DM RichD's Council Of Thieves Campaign

Game Master Briccone

Council of Thieves Book 5: The Mother Of Flies
Part 1: A Mother Scorned

The PC's are troublesome to the Council of Thieves. Could the Mother of Flies be an ally?

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@Mera: Feel free to jump in any time!


I will be leaving this Saturday to spend the holidays with family. This week has been extremely busy with work, finals and packing. I hope to keep up with the games, but you know how that goes!

If your plan is to blow the smoke away, you should have time to do prepare for elementals.


So I use Dropbox to store the maps, but an organization I belong to also uses Dropbox, so apparently since I have access to the organization's dropbox, dropbox combines the allotted space. Therefore while all I have on dropbox are my Pathfinder maps, I am out of space. I don't want to upgrade, since the organization will continue to take up the space I am now paying for.

Does anyone know of anywhere I can store the maps so that you can all access them? Preferably free?

HP 108/108 | AC 20 T 13 FF 18 | Saves 8/10/8 | Init +3 | Perception +14 | Richard's familiar | Spells -/6/5/4/2 | Bardic Performance 31/31| 10 Human Bard (duettist) |

I usually save my maps on >pCloud<, which I think has a 10GB free tier. I've upgraded to one of their lifetime accounts, so it's been a while.

Other than that I will host the maps on Google Slides. But then you have to deal with Google's ecosystem.

m Human Ftr 10 HP:122/122 AC*:33,23,30 Saves:11/8*/9* CMB: +20 CMD: 39 Init: +3 Perc: +15 Link to the spreadsheet

same here. Google slides has worked best for me

AC:17 T:16 F:13 | HP81/81 | CMD:20 | F:+10 R:+11 W:+15| Init:+7 | Perc: +17 Sheet AC:32 T:18 F:25| HP101/101 | CMD:27| F:+12 R:+13 W:+ 4| Perc: +22 Cheken

Back and catching up. A long flight from Japan so I'm a little jet-lagged, but I'm working on it.


OK...So I found some Mass combat rules from Kingmaker: War of the River Kings.

The rules can be found here: LINK

Here is what I calculated for the two armies:

PC Army CR:4
HP: 5

COT Army CR:4

I am trying to keep things even, but if anyone has any revisions, please let me know. If there are no revisions, then we will start some mass combat!

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This week is the final week for Grad school and then I will be off visiting family for two weeks.

The good news is that once I return, I will have more time at night to post since I won't be doing homework!

m Human Ftr 10 HP:122/122 AC*:33,23,30 Saves:11/8*/9* CMB: +20 CMD: 39 Init: +3 Perc: +15 Link to the spreadsheet

Good luck and have fun. See you when you get back to us.

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m Human Ftr 10 HP:122/122 AC*:33,23,30 Saves:11/8*/9* CMB: +20 CMD: 39 Init: +3 Perc: +15 Link to the spreadsheet

Wife and family got into a car accident and just getting back to normal life. Will be posting here this weekend

HP 108/108 | AC 20 T 13 FF 18 | Saves 8/10/8 | Init +3 | Perception +14 | Richard's familiar | Spells -/6/5/4/2 | Bardic Performance 31/31| 10 Human Bard (duettist) |

Take it easy, Tal.

m Human Ftr 10 HP:122/122 AC*:33,23,30 Saves:11/8*/9* CMB: +20 CMD: 39 Init: +3 Perc: +15 Link to the spreadsheet

Working on leveling g up. Should have fear decision done tomorrow for level 10 fighter…at least thinking level 10 fighter

m Human Ftr 10 HP:122/122 AC*:33,23,30 Saves:11/8*/9* CMB: +20 CMD: 39 Init: +3 Perc: +15 Link to the spreadsheet

Yes taking another level of fighter.

Hp 12
+1 burst barrier
1 feat: step up
Skills 8: know local, nobility, perception diplomacy, stealth sense motive x3
+1 fort

HP 108/108 | AC 20 T 13 FF 18 | Saves 8/10/8 | Init +3 | Perception +14 | Richard's familiar | Spells -/6/5/4/2 | Bardic Performance 31/31| 10 Human Bard (duettist) |

I'm around halfway through leveling up. I should finish within 1-3 days.

HP 108/108 | AC 20 T 13 FF 18 | Saves 8/10/8 | Init +3 | Perception +14 | Richard's familiar | Spells -/6/5/4/2 | Bardic Performance 31/31| 10 Human Bard (duettist) |

Done. The changes are on my character sheet at the bottom.


Once everyone is leveled up, we will continue on.

m Human Ftr 10 HP:122/122 AC*:33,23,30 Saves:11/8*/9* CMB: +20 CMD: 39 Init: +3 Perc: +15 Link to the spreadsheet

Profile updated…need to add loot to spreadsheet but otherwise good to go

HP 108/108 | AC 20 T 13 FF 18 | Saves 8/10/8 | Init +3 | Perception +14 | Richard's familiar | Spells -/6/5/4/2 | Bardic Performance 31/31| 10 Human Bard (duettist) |

I'm level 10 and ready to go.

AC:17 T:16 F:13 | HP81/81 | CMD:20 | F:+10 R:+11 W:+15| Init:+7 | Perc: +17 Sheet AC:32 T:18 F:25| HP101/101 | CMD:27| F:+12 R:+13 W:+ 4| Perc: +22 Cheken

Done too.

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