Eternal Horizons - Gameplay Thread 4 (Inactive)

Game Master Jacob DeCourcey


Male Dhampir Cleric (Undead Lord)/1

And I don't care if this character dies for adventuring out on my own. I can always make another.

Male Dhampir Cleric (Undead Lord)/1

Ok, so my intent is to search each hex on my way north. How do you want me to do roles?

I roll for random encounters. You only have to make survival checks when you go off the map so that'll be on the 5th day. How many days of food do you have?

Male Dhampir Cleric (Undead Lord)/1

5 days of water and rations, but I have decent surivial skills, so I can easily farm it off the land if I need too

Male Dhampir Cleric (Undead Lord)/1

Think I might hold the record for "farthest travelled" of the other groups. That's quite crazy that I've travelled down that far.

You definitely have done that. You also have the record for "most days" and "highest CR encountered."

Male Dhampir Cleric (Undead Lord)/1

stupid gnoll, that would have been awesome if it would have worked

Male Dhampir Cleric (Undead Lord)/1

assuming that I don't die to this rat swarm, were you interested in knowing what I want to achieve with this character?

Sure. What's the plan?

Male Dhampir Cleric (Undead Lord)/1

Gain levels obviously, give fighter levels to hatred as well as the skeleton champion template. Find other undead and dominate their minds and have my own adventuring party of undead.

And then eventually, add the lich template to myself

If I might make a suggestion, you will have better luck finding undead if you travel west until you hit the river. If you have read Garth Nix's Abhorsen series, you might find something you recognize.

Male Dhampir Cleric (Undead Lord)/1

I have not read that series, but thanks for the suggestion. Need to make it back to town in one piece first

It's one of my favorite fantasy series, actually. It's a bit of a cult hit, with good critical reviews, but poor coverage. The premise is a different take on necromancy. The series' namesake, Abhorsen, is the title of a specific bloodline that is tasked with returning the undead to the grave. The magic is based on sound, so necromancers carry around specially tuned bells that they use to raise, command, and banish dead. I actually haven't ever read the series, because I could only get the first one on audiobook at my library, and it was so well done that I got the 2nd and 3rd on CD, too.

Male Dhampir Cleric (Undead Lord)/1

nice, I may have to check it out. There are also certain parallels in my campaign to a few fantasy novels. As much as I want to say that I have oringial thought, no one really does and we all get inspiration from some where

Male Dhampir Cleric (Undead Lord)/1

back to the tavern thread to find some team members. Do we know how much longer till people come back?

Actually, 3 days ago. I'll gather the remaining players and bring them back to the tavern.

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