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Ancient Dragon Master |

Culmination of recruitment stuff (a lot of this was copy pasted from WW posts)
Hello All,
I got the itch to start a forum homebrew game and I'm looking for 4-5 active players to join.
Here is some, but not all, of the info i got for you at this time:
Background world info:
There will be an intro post, but the gist is I'm starting everyone off fleeing a world that magic has destroyed, and arriving in an unknown world that is mostly water/flooded. So expect lots of boats, pirates, water themes ala the "Waterworld" movie sort of vibe. There will be pockets of land, so it wont all be water based, but that is the main gist to give you an idea on what may be useful during character creation.
Game Expectations:
Allowed Races: Any, as long as they have no ecl, or racial points, etc. I am open to the idea of monstrous races if you are so inclined. (assuming I have the appropriate books, I do own the majority of Dreamscarred Press' monsters as class level books, so those are available.)
Allowed Classes: Any from the core, base, and alternate class lists found on the PFD20srd site. Any not on those lists will need approval, and most likely denied.
Don't have, nor have I used the occult classes, so I will stick to my original allowed classes of core, base, and alternate classes.
Sorry if that tanks your idea. I simply haven't had a game with a Kineticist to determine if they would work in this game. :(
Post Frequency: I expect to have at least 1 major content post a week, but possibly a few a week as my schedule allows. If you can commit to posting at least 1-2 times a week, then feel free to submit a request to join this game via this recruitment thread.
I'm happy to answer any questions I may have missed, and look forward to gaming with you all.
Starting Level: 1.
Ability Scores: I have a custom script for stats. It's 4d6, drop the lowest, unless you get an 18, then it adds the last d6 from the array, allowing 19-24 for a starting stat. I'll link those accepted to it later. :) (as it emails my copies of rolls, and I don't want a bunch to sift through until we are live.)
Please use your board name, and only roll once. You'll get 3 arrays to pick from, then feel free to flesh out your character design. I get emails of each roll, so don't hit the site and roll more than once please :P
If you aren't sporting a 19-24 stat, feel free to move the numbers around. Besides characters are more than numbers.
HP: Max for first level
Gold: Spend up to the max allowed for your class on gear
Aquatic Adventures source is allowed
Background skills are allowed
By vote most alternate rules are disallowed

Edward Sobel |

i did not cause I also read that I should not do that unless accepted.
I wanted to present the concept not the actual character.
of course I may be playing a commoner with my dice-fu abilities.
EDIT: anyway I made the rolls on the dice roller:
got lucky with this array:
STR: 17
DEX: 16
CON: 14
INT: 11
WIS: 10
CHR: 11
so with human the +2 to strength will give me a 19 strength

Ancient Dragon Master |

i did not cause I also read that I should not do that unless accepted.
I wanted to present the concept not the actual character.
of course I may be playing a commoner with my dice-fu abilities.
EDIT: anyway I made the rolls on the dice roller:
got lucky with this array:
STR: 17
DEX: 16
CON: 14
INT: 11
WIS: 10
CHR: 11so with human the +2 to strength will give me a 19 strength
Sorry that is a copy paste error. My mistake
If i Haven't mentioned before that is an impressive campaign page; 132 campaigns.

Edward Sobel |

Edward Sobel wrote:i did not cause I also read that I should not do that unless accepted.
I wanted to present the concept not the actual character.
of course I may be playing a commoner with my dice-fu abilities.
EDIT: anyway I made the rolls on the dice roller:
got lucky with this array:
STR: 17
DEX: 16
CON: 14
INT: 11
WIS: 10
CHR: 11so with human the +2 to strength will give me a 19 strength
Sorry that is a copy paste error. My mistake
If i Haven't mentioned before that is an impressive campaign page; 132 campaigns.
been around here for quite a while. many games were very short lived, some a little longer. some of the active game are really not active and some are PFS so they are also short term games.

Gahrul of the Swamp |

No one is required to be Aquatic. I chose it because I originally character concept wise was gonna be a LOW skill point based character....and then I kinda went...well I was gonna do it anyways and I don't play Skinwalkers very often yet I love the idea of them and then someone was interested in being a family member so I settled on it.

Peet |

With two oracles and an arcanist, I'm guessing you don't need any more full casters... though a druid might work.
I prefer spontaneous casters so maybe a bard, or I think there is a magus archetype that has spontaneous casting.
Or possibly a monk of some kind.
I haven't done a name yet because I need to see what the character is like before a name comes to me. So I'm trying your script for as "Peet" and "Undecided" for the character name.
OK, I got:
STR: 14
DEX: 13
CON: 13
INT: 11
WIS: 14
CHR: 14
22 points. Not terrible... good for a MAD class, maybe.
I'll see what I can think up.

Ancient Dragon Master |

With two oracles and an arcanist, I'm guessing you don't need any more full casters... though a druid might work.
I prefer spontaneous casters so maybe a bard, or I think there is a magus archetype that has spontaneous casting.
Or possibly a monk of some kind.
I haven't done a name yet because I need to see what the character is like before a name comes to me. So I'm trying your script for as "Peet" and "Undecided" for the character name.
OK, I got:
STR: 14
DEX: 13
CON: 13
INT: 11
WIS: 14
CHR: 1422 points. Not terrible... good for a MAD class, maybe.
I'll see what I can think up.
If you missed it your numbers can be rearranged however you like as long as you don't get a 19+