The first waves that came where unexpected. They did not end. Soon entire towns and civilizations where engulfed in a magical flood that no one could stop.
Male Paladin (Holy Guide/Oath of Vengeance) 1 | HP 14/14 | AC 16, T 11, FF 15 | F +6, R +1, W +2 | CMB +4, CMD 15 | Spd 30 (20 w/ armor)', Swim 30' | Perc +0 | Init +1
As someone with 1 skill point per level + 1 from favored class, I'm definitely in favor of background skills but I feel you.
Background Skills were allowed how did you guys feel about the list of alternate rules I posted earlier in this thread
I'm just a little background character who doesn't participate in combats but I used background skills
Male NE Skinwalker Gunslinger 1 | HP: 10/13 | AC 16 (Tch 13, Flat 13) | CMB +2, CMD 15 | F: +5, R: +5, W: 0 | init: +3 | perception: +4 | | Speed 30ft (30ft Swim when shifted and chosen) | Active conditions:
Personally I can't stand about ninety percent of what Unchained added...Really all I'm happy with is buff to Rogues...I'm iffy on the Barbarian simplification...but I've long played barbs the old way so I'm just set in my ways probably. (I will admit you probably get more bang for buck rage powers wise with the tiered nonsense...but I still like the feel of the old one).
So, I'm pretty nope on all the new/updated rules.
That said as far as advanced rules, I lean towards Ultimate Campaign's stuff as I think they did a good job with kingdom building, relationship building, and other.
I think there is a book called Ultimate Relationships (I'm not sure if it's paizo) but we are experimenting with it in a Jade Reagent game I'm playing in and I like the concept just haven't played enough of it get a feel of the follow through with it.
Edit: Profile is updated with what I draft of stats and build. If Background skills is a thing the group wants to do...then I'll adjust slightly (Currently have Profession Sailor already, so I'll likely pick up Know Engineering. And either adjust to have the Heal Skill....or Acrobatics and I'm leaning Acrobatics as others are far more useful with Heal than I'd be. [Would likely use it to fake causes of death from...well Cause of death being Gahrul])
male aquatic elf arcanist (occultist) 1 | HP 9/9, arcane pool 3/4 | AC 13, T 13, FF 10 | F +2, R +3, W +3 (+2 vs enchantment; immune to sleep) | CMB +0, CMD 13 | Spd 30', Swim 30' | Perc +3 | Init +5
I included background skills. I don't really care for any of the other optional rules.
Personally I can't stand about ninety percent of what Unchained added...Really all I'm happy with is buff to Rogues...I'm iffy on the Barbarian simplification...but I've long played barbs the old way so I'm just set in my ways probably. (I will admit you probably get more bang for buck rage powers wise with the tiered nonsense...but I still like the feel of the old one).
So, I'm pretty nope on all the new/updated rules.
That said as far as advanced rules, I lean towards Ultimate Campaign's stuff as I think they did a good job with kingdom building, relationship building, and other.
I think there is a book called Ultimate Relationships (I'm not sure if it's paizo) but we are experimenting with it in a Jade Reagent game I'm playing in and I like the concept just haven't played enough of it get a feel of the follow through with it.
Edit: Profile is updated with what I draft of stats and build. If Background skills is a thing the group wants to do...then I'll adjust slightly (Currently have Profession Sailor already, so I'll likely pick up Know Engineering. And either adjust to have the Heal Skill....or Acrobatics and I'm leaning Acrobatics as others are far more useful with Heal than I'd be. [Would likely use it to fake causes of death from...well Cause of death being Gahrul])
Male NE Skinwalker Gunslinger 1 | HP: 10/13 | AC 16 (Tch 13, Flat 13) | CMB +2, CMD 15 | F: +5, R: +5, W: 0 | init: +3 | perception: +4 | | Speed 30ft (30ft Swim when shifted and chosen) | Active conditions:
Side note, everyone is ok with a Killer Croc in the group yes? (Referring to the NE bit)
I'm not planning to plot against anyone....though if you do try to put my dumb younger brother in a very harmful situation I might plot your demise >.> Gahrul is smart enough to know better than let himself be conned into something incredibly dangerous and stupid.
Male NE Skinwalker Gunslinger 1 | HP: 10/13 | AC 16 (Tch 13, Flat 13) | CMB +2, CMD 15 | F: +5, R: +5, W: 0 | init: +3 | perception: +4 | | Speed 30ft (30ft Swim when shifted and chosen) | Active conditions:
I'm holding back a tiny bit on creating a backstory as I want Yorick to get the limelight so to speak on creating our semi shared backstory.
I'm a fairly not new player and I was also the cheese addition to the party so I feel it's better form to let the newer/chosen player to get the most say in this instance.
Male Paladin (Holy Guide/Oath of Vengeance) 1 | HP 14/14 | AC 16, T 11, FF 15 | F +6, R +1, W +2 | CMB +4, CMD 15 | Spd 30 (20 w/ armor)', Swim 30' | Perc +0 | Init +1
I'm fine with that. I really like the idea of a NE older brother watching out for his LG paladin younger sibling actually lol.
And as for backstory stuff, honestly I'm fine either way. That is nice of you to offer the limelight but I'm totally fine with you chipping in more as well!
The bare bones stuff I had so far was that our swamp - werecrocodile community was fairly insular, thus the respect for the elders etc. I didn't imagine it being necessarily a tribal or xenophobic place, and the community would probably have traded enough for you to have access to rifle. What are your thoughts on that?
male aquatic elf arcanist (occultist) 1 | HP 9/9, arcane pool 3/4 | AC 13, T 13, FF 10 | F +2, R +3, W +3 (+2 vs enchantment; immune to sleep) | CMB +0, CMD 13 | Spd 30', Swim 30' | Perc +3 | Init +5
I think that sounds pretty awesome personally! The "bad seed" older brother who watches out for the "golden child" spoiled younger one. That's a great RP setup.
It's almost like Sonny and Michael on the Godfather. :D
Male NE Skinwalker Gunslinger 1 | HP: 10/13 | AC 16 (Tch 13, Flat 13) | CMB +2, CMD 15 | F: +5, R: +5, W: 0 | init: +3 | perception: +4 | | Speed 30ft (30ft Swim when shifted and chosen) | Active conditions:
I have my guy listed at 31 so up to you how old you wanna be in comparison.
I assume that if this is Golarion turned Waterworld....I would assume we come from somewhere around the River Kingdoms area. I'm not sure where you'd exactly place said swamp but it'd have a small channel leading into the bigger rivers that make up a trading hub so to speak.
My thoughts were that Gahrul probably spent most of his life on the boats that went up and down those channels mostly during his brother's younger years and his years in the Temple being trained. Upon his Brother's return to the swamp, he's taken back to watching over him to a degree so if he took up the work of being a Paladin of the rivers/oceans...Gahrul would have been happy. But regardless would have been there to make sure Yorick doesn't have a crisis of faith from the non believers being terrible people.
Have you figured out what God you committed your service to? Personally given the...upbringing Gozreh might be an option.
Male Paladin (Holy Guide/Oath of Vengeance) 1 | HP 14/14 | AC 16, T 11, FF 15 | F +6, R +1, W +2 | CMB +4, CMD 15 | Spd 30 (20 w/ armor)', Swim 30' | Perc +0 | Init +1
I like the idea of being from the river kingdoms.
I think Yorick would be more of a pantheist than anything, not devoting to a specific god but believing that several are worthy of praise dependent on the situation. He'd probably respect Erastil for the ways of the hunt and the community, but find some of his teachings too rigid.
Yorick would probably have enjoyed the teachings of multiple empyreal lords, praying to different ones at different times. Their absence would be horrifying to him but I'm not sure in the chaos that their absence has clicked for him yet.
Honestly I'm not sure he knows he's a "paladin" yet. He's probably met a crusader or two and found their ways quite funny, but all he knows is that he received training on the gods he didn't pay very close attention too but he did learn how to wear armor and wield weapons, he can focus to see "badness" in some things if he concentrates, and he was taught how to "call for help" if he ever did fight something with badness inside it. (Smite evil)
Yorick would probably "look up" to his older brother, impressed with his boating proficiency and stealth, the latter of which he's tried to copy as well.
Actually that inspired me to just make a full arcanist, something I haven't done before. I think I will take the occultist archetype to have some cheap summons too.
I'm working on it now. :D
@GM: Am I ok taking the elf favored class bonus as an aquatic elf?
edit: Aquan isn't listed as available for a starting language which seems like an oversight. Am I ok taking it?
Aquan is an elemental language, I'm not OK with handing that out for free. Sorry. Feel free to invest ranks on speaking languages however, a skill point for a few languages can be very handy.
Male HP: 25/26, AC 17*/14, FF 11, Touch 14*/13, Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +4, CMB +2, CMD 15, Initiative +3, Spells 1st 6/7, 2nd 3/4 Elemental Ray 6/6. Fire Resistance 10
Winterwalker wrote:
Tundran wrote:
Actually that inspired me to just make a full arcanist, something I haven't done before. I think I will take the occultist archetype to have some cheap summons too.
I'm working on it now. :D
@GM: Am I ok taking the elf favored class bonus as an aquatic elf?
edit: Aquan isn't listed as available for a starting language which seems like an oversight. Am I ok taking it?
Aquan is an elemental language, I'm not OK with handing that out for free. Sorry. Feel free to invest ranks on speaking languages however, a skill point for a few languages can be very handy.
Grauk has it but thats because of his curse. He has draconic because he's a Lizardfolk but one of their racial abilities means he got no bonus languages from a high intelligence so I had to spend a point in linguistics to get common. I'm playing it as him only learned recently.
male aquatic elf arcanist (occultist) 1 | HP 9/9, arcane pool 3/4 | AC 13, T 13, FF 10 | F +2, R +3, W +3 (+2 vs enchantment; immune to sleep) | CMB +0, CMD 13 | Spd 30', Swim 30' | Perc +3 | Init +5
Winterwalker wrote:
Aquan is an elemental language, I'm not OK with handing that out for free. Sorry. Feel free to invest ranks on speaking languages however, a skill point for a few languages can be very handy.
Fair enough. I put a point into Linguistics but actually forgot to take a language for it, so I will just learn Aquan that way. Taking Goblin as my other starting language.
Actually that inspired me to just make a full arcanist, something I haven't done before. I think I will take the occultist archetype to have some cheap summons too.
I'm working on it now. :D
@GM: Am I ok taking the elf favored class bonus as an aquatic elf?
edit: Aquan isn't listed as available for a starting language which seems like an oversight. Am I ok taking it?
Aquan is an elemental language, I'm not OK with handing that out for free. Sorry. Feel free to invest ranks on speaking languages however, a skill point for a few languages can be very handy.
Grauk has it but thats because of his curse. He has draconic because he's a Lizardfolk but one of their racial abilities means he got no bonus languages from a high intelligence so I had to spend a point in linguistics to get common. I'm playing it as him only learned recently.
If you got it as part of class/race/starter options sure. That's ok. However it isn't a "free" language normally selectable via having a high int kind of thing. At least, not to my knowledge.
So buying it via skills, feats, or other build options is perfectly allowed.
Aquan is an elemental language, I'm not OK with handing that out for free. Sorry. Feel free to invest ranks on speaking languages however, a skill point for a few languages can be very handy.
Fair enough. I put a point into Linguistics but actually forgot to take a language for it, so I will just learn Aquan that way. Taking Goblin as my other starting language.
Actually that inspired me to just make a full arcanist, something I haven't done before. I think I will take the occultist archetype to have some cheap summons too.
I'm working on it now. :D
@GM: Am I ok taking the elf favored class bonus as an aquatic elf?
edit: Aquan isn't listed as available for a starting language which seems like an oversight. Am I ok taking it?
Aquan is an elemental language, I'm not OK with handing that out for free. Sorry. Feel free to invest ranks on speaking languages however, a skill point for a few languages can be very handy.
Grauk has it but thats because of his curse. He has draconic because he's a Lizardfolk but one of their racial abilities means he got no bonus languages from a high intelligence so I had to spend a point in linguistics to get common. I'm playing it as him only learned recently.
If you got it as part of class/race/starter options sure. That's ok. However it isn't a "free" language normally selectable via having a high int kind of thing. At least, not to my knowledge.
So buying it via skills, feats, or other build options is perfectly allowed.
Humans and half-elves can select any languages if they have a high int
Oreads,Sylphs,Undine,Ifrits and Sulis can select any Elemental language if they have a high int
Actually that inspired me to just make a full arcanist, something I haven't done before. I think I will take the occultist archetype to have some cheap summons too.
I'm working on it now. :D
@GM: Am I ok taking the elf favored class bonus as an aquatic elf?
edit: Aquan isn't listed as available for a starting language which seems like an oversight. Am I ok taking it?
Aquan is an elemental language, I'm not OK with handing that out for free. Sorry. Feel free to invest ranks on speaking languages however, a skill point for a few languages can be very handy.
Grauk has it but thats because of his curse. He has draconic because he's a Lizardfolk but one of their racial abilities means he got no bonus languages from a high intelligence so I had to spend a point in linguistics to get common. I'm playing it as him only learned recently.
If you got it as part of class/race/starter options sure. That's ok. However it isn't a "free" language normally selectable via having a high int kind of thing. At least, not to my knowledge.
So buying it via skills, feats, or other build options is perfectly allowed.
Humans and half-elves can select any languages if they have a high int
Oreads,Sylphs,Undine,Ifrits and Sulis can select any Elemental language if they have a high int
I guess I've always assumed the elemental languages were special, though if that's what the rules define as allowable I'm fine with you fixing your sheet then if you'd prefer to have it based on high int/bonus language.
Male HP: 25/26, AC 17*/14, FF 11, Touch 14*/13, Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +4, CMB +2, CMD 15, Initiative +3, Spells 1st 6/7, 2nd 3/4 Elemental Ray 6/6. Fire Resistance 10
That's at least one werecrocodile wookie life debt, maybe two... Grauk could become a potent warlord... shame he is fated to die at the hands of Gahrul later in the voyage to clear them in an accident.
Krendec, you planning on picking up shield of faith whenever we level up?
Male NE Skinwalker Gunslinger 1 | HP: 10/13 | AC 16 (Tch 13, Flat 13) | CMB +2, CMD 15 | F: +5, R: +5, W: 0 | init: +3 | perception: +4 | | Speed 30ft (30ft Swim when shifted and chosen) | Active conditions:
I mean apart from the letting gravity do the seem like a sense-able sort...Gahrul will only possibly attempt to off you if you are trouble for him and his're useful right now
That's at least one werecrocodile wookie life debt, maybe two... Grauk could become a potent warlord... shame he is fated to die at the hands of Gahrul later in the voyage to clear them in an accident.
Krendec, you planning on picking up shield of faith whenever we level up?
Male NE Skinwalker Gunslinger 1 | HP: 10/13 | AC 16 (Tch 13, Flat 13) | CMB +2, CMD 15 | F: +5, R: +5, W: 0 | init: +3 | perception: +4 | | Speed 30ft (30ft Swim when shifted and chosen) | Active conditions:
Had half a mind to wheel about, shoot the bit of mast that fell just to show that I don't need Strength to kill something...but I'd rather hold it for when I need to pop that human in the head....or first combat to surprise the hell out of the crew.
At some point this week, would you all add a "spoiler" field to your character sheets called "Appearance" and fill it out with 2 things, a brief description of your figure and looks, clothing, gear, posture, whatever and a scale of 1-20 on how beautiful you think your character is in relation to your own kind. This can be rolled if you like, or set to however you wish to be. It's not critical, but I want a baseline for my own point of reference.
Grunt the Human Npc
App: 20
Grunt is a tall man, dark and handsome. He is chased by females (and not just humans) for his ravishing good looks. He typically wears a loose white shirt, leather pants, and carries a whip visibly on his belt.
Optional stuff:
Physique/Build: Muscular, Looks like a 'jacked up Brad Pitt'
Lol, just an example, sorry. I don't have a thing for Brad.
The dreaded Cetacea Mortis! He had heard tales of these glowing horrors eating a tribe of lizardfolk, if it chose to attack it would be a truly formidable battle, he tries not to raise his voice too much. "Many names and none, shiny green undead big fish are, I heard of one eat a village... my people call it Cetacea Mortis, Grauk no know name in common. Is undead like zombie, no one upset it and maybe it go away, but Grauk not think so." He tries not to make any sudden movements, if it decided to attack he'd be quite happy if it went after someone else first all things considered.
Bonus XP awarded for the name! Though XP is sort of freeform at the moment, I figure we'll level up at certain points in the plot, or when it 'feels' right. Hope that's acceptable
Male HP: 25/26, AC 17*/14, FF 11, Touch 14*/13, Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +4, CMB +2, CMD 15, Initiative +3, Spells 1st 6/7, 2nd 3/4 Elemental Ray 6/6. Fire Resistance 10
I just googled whales and started looking up the orders and suborders etc, picked one that sounded interesting and slapped Mortis onto the end but it works. I still just kept is as known amongst his people rather than you can look this up in the library kind of name.
Male HP: 25/26, AC 17*/14, FF 11, Touch 14*/13, Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +4, CMB +2, CMD 15, Initiative +3, Spells 1st 6/7, 2nd 3/4 Elemental Ray 6/6. Fire Resistance 10
Ok beauty+charisma you say Krendec.
1d20 + 6 ⇒ (10) + 6 = 16
His scales hold almost hypnotically beautiful patterns, his yellow eyes with those black slits give him an imperious and confident stare. By all the gods new and old there's just something about him, he's got to have dragon blood running through those veins right? Crocodiles want him, alligators want to be him... both cold and warm blooded creatures agree.
I got the itch to start a forum homebrew game and I'm looking for 4-5 active players to join.
Here is some, but not all, of the info i got for you at this time:
Background world info:
There will be an intro post, but the gist is I'm starting everyone off fleeing a world that magic has destroyed, and arriving in an unknown world that is mostly water/flooded. So expect lots of boats, pirates, water themes ala the "Waterworld" movie sort of vibe. There will be pockets of land, so it wont all be water based, but that is the main gist to give you an idea on what may be useful during character creation.
Game Expectations:
Allowed Races: Any, as long as they have no ecl, or racial points, etc. I am open to the idea of monstrous races if you are so inclined. (assuming I have the appropriate books, I do own the majority of Dreamscarred Press' monsters as class level books, so those are available.)
Allowed Classes: Any from the core, base, and alternate class lists found on the PFD20srd site. Any not on those lists will need approval, and most likely denied.
Post Frequency: I expect to have at least 1 major content post a week, but possibly a few a week as my schedule allows. If you can commit to posting at least 1-2 times a week, then feel free to submit a request to join this game via this recruitment thread.
I'm happy to answer any questions I may have missed, and look forward to gaming with you all.
Pathfinder Maps Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
I imagine we will be seeing use of the naval rules showcased in skull and shackles.
Are the refugees just going to be the PCs or will there be others, are you doing a Kingdom Building angle into the mix. I suspect not given the themes and inspiration expressed.
Dotting, would also like to know if stuff from aquatic adventures is fair game. I've wanted to make an aquatic elf aquachymist (alchemist archetype) since I read it.
Ability Scores: I have a custom script for stats. It's 4d6, drop the lowest, unless you get an 18, then it adds the last d6 from the array, allowing 19-24 for a starting stat. I'll link those accepted to it later. :) (as it emails my copies of rolls, and I don't want a bunch to sift through until we are live.)
HP: Max for first level
Gold: Spend up to the max allowed for your class on gear
I imagine we will be seeing use of the naval rules showcased in skull and shackles.
Are the refugees just going to be the PCs or will there be others, are you doing a Kingdom Building angle into the mix. I suspect not given the themes and inspiration expressed.
I don't want top reveal plot, but mechanics wise it's pretty open to a lot of angles. King building, towns, bases, etc will play a part of the game if the PCs decide to invest time in those mechanics and game play styles.
I have two questions. First, since you said you use a custom script to generate ability scores, will this game be played on Paizo's forum or on another forum?
Second, what do you want from us regarding a character submission? Are you thinking first come, first serve, do you want us to post a rough outline of our character, write a background? Just curious to know what you want from us for your decision.
I have two questions. First, since you said you use a custom script to generate ability scores, will this game be played on Paizo's forum or on another forum?
Second, what do you want from us regarding a character submission? Are you thinking first come, first serve, do you want us to post a rough outline of our character, write a background? Just curious to know what you want from us for your decision.
The game will be played on the Paizo forums. All I want is your character concept, if i get more than 5, i will put them all in a hat and draw names randomly on who gets a spot, with everyone else that posted interest able to fill in should anyone drop out.
I don't need finished characters, just a basic outline, race, intended class, plus anything else you want to submit is fine. No book reports needed. I don't care what other details you want, alignment etc, play good or evil if you wish, it's all up to you. Player killing is also fine by me, but you may wish to agree not too as a group once we start.
My script is more for fun, it generates 3 arrays from STR to CHR, again, with a chance to score a 19-24 before racial mods. What I would like to try is allow you to pick from those 3 arrays rolled, and play with what you got. If you do get a 19-24 on a stat I'd like you to play that character as it was rolled. So maybe you get a 24 con, but your intelligence sucks, can always be a barbarian. If you don't score a higher than 18 stat, then i usually let you move the numbers any where you want.
I like your "play with what you got" approach, but I'm not sure how it will work if you want us to pick a character concept before we get the stats. What if someone chooses to play a wizard and ends up with an intelligence of 9?
It's a cool idea. I wouldn't mind creating a character based on fixed roles. But asking for anything beyond race is kinda pointless. Ability scores will heavily dictate everything from class to personality. I have an idea for an charismatic, swashbuckling oracle but if his actual CHA score is 8 then that isn't feasible, neither class nor personality. So...yeah.
I have two questions. First, since you said you use a custom script to generate ability scores, will this game be played on Paizo's forum or on another forum?
Second, what do you want from us regarding a character submission? Are you thinking first come, first serve, do you want us to post a rough outline of our character, write a background? Just curious to know what you want from us for your decision.
The game will be played on the Paizo forums. All I want is your character concept, if i get more than 5, i will put them all in a hat and draw names randomly on who gets a spot, with everyone else that posted interest able to fill in should anyone drop out.
I don't need finished characters, just a basic outline, race, intended class, plus anything else you want to submit is fine. No book reports needed. I don't care what other details you want, alignment etc, play good or evil if you wish, it's all up to you. Player killing is also fine by me, but you may wish to agree not too as a group once we start.
My script is more for fun, it generates 3 arrays from STR to CHR, again, with a chance to score a 19-24 before racial mods. What I would like to try is allow you to pick from those 3 arrays rolled, and play with what you got. If you do get a 19-24 on a stat I'd like you to play that character as it was rolled. So maybe you get a 24 con, but your intelligence sucks, can always be a barbarian. If you don't score a higher than 18 stat, then i usually let you move the numbers any where you want.
Would that be off putting, or kind of cool?
Kind of cool, in my opinion. Play with what you got is pretty interesting. I agree with what the other two said about submitting race/class concepts. After all, if you say you want to play one thing but end up with stats that won't support it, you probably won't be playing what you said.
Perhaps a couple of different concepts to be submitted? That way if we end up not playing one, we have alternative options.
So first, I'm thinking a Human Magus who's looking to carve out his own slice of the new world to live in - and possibly rule. Second, a gnome bard who's eager to explore this new world she's found herself in, and write songs about it. Third, a Dwarven Cleric whose main concern is finding a place for his people to resettle in this new world, and attempt to build anew their mountainous fortress-cities.
This sounds like alot of fun!! Just had my previous pbp end so I'm now freed up and I've been wanting to play in an aquatic campaign for awhile (especially just having received aquatic adventures). Would love to play if a slot is free.
Edit: For a character concept, I think it would be cool to play some sort of ranged/stealthy character, or a knight-archetypal character (perhaps somewhere in between flavorwise?), but before I narrow it down I would like to know more about the character creation process as has been asked before, but I think the script idea does sound really cool!
The setting sounds interesting. Can you tell us anything about how the adventure begins? Are we mostly sandbox, or is there some specific hook or other we should think about when coming up with characters?
I've got a shark-based summoner in my head who'd probably fit in, though in addition to wondering about the story, I'm wary of jumping in to a class without knowing my stat array for sure. I suppose as long as you're fine with us altering our concept based on the stats that come in, I'm down to throw my hat in the ring beforehand.
Definitely interested, and I agree with the others who are a bit wary of committing to a class before learning their stats. The ability stat generation's super interesting though, the prospect of starting with over a 20 in something is way too good to pass up.
I'd also be interested in playing- my concept is some kind of spellcaster focused on weather spells- witch or druid, perhaps. Do you plan on using PF deities?
I love naval/pirate settings and I'd love to play a seafaring character, probably coming from a fisherwoman background.
You mentioned Dreamscarred Press in your opening post; would you be open to considering DSP classes and/or races?
Edit: Specifically, I'm interested in playing a Soulknife with the Moonlight Meditant Archetype, from the Lords of the Wild playtest, or, second, a Grippli Stalker focused on the Steel Serpent discipline.
Hmm...I've got an idea of a Besmara Skinwalker (Were-shark) cleric. Though, I would be curious as to if we get background skills in this campaign as clerics get the utter shaft skill wise.
Though if not then I'll probably switch up it up to Shaman instead.
Sounds like a fun game, i'm definitely interested. I've been wanting to play a kineticist for awhile and this sounds like a water kineticist would fit well. Although stats could obviously affect that. I'm thinking an undine in terms of race.
I like your "play with what you got" approach, but I'm not sure how it will work if you want us to pick a character concept before we get the stats. What if someone chooses to play a wizard and ends up with an intelligence of 9?
You can always change your class based on your stats, I'm starting the game off at level 0 technically for the prologue, and you will have stats by then.
Please use your board name, and only roll once. You'll get 3 arrays to pick from, then feel free to flesh out your character design. I get emails of each roll, so don't hit the site and roll more than once please :P
That should solve all the stats before concept stuff. Good luck.
The setting sounds interesting. Can you tell us anything about how the adventure begins? Are we mostly sandbox, or is there some specific hook or other we should think about when coming up with characters?
I've got a shark-based summoner in my head who'd probably fit in, though in addition to wondering about the story, I'm wary of jumping in to a class without knowing my stat array for sure. I suppose as long as you're fine with us altering our concept based on the stats that come in, I'm down to throw my hat in the ring beforehand.
The prologue explains most of that once we start, though saying it's mainly a sea based campaign is accurate :) It'll be posted later this week.
I'm not picking based on anyone's class actually, so don't feel stressed out by that. I'm just seeing how many people want in, then if I have more than needed will pick random names. No class bias here. :)
Hmm...I've got an idea of a Besmara Skinwalker (Were-shark) cleric. Though, I would be curious as to if we get background skills in this campaign as clerics get the utter shaft skill wise.
Though if not then I'll probably switch up it up to Shaman instead.
I'd also be interested in playing- my concept is some kind of spellcaster focused on weather spells- witch or druid, perhaps. Do you plan on using PF deities?
I love naval/pirate settings and I'd love to play a seafaring character, probably coming from a fisherwoman background.
No PF deities, however spells will function normally from mysterious sources.
Ouch. Those arrays are a bit on the rough side... That's a no, on the Grippli, whether it's kosher or not. I can't swing that first array for it, I don't think.
Moonlight Meditant, maybe, but I'm not entirely sure.
I rolled not very well haha. I guess I'd go with the 9/8/10/16/14/12 array, maybe making the character as a witch or maybe a spiritualist, if I'm not allowed to swap things around. Hard for me to imagine a fisherwoman without any physical prowess but she could always end up using a familiar or phantom to collect fish :p
I rolled not very well haha. I guess I'd go with the 9/8/10/16/14/12 array, maybe making the character as a witch or maybe a spiritualist, if I'm not allowed to swap things around. Hard for me to imagine a fisherwoman without any physical prowess but she could always end up using a familiar or phantom to collect fish :p
If you aren't sporting a 19-24 stat, feel free to move the numbers around. Besides characters are more than numbers.
Well then, I think I'm gonna go spiritualist- probably taking the Totem Spiritualist archetype. I'll stat up everything, but as for a race- probably Aasimar or Samsaran. But this is definitely me throwing my hat into the running :p
You mentioned Dreamscarred Press in your opening post; would you be open to considering DSP classes and/or races?
Edit: Specifically, I'm interested in playing a Soulknife with the Moonlight Meditant Archetype, from the Lords of the Wild playtest, or, second, a Grippli Stalker focused on the Steel Serpent discipline.
Bringing this back to attention, since I didn't see a response, and linked the playtest for ease of access.
You mentioned Dreamscarred Press in your opening post; would you be open to considering DSP classes and/or races?
Edit: Specifically, I'm interested in playing a Soulknife with the Moonlight Meditant Archetype, from the Lords of the Wild playtest, or, second, a Grippli Stalker focused on the Steel Serpent discipline.
Bringing this back to attention, since I didn't see a response, and linked the playtest for ease of access.
I don't have experience with that playtest material, so I will probably avoid it for now.
Allowed Races: Any, as long as they have no ecl, or racial points, etc. I am open to the idea of monstrous races if you are so inclined. (assuming I have the appropriate books, I do own the majority of Dreamscarred Press' monsters as class level books, so those are available.)
Provided someone is interested in the idea, and you have either the True Dragon or Woodlands books, would you be okay with the idea of a pseudo (or otherwise small/tiny) dragon, likely played as another player's familiar / companion?
STR: 14/16, dont quite remember which, forgot to write down
DEX: 7
CON: 14
INT: 23
WIS: 14
CHR: 11
not sure what im going for, other than likely an Int based class. Hmmmm. Im thinking maybe Merfolk alchemist or witch or something like that, if merfolk is allowed.