Deepwater Rising

Game Master Winterwalker

The first waves that came where unexpected. They did not end. Soon entire towns and civilizations where engulfed in a magical flood that no one could stop.

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Male Paladin (Holy Guide/Oath of Vengeance) 1 | HP 14/14 | AC 16, T 11, FF 15 | F +6, R +1, W +2 | CMB +4, CMD 15 | Spd 30 (20 w/ armor)', Swim 30' | Perc +0 | Init +1

Yorick calls out-

"Wizard-folks! Does anyone have fire spells?? Fire burns plants, right?!?! Keep them back with magic!"

Liberty's Edge

M Monk 10, Rogue 3, Bard 6, Wizard 2, Cleric 4
Grauk wrote:

It's probably not a good idea to eat it Grauk thinks, but food is getting scarce. Anything we can roll to figure out a safe way to make it edible?

Grauk prepares to slash at any of the tendrils that come within reach however his arms aren't that long. He'll cast guidance on anyone with a clever plan that doesn't involve him getting entangled by it and getting drowned.

GM: Profession (cooking/chef/something relevant) or a related Knowledge check may be relevant. You can let me know what you want to roll, and I can give results.

Male NE Skinwalker Gunslinger 1 | HP: 10/13 | AC 16 (Tch 13, Flat 13) | CMB +2, CMD 15 | F: +5, R: +5, W: 0 | init: +3 | perception: +4 | | Speed 30ft (30ft Swim when shifted and chosen) | Active conditions:

Gahrul looks around "Grab your boarding pikes, your axes, your sharp pointy bits and use to the storm roping to get yourselves down the ship. We'll use it like climbing gear, focus the oars and the rudder!!" he says to everyone who can listen.

I mean that's all I got to try and help the situation. Use the tying ropes to tie off to and basically repel down to deal with the tangling vines and cut free while we attempt to oar/wind our way out of this.

male aquatic elf arcanist (occultist) 1 | HP 9/9, arcane pool 3/4 | AC 13, T 13, FF 10 | F +2, R +3, W +3 (+2 vs enchantment; immune to sleep) | CMB +0, CMD 13 | Spd 30', Swim 30' | Perc +3 | Init +5

knowledge (nature): 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (14) + 8 = 22

Assuming the seaweed proves to be edible:

"Maybe I can call upon the creatures of the sea to assist us." Erimis begins a quick chant and ritual movement, summoning a dolphin to the side of the boat.

"Go, eat the seaweed and clear us a route!"

The dolphin can last for 1 minute at a time. That might not be enough to do much good but I can sacrifice spell slots to keep doing it if need be.

Image Female Human Brawler 1// Init +3 / HP 14 /14 // AC: 15 / T:13 / FF:12 - Percep: +7// F +6 / R +5 / W +2 / CMB +6 (+8 grapple)- CMD 19 (22 grapple, 20 Trip)

Reggie immediately moves to assist with the ropes. s she does so, oil, any lamp oil? that will help to keep the stuff burning. she asks as she works with Gahrul to make rappelling ropes.

Liberty's Edge

M Monk 10, Rogue 3, Bard 6, Wizard 2, Cleric 4
Erimis wrote:

[dice=knowledge (nature)]1d20+8

Assuming the seaweed proves to be edible:

"Maybe I can call upon the creatures of the sea to assist us." Erimis begins a quick chant and ritual movement, summoning a dolphin to the side of the boat.

"Go, eat the seaweed and clear us a route!"

The dolphin can last for 1 minute at a time. That might not be enough to do much good but I can sacrifice spell slots to keep doing it if need be.

GM: The summoning works, but the weeds seem to grow faster than a single dolphin can keep up with.

I will add this to the overall effort and effectiveness of this encounter. But this alone may not suffice. Great use of a spell though! I dig it.

Liberty's Edge

M Monk 10, Rogue 3, Bard 6, Wizard 2, Cleric 4
Gahrul of the Swamp wrote:

Gahrul looks around "Grab your boarding pikes, your axes, your sharp pointy bits and use to the storm roping to get yourselves down the ship. We'll use it like climbing gear, focus the oars and the rudder!!" he says to everyone who can listen.

I mean that's all I got to try and help the situation. Use the tying ropes to tie off to and basically repel down to deal with the tangling vines and cut free while we attempt to oar/wind our way out of this.

GM: It will help. Adding this to the event effectiveness in overcoming this challenge. Also, the NPCs will also start rigging up a rappelling system to follow your orders.

Liberty's Edge

M Monk 10, Rogue 3, Bard 6, Wizard 2, Cleric 4
Reggie Two-Fist wrote:
Reggie immediately moves to assist with the ropes. s she does so, oil, any lamp oil? that will help to keep the stuff burning. she asks as she works with Gahrul to make rappelling ropes.

Oil is available on the ship. May have a full barrel or two below deck you can pull up.

amount of 'full' oil barrels: 1d2 ⇒ 1

Male CN Human Oracle 1 | HP: {0} 6/9 | AC 14 (Tch 14, Flat 10) | CMB +3, CMD 12 | F: +1, R: -1, W: 1 | init: -1 | perception: +0 | | Speed 30ft (40ft when travelling) | Active conditions:
Craft (Alchemy) +3, Profession (sailor) +3, craft (ships) +1, Knowledge (Planes) +8, Knowledge (Arcana) +8, Diplomacy +8, Spellcraft +4

I didn't learn spark
"i'll check Krendec calls. He appears a minute later carrying a barrel of oil

Male HP: 25/26, AC 17*/14, FF 11, Touch 14*/13, Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +4, CMB +2, CMD 15, Initiative +3, Spells 1st 6/7, 2nd 3/4 Elemental Ray 6/6. Fire Resistance 10

Knowledge Nature on safe Cooking Ideas: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (3) + 7 = 10
If Grauk can get a weapon with reach he'll try to start hacking at the foul seaweed.
Attack: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (10) + 3 = 13

Liberty's Edge

M Monk 10, Rogue 3, Bard 6, Wizard 2, Cleric 4


No attack rolls needed, it's more a "challenge" than a creature, but the hacking will be added to the overall effectiveness of the encounter.

Also, let me know how the oil comes into play when you can.

Image Female Human Brawler 1// Init +3 / HP 14 /14 // AC: 15 / T:13 / FF:12 - Percep: +7// F +6 / R +5 / W +2 / CMB +6 (+8 grapple)- CMD 19 (22 grapple, 20 Trip)

Reggie tries to get the crew that is available to get the oil barrel near the side of the ship. first lets see if this thing is even affected by fire.

She grabs a belaying pin and dunks one end in the oil. she than looks to find who has a means to light it.

Once lit She will climb down closer to the seweed muck and try to burn some of it.

climb check: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (17) + 8 = 25

Male CN Human Oracle 1 | HP: {0} 6/9 | AC 14 (Tch 14, Flat 10) | CMB +3, CMD 12 | F: +1, R: -1, W: 1 | init: -1 | perception: +0 | | Speed 30ft (40ft when travelling) | Active conditions:
Craft (Alchemy) +3, Profession (sailor) +3, craft (ships) +1, Knowledge (Planes) +8, Knowledge (Arcana) +8, Diplomacy +8, Spellcraft +4

Would knowledge planes or arcana be useful here?
1 barrel=600 US Fluid Pints.

Liberty's Edge

M Monk 10, Rogue 3, Bard 6, Wizard 2, Cleric 4
Krendec wrote:

Would knowledge planes or arcana be useful here?

1 barrel=600 US Fluid Pints.

Roll well, and Arcana might ;)

Male NE Skinwalker Gunslinger 1 | HP: 10/13 | AC 16 (Tch 13, Flat 13) | CMB +2, CMD 15 | F: +5, R: +5, W: 0 | init: +3 | perception: +4 | | Speed 30ft (30ft Swim when shifted and chosen) | Active conditions:

Didn't even think about it but a Profession Sailor might be useful here on how to navigate thru this nonsense.

Profession Sailor: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (16) + 4 = 20

Male CN Human Oracle 1 | HP: {0} 6/9 | AC 14 (Tch 14, Flat 10) | CMB +3, CMD 12 | F: +1, R: -1, W: 1 | init: -1 | perception: +0 | | Speed 30ft (40ft when travelling) | Active conditions:
Craft (Alchemy) +3, Profession (sailor) +3, craft (ships) +1, Knowledge (Planes) +8, Knowledge (Arcana) +8, Diplomacy +8, Spellcraft +4

Krendec quickly checks his books, hoping for some information on the seaweed they now face.
Knowledge (Arcana): 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (17) + 11 = 28
Time spent referencing books (Rounds): 1d4 ⇒ 2

All right

Liberty's Edge

M Monk 10, Rogue 3, Bard 6, Wizard 2, Cleric 4


For Krendec only:
There's an entry on Devil weed that may fit, it specifically warns not to use fire on it. While it will burn it will animate and lash out while burning, though it will probably take care of it, there may be damage and some problems if it animates even more than it is doing now.

Male CN Human Oracle 1 | HP: {0} 6/9 | AC 14 (Tch 14, Flat 10) | CMB +3, CMD 12 | F: +1, R: -1, W: 1 | init: -1 | perception: +0 | | Speed 30ft (40ft when travelling) | Active conditions:
Craft (Alchemy) +3, Profession (sailor) +3, craft (ships) +1, Knowledge (Planes) +8, Knowledge (Arcana) +8, Diplomacy +8, Spellcraft +4

Krendec yells out "Reggie, stop. The fire will just animate it further causing more damage"

Bluff?: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (16) + 5 = 21

Image Female Human Brawler 1// Init +3 / HP 14 /14 // AC: 15 / T:13 / FF:12 - Percep: +7// F +6 / R +5 / W +2 / CMB +6 (+8 grapple)- CMD 19 (22 grapple, 20 Trip)

was that a bluff? I hope not

As Reggie was about to rappel down, she hears the yelling, She stops there. Well that is good to know. she says. returning to the main deck.

looking to the rest how about cold? any ideas?

it's a bluff because it will destroy it fast, but the animation will also happen

Image Female Human Brawler 1// Init +3 / HP 14 /14 // AC: 15 / T:13 / FF:12 - Percep: +7// F +6 / R +5 / W +2 / CMB +6 (+8 grapple)- CMD 19 (22 grapple, 20 Trip)

yeah, I don't do sense motive

Liberty's Edge

M Monk 10, Rogue 3, Bard 6, Wizard 2, Cleric 4

Tactics being used:

Gahrul: Prof Soldier[20] (mental)
Crew: following Hack and Slash orders given by Gahrul (physical)
Grauk: Hacking! (physical)
Reggie: (possible fire, we shall see.)
Erimis: Summoned sea creatures (magical) (p.s. for 'challenges like this, I hand wave duration-based spells. So let's just say the dolphins last a long time, it's more cinematic anyway.)
Yorick: (called for fire magic, npcs may have some, but are waiting for the queue from someone to be sure to use it now...) (magical aid possible)

GM: Did I miss anyone?

Male Paladin (Holy Guide/Oath of Vengeance) 1 | HP 14/14 | AC 16, T 11, FF 15 | F +6, R +1, W +2 | CMB +4, CMD 15 | Spd 30 (20 w/ armor)', Swim 30' | Perc +0 | Init +1

Yorick is also hack+slashing at Gahrul's behest

(Anything I need to roll for that?)

Male CN Human Oracle 1 | HP: {0} 6/9 | AC 14 (Tch 14, Flat 10) | CMB +3, CMD 12 | F: +1, R: -1, W: 1 | init: -1 | perception: +0 | | Speed 30ft (40ft when travelling) | Active conditions:
Craft (Alchemy) +3, Profession (sailor) +3, craft (ships) +1, Knowledge (Planes) +8, Knowledge (Arcana) +8, Diplomacy +8, Spellcraft +4

Krendec is also going to stab at the seaweed.

Image Female Human Brawler 1// Init +3 / HP 14 /14 // AC: 15 / T:13 / FF:12 - Percep: +7// F +6 / R +5 / W +2 / CMB +6 (+8 grapple)- CMD 19 (22 grapple, 20 Trip)

Reggie had thought of using fire, but the warning came just in time. the current condition of the ship, we can't risk further damage.

But to be sure that the fire is a bad thing, she tosses the lit torch at the seaweed.

can I use mage hand to stop the torch going over the edge?

Liberty's Edge

M Monk 10, Rogue 3, Bard 6, Wizard 2, Cleric 4
Ancient Dragon Master wrote:
can I use mage hand to stop the torch going over the edge?


Tough call on this, the answer would be better served if I was keeping more track of positions. But in the end I think I'm going to say no to this request simply because it's more reasonable that this was done as a surprise so you won't have time to invoke the spell, and be in position in enough time to stop this torch from being hurled. Which may even be considered a weapon attack at this point, so without a pre-readied action, also no for now. Sorry! Don't worry blame the incoming flaming mess on Reggie :)

tl;dr - No. But had you readied an action to do so earlier, yes I could allow that in the future.

Liberty's Edge

M Monk 10, Rogue 3, Bard 6, Wizard 2, Cleric 4

The torch tumbles in midair in slow motion as it spirals down and makes contact with the mass of weeds.

There's a bright phosphorous like explosion as the weeds light on fire, blinding everyone temporarily. Spots dance before your eyes as you readjust and see massive amounts of tentacles rising from a now boiling ocean. Flaming stalks of whipping fury lash out randomly and haphazardly on deck, lighting random things on fire. A dolphin that was trying to rip at the seaweed is hoisted into the sky, the smell of burnt flesh fills the air before it is painfully unsummoned.

The ship is being lit on fire in random areas. This challenge now requires rolls to put of fires before structure damage is accrued. As well as avoiding the flaming random whip strikes of devilish seaweed strikes.

Every one on deck moving or taking actions also has to make reflex saving throws to avoid being struck by firewhips.

The boat needs to make saving throws for the next 6 rounds. You as crew are free to describe how you wish to help those saving throws. one basic example is: "I stamp out fire with my boots, or I use magic to get water to a burning section." Feel free to be creative, no wrong answers here.

I'll make a few 'boat' saving throws based on your responses and see how much damage the ship takes, or avoids taking.

The weeds are not technically alive in the sense they are creatures, though it seems like it is as it engages in it's death throes.

Have at it crew!

side note:
The reflex save required to move or take actions and not be struck is only a REF DC 10 or better.

Male HP: 25/26, AC 17*/14, FF 11, Touch 14*/13, Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +4, CMB +2, CMD 15, Initiative +3, Spells 1st 6/7, 2nd 3/4 Elemental Ray 6/6. Fire Resistance 10

Reflex: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (12) + 2 = 14
Grauk ducks to avoid being his by the fire whipping towards him. Rolling to his feet he runs over to grab a piece of canvas and starts trying to smother the flames.

Male Paladin (Holy Guide/Oath of Vengeance) 1 | HP 14/14 | AC 16, T 11, FF 15 | F +6, R +1, W +2 | CMB +4, CMD 15 | Spd 30 (20 w/ armor)', Swim 30' | Perc +0 | Init +1

Reflex: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 1 = 7

Yorick's eyes widen as the fire explodes towards the ship and it's crew, his surprise rendering him helpless as one of the flaming stalks entraps him.


Liberty's Edge

M Monk 10, Rogue 3, Bard 6, Wizard 2, Cleric 4
Yorick of the Swamp wrote:


Yorick's eyes widen as the fire explodes towards the ship and it's crew, his surprise rendering him helpless as one of the flaming stalks entraps him.


You take a hit from the fiery tendrils! Fire Damage: 1d4 ⇒ 2 Ouch!

Male NE Skinwalker Gunslinger 1 | HP: 10/13 | AC 16 (Tch 13, Flat 13) | CMB +2, CMD 15 | F: +5, R: +5, W: 0 | init: +3 | perception: +4 | | Speed 30ft (30ft Swim when shifted and chosen) | Active conditions:

Gahrul's face blanches a small bit. He moves very slowly and carefully to try and avoid the flames and fiery whips. "Remain calm, grab blankets, sail patches, whatever yah have to and be careful smothering the flames. Don't want to lose any supplies." he says looking the tiniest bit worried.

I have literal explosive material on me that can ignite by fire >.>

Reflex: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (4) + 5 = 9

Male CN Human Oracle 1 | HP: {0} 6/9 | AC 14 (Tch 14, Flat 10) | CMB +3, CMD 12 | F: +1, R: -1, W: 1 | init: -1 | perception: +0 | | Speed 30ft (40ft when travelling) | Active conditions:
Craft (Alchemy) +3, Profession (sailor) +3, craft (ships) +1, Knowledge (Planes) +8, Knowledge (Arcana) +8, Diplomacy +8, Spellcraft +4

Reflex Saving throw: 1d20 ⇒ 4
Krendec runs to the side of the boat trying to be close enough to the water that his friendly spirits can pick up the water Mage Hand but as he readied his spell a flailing strand of seaweed smacks into him, disrupting his casting

Liberty's Edge

M Monk 10, Rogue 3, Bard 6, Wizard 2, Cleric 4
Krendec wrote:

[xdice=Reflex Saving throw]1d20

Krendec runs to the side of the boat trying to be close enough to the water that his friendly spirits can pick up the water Mage Hand but as he readied his spell a flailing strand of seaweed smacks into him, disrupting his casting

Fire Lashed!: 1d2 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3

Liberty's Edge

M Monk 10, Rogue 3, Bard 6, Wizard 2, Cleric 4
Gahrul of the Swamp wrote:

Gahrul's face blanches a small bit. He moves very slowly and carefully to try and avoid the flames and fiery whips. "Remain calm, grab blankets, sail patches, whatever yah have to and be careful smothering the flames. Don't want to lose any supplies." he says looking the tiniest bit worried.

I have literal explosive material on me that can ignite by fire >.>


Thanks for being honest about being all explosive. I'll give it a small chance for now.

Flame Lashing damage!: 1d2 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3

10% sounds fair. So 1-10 is not good for you.
How Explody is Gahrul?: 1d100 ⇒ 6


Well off to look up blackpower exploding on back soon.

GM Edit:
OK you DO have a powder horn, lucky you! Seeing as you were not using it in combat(closed), I assume it was not susceptible to being affected/exploded on your person. :)

But it may have made you sweat a little bit.

Male NE Skinwalker Gunslinger 1 | HP: 10/13 | AC 16 (Tch 13, Flat 13) | CMB +2, CMD 15 | F: +5, R: +5, W: 0 | init: +3 | perception: +4 | | Speed 30ft (30ft Swim when shifted and chosen) | Active conditions:

Hazzah, I didn't have to make an immediate new character...cause I think I was looking at 5 charges worth of black powder in that powder 5d6 would've been the damage if I'm not mistaken.

Male CN Human Oracle 1 | HP: {0} 6/9 | AC 14 (Tch 14, Flat 10) | CMB +3, CMD 12 | F: +1, R: -1, W: 1 | init: -1 | perception: +0 | | Speed 30ft (40ft when travelling) | Active conditions:
Craft (Alchemy) +3, Profession (sailor) +3, craft (ships) +1, Knowledge (Planes) +8, Knowledge (Arcana) +8, Diplomacy +8, Spellcraft +4

Why does Yorick get 1 less damage?
Reflex saving throw: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (16) - 1 = 15
Krendec Narrowly dodges the flailing tentacles as he moves over to the closest fire and casts create water.

Liberty's Edge

M Monk 10, Rogue 3, Bard 6, Wizard 2, Cleric 4

I messed up Yorick's dice roll is all. :)

It should have been 1d2+1, not 1d4

Correcting now:
Yorick's correct flame damage: 1d2 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2

Edit: same end result, though I wouldn't make him take MORE seeing as I messed that up.

Liberty's Edge

M Monk 10, Rogue 3, Bard 6, Wizard 2, Cleric 4
Krendec wrote:

Why does Yorick get 1 less damage?

[dice=Reflex saving throw]1d20-1
Krendec Narrowly dodges the flailing tentacles as he moves over to the closest fire and casts create water.

Magical aid rendered and noted. This will help out with the boats overall saving throw at the end of this mini-event.

Liberty's Edge

M Monk 10, Rogue 3, Bard 6, Wizard 2, Cleric 4
Gahrul of the Swamp wrote:
Hazzah, I didn't have to make an immediate new character...cause I think I was looking at 5 charges worth of black powder in that powder 5d6 would've been the damage if I'm not mistaken.

I think 5d6 was for a barrel of powder, I looked quick and could be wrong though. But alas, the powder horn is worth it's weight in gold today.

Image Female Human Brawler 1// Init +3 / HP 14 /14 // AC: 15 / T:13 / FF:12 - Percep: +7// F +6 / R +5 / W +2 / CMB +6 (+8 grapple)- CMD 19 (22 grapple, 20 Trip)

sorry for being silent, I feel guilty now, will acept whatever happens as my fault

reflex DC 10: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (12) + 5 = 17

As a tentacle attempts to smash the ship, all Reggie can think of is to grab the thing.

grapple attempts: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (20) + 7 = 27

Liberty's Edge

M Monk 10, Rogue 3, Bard 6, Wizard 2, Cleric 4
Reggie Two-Fist wrote:

sorry for being silent, I feel guilty now, will acept whatever happens as my fault

[dice=reflex DC 10]1d20+5

As a tentacle attempts to smash the ship, all Reggie can think of is to grab the thing.

[ddice=grapple attempts]1d20+7

GM: Oh my a critical action!

Plot Deck Card:

I award plot deck cards when people get crit rolls, however I left my deck at home so I will see this note later and update you.

I will resolve this as soon as work dies down!


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