Greyhawk.