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"Give this one a moment! Sit if you must!" says Isu, pulling off their gear and running it to the Maiden.
"Sir Ted, will we be able to listen into their communications?"

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"I will also require a moment for my shields to reach maximum power," Spectre says.
Also take a short rest. I'm assuming the Defiance Series armor is all Specialist, not Squad?

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"I'll feel more secure recovering inside the Maiden," Arcalinte says, escorting Xix aboard. [b]"This probably isn't the only scouting party they've got looking for us.
Short resting ON THE SHIP before we prepare for takeoff.

GM Cellion |

@Spec: Elite Defiance Series armor, not specialist or squad.
OK, trying to combine these approaches:
Expecting trouble out in the open, you quickly gather up armor and weapons while Ted extracts a necrotic comms device and hooks it up manually to his own comms so that any incoming calls can be heard and responded to audibly rather than through vibration. As soon as you have everything in hand, you rush to the Sunrise Maiden with Xix in tow. Once you're inside, you settle down to take a short rest.
A few minutes into the rest, the recovered Corpse Fleets comms device buzzes slightly. You hear, in crackling Eoxian "Squad El Seven, you have not reported in at the expected time. Status Update." The voice sounds irritated.

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Arloric opens his eyes from his meditation and raises an eyebrow looking at the others.
"Do we try to deceive them or defy them? I speak Eoxian, but I'm terrible at lying. Sarenrae is a goddess of honesty, after all."

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Arcalinte shrugs.
"Here goes nothing."
He clears his throat and picks up the communicator.
Charisma: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (1) + 4 = 5

GM Cellion |

Unfortunately, Arc's imitation sounds an awful lot like his normal speaking voice, and soon after he speaks, the Eoxian on the other side crackles a dry response "And I'm very pleased with the Corpse Fleet's health benefits." There's a moment of silence before you hear "Your remaining moments are numbered breathers, enjoy them while you can." The line cuts out and you find the comms device loses functionality as it is remotely deactivated.

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computers scan: 1d20 + 24 ⇒ (13) + 24 = 37
"Eoxian sounds surprisingly like Common," Ted smirks. "Maybe I'll give it a try... Coooommmmeeee Killll Uuuussssss."

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"Launch us, Sir Kent. Everyone, battle stations."
Isu pops out of his armor and sits down at a gunnery station and boots up the Maiden's laser guns and missle launcher.

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"Hold on to your butts!" Jellico says through the comm system as his fingers fly over the controls and the Sunrise Maiden takes off.
"Where are we headed first?"

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"Multiple targets detected," Spectre says. "By 'multiple,' I mean hundreds," he drones in monotone.
"Once we breach the atmosphere, I will have more information."
auto-succeed computer check

GM Cellion |

You lift off from the ancient landing pad and rise up through the Moon's atmosphere. You rise up above the thin clouds and the dark background of stars becomes visible. However, there aren't just stars out around the Gate system.
What you had taken as a bright violet spot in the sky reveals itself to be something very different. The Gate is already open. The dimension beyond is an iridescent violet ripple and protruding from the opening is the Stellar Degenerator. Over a dozen miles long, the superweapon is an enormous conical vessel with a series of ridges running along its circumference in a continuous spiral. Though it appears to have been carved from a single titanic block of stone, various antennae, capital weapons, and control structures jut from its exterior. A dish-like device—an energy collector—protrudes from the vessel’s tip. Its engines appear to be dormant, but the Stellar Degenerator nevertheless emanates a powerful energy signature.
Check out Handouts for a picture!
However, you can scarcely begin to appreciate the massive superweapon thanks to the absolute chaos currently in progress all around it. The Corpse Fleet armada has arrived in ernest, with hundreds of their characteristic bony ships engaged in pitched battle with the united ships of the Pact Worlds that have arrived to contest the weapon. Laser fire, missile barrages, and massive capital weapons lance across the void of space. Some of the terrible weapons are absorbed or deflected by shielding or dodged by more nimble ships, but many more land direct hits - turning starships to debris and slag in moments.
Even from your brief inspection, one fact is obvious: the Pact Fleet is losing, and losing badly. For now they are keeping the Corpse Fleet armada busy. Keeping them from reaching the Stellar Degenerator to claim it. But it seems their fight right now is doing nothing more than desperately buying time...
The largest problem for the Pact Fleet is the Corpse Fleet Flagship, a supercolossal ultranought at least six miles long that bristles with capital weapons and worse. Swarms of Corpse Fleet fighters surround it and intercept any incoming projectiles, and the few that get past are simply absorbed by the flagship's shields.
Meanwhile, the Stellar Degenerator itself is no slouch. Whenever a Pact Worlds or Corpse Fleet ship gets too close to the ancient weapon, its own automated defenses act to vaporize the intruder. These defenses all but ensure that the victor of this fight is the only one who will be able to claim the superweapon. No sneaking off with the weapon is going to happen.
With the clash currently in progress, no ships have an immediate opportunity to turn to attack you. However, it is obvious that the Sunrise Maiden is utterly outclassed and outgunned by even a middle-of-the-line Corpse Fleet vessel. It's only a matter of time before you're spotted as a potential target.

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Jellico's fingers fly over the Maiden's controls, as he works to stay mostly out of the way of the battle. He speaks into the comm system, "We're not going to be able to avoid the battle forever. Are we going for the Stellar Degenerator itself, or something else? The battle's too big for us to take it on ourselves but we're small enough to possibly slip around something's defenses if we want."

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"Open a communications channel with Chiskisk," Arcalinte calls from the laser. "They're probably coordinating with whoever's leading this fleet on our side, so we can plan our next move with their help."

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"Dawn Maiden to Chiskisk... come in Chiskisk... This is the Anti-Pizza League.. The APL... You know. Us. Didn't you get our message while in the Drift? And you didn't even bother to call us back, just decided to come in here and start a war instead."

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Spectre works to encrypt communications, hoping to ensure the hostile Corpse Fleet isn't listening in.
computers: 1d20 + 26 ⇒ (1) + 26 = 27

GM Cellion |

It takes several minutes after you send your message before you get a response from Chiskisk.
A rather beleaguered Chiskisk appears on your comms screen "The APL! Hah! Good that you're all still alive! We thought maybe the Corpse Fleet had already got you." They speak out loud, their rasping voice unsteady. "As you can see, we're on the back foot. Luckily, Ambassador Nor came with us and was able to convince several of the Corpse Fleet ships to defect to our side, otherwise we'd already be-" His words are drowned out as the ship he's on shakes wildly from an explosion. "You don't happen to have a way to destroy the Stellar Degenerator already? If not, our scanners say the weapon's awfully well protected. In the mean time, our biggest issue is that flagship. It's all we can do to keep it busy."
"If you can think of a way to deal with the flagship, it'd keep us flying and maybe turn the tide of the battle!" Chiskisk is thrown out of frame as another explosion rocks his ship.

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Arcalinte's brow furrows, but then his eyes widen.
"What if there was a way to deal with both? If we could somehow force it to crash into the Stellar Degenerator? It's big enough that it might take some time for the weapon's defenses to kill it before it could deal some significant structural damage to it!"

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"We'd have to get it to move within range of the Degenerator's auto-defensives. I'm sure they've seen the same things we have. They won't get too close if they can help it. I suppose we could try to get them to chase us, but their weapons have such range that they wouldn't have to move to blow us into space dust."

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"So we prevent them from helping it: we board them in the confusion, get to their bridge and take out any command there, and then set the vessel on a collision course. Your piloting skills are some of the best I've seen, right up there with Sydney's, but on the whole we've always been more effective as a boarding party or ground team than we've ever been in ship-to-ship combat."

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Spectre remains silent for a few moments.
"I find the likelihood of Arcalinte's plan succeeding to be low. Very low. However, I am unable to calculate any probabilities with an increased chance of survival. Aside from running away, of course."

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"Arcalinte! Such wanton destruction. Yes. YESSS! This one loves it and you. Let us hijack their capital cruiser and smash it into the Stellar Degenerator!"

GM Cellion |

A couple of minutes later due to the long distance communication, Chiskisk's reply comes in "A wonderful idea Arcalinte! But attempting to get close to the Corpse Fleet flagship will be a perilous endeavor! Your ship is not so small as to entirely evade notice, and since it isn't a Corpse Fleet model, it'll be obvious on both scans and visuals. If you try that run, well, unless you've got active stealth, it would be a one in a million shot." Chiskisk waves at someone off camera and then is thrown off their feet once more as an explosion strikes "Hah! Well, I know you'll work out a clever plan."
Given the state of the battle, just trying to fly up to the flagship in the Sunrise Maiden would be a death sentence. You'll need some kind of plan to get in. You can tap your NPC allies for part of it if you'd like! Many of the named characters you met in earlier books allied with the Starfinders are here in this fight right now.

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"Okay... well this one is not good at computer things... But Spectre or Sir Ted, can you not change our computer codes to make it look like we are a corpse fleet ship? Sir Ted, have you tried scanning that monstrous ship?"

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Jellico thinks for a moment.
"I might be able to do some creative flying. If we time it just right, we might be able to create a diversion, an explosion or something, and then act like a derelict ship that was disabled. I could use our maneuvering thrusters to guide us just enough to get us close to the big guy."

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"I am unsure whether I could tamper with our signature profile to appear to be a Corpse fleet ship," Spectre says.
"In the alternative, perhaps we could board an actual Corpse fleet ship of smaller size, then approach."
computers: 1d20 + 26 ⇒ (15) + 26 = 41

GM Cellion |

I'll hold off while you guys agree on a course of action. Looks like multiple good ideas so far!

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Arcalinte thinks.
"Chiskisk, you said Ambassador Nor was with you, and he'd been able to sway some of the enemy to our side...he...he wouldn't happen to have access to a Corpse Fleet IFF, would he? Spectre's idea is a good one, but if we had access to actual Corpse Fleet signals, their deception would be even more convincing. We could just fly right in and dock in their own hangar!"

GM Cellion |

A few minutes later you hear back. "Not sure, not sure! The Corpse Fleet knows that he has been working against them. If they're smart they've cut him off." Chiskisk sends you the comms data needed to access the encrypted link to Ambassador Nor's craft.
You get in contact with Ambassador Nor, relaying your question about whether he has any special codes to get into the Corpse Fleet flagship. In return you just get an audio link of a very relaxed sounding Nor "A pleasure as always to hear from you. I am afraid I do not have any codes with which to fool the sensors the Empire of Bones and her attendant craft are equipped with. Indeed, these codes are kept exceptionally secret. However... should you gain access to the craft, I suggest you meet with one of my operatives. She has been embedded for quite some time and likely will have some useful information or tools for you." He transmits data for a specialized scanning frequency. "My operative carries a short range beacon that you will be able to detect on this frequency once you are within a few hundred feet of her. Find her and speak with her, if you are able."
Speaking coldly and unemotionally, he adds "Now, may you bring victory for the Pact Worlds."

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Jellico raises his eyebrows at Ted's suggestion. "Although I don't officially condone lying, that might be our best option. Perhaps our people could even pretend to attack us to drive home the ruse? Even if the Corpse Feat only believes us for a moment, it might be enough to make a rather hasty entry into their loading bay."

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"No no no... that is too outlandish. No one could believe that lie. This one agrees that trying to switch ships, and perhaps capturing a crew, and then lying our way aboard may be more likely to accomplish."
what did Spec's 41 computer accomplish? we should at least scan their ship and find a suitable docking hangar I think. Otherwise maybe someone could scan for a disabled corpse fleet ship and we could try to steathily take it over

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"Do you really think it'll work this time? It didn't fool the ground team," Arcalinte replies. "It's going to be hard to capture an enemy vessel in the middle of this fracas!"

GM Cellion |

Spec didn't post any specific actions along with the computers check, so I wasn't sure what exactly he was rolling it for. In any case, Ted's roll now is a slam dunk :)
Since you're at the edge of this massive battle, you're far too far away from the Corpse Fleet flagship to get a clean scan of any of its surface details. If you're able to get up closer however, you should be able to spot a docking hangar to enter. For a craft that size, it likely has dozens of hangars that would accept and release fighters and support craft. A scan to find one of them would be easy once you're close.
Ted turns the Sunrise Maiden's scanners to a survey of the battle in search of disabled ships. Many unfortunate ships have been reduced to little more than debris, making them a poor target for your desired infiltration mission. Several are clearly entirely derelict. Ted spots a few likely targets closer to the middle of the battlefield, making them hard to access. But thanks to his excellent control of the sensors, he also locates a promising target:
A mid-size Corpse Fleet destroyer, currently tumbling slowly through the void away from the fight. It looks like their main thrusters are badly damaged, but not entirely destroyed, and from some of the energy signatures they're giving off, most of their weapons have been wrecked. They seem to be in the process of trying to stabilize in order to limp back into the fight. The destroyer is not too far away from the Sunrise Maiden - you should be able to catch them if you're quick about it.

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"There! Sir Kent, full speed toward that destroyer! The rest of us should prepare to board."
Isu jumps out of his gunners station and reenters his power armor. Its pneumatics hiss and pop and he steps in and it seals itself.

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"Already on it!" Jellico responds through the comms as his fingers dance over the controls. "Ready the weapons. We'll need them if this goes badly."
He guides the maiden toward the destroyer.

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"And we need to figure out how to keep the Sunrise Maiden safe while we're doing this. I don't think ANY of us are about to trust Xix not to crater it if we leave her aboard alone."

GM Cellion |

Skirting the edges of the battle, Ted expertly pilots the Sunrise Maiden on the perfect trajectory and speed to match the ungainly spins of the disabled destroyer. He aligns the Maiden's starboard airlock with the destroyer's hangar bay. It'll take a short spacewalk to cross the intervening distance.
All apertures on the Corpse Fleet destroyer are closed, so you'll need some spectacular hacking skills to get the hangar bay open (You must be capable of remote hacking as the systems are on the inside), or very good engineering skills to somehow override it from the outside.
Time to make your last preparations and roll your attempts to get in. Arc raises a good question about what you plan to do with the Sunrise Maiden after you board the destroyer.

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Jellico pushes Ted out of the pilot's seat, after he somehow got his way in there...
"The Maiden could stay in orbit around something, but she couldn't fly there on her own and there's nothing around here. Do we set her adrift and hope she gets mistaken for just another derelict?"

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"Can you set an auto-pilot to come to us when needed? We will need a ride off that huge destroyer after we direct it into the Stellar Degenerator."
computers check maybe?
Isu exits out the airlock and uses his jetpack to maneuver to the Corpse fleet ship. He waits outside their outer doors for Ted and Spec to hack it open.