Expedition to the Ruins of Castle Greyhawk [3.5 D&D]

Game Master Stiehle

3.5 Edition D&D campaign set in the environs of the City of Greyhawk.

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M Human Duskblade 7/Abjurant Champion 4 | HP: 84/84 | Add 1 for Haste ** AC:20/T:13 /FF:16 | Init:+1, MAB:+14/+9/+4 Power Attack | W:+8,R:+4,F:+8 | Spellslots:6/6-9/9-8/8-4/5 | Arcane Attunement: 5/5 | Quick Cast:1 | Arcane Boost | Skills: Climb+16,Jump+12,Spellcraft+16,Swim+10 | Corner Perch/Leaping Climber/Speedy Ascent/Quick Swimmer

I think we need the heavy pounder....

Personally I like having a wizard in the party, and I enjoy playing them! But I wouldn't want to drop any of the people we currently have!

M Human Cleric 6 / Radiant servant of Pelor 4 HP: 61 / 61 AC: 22 (10 Touch, 22 Flat-Footed)(Armor +8, Shield +3) Init +0 Fort: +12 Ref: +3 Will: +14 Stalwart Pact

I agree with Morrow.
If we need more of a blaster I can be less of a frontline person and change some of my spells, since they basically are the same ones that I started the campaign with having no idea what would be needed, if anyone has any recommendations?

Male halfling Swashbuckler 4/Warlock 7 Init: +3 | AC: 20 / FF: 17 / Touch 14 [+4 vs giants] | Fort: +8 / Ref: +10 / Will: +9 [+2 vs fear] | Speed: 30' | DR 2/cold iron | Attacks: +2 rapier +15/+10 to hit (1d4+3 damage); Eldritch Blast +14 to hit ranged touch (4d6+2 damage, range 250', x2)

I also agree with Morrow here, we have a pretty good mix here when it comes to party mix. I suggest we put out a recruiting call for a wizard/mage to join the group. If we are going to eventually tackle that mage who spoke to us from that skull, we are going to need the arcane support!

Male Human (Aren't we all? Folks need to remember that!) Epic Level GM (35+ years!)

If Morgrym prefers to play a wizard I'm fine with having him changing up. I always want my players to pick the class they enjoy the most, and I think when Morgrym joined we already had a wizard in place.

Between Cona, Reonnyn and Morrow you're already in pretty good shape for combat - with each of you having your own roles, even if none of you are a true tank or heavy hitter. And Verdan isn't bad in a fight either.

Morgrym, if you'd prefer to play a wizard, go for it. If you're just as fine with your current character that's great too and I'll put out a call for an arcane type.

M Human Cleric 6 / Radiant servant of Pelor 4 HP: 61 / 61 AC: 22 (10 Touch, 22 Flat-Footed)(Armor +8, Shield +3) Init +0 Fort: +12 Ref: +3 Will: +14 Stalwart Pact

Then can I have Morgrym share of the gem..lol ;o)

Scout 8

If Morgrym -really- wants to change, I have a more pure heavy-hitter from a game that recently ended - another of yours West, though not entirely certain if Ferah's not too powerful with the gear she has.

Cona requires a heck of a lot of area to be effective; and dungeons often don't allow this - but not sure how much the loss of thief skills would impact.

Male Human (Aren't we all? Folks need to remember that!) Epic Level GM (35+ years!)

Cona, you seem pretty darn effective! If you'd rather play Ferah that's OK with me too, though. A rogue will certainly be helpful with certain aspects, but you can always work around the lack of a trapfinder or lockpicker (hopefully!)

I would rather have my players play the character they want than worry about what class is best suited for the adventure. Let me know what the two of you want to do as soon as possible though. I'll do what I can to get new characters written in if you wish to do so.

Scout 8

Cona was effective because the terrain allowed him to constantly be on the move - dungeons often don't allow that. Working around a lockpicker isn't too bad, it's a trapfinder that's more of an issue.

I'll leave it up to Morgrym, as Ferah would be overkill if Morgrym is around, but I prefer divine-types and bruisers most of the time. Ferah was one of only two times I deliberately created a character to ultimately qualify for a prestige class.

M Human Cleric 6 / Radiant servant of Pelor 4 HP: 61 / 61 AC: 22 (10 Touch, 22 Flat-Footed)(Armor +8, Shield +3) Init +0 Fort: +12 Ref: +3 Will: +14 Stalwart Pact

Dealing with the whole find traps and disable them;
There are many magic items to help disable traps, but finding them so far I have only found the 2nd level cleric spell Locate traps. Which only lasts 1 min. per level.

Now of course the GM could create a magic item like the rod of metal and mineral detection. But we still would need search checks to find the trap. So someone with the best search check and Dex save could be a stand-in rouge.

Cona, isn't it that you just need to move at 10' intervals? I think most dungeons allow that much space, but again who knows. You might just need slippers of spider climbing then you can run up the walls and ceilings. ;o)

Scout 8

Cona has heavily invested in feats to make him better at melee - that means though, to really be as effective as he was in that combat, he needs to be moving around 40' - though 20 would get him the damage; but his AC amplified if he gets to 40.

I like Cona, so leaving it in Morgrym's hands; but if given the choice between Cona and Ferah, a very heavy-hitter, (probably not quite as much damage potential if all circumstances align, but probably comparable once combat has begun, and so is not in a charging/leap attack advantage), would take Ferah - especially as more thought about where to progress from where she's at, as with Cona I have no real plans of future development.

male Human Code name: "Black out" (soon to be Lasombra 9th generation)

What is our level of wizard need gm?

Male Human (Aren't we all? Folks need to remember that!) Epic Level GM (35+ years!)

8th level, Morgrym. You can use the same creation rules I outlined in the first post of the Recruitment tab.

I'll be on a camping vacation until Monday, so no updates this weekend. When I get back, I'll bring you all back to the Green Dragon Inn unless you have more questions for the monk.

male Human Code name: "Black out" (soon to be Lasombra 9th generation)

How bad does the group need a wizard?

M Human Cleric 6 / Radiant servant of Pelor 4 HP: 61 / 61 AC: 22 (10 Touch, 22 Flat-Footed)(Armor +8, Shield +3) Init +0 Fort: +12 Ref: +3 Will: +14 Stalwart Pact

I am very happy if people play what would be most happy with. So if you would rather play a wizard, I say please do so. We can figure a way around class issues if need be.

I will be on vacation until next Friday, so my posting maybe spotty.

Scout 8

Yeah, play what you want. But also don't play a wizard because you feel we need one - West has already indicated he'll recruit for an arcane type if needed.

Just figure out what you'd prefer and indicate which you'd prefer to do, and we can go from there.

Male halfling Swashbuckler 4/Warlock 7 Init: +3 | AC: 20 / FF: 17 / Touch 14 [+4 vs giants] | Fort: +8 / Ref: +10 / Will: +9 [+2 vs fear] | Speed: 30' | DR 2/cold iron | Attacks: +2 rapier +15/+10 to hit (1d4+3 damage); Eldritch Blast +14 to hit ranged touch (4d6+2 damage, range 250', x2)

I'm not sure to be honest how badly we do need a wizard, but considering we have earned the ire of a powerful wizard Reonnyn believes having a wizard would prove most helpful.

Still, I say play what you want to play...we can figure it out from there.

male Human Code name: "Black out" (soon to be Lasombra 9th generation)

Recruit a wizard then and I will stay where I am

Male Human (Aren't we all? Folks need to remember that!) Epic Level GM (35+ years!)

Good deal, we'll continue onward with this group of characters and I'll see if I can get a wizard to join us - though I think you'll be fine even if we don't find one. Your party seems quite versatile!

Male Human (Aren't we all? Folks need to remember that!) Epic Level GM (35+ years!)

If there are no more questions for the monk then, I'll have you all head back to the Green Dragon Inn with my next post - should be either tonight or tomorrow at the latest.

Male Human (Aren't we all? Folks need to remember that!) Epic Level GM (35+ years!)

Checked in, looking for some guidance from the players on how you're proceeding. I'll take another look in a couple of days!

male Human Code name: "Black out" (soon to be Lasombra 9th generation)

Thought we might be recruiting and I am no diplomancer

M Human Duskblade 7/Abjurant Champion 4 | HP: 84/84 | Add 1 for Haste ** AC:20/T:13 /FF:16 | Init:+1, MAB:+14/+9/+4 Power Attack | W:+8,R:+4,F:+8 | Spellslots:6/6-9/9-8/8-4/5 | Arcane Attunement: 5/5 | Quick Cast:1 | Arcane Boost | Skills: Climb+16,Jump+12,Spellcraft+16,Swim+10 | Corner Perch/Leaping Climber/Speedy Ascent/Quick Swimmer

I don't have quite the negative adjust to moving silent as the cleric. But I also don't have his persuasive speech capabilities.... That said, Morrow would not be trying to follow the Captain.

And I don't know what else we can do to try and figure out who/what he is. I suggest that we either:
1. Go back to the monks and admit failure.
2. Enter the castle again. Whatever tower was indicated from our last time. ??

male Human Code name: "Black out" (soon to be Lasombra 9th generation)

I am here and had posted my character getting ready to head to bed when the cleric stepped out so was waiting

Scout 8

Sorry all, shake up at work, post tomorrow.

Male Human (Aren't we all? Folks need to remember that!) Epic Level GM (35+ years!)

Cona! You're back! :)

Scout 8

Will send you an email later today; there's been a heck of a lot happening.

gestalt Fighter(High Guardiant)/Sorcerer (crossblooded Sage/Orc); HP 44/44; AC 19 TAC 11 FF 16; FOR +7 REF +3 WIL +3; INIT +1 PER +9 | ongoing effects:
limited use:
1st 7, 2nd 4

check in here?

gestalt Fighter(High Guardiant)/Sorcerer (crossblooded Sage/Orc); HP 44/44; AC 19 TAC 11 FF 16; FOR +7 REF +3 WIL +3; INIT +1 PER +9 | ongoing effects:
limited use:
1st 7, 2nd 4

I will read through the last page or two of posts to get an idea of what is going on. I assume the em will do some sort of game hook to pull me in.

gestalt Fighter(High Guardiant)/Sorcerer (crossblooded Sage/Orc); HP 44/44; AC 19 TAC 11 FF 16; FOR +7 REF +3 WIL +3; INIT +1 PER +9 | ongoing effects:
limited use:
1st 7, 2nd 4


Would you mind if I had two bodyguard/laborers who are animated skeletons? I would have them in full chainmail with a full face guard helmet. I was thinking of calling them Charles and Robert. Technically, I could have a whole slew of the things but where would you put them. With just two, I could have them stand in my room, act as a coat rack, help with making camp, etc.

M Human Duskblade 7/Abjurant Champion 4 | HP: 84/84 | Add 1 for Haste ** AC:20/T:13 /FF:16 | Init:+1, MAB:+14/+9/+4 Power Attack | W:+8,R:+4,F:+8 | Spellslots:6/6-9/9-8/8-4/5 | Arcane Attunement: 5/5 | Quick Cast:1 | Arcane Boost | Skills: Climb+16,Jump+12,Spellcraft+16,Swim+10 | Corner Perch/Leaping Climber/Speedy Ascent/Quick Swimmer

Welcome Nebuzaradan!

gestalt Fighter(High Guardiant)/Sorcerer (crossblooded Sage/Orc); HP 44/44; AC 19 TAC 11 FF 16; FOR +7 REF +3 WIL +3; INIT +1 PER +9 | ongoing effects:
limited use:
1st 7, 2nd 4

Thank you, happy to be aboard.

gestalt Fighter(High Guardiant)/Sorcerer (crossblooded Sage/Orc); HP 44/44; AC 19 TAC 11 FF 16; FOR +7 REF +3 WIL +3; INIT +1 PER +9 | ongoing effects:
limited use:
1st 7, 2nd 4

@DM: if my two companions are approved I will purchase an additional two suits of chainmail, heavy wooden shields, and two MW scimitars. Total cost: 944

Male Human (Aren't we all? Folks need to remember that!) Epic Level GM (35+ years!)

Welcome to the game, Nebuzaradan! Your companions are approved (tentatively, I still need to pore over the rules a bit to make certain when I go over your character sheet, but I'll trust your judgement) and you can consider yourself in the adventure thread immediately. Figure they made contact with you (via Glorb's introduction) and you are with them as they head to the Thieves' Guild safehouse.

You can all RP your introduction as you see fit. I'm hoping to post to the thread this week, got caught up with the holidays over the weekend - but I'm glad I didn't as it turns out!

Scout 8

Sorry all, back now. Had some things to take care of. Heat killing me tonight, so will post tomorrow.

M Human Cleric 6 / Radiant servant of Pelor 4 HP: 61 / 61 AC: 22 (10 Touch, 22 Flat-Footed)(Armor +8, Shield +3) Init +0 Fort: +12 Ref: +3 Will: +14 Stalwart Pact

Well Verdan, would cast Commune (a 5th level spell) and he would get 9 questions that have to be yes and no answer or maybe a short phrase (five words or less) may be given as an answer instead.:

#1: If my friends and I accept this mission from the rouges guild, will my actions, knowing that it is a theft, on such a mission go against the beliefs and/or tenets of the church of Pelor?

2#: Would going on the mission help defeat a great evil that we encountered in the towers?

3#: Was the person that I spoke with when I fallowed him out of the inn the other night, that went by the name Captain Gallancz, was in fact Captain Gallancz?

#4 --#9 need help with Or re-writhing (Asking) one or more of my questions.

Male halfling Swashbuckler 4/Warlock 7 Init: +3 | AC: 20 / FF: 17 / Touch 14 [+4 vs giants] | Fort: +8 / Ref: +10 / Will: +9 [+2 vs fear] | Speed: 30' | DR 2/cold iron | Attacks: +2 rapier +15/+10 to hit (1d4+3 damage); Eldritch Blast +14 to hit ranged touch (4d6+2 damage, range 250', x2)

Reonnyn will offer these two questions:

#4: Will Grandfather Magic allow us access to the Tower of Magic should we turn over Zagyg's Key?

#5: Is Grandfather Magic in league with the wizard who visited us in the Tower of War?

gestalt Fighter(High Guardiant)/Sorcerer (crossblooded Sage/Orc); HP 44/44; AC 19 TAC 11 FF 16; FOR +7 REF +3 WIL +3; INIT +1 PER +9 | ongoing effects:
limited use:
1st 7, 2nd 4

Is there a guardian watching over Zagyg's key?

Will retrieving the brass monkey cause us problems in the future?

Will the guild honor the deal they make with us?

M Human Duskblade 7/Abjurant Champion 4 | HP: 84/84 | Add 1 for Haste ** AC:20/T:13 /FF:16 | Init:+1, MAB:+14/+9/+4 Power Attack | W:+8,R:+4,F:+8 | Spellslots:6/6-9/9-8/8-4/5 | Arcane Attunement: 5/5 | Quick Cast:1 | Arcane Boost | Skills: Climb+16,Jump+12,Spellcraft+16,Swim+10 | Corner Perch/Leaping Climber/Speedy Ascent/Quick Swimmer

I posted mine in character, but #1 pretty well covers it.

M Human Cleric 6 / Radiant servant of Pelor 4 HP: 61 / 61 AC: 22 (10 Touch, 22 Flat-Footed)(Armor +8, Shield +3) Init +0 Fort: +12 Ref: +3 Will: +14 Stalwart Pact

#1: If my friends and I accept this mission from the rouges guild, will my actions, knowing that it is a theft, on such a mission go against the beliefs and/or tenets of the church of Pelor?

2#: Would going on the mission help defeat a great evil that we encountered in the towers?

3#: Was the person that I spoke with when I fallowed him out of the inn the other night, that went by the name Captain Gallancz, was in fact Captain Gallancz?

#4: Will Grandfather Magic allow us access to the Tower of Magic should we turn over Zagyg's Key?

#5: Is Grandfather Magic in league with the wizard who visited us in the Tower of War?

#6:Is there a guardian watching over Zagyg's key?

#7:Will retrieving the brass monkey cause us problems in the future?

#8:Will the guild honor the deal they make with us?

#9: ?

So for questions that is what I have. Does anyone have one more question. Or I can ask
:Is Lord Robilar after the body of Riggby here at Grayhawk?

gestalt Fighter(High Guardiant)/Sorcerer (crossblooded Sage/Orc); HP 44/44; AC 19 TAC 11 FF 16; FOR +7 REF +3 WIL +3; INIT +1 PER +9 | ongoing effects:
limited use:
1st 7, 2nd 4

I got nothin'

M Human Duskblade 7/Abjurant Champion 4 | HP: 84/84 | Add 1 for Haste ** AC:20/T:13 /FF:16 | Init:+1, MAB:+14/+9/+4 Power Attack | W:+8,R:+4,F:+8 | Spellslots:6/6-9/9-8/8-4/5 | Arcane Attunement: 5/5 | Quick Cast:1 | Arcane Boost | Skills: Climb+16,Jump+12,Spellcraft+16,Swim+10 | Corner Perch/Leaping Climber/Speedy Ascent/Quick Swimmer

#9: Is the person that we know as Captain Gallancz in league with the individual that magically communicated with us and summoned the demon in the tower of war.

Male Human (Aren't we all? Folks need to remember that!) Epic Level GM (35+ years!)

Looks good! I'll post in the next day or two and answer those questions. Any other plans? For shopping magic items, I'll probably assign a sort of rarity value and roll the % dice to see if it's readily available.

male Human Code name: "Black out" (soon to be Lasombra 9th generation)

I need to save up a while it seems if we aren't getting a group item

Male Human (Aren't we all? Folks need to remember that!) Epic Level GM (35+ years!)

Holiday slowdown on my part... I should have anticipated this! Sorry folks, I'll try to post at some point this weekend, but it might not be until next week sometime.

Hope you all are having a great holiday season! Bring on 2021!!

Male Human (Aren't we all? Folks need to remember that!) Epic Level GM (35+ years!)

My apologies for delay folks, my office is going through a merger and January is my busiest month of the year as well. I'll post as I can, but it's going to be rough going on my end until February. Thank you in advance for your patience!

M Human Cleric 6 / Radiant servant of Pelor 4 HP: 61 / 61 AC: 22 (10 Touch, 22 Flat-Footed)(Armor +8, Shield +3) Init +0 Fort: +12 Ref: +3 Will: +14 Stalwart Pact

No problem take your time.

gestalt Fighter(High Guardiant)/Sorcerer (crossblooded Sage/Orc); HP 44/44; AC 19 TAC 11 FF 16; FOR +7 REF +3 WIL +3; INIT +1 PER +9 | ongoing effects:
limited use:
1st 7, 2nd 4

no worries

Male halfling Swashbuckler 4/Warlock 7 Init: +3 | AC: 20 / FF: 17 / Touch 14 [+4 vs giants] | Fort: +8 / Ref: +10 / Will: +9 [+2 vs fear] | Speed: 30' | DR 2/cold iron | Attacks: +2 rapier +15/+10 to hit (1d4+3 damage); Eldritch Blast +14 to hit ranged touch (4d6+2 damage, range 250', x2)

Take all the time you need GM West. We will be here waiting :)

M Human Duskblade 7/Abjurant Champion 4 | HP: 84/84 | Add 1 for Haste ** AC:20/T:13 /FF:16 | Init:+1, MAB:+14/+9/+4 Power Attack | W:+8,R:+4,F:+8 | Spellslots:6/6-9/9-8/8-4/5 | Arcane Attunement: 5/5 | Quick Cast:1 | Arcane Boost | Skills: Climb+16,Jump+12,Spellcraft+16,Swim+10 | Corner Perch/Leaping Climber/Speedy Ascent/Quick Swimmer

What they said! :-P

Scout 8

January is equally my busiest month as well - and currently we have had two personnel changes so we're effectively short-staffed as well. I may not post much if at all until Feb.

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