Sounds like you're keeping Xix bound for now. Anyway, hope you guys are ready to bring out your 110%, because this book has no brakes. No holds barred. :)
With Xix in binders, you start your way back through the jungle toward your ship. As you walk, you find the jungle strangely quiet. Instead of panicking due to the changes in their environment, the local wildlife seem entirely absent. Nothing flies in the sky, nothing scurries out of the lush greenery.
A possible reason for that emerges from a side path. Eight heavily armored undead soldiers trot down the path in formation. Both of you spot each other at about the same time, taking up arms. Each bears a rifle and seems quite bulked up beyond that. One of the undead speaks in Eoxian, his voice muffled by his faceplate "Ha. The breathers came to us. Eliminate them."
About half the corpsefolk marines split up and either take cover or simply spread into firing positions. One of the marines tosses a grenade into your midst, while the other three fire acidic darts at your front liners.
The grenade explodes in a blinding flash! Most of you shield your eyes, but Jelico's vision is robbed from him (blinded for 4 rds). Meanwhile acid darts fly from the marines among the treeline, several deflecting off Arc and Isu's armor, but one striking true against Isu. (Dealing 10 acid dmg. DR blocks the piercing portion)
Map and Handouts updated. Check out that cool corpsefolk marine art!
Isu puts all his muscle and armor expertise into moving as quickly as possible. His high speed enables him to just get in reach of one of the enemy and he gets a swing off.
Male Half-Elf Solarian 19 | SP 169/169 HP 139/139 RP 11/11 | EAC 35(37) KAC 36(38); DR 5/- Resist Fire 15 | F +15; R +15; W +14 | Speed 25 ft. | Init +6 | Perc +28
Arcalinte rushes forward with his new pistol in hand and upon catching up to Isu, opens fire at the enemy Isu struck.
Since Ted gave the heads up that he won't be available, I'll bot him with:
Ted, spotting a whole group of foes all bunched up, sends an explosive blast into their midst!
Explosive Blast Dmg:9d6 ⇒ (4, 5, 4, 5, 6, 2, 3, 1, 5) = 35
Isu's powerful swing almost seems to cleave the dark blue marine in two, but the slash only blows a massive chunk of undead flesh out of the creature's chest. It staggers back but doesn't bleed. As Jelico retreats and shields himself, Spec sends a single jolt of plasma into white. Arc strikes cleanly with his disruption pistol at almost point-blank range (don't forget 1/2 level for specialization bonus to damage). Ted's explosive blast engulfs five of the marines, seriously burning three of them while two emerge less injured.
The red, yellow, orange and green marines trot south and enter a staggered firing line. They send a volley of acid darts at Ted and Spec, but only manage to injure the technomancer. (22 dmg to Ted) The white and pink marines fire upon Arc, scoring a pair of hits (12 and 14 dmg after DR) Meanwhile the dark blue marine lowers his rifle and steps in against Isu, attempting to punch him with an electrified gauntlet. The attack merely glances off his armor. The light blue marine fires a pair of darts at Isu, one striking true (9 acid after DR)
|||| INIT ||||
Ted (22 dmg)
Isu (19 dmg)
Arc (26 dmg)
Jelico (blinded 3 rds, Refl. Armor)
Corpsefolk Marine Red (35 dmg)
Corpsefolk Marine Yellow (17 dmg)
Corpsefolk Marine Orange (17 dmg)
Corpsefolk Marine Green (35 dmg)
Corpsefolk Marine Pink (35 dmg)
Corpsefolk Marine Light Blue
Corpsefolk Marine Dark Blue (80 dmg)
Corpsefolk Marine White (33 dmg)
Male Human Mystic 12 | 76/76 HP, 97/97 SP, 9/9 RP | Init +3 |Perception +25 | EAC 22, KAC 23 | F +7, R +8, W +12 | Spells/Day Left: oo/6/5/2/3/0/0
Even though he can't see, Jellico can hear the sounds of battle around him. He knows that Ted and Spec are still in his general area and calls out to the. "Are they grouped up at all?"
I'm going to finish this, assuming they say "yes"
Jellico stands up and fires off a spell in the area and direction indicated by Ted and Spec.
Casting Polar Vortex. I'm going to try to center it on Green, but I don't know how being blind is going to affect that. Polar Vortex, cold then bludgeoning, DC 18 reflex:3d6 + 6d6 ⇒ (2, 4, 6) + (3, 6, 1, 4, 5, 6) = 37
Male Half-Elf Solarian 19 | SP 169/169 HP 139/139 RP 11/11 | EAC 35(37) KAC 36(38); DR 5/- Resist Fire 15 | F +15; R +15; W +14 | Speed 25 ft. | Init +6 | Perc +28
"CLUSTER ON YOUR LEFT!" Arcalinte calls back to Jellico to help pinpoint his spell.
He switches from gun to blade and moves up to join Isu in finishing off his enemy!
Jelico, considering that you're getting verbal directions, lets assume there's some variability on your placement. Direction:1d8 ⇒ 3 Distance:1d4 - 1 ⇒ (2) - 1 = 1That's going to end up one square north of green, still catching all targets. Nice! Blue circle is your polar vortex AoE.
As the polar vortex takes hold, four of the marines in its area are battered badly by the ice. White manages to shield himself at least partially, but still takes a beating. None of the marines fall, but they're clearly getting worn down. (Area of the circle is difficult terrain, but doesn't damage you any longer)
Isu and Arc work together to dispatch dark blue with two solid hits. At the same time, Spec sends two jolts of plasma into the tree white's been using for cover. Ted's explosive blast falls in almost the same spot as Jelico's vortex, further badly injuring most of its victims.
The marines further split up to be harder targets for further explosive blasts. They focus their fire upon Ted and Jelico, recognizing the two as the biggest threats. Ted manages to dodge several acid darts, or they deflect off his armor, but he still takes two hits (29 total damage) Jelico takes two hits as well as the other darts zip past him (also 29 total damage. You can trigger your reflective armor in response to hit green)
Light blue and white fire at Isu and Arc, but can't get through their solid defenses.
Male Half-Elf Solarian 19 | SP 169/169 HP 139/139 RP 11/11 | EAC 35(37) KAC 36(38); DR 5/- Resist Fire 15 | F +15; R +15; W +14 | Speed 25 ft. | Init +6 | Perc +28
Arcalinte breaks off to chase the one on their flanks, getting into position and rocketing forward with a STELLAR RUSH!
Isu's slash with Xavra and Spec's dual plasma blasts all deflect off the white marine's sturdy armor. A force bolt blasts back at green from Jelico's armor, striking the marine fairly hard, and a rifle shot from Ted seals the deal. Green bursts into pieces.
Arc rushes north, colliding with light blue, but not hard enough to knock them back. His flames burn into the undead creature.
The marines back up a little, firing at Ted, Spec and Isu. Most of their attacks are either evaded or deflect off armor plates, with only one acid dart striking accurately against Spec (11 dmg). The light blue marine steps back and fires almost point blank at Arc, but the attack misses. The white marine lowers his rifle to go for a solid punch, only to have his blow absorbed by the power armor.
Male Half-Elf Solarian 19 | SP 169/169 HP 139/139 RP 11/11 | EAC 35(37) KAC 36(38); DR 5/- Resist Fire 15 | F +15; R +15; W +14 | Speed 25 ft. | Init +6 | Perc +28
Arcalinte ignites his sword and advances to press the attack on the Corpse Fleet Marine!
Botting Ted...
Ted boosts his rifle and fires upon red in hopes of taking that marine down.
Disruption Rifle, Minor (Boosted):1d20 + 14 ⇒ (18) + 14 = 32 damage (Sonic):4d8 ⇒ (1, 7, 1, 2) = 11
While Jelico tries to work out what spell to throw out, Ted fires a disruptive blast into the red marine. Despite the boost, it turns out to be a fairly glancing hit and the marine survives.
The marines fire back, sending a volley of acid darts at the party. Their relatively poor aim thus far takes a turn. Although one dart glances off Isu's plating, several darts strike true against Spec and Ted (Spec takes a crit for 35 dmg and begins to corrode for 2d4 A, Ted takes 10 dmg)
Corrode Condition:
The target takes corrode damage equal to the amount listed. This functions as the burning condition but deals acid damage rather than fire damage.
You are on fire. As long as you have this condition, at the start of your turn each round before you take any actions (or attempt the Reflex saving throw described below), you take the listed amount of damage as fire damage (or 1d6 fire damage, if no amount is listed in the effect that causes burning). Fire damage from multiple sources that inflict the burning condition is cumulative.
At the end of each round you are burning, you can attempt a Reflex saving throw to remove this condition. The DC of this saving throw is equal to 10 + the amount of fire damage you took this round from the burning condition. If you succeed at this saving throw, you lose the burning condition. You can attempt a new saving throw each round you have this condition, and you receive a +2 bonus for each previous saving throw you’ve attempted in consecutive rounds.
You can also automatically end this condition by jumping into enough water to douse yourself. If you don’t have enough water on hand, you can spend a full action to roll on the ground or otherwise smother the fire to attempt a new saving throw with a +4 bonus (plus any bonuses from previously failed consecutive attempts) to end the condition.
Corrode dmg (A):2d4 ⇒ (1, 4) = 5Therefore DC15 Reflex save to clear at end of turn
White struggles to punch through Isu's armor, but light blue manages to take a step back and accurately fire an acid dart against Arc. (He takes 18 dmg after DR)
|||| INIT ||||
Ted (61 dmg)
Isu (19 dmg)
Arc (44 dmg)
Jelico (29 dmg, blinded 1 rds) x2 (you're blinded for last rounds actions, then the blind is gone for the following round)
Spec (51 dmg, corrode 2d4)
Corpsefolk Marine Red (117 dmg)
Corpsefolk Marine Yellow (88 dmg)
Corpsefolk Marine Orange (88 dmg)
Corpsefolk Marine Pink (35 dmg)
Corpsefolk Marine Light Blue (60 dmg)
Corpsefolk Marine White (68 dmg)
Male Half-Elf Solarian 19 | SP 169/169 HP 139/139 RP 11/11 | EAC 35(37) KAC 36(38); DR 5/- Resist Fire 15 | F +15; R +15; W +14 | Speed 25 ft. | Init +6 | Perc +28
Arcalinte keeps pace with the marine he's fighting, delivering another pair of fiery slashes!
Things start to turn in the party's favor as Red collapses under combined attacks from Ted and Jelico. Light blue sustains a fiery hit from Arc but remains standing. White narrowly deflects swings from Isu, and unfortunately Isu's powered frame gives the marine enough cover to dodge both plasma bolts from Spec as well! Assuming they survive this, this white marine is getting a promotion for sure.
Spec's chassis stops corroding.
Yellow fires a volley of darts at Isu, but can't get past his armor. Pink and orange try to take up more defensive positions behind some trees and then return fire at Spec, the only remaining exposed party member. One hits particularly well with an acid dart (Dealing 22 dmg). Light blue takes a careful guarded step away from Arc and fires, but his dart flies off course. White has his guard up and seems purely focused on defending himself.
"Don't you worry, this one will come back for you."
Isu moves forward (provokes from white), so that he is in range with Yellow. Then he tries cleaving with Xavra, first striking at Yellow and then spinning at White.
Droid Outlaw Mechanic 12 | SP 108/108 HP 76/76 RP 11/11 | EAC 28 KAC 30; | F +11; R +16; W +6 | Init +8 | Perc +16 | Conqueror (white star-class): +16 (3d12+12 E&F)
Spectre, frustrated by his lack of accuracy, tries to hone his fire. With some microadjustments in place, one of his shots hits the soldier in the right hand, severing the limb at the wrist.
Male Half-Elf Solarian 19 | SP 169/169 HP 139/139 RP 11/11 | EAC 35(37) KAC 36(38); DR 5/- Resist Fire 15 | F +15; R +15; W +14 | Speed 25 ft. | Init +6 | Perc +28
Arcalinte, becoming annoyed with the marine's retreating, says "Enough!" releasing his solar energy in a fiery, twisting dome they can't hope to escape from!
Ted's disruptive rifle blast weakens yellow in time for Isu to step in and cleave the undead marine's head off. Isu's swing continues on into white, slicing through undead flesh and the armor's bonding mesh alike. White stays standing, but not for long. Although he manages to hunker down and deflect Spec's first plasma blast, the second obliterates his arm and sends him crumpling.
Jelico's volley of shooting starts collide with orange, and Arc's duel to the north continues with his foe managing to avoid most of the burning blast.
The few remaining marines fire a volley of acid darts, but their collective aim is not nearly good enough to breach any of your defenses.
Male Half-Elf Solarian 19 | SP 169/169 HP 139/139 RP 11/11 | EAC 35(37) KAC 36(38); DR 5/- Resist Fire 15 | F +15; R +15; W +14 | Speed 25 ft. | Init +6 | Perc +28
Arcalinte sprints after his enemy, bolstered by Jellico's spell, hacking at them with graceful arcing swings.
Jelico's missiles collide with orange as Ted's disruption rifle buckles pink's armor. Isu's blade cuts a gash through the undead marine. Spec's precisely aimed plasma blasts burn the unlife out of orange and badly injure pink, who is only barely hanging on after the assortment of injuries. Similarly, to the north, Arc cuts twice into light blue, leaving their undead flesh barely able to hold together.
Pink takes a careful step away from Isu (I believe you have step up, right?) and fires his acid dart rifle one last time up into Isu's face. This time the dart manages to strike a joint, dealing some damage (7 acid damage)
Meanwhile, light blue chooses to cut their losses and withdraws from the fight (Thanks to haste, you can catch them if you choose)
Male Half-Elf Solarian 19 | SP 169/169 HP 139/139 RP 11/11 | EAC 35(37) KAC 36(38); DR 5/- Resist Fire 15 | F +15; R +15; W +14 | Speed 25 ft. | Init +6 | Perc +28
"I wasn't planning to!" Arcalinte calls back as he charges again with a STELLAR RUSH to crash into the retreating marine to set them ablaze anew!
Jelico, feel free to hold onto that last spell slot.
Isu steps up and permanently silences one of the marines before he can make his attack. Meanwhile, a veritable avalanche of energy collides with the final marine as they back away. They're rapidly vaporized!
Combat Over!
Enemy Gear:
8x elite defiance series armors
8x dual acid dart rifles
8x LFD pulse gauntlets with plenty of regular batteries
13x flash grenade IIs
As you inspect the destroyed marines, you note that each of them wear comms devices capable of transmitting subvocalizations. These comms devices are integrated into their undead flesh, but can be extracted by someone skilled at Engineering.
Looking up to the north, you think you can see a grey fin of some craft protruding above the treeline - most likely their starship.
Hello, all. This campaign started as invite only (hence the established gameplay thread but new recruitment thread), but we've lost some folks to real life and would like to add 1 or 2 new players/characters.
General guidelines are in the first Discussion post, but to summarize:
Character creation will be:
* 2nd level (not a typo. Yes, the party is currently 1st level but will be leveling up very soon)
* 10-point buy
* 2000 credits (purchase of level 3 items is approved as long as you stay within your budget)
* Any core or legacy race (maaaaaybe First Contact, but lets discuss first)
* No evil alignments
* Please write up something for background. In terms of the amount of detail or format, go with whatever you like. I find the "10 minute background" concept helps me get a skeletal framework for a background then I write a narrative on that, but do what works for you. (If there's something you don't want other players to read, mark it off in a spoiler but, otherwise, I encourage players to read each others' backgrounds. I feel these help provide RP hooks. However, it's not required as I know some people like to discover things organically.)
** An initial conceit/requirement for all characters is that you are a recruit or initiate for the Starfinder Society. So, your character should have a reason to want to join the Starfinder Society. (More details to follow.)
* No 3PP at the start although I may be open to it later
I'm going to keep recruitment open for about one week, aiming to close on March 2 around 12 noon, give or take depending on volume of submissions and my bandwidth that day. In other words, try to get it in before then but you may also have a little time to get it late. Maybe. But don't count on it. :-)
Oh you have Cellion in your group? Ok then, I'm applying. I have a kasatha soldier from pnp that I will type into an alias for this. Cellion GM'ed a starfinder module a while back and I thought he(she?) was great.
Meet Isu Greelax Zyte of Clan Tarma, House Hadula, scion of Isuma the Missing. Or Isu for short, for those races that have not the patience.
Banishment. Failure of duty. Disgrace. These words ring around into Isu’s head as he makes his way toward Starfinder Society's Lorespire Complex. He had a noble job, to protect the Kasatha ambassador as he toured Absalom Station and met with dignitaries gathered from all of the Pact Worlds. But he and the others of his retinue were ambushed… ambushed as they were escorting the ambassador through the Station. They were beset by a group of mercenaries wearing armor with a red fist. Strong Absalom, they called themselves. The Ambassador was killed, and only a few guards survived. The Kasatha Council, of course, summoned the remaining guards back to the Idari, where they spoke strongly against the guards disgraceful failure of duty. The three survivors were banished forever from the Idari and no longer to be considered Kasatha, to set an example to all Kasatha about the importance of race and duty.
With nowhere else to go, Isu returned to Absalom Station, picking up odd jobs as a bodyguard and mercenary here or there. But the work was not fulfilling. A man at a tavern mentioned the Starfinder Society was looking for new recruits, and Isu decided apply. Perhaps a new life could erase the failure of the past.
Nefreet, absolutely. If you can just think of a character that isn't as likely to be driving decisions that could be effected by metagame knowledge, that'd be great. (E.g., "I'm just going to randomly decide to look for traps here" or, contra, "OOC I know there's a trap there and I'm the trap-finding guy, so I'm not going to look unless someone tells me to.") Make sense?
Critzible, absolutely. It's a relatively new system so we're all kind of learning and, even if not, I'm a big believer in making space at a "table" (virtual or real) for new folks.
I typed up a melee Kasatha Soldier for PFS that I could use in your Campaign instead. His 3 skills/level would be Athletics, Acrobatics and Profession-Bartender (those extra arms serve twice as many people!).
Hi-C loathed the derogatory term "Centennial". Just because he happened to reach adulthood after the turn of the century didn't imply he was in any way like the other people of his generation. He was always the brunt of stereotypes: too lazy to work for a living, eyes on the skies, always glued to his comm unit, and a drunkard and druggy. So what if most of it was true? It shouldn't be assumed just because of his age!
Haath Chaar, as his parents called him, didn't learn any worthwhile tech skills growing up. His family was traditional (read: "boring"), and although he was loved and supported throughout his youth, all he ever mastered was skill at arms. Not much of a strength when lazers and bullets win most arguments.
Leaving the Idari (read: "Exiled") out of a longing for something more, Haath Chaar could only muster odd jobs throughout the Pact Worlds as a security guard, bouncer, and eventually barback and bartender. He finally scored a prime bartending job at a club on Absalom Station called "Fusion Queen". Even if he suspected it was just a front, the atmosphere was at least new and entertaining.
Then, on his day off, he received a text that the club went belly up. Some hotshot group of thugs calling themselves the Starfinders shot up the place and exposed his boss's illicit business dealings. Just when he'd finished paying off his debts, he was out of a job again.
Ya know what? Frag it. I'm gonna seek 'em out. They got strong arms? I got four.
If they can blow up a place like Fusion, they must have mad cash to spend.
Profile mostly complete. Just need Equipment, and my book's at home.
Have a 1st level Envoy, who might be interesting, I'll level her up and let you see a bit more about her...
I'll let you have the backstory to her as well....
Name : Solari Jesari
Race : Dalaya Lashuntas
Theme : Xenoseeker
Class : Envoy
nuts and bolts @ 1st level:
Health and Resolve Stamina : 6 Current : 6
Hit Points : 10 Current : 10
Resolve : 4 Current : 4
Defence Second Skin Level 1 Cred250 EAC Bonus+1 KAC Bonus+2 Max Dex Bonus +5 Armour Check Penalty — Speed Adjustment — Upgrade Slots 1 Bulk L
Energy Armour Class 13 10+ArmourBonus+1+DexMod2+MiscMod0
Kinetic Armour Class 14 10+ArmourBonus+2+DexMod2+MiscMod0
AC vs Combat Maneuvers 19 8+KAC DR: - Resistances: -
SavesBase + Ability Mod + Misc Mod Fort:1d20 + 0 - 1 + 0 ⇒ (17) + 0 - 1 + 0 = 16 also see Toughness feat for misc mods
Reflex:1d20 + 2 + 2 + 0 ⇒ (11) + 2 + 2 + 0 = 15 Will:1d20 + 2 + 1 + 0 ⇒ (12) + 2 + 1 + 0 = 15
Magic At will: daze, psychokinetic hand
1/day: detect thoughts
Feats and Abilities Theme THEME KNOWLEDGE (1ST) You are trained to seek out, identify, and interact with alien life-forms. Reduce the DC to identify a rare creature using Life Science by 5. Life Science is a class skill for you, though if it is a class skill from the class you take at 1st level, you instead gain a +1 bonus to Life Science checks. In addition, you gain an ability adjustment of +1 to Charisma at character creation.
All lashuntas gain +2 Charisma at character creation.
Damaya lashuntas are typically clever and well-spoken (+2 Intelligence at character creation) but somewhat delicate (–2 Constitution at character creation).
LASHUNTA MAGIC Lashuntas gain the following Spell-Like abilities:
At will: daze, psychokinetic hand 1/day: detect thoughts
See Spell-Like Abilities on page 262. The caster level for these effects is equal to the Lashunta’s level.
LIMITED TELEPATHY Lashuntas can mentally communicate with any creatures within 30 feet with whom they share a language. Conversing telepathically with multiple creatures simultaneously is just as difficult as listening to multiple people speaking.
STUDENT Lashuntas love to learn, and they receive a +2 racial bonus to any two skills of their choice. (Bluff and Diplomacy)
Class ENVOY IMPROVISATION As you gain experience, you learn envoy improvisations—little tricks that bolster allies, confound enemies, or change the ebb and flow of battle using guile, inspiration, or luck.
You learn your first envoy improvisation at 1st level, and you learn an additional improvisation at 2nd level and every 2 levels thereafter.
If an improvisation allows you to grant an effect to an ally, you cannot grant yourself that effect unless the improvisation states otherwise. If an envoy improvisation allows a saving throw to resist its effects or requires an enemy to attempt a skill check, the DC is equal to 10 + half your envoy level + your Charisma modifier.
Some envoy improvisations are language-dependent, mind-affecting, sense-dependent, or some combination of any or all of these.
You learn your first envoy improvisation at 1st level and an additional improvisation at 2nd level and every 2 levels thereafter. Many improvisations require you to have a minimum envoy level, and they are organized accordingly. Some improvisations have additional prerequisites, such as other improvisations.
Improvisation at 1st Level - CLEVER FEINT As a standard action, you can fake out an enemy within 60 feet, making that enemy open to your attacks. Attempt a Bluff check with the same DC as a check to feint against that enemy (though this isn’t a standard check to feint, so Improved Feint and Greater Feint don’t apply). Even if you fail, that enemy is flat-footed against your attacks until the end of your next turn. If you succeed, the enemy is also flat-footed against your allies’ attacks until the end of your next turn. You can’t use clever feint against a creature that lacks an Intelligence score.
At 6th level, you can spend 1 Resolve Point to treat a failed Bluff check for clever feint as if it were a success.
EXPERTISE You are an expert at dealing with challenges that test your skills, be the challenges social or otherwise. At 1st level, when attempting a Sense Motive check, you can roll 1d6 (your expertise die) and add the result of the roll to your check as an insight bonus. You can use this and other expertise abilities as long as you have at least 1 Resolve Point remaining. At 5th level, anytime you roll your expertise die, you gain a +1 bonus to the result. At 9th, 17th, and 20th levels, this bonus increases by 1. At 13th level, you roll 1d8 as your expertise die instead of 1d6.
Beginning at 9th level, you have even greater expertise with skills to which you can add your expertise die that you have also selected with the Skill Focus feat. For each such skill, once per day when rolling your expertise die to add to that skill, you may roll the expertise die twice and take the better of the two results.
SKILL EXPERTISE At 1st level and every 4 levels thereafter, you can use expertise with one additional class skill. You must have at least 1 rank in a skill to select it, and it must come from the following list: Bluff (Cha), Computers (Int), Culture (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Disguise (Cha), Engineering (Int), Intimidate (Cha), and Medicine (Int).
1st Level - Bluff
Feats TOUGHNESS @ 1st
You have enhanced physical resilience, and harsh conditions or long exertions don’t easily tire you.
Benefit: For every character level you have (and whenever you gain a new level), you gain 1 Stamina Point. In addition, you gain a +4 bonus to Constitution checks to continue running, to avoid damage from a forced march, to hold your breath, and to avoid damage from starvation or thirst. You also gain a +4 bonus to Fortitude saving throws to avoid taking damage from hot or cold environments, to withstand the harmful effects of thick and thin atmospheres, to avoid choking when breathing in heavy smoke, and to avoid fatigue caused by sleep deprivation.
Class Skills: Acrobatics (Dex), Athletics (Str), Bluff (Cha), Computers (Int), Culture (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Disguise (Cha), Engineering (Int), Intimidate (Cha), Medicine (Int), Perception (Wis), Piloting (Dex), Profession (Cha, Int, or Wis), Sense Motive (Wis), Sleight of Hand (Dex), Stealth (Dex)
It takes place in the Pathfinder Universe, using most of the same races, gods, planets and such, but X number of millennia in the future.
Starfinder's rules system is a much cleaned up version of Pathfinder, and not a copy/paste of another system.
The overarching plot is that, 318 years ago, the Universe awoke from a collective amnesia called the "Gap". Nobody knows how long the Gap lasted, or what year it began. Married couples woke up knowing they were married, but had forgotten when or why they got married. Parents know their children, but don't know their birthdates. That sort of amnesia.
Now, over three centuries later, worlds have largely moved on. There is a menacing universal threat known as the "Swarm" that forced an alliance of planets to bound together or be destroyed, and the solar system of Pathfinder is now known as the "Pact Worlds".
Ghoogler, yes. We're recruiting for one or two additional PCs, and accepting submissions until this Friday. I won't be able to accept everyone, obviously, but you have that much time to submit something.
Rorek, yup, looks like the lion's share of the rules have been posted here:
The website url is confusing but, I assume, related to IP and the OGL. Rest assured, it is Starfinder. If anyone has a link to a better or alternative SRD, feel free to share it!
Sobek grew up like any other Vesk, trained in combat and the military. His family was more of the economic type, earning money and profits from the right business deals. His childhood was tough as he was the runt of the clutch, his siblings picking on him something fierce. Sobok took it all in stride. His body scarred but no real damage done.
As he grew older he grew taller and stronger, his siblings still picked on him and he didn't mind, he wasn't much for fighting. His siblings began to go into the fields they had been groomed to a brother in the military, a brother went into the family business, a sister to the military science academy and his other sister to the military pilot program. Sobok wasn't sure where to go so he joined his brother in the military.
The military wasn't kind to Sobok, his training unit which consisted of his brother continued to harasses him something fierce. What made it worse was Sobok was one of the better students in the group. His tactics were sound, his marksmen ship okay,his true strength was his aptitude with the Doshok his melee skills shown through, besting even the instructor after three days.
This lead to one "privileged" vesk to challenge Sobok. Sobok gladly took the challenge. What he didn't know was the challenge was a set up his whole class would challenge him to combat one right after the other. It was brutal, Sobok suffered severe injuries which lead to him having to miss out on later lessons.
This, in turn, resulted in him getting sent to a world with 95% water. He was modified with gills and sent to subdue the local telepathic fish. In his first and only encounter, his unit was overwhelmed by mental attacks, a few began to kill each other, while Sobok managed to break free and fight. The result was he killed his unit, but not after losing his eye and severe scarring all over his body.
He left the military that day, getting out of the medical bay and sneaking aboard a ship out of Vesk space. He had no stomach for constant war, all he wanted was to go and be accepted. From there he took jobs as muscle for hire, Which he rarely had to do much save show a bit of force or punch someone.
This work led him to the Starfinders, who recently gave him an offer. The Giant one-eyed Vesk took it, and was told he would be on call until otherwise noted. Until then he would do his job as an Intimidator.
Ok, so I hope the background is ok for a human in this setting, I'll likely add tidbits here and there. Also, I think I did everything correctly on my character sheet, I didn't see anything stating HP increased each level, so I assumed it doesn't. Also, any advice as far as feats/builds go would be appreciated.
crunch for Merc soldier Ryuu Hiriko:
Starfinder Human Solider
Str: 12
Dex: 18
Con: 12
Int: 10
Wis: 10
Cha: 12
HP: 11
Stamina: 10
Resolve Points: 5
EAC: 16, KAC: 17
Saves: Fort: +4, Ref: +4, Will: +4
Azimuth Laser rifle: +7
Damage: 1d8 F
Tactical Shirren-eye rifle: +7
Damage: 1d10 P
1- Toughness, Weapon focus (Longarms)
Skills: 4/level +1 for skilled
Acrobatics: 1 (+8)
Athletics: 1 (+6)
Engineering: 2 (+5)
Intimidate: 1 (+5)
Piloting: 1 (+8)
Survival: 1 (+4)
Profession (Military): 2 (+5)
Medicine: 1 (+4)
Fighting Style: Sharpshooter
1st Level: When you make a ranged attack against a target with cover, reduce the AC bonus from cover by 2. You can’t use sniper’s aim against an enemy with total cover.
Laser rifle, azimuth Price: 425 1d8 F Range: 120 ft. Critical: Burn 1d6 20 charges 1/shot Bulk: 1
Shirren-eye rifle, Tactical 2 Price: 755 1d10 P Range:70 ft. round: 1 Bulk: 1Analog, S/Q: sniper (250 ft.), unwieldy
Misc Gear: spare battery pack, Industrial Backpack, Professional clothing, Space suit, club, 25 sniper rounds
Ryuu never liked making promises.
Ryuu was born into the military, his father, his grandfather, and his two older brothers were all members. So it was expected that he too would join the ranks of the military. While Ryuu was quite fit, and extremely agile he had never truly wanted to join the military. Of course, he couldn't tell his family that. During his younger years, he learned how to clean, repair, and properly shoot several types of firearms from his father and brothers. And while it is true he enjoyed shooting rifles, and was rather a natural at it, he was a kinder soul, and rather ill disciplined. When it came time for him to sign on, he did as expected. However he was always getting in trouble for slacking off, or arguing with senior officers. Finally After several months of this and even failing to graduate from the advanced training Ryuu's father came and spoke with him. It was then that Ryuu finally told his father he had never really wanted to be a military man. That it was, in his opinion, too confining. While his father wasn't exactly pleased, he showed compassion, and offered a deal. If Ryuu managed to graduate top of his class this time around, something neither of his brothers had quite managed to do. He would concede and allow Ryuu to follow his own wishes. Ryuu rarely promised anything, as it normally meant a hassle later on, however on this rare occasion he promised that he would let his father see him graduate. With the best scores to date. However, Halfway through the training year an incident occurred, and while responding to it His father's ship was lost. In one fell swoop, Ryuu had lost both his father, and his two older brothers. A wave a depression hit Ryuu, causing his scores to slack for a bit before an even greater wave of determination took its place. He graduated best in his class, with scores higher than his fathers had been in every category. It seemed that once again he had failed to keep a promise, as his father would never see him here, or even know. He stayed with the military for another year, before requesting a leave. He didn't know why, he hated it, maybe it was to honor his lost family members, maybe because he didn't know what to do next. Either way, after leaving he forwarded all his minuscule pay to his mother and sister. After a bit, Ryuu started working as a mercenary, making use of the skills he had learned his whole life and honed his few years in the military. It seemed odd, but he rather enjoyed it. He chose his own assignments, he chose his pay, he chose most everything and to his surprise, he actually enjoyed it immensely. Perhaps that was it, the freedom to choose. The freedom of self decision. Either way, while hardened, he still has a soft heart, and only ever takes assignments where he feels the result would do some good in the world. Lately, he has taken to working in the system where his father's ships was lost. Perhaps, a small bit of hope he would find them alive. Or just find them at all, as no trace of them had been recovered. Perhaps they were alive somewhere.
Ryuu returns home every so often to see his mother, and to check up on his little sister. The youngest, sibling, and likely the one most affected by the sudden loss of the other family members. He makes sure to bring her some exotic treat or item from his travels as well. He cares for her deeply, and they share a strong bond. Every time he leaves, she playfully asks him to promise he'll come back again. And every time Ryuu merely smiles and waves to her, Silently make a note of the one promise he would always keep. No matter what. heh, Ryuu never did like making promises.
Hey all. I had an insane day at work today but had meant to review the submissions so far and provide feedback. Obviously, that did not happen, but I did want to just check-in.
Nefreet is right that HP increases each level. Stamina does, too.
A young woman wearing a tight white shirt that reads “Star Sugar Heartlove!!!,” black pleather pants, and knee-high neon pink boots strolls down the ship bay. She admires the various ships, getting close enough to place her hand on a ship’s turret. ”Do you want me to pilot you, baby?” she whispers to the ship. She walks along the ship’s side and ducks her head under the wing to examine the rear thrusters. You can’t get as good of a turn radius with that outdated thing. She runs a hand through her neon orange pixie cut. Durn nice ship, though.
”Whadda think yur doin’?” She turns to see a stout man wearing blue jumpsuit approach. She plasters on a smile and throws a thumb over her shoulder: ”Is this your ship?”
The man with the country twang in his voice critically eyes her brightly colored hair and boots. ”Yers. And I would ‘preciate if yur kind don’t get too close to ol’ Ah - ki - ton Ran - ger.” He pronounces each syllable in “Akiton Ranger” as if they were each their own word. The man talks with the side of his mouth, his teeth the same shade as the dull mustard stain on his jumpsuit collar.
The young woman moves to stuff her hands in her jacket pockets, but remembers she left it laying over a crate. With nowhere to stick her hands, she crosses her arms over her chest: ”Hey man, I was just looking. I don’t know what you’re thinking but I’m not that kind of person.” She brushes past the older man and picks up her black pleather jacket, shrugging the coat on. Red letters, peeling from age, curve in an arch over the shoulder blades of the jacket, spelling “RELENTLESS.”
As she’s walking away, a look of realization crosses the man’s face: ”I kno’ you! You was in that pod race a while back.” He thinks for a moment. ”Sydney Jordan,” he calls after her. Sid stops and turns back to grin at him, hands in her jacket pockets: ”yeah, that’s me.”
Interests/Hobbies: Going to concerts, dying her hair crazy colors, reading starship magazines, pod racing
Favorite food: Anything spicy
Family: None (orphan) Also a character flaw.
Life Goals: Explore space and pilot the biggest, most bada$$ ship there is.
Operative’s edge: +1 insight bonus to init checks and to skill checks. Increases by 1 at 3rd level and every 4 levels after
Specialization: Piloting. Grants you the Skill Focus feat and you gain a free skill rank in each of those skills at each operative level
*****Trick Attack: Ghost (Acrobatics and Stealth) When you use stealth to make a trick attack, you can a +4 bonus to the skill check. +1d4 I might go with Daredevil instead, idk
Evasion: if you succeed at a Reflex save against an effect that normally has a partial effect on a successful save, you instead suffer no effect (must be wearing light armor and not encumbered)
Operative Exploit: Alien Archive. Identifying new creatures is easier for you. Double your operative’s edge bonus to your skill checks when you identify a creature and it’s abilities. IF you successfully identify a creature, you gain a +2 enhancement bonus to you skill check when you make a trick attack against that creature
Feats Mobility: You can easily move past dangerous foes
--> Prereq: Dex 13
--> You gain +4 bonus to your AC against attacks of opportunity that you provoke by leaving a threatened square Shot on the Run: You can move, fire a ranged weapon, and move again before you foes can react
--> Prereq: Dex 15, Mobility, BAB +4
--> As a full action, you can move up to your speed and make a single ranged attack at any point during your movement. If you have the trick attack class feature, you can take your movement from trick attack at any time during a trick attack (see page 93) with a ranged weapon (instead of only before)
Alrighty... I have to say, I always have such mixed feelings with "recruitment" threads. I love reading all the submissions, then hate I can never accept everyone. That said, I think I'm going to accept three people here instead of the original 1 or 2. It may be a little chaotic during the first week, but I did it in my CotCT campaign and things settled down eventually. So, will the following please finalize their aliases and report in:
Mustachioed / Isu
Ventiine / Sid
Deevor / Solaria
You can also drop a post in the gameplay thread with your alias, but please delete it immediately afterwards. That way the campaign will appear under your tab but it won't clutter the gameplay thread.
Once your alias is finalized, I'll work you all into the campaign probably right after the current players finish their meeting with Nor.