DM Papa.DRB - Wrath of the Righteous - Try 1 (Inactive)

Game Master Papa-DRB

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Assuming the Charger archetype (from Animal Archive) for mounts/animal companions is fine, then Jens is good to go! (And if not, it's a 5-minute job to remove it and update the profile.)

Also, I've built him to be middle-aged, and accounted for the ability score changes in his point-buy. Should I change that, or leave it as-is?

Liberty's Edge

My apologizes for waiting so long to offer a character for consideration. Wasn't happy with my first idea, it took quite a while for this idea to form. Everything should be in my profile (character sheet and background history) if I've done things properly. For your consideration, Heinrich Fletcherson Fighter (Lore Warden), Archer, touched by Shelyn and hopefully a decent and honest man.

I forgot to add that I will be able to post at least daily. I live in the Eastern Time Zone of the United States but work 11pm to 7am so I'm more likely to post at 3am than 3pm.

Submissions are now closed.

Wow, there are a heck of a lot more than I was hoping for, so rather than announcing Friday morning, it will be either Friday evening or Saturday morning. I need some time to sort thru all these very fine characters.

-- david

Good luck to everyone! Fingers crossed!

Agreed, good luck everyone! Even to the competition, hehe. *crosses fingers* I've been hoping to get into a Wrath game for awhile. Kingmaker, Wrath of the Righteous and the upcoming Iron Gods AP's are the three that caught my interest the most.

Definitely a lot of interesting characters here, lots of good competition.

Good luck to you all!

Good luck, all.

Looks like you'll just have to make 2 games like I had to Papa! Good luck all.

Or 7, for that matter...

Bad luck to you all, as I want all the good luck to me...
Just kidding....or maybe not ^_^

Well in that case, good luck to us all that we can get multiples out of this.

Grand Lodge

Aye! Multiple games! Come'on Papa. :) Don't bench me, coach!!!

Liberty's Edge

Multiple games would be interesting, but it depends on how the DM's feeling lol

Once again, good luck to everyone!

Kilian Stein wrote:
Looks like you'll just have to make 2 games like I had to Papa! Good luck all.

Sorry, nope! I am playing in one, running another one and this will be enough for a while.

-- david

It was recently brought to my attention in another thread that I've been doing point-buy stats entirely wrong. I apologize. The mistakes have been corrected.

Name: Bellis Aleste
Race: Halfling
Gender: Female
Aligment: Chaotic Good
Class: Ranger (Falconer)
Deities: Desna and Chaldira Zuzaristan

Ability Scores:
STR 10
DEX 18
CON 10
INT 14
WIS 10
CHA 15

AC: 17

Fort - 3
Ref - 7
Will - 1

Ranged: Composite Shortbow +6 (1d4)
20 Cold Iron Arrows
Sling +6 (1D3)
10 Cold Iron Bullets, 10 Spongestones

Melee: Short Sword +1 (1D4)
CMB: 0
CMD: 15

Special Abilities:
Favored Enemy: Outsider (Evil)
Campaign Trait: Touched By Divinity
Cast True Strike 1/day

Skills: Acrobatics (6), Climb 1(5), Handle Animal 1(6), Heal 1(5) Knowledge(Nature) 1(6), Perception 1(6), Profession(Trapper) 1(5), Ride 1(7), Stealth (8)
Feats: Point-Blank Shot

Touched by Divinity

Animal Companion:
Name: Tallfeather
Species: Roc
HP: 11
STR: 12, DEX: 19, CON: 9 Int: 2
WIS: 13, CHA: 11
BAB: 1
2 Talons: 1D4+1, Beak: 1D6+1
Skills: Fly 1, Perception 1
Feats: Toughness

*background drums*

Good luck all. And comiseration to Papa.DRB for all the work even before starting GMing.

Anticipation is building.

Baby sitting 15 month old granddaughter. Will post in 2 or so hours from now. Choose six. Do not have laptop with me just mini tablet.

DM Papa.DRB wrote:

Baby sitting 15 month old granddaughter. Will post in 2 or so hours from now. Choose six. Do not have laptop with me just mini tablet.

My youngest girl is 10 months old. You're going to have your hands full if she is half active as mine....

Grand Lodge

Man, I wonder who the other five guys are, I say confidently as my fingers are secretly crossed behind my back. :P

We are still at my daughters. They will be late. Worst case is tomorrow morning.

No worries. I'm assuming you already put bourbon on the gums and baby is sleeping happily. Start subtly moving things around at your daughter's place!

Well, we (my wife and I) just got home. My son-in-law is a state trooper and he just spent 4 hours beating up on others in their Krav Maga test to advance to a higher level while my daughter cheered him on.

The baby was only up for an hour before we had to put her to bed, so we had an uneventful evening.

Anyway, down to business. The discussion thread is open, and I ask the following six folks to reply in the discussion thread that they still want to be in the game:

Gianetta Hessex - Female human bard
Suryani Chaitanya - Female human (keleshite) cleric of Sarenrae
Sir Manfred VonFalkenburg - Male human paladin of Iomedae
Aladir Cyruthion - Male elf rogue
Fie Gemblossom - Female elf wizard
Kart Vorlesh - Male human ranger

Also, please go over your character sheets in detail based on the first post in this recruitment thread, as their were a few minor issues.

This was a very difficult choice for me as there were over 30 submissions and they were all good. To those that didn't make it, if I need a replacement (hopefully not), or decide to start up a second group (not likely, sorry) I will come back to this thread.

-- david

way to go guys Abigail will seek fortune in another game then.

of course I have one character that has been waiting on a jade regent game for over a year now... thinking of giving up on that ever happening.

Thanks for the consideration! Congrats the rest of you!

Congratulations to those that got in, I wish you a wonderful game.

Grand Lodge

All the best for those selected!

congrats and best o luck to ya

Congrats to the winners :D

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Yes, congratulations all.

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