DM DoctorEvil |
DM DoctorEvil |
Why the focus on non-lethal damage? Why does a flat-out pirate want to head to Sargava?
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So just dipping in Brawler to get the unarmed strike and then moving to rogue? Interesting.
Also provides a boost to unarmed damage (1d6 for medium), 2 more HP, keeps SA progression since snakebite stacks with rogue SA. Obviously for a small character with 1d4 unarmed strike and DEX vs STR, SA would be important to keep up with damage. Also fits backstory.
I play gnomes a lot and never played a melee small character. Sounded fun.
Why the focus on non-lethal damage?
Still following backstory. Maybe I'm not playing in the right circles, but I rarely, if ever, have seen a non-lethal focused player. Mechanically, pretty much same as any other (or can be), but affords opportunity to RP interrogation, disguise as captured enemy, stay on good side of Lawful stupid paly/clerics while also able to do shady rogue thiefy stuff.
We play "heroes", most of your stereotypical heroes DON'T kill. Why not add that to a pathfinder dynamic. Also sounded fun.
I want to be clear, you are applying for Serpent's Skull campaign, not Skull and Shackles (pirate themed)...Why does a flat-out pirate want to head to Sargava?
ummmm....yeah.... I gotta be honest and claim stupidity here. I read "Skull" in title. I've been waiting for a while to have a Skull and Shackles game show up to play this interesting: small, melee, unarmed, non-lethal rogue.
Any chance you wanna switch this to a Skull and Shackles?
that was a joke
I shamefully withdraw Figit Heavyhand as a submission... lol.
Helikon |
![Eagle Knight of Andoran](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO9435-EagleKnight_500.jpeg)
I think I have an idea for a character after watching the second episode of ripper street.
An half-orc street urchin, living in Augustana and pissing off the wrong person, but luckily saved by some good doers and send off to the Andoran marines. After a few months he landed in the shackles, but saved all his money to catch the first ship outward again!
Harbek Toruun |
![Dwarf Wizard](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO1114-Dwarf_90.jpeg)
** spoiler omitted **
There are a few elements that have gone into Harbek's rebelion.
What Rurik wants is for Harbek is for him to settle down, finish his Smithing apprenticeship and continue on the Toruun family business. He has always felt like a pawn in his fathers eyes. A person to carry on the family name. So the marriage was just the final straw.
Harbek doesn't feel ready to marry and definetly doesn't want an arranged marriage having been the product of one and watching his parents go about their separate lives. He believes that any marriage he'd be forced into would turn out the same.
Harbek feels a little guilty for the shame he has probably cast on his family, not to mention poor Ingra but he also believes he has done what is best for everyone (well maybe not Rurik...) he doesn't think he'll ever be able to face home again unless of course he can make a name for himself as a hero. Maybe then he could forgive himself.
Gronk de'Morcaine |
Let's see I think I was on:
** spoiler omitted **
To strangers, he would initially be unfriendly and suspicious. If they act like the arrogant, cheating, devil worshiping Chelaxian’s – probably more hostile.
He’s going to be wary of any casters. Magic stuff is the province of the tribe shaman’s not the warrior’s.
Lartis |
I finished the crunch aspect of Lartis' and tried to keep linking everything to show that he is far closer to either a human or even another half-elf than to being a half-orc. Lartis looks at magic, all of magic, as a great mystery and firmly believes the ruins in the Mwangi forests will hold the key to unlocking them.
I will work on the description next and will fully kit him out if I make it past the initial round of cuts. With all of the top notch submissions thus far, I don't envy your task.
Mokshai |
Here is my submission
Morgrym Stonestepper
Male Dwarf Ranger 1
LN medium humanoid
Init +2 Senses Darkvision (60) Perception +6
BAB 1 CMB 3 CMD 15
Space 5 Reach 5
Speed 20 ft
Battleaxe +3 (1d8+3/x3), Morningstar +3 (1d8+3/x2), Dagger +3 (1d4+2/19-20/x2)
Crossbow, light +3 (1d8/19-20/x2)
BAB 1 CMB 3 CMD 15
AC 17, touch 12, flat-footed 15
hp 11
Fort 3 Reflex 4 Will 2
STR 15 DEX 15 CON 12 INT 12 WIS 14 CHA 10
Slow and Steady: You have a base speed of 20 feet, but your speed is never modified by armor or encumbrance.
Defensive Training: Dwarves get a +4 dodge bonus to AC against monsters of the giant subtype.
Greed: Dwarves receive a +2 racial bonus on Appraise skill checks made to determine the price of nonmagical goods that contain precious metals or gemstones.
Hatred: Dwarves receive a +1 bonus on attack rolls against humanoid creatures of the orc and goblinoid subtypes due to special training against these hated foes.
Hardy: You receive a +2 racial bonus on saving throws against poison, spells, and spell-like abilities.
Stability: Dwarves receive a +4 racial bonus to their Combat Maneuver Defense when resisting a bull rush or trip attempt while standing on the ground.
Stonecunning: Dwarves receive a +2 bonus on Perception checks to potentially notice unusual stonework, such as traps and hidden doors located in stone walls or floors. They receive a check to notice such features whenever they pass within 10 feet of them, whether or not they are actively looking.
Weapon Familiarity: You are proficient with battleaxes, heavy picks, and warhammers, and treat any weapon with the word “dwarven” in its name as a martial weapon.
Boarded in Varisia (Caster Level) (APSS 10): You gain +2 trait bonus on caster level checks against inhabitants of the jungle.
Defensive Strategist (FoP 17): You are not flat-footed when you are an unaware combatant. This includes a surprise round that you don’t get to act in, and before you get to act at the start of a battle.
Glory of Old (DoG 11): You receive a +1 trait bonus on saving throws against spells, spell-like abilities, and poison.
Steel Soul
Acrobatics -1, Appraise 1, Bluff 0, Climb -2, Diplomacy 0, Disguise 0, Escape Artist -2, Fly -2, Handle Animal 4, Heal 6, Intimidate 0, Knowledge (dungeoneering) , Knowledge (geography) , Knowledge (nature) 5, Perception 6, Ride -2, Sense Motive 2, Spellcraft 5, Stealth -2, Survival 6, Swim -2, Use Magic Device 1
Dwarven, Common, Undercommon
Scale Mail
Light Crossbow, Battleaxe, Morningstar, Dagger, Crossbow Bolts(30)
Adventuring Gear
Ranger's Kit, Dungeoneering Kit, Fishing Kit, Grappling Hook, Cooking Kit(AA), Gear Maintenance Kit, Grooming Kit
GP 8
SP 5
Armor and Shield Proficiency: You are proficient in Light and Medium Armor. You are proficient with shields (except Tower Shields).
Weapon Proficiency: You are proficient with all Simple and Martial Weapons.
Favored Enemy (Core 64): You gain a bonus on Bluff, Knowledge, Perception, Sense Motive, Survival checks and attack and damage rolls against the following types of creatures:
Monstrous humanoid: (+2)
Track (Core 64): You add +1 to Survival skill checks made to follow tracks.
Wild Empathy (Core 64): You can improve the initial attitude of an animal (like a Diplomacy check to improve the attitude of a person). Your Wild Empathy Check is 1d20 + 1
Morgrym Stonestepper was born in Highhelm of the five kings mountains. He grew up with his parents regaling him with stories of notable members of his family, and had him promise that he would not fail his ancestors. After many long and boring years of schooling,
Morgrym entered the deeprun mine company, following in his fathers footsteps. Working for the mine, and going to church every morning.
The only difference, is that he was asked to scout for the various caravans. After several years of caravan guarding, he was told that he had to proceed to Sargava to determine what happened to the last group that was sent to look into the Deeptreasure Mining Company. To that end, Morgrym made his way to Magnimar in Varesia, where he contracted to take the ship Jenivere to Sargava.
Will make an alias if selected.
DM DoctorEvil |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |
Dotted, but not submitted a final application
Chief Cook and Bottle Washer
Those listed below have made an accepted submission.
Rydell - half-elf archer/fighter
Morgrym Seareaver - salty dwarf barbarian
Gronk - primitive half-orc barbarian
Varya Tial - human paladin
Harbek - dwarf fighter and miner
St John Smythe - Taldan duelist fighter
Dengar - mad dog barbarian w/dinosaur companion
Fel - Kobold Oracle of Flame
Wildcat - Feral Child Druid
Nebdel - half-elf inquisitor of Desna/treasure hunter
Dragolan - human life oracle from Cheliax
Rankx - human feral child, raised by tigers
Dorian Fazure - human cleric of Desna
Lhinneth - half-elf cleric of Calistra
Celine Moonveil - cleric of Sivanah; runaway
Jord Sturmsson - Ulfen cleric of Kurgess; pit fighter
Callista - cleric of Calistra
Marik Whitethone - human diviner plagued by dreams
Alynthar- tiefling wizard necromancer
Edgerson - tiefling wizard admixture/elemental
Lartis - refined half-orc wizard
Alain Shadestrom - verdant sorceror
Zuwena - Human ranger - stowaway escaping Bloodcove
Mikhail Ruben - Human bard archivist from Absalom
Benelon - half-elf ranger and trinket thief
Ellion Hesoni - elf alchemist
Shackleton - gnome rogue and trickster
Felix "Lucky Gits" Season - half-orc archeologist
Selkyon - elf ranger
Morgrym Stoneshaper - dwarf ranger
So that's 30 applicants with a completed character and a few more that may or may not trickle in. I believe I will leave the applications open until 10AM US Central tomorrow morning, and then will start winnowing the field.
DM DoctorEvil |
Shackleton |
![Arnistolientar Popswicker](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO9211-Arnisto.jpg)
So that's 30 applicants with a completed character and a few more that may or may not trickle in. I believe I will leave the applications open until 10AM US Central tomorrow morning, and then will start winnowing the field.
Welp! Time to get writing. I'm going to submit what I have for now (sans description) for a round of questioning.
There was just too much of him, for one thing. It wasn’t that he was particularly big, it was just that he had the kind of huge personality that fits any available space. He’d get roaring drunk at supper and that was fine and acceptable wizardly behaviour. But then he’d go back to his room and play darts all night long and leave at five in the morning to go duck hunting [...] twice a day the wizards stood in bemusement and watched him jog purposefully around the University buildings, his pointy wizarding hat tied firmly on his head with string. He’d shout cheerfully up at them, because fundamental to the make-up of people like Mustrum Ridcully is an iron belief that everyone else would like it, too, if only they tried it.
'Maybe he'll die,' they told one another hopefully, as they watched him try to break the crust on the river Ankh for an early morning dip. 'All this healthy exercise can't be good for him.'
As above, I envision Shackleton as extremely resourceful out of combat (10 skill points/level to distribute, more if I opt to put some favored class points here.) In combat, he'll rely mainly on debuffs and flanking to let his other party members shine. He'll have a smattering of points in Survival, Knowledges, Disable Device, and some face skills. Potentially Craft (alchemy) as well.Based on the direction I took with his background I'm considering taking the Master Tinker trait for a firearm or crossbow as a ranged option and turn him into something of a big game hunter, but his feats and overall build would remain unchanged. (I've never particularly liked the whole "Tinker Gnome" schtick anyway but a weapon like that needs looking after). Will look at my starting gold and research real-life Big Game Hunting and make a decision on this forthwith. (Also want to give some thought to how a Gnome, with his speak with animals ability, would feel about hunting. Which is an interesting line of questioning in his own right...)
After giving some thought to something thematically appropriate to Serpent's Skull I've decided on playing a larger than life gentleman-explorer type in lieu of Teddy Roosevelt, Mustrum Ridcully or Nigel Thornberry. With a big emphasis on the vigorous energy of the former. Brisk morning jogs, manic speed-reading and a love of the outdoors, all with that unique gnomish enthusiasm on top. If he pans out like I think he will Shackleton will be both fantastic and absolutely insufferable. It's going to be great. He'll still have the fast-talking, tricksy side that all Gnomes have. Just a fact of life when you're three foot tall and have that first-world brand magic in your bloodstream. But all wrapped in a layer or three of large, hammy
Shackleton boarded the Jenevire in Magnimar, overseeing a shipment of Pathfinder Chronicles, alchemical goods and adventuring supplies for the Pathfinder Society. From what I can see in the player's guide this would mean he would likely know the other Gnome NPC, so I hope there isn't too much of an overlap. His sportsmanship and love of the outdoors might rub the scholarly chap the wrong way.
Would you like a more extensive character history or are you happy for me to leave it open ended? Right now I see Shackleton as a total greenhorn. He made enough of a pest of himself to accompany some fellow pathfinders on a Boar Hunt and has three stitches to prove it, but otherwise has spent most of his youth out of harms way. His survival skills are not so much a reflection of his past experience as his resourcefulness. When he's thrust into the jungle in this first adventure he's really going to come into his own. I've an appearance description written up on my desk at home that I'm too stubborn to sit down and reproduce so this is all I have for now, but I think he'll make a fun edition to this kind of campaign. (YMMV, of course! No matter the outcome I appreciate you wading through 30 odd submissions to get to mine.)
EDIT: Just realised what a confused rambling mess the above is. More or less stream-of-conciousness from my part. I'll tidy it up so I have something to add to my profile before the deadline.
Nebdel Melfcane |
![Jask Derindi](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO9037-Jask.jpg)
** spoiler omitted **
Inquisitors aren’t really the militant arm, that would be the war priest. They are much better combatants than the inquisitor. Inquisitors are decent combatant’s when the judgment (and later levels bane) is active, but they get few each day. The judgments are on par with a toned down but more versatile paladin smite. Without the judgment active they are a bit worse combatants than clerics because they don’t have as many spells to use as buffs as a cleric would have.
Inquisitors are really more of the investigative arm of a church. They look for unfaithful, traitors, spies, or threats to the church. OR they could infiltrate, spy on other organizations, and find out about external things the church needs to know about. They have a bunch of skill points, bonuses to some knowledge/social skills, and special abilities like discern lies.
So yes, the church of Desna is certainly appropriate to having people tasked with finding out things for them. Nebdel is finding out about something he thinks the church needs to know about. There is some unknown missing artifact related to Desna’s church. He wants to find out what and where it is. If possible, of course, he would try to retrieve it. But at the very least it would be his task to verify that there really was something so the church higher-ups could send a well equipped powerful group to go retrieve it.
Personally, I don't think PF really needs a full healer anymore except in certain very specialized situations. I don't know if this AP happens to be one of those situations. Inquisitor is definitely not a full healer. They are probably closer to a magic using skill monkey than a full healer.
Dragolan Canario |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
![Count Saleno](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/4.Count-Saleno.jpg)
Egorian, five years ago....
Two women sit at opposite ends of a long divan, their facial similarities making it easy to see that they are mother and daughter. The matching expressions of faint disapproval on their faces only add to the resemblance, as does their near-simultaneous wince at a muffled thump from the other room. A harried-looking man enters, shaking his head. "I still have no idea why this is happening to Dragolan. This is beyond us--I'm going to have to ask for help, and quickly. We can't keep him away from the servants much longer."
The older of the two women raises a peremptory hand to still the younger, who has just started to draw breath for some outburst. "My husband, time is of the essence. I asked discreetly, and even if Valeria were willing--" The younger woman looks exasperated for a moment, then schools her face back to immobility. "--there is no way to delay her coming-out party. I have, at least, been able to determine that Dragolan's absence will not be remarked on overmuch, should we have to...send him away for a time. We have but two days, though, and--" The man interrupts her.
"Yes, yes. Discretion. As it happens, I have a solution. We both know of a wizard who will be discreet, and who will not be listened to even if he does speak out--" The woman returns the favor and cuts him off.
"You are going to involve your uncle--I will not speak his name--in our affairs? Are you mad? He is in disgrace in Westcrown. If anyone hears of this...."
The man holds up a placating hand. "My wife, I know all of that. But we have no other choice--surely you can see that. I will send for him, and assure him of the importance of secrecy. He is family, after all, and I hope that he will want Valeria--and us--to succeed in Cheliax where he and his children failed. I have a scroll of message with which to contact him." He holds up a piece of parchment. "This is nothing out of the ordinary for us to own, you see." The older woman nods slowly, but her expression of disapproval has returned in full force. A crash of breaking glass from the other room only deepens it. The man inscribes a set of words on a wax tablet, then enciphers the words before casting the spell and reading the nonsense syllables of the ciphered text out loud. "You see? Discretion, and he knows the key." He carefully places the wax tablet into the fireplace, watching as it melts and burns away.
Valeria suddenly looks up, toying with a ring on one hand. "Someone is scrying on us." The air in one corner of the room ripples, as with a faint sigh an old man appears. "This must be life or death, if you're calling me. Don't worry. I won't make you waste your time with hollow pleasantries. What's the problem?"
The older woman speaks in icy tones. "It is our son. He is lazy and unambitious, caring for little more than eating and gadding about outdoors, but that is not the issue. He is cursed. Things move around him, and noises come from nowhere around him. Sometimes items near him will become freezing cold. I--We are concerned that this is the act of some rival of Valeria's, who seeks to interfere with her coming-out party."
The uncle smiles quickly. "Your coming-out party? Congratulations! I'm happy for you." He stops at a glance from Valeria's mother. "Yes, yes. No pleasantries. I'm still happy for her, and I'm sorry that my invitation was somehow misplaced--I would have loved to have come." His eyes twinkle in poorly-suppressed amusement. "But I understand the gravity of the situation now. Let me see my gr--your son."
"This way, uncle." The two men leave the room. A murmur of speech is heard from the adjacent room, punctuated by a hollow moan. The younger man returns and sits down in a finely-made wooden chair across from the divan, and the three sit in silence.
Time passes.
After an hour or so, the old man likewise returns. The three look up at him expectantly; it is Valeria's mother who speaks first. "Well? Can you end this curse?" He shakes his head.
"No. Your son is...there's no easy way to say this. Your son is an oracle."
For the first time, Valeria speaks, leaning forward excitedly. "Of flame? That would be perfect!" But her grand-uncle is already shaking his head again.
"No. I have no idea how this happened, what sort of joke this may be by the Powers, but your brother is an oracle of life." Valeria's face falls, disappointment quickly turning to anger. "I'm sorry. My divinations were clear. He's a vessel--a wellspring of Life. That's why this is happening to him. You know that the world is full of spirits--fragments and echoes of souls that have passed to Pharasma's judgment? Well, they thirst for what they used to be, for life, and Dragolan is a fountain in a desert to them. The effect is most pronounced when he pays attention to them; I suspect that he can get them to do things for him once he learns how, though many will keep doing these small things to draw his attention." He looks around the room. "Would you like me to take him back with me to Westcrown for a few days? I've got some books he can read about what he is, so he can start to master this. And it'll get him out of Valeria's hair, hmm? I'll keep him quiet. My neighbors are used to strange noises. It'll mean that I'll have to come again after the party to bring him back, if that's all right?"
All three of the others relax, though Valeria still looks angry. The man nods. "Thank you, uncle. That would be most helpful." His wife stands and extends a hand.
"Thank you...Titus." The old man takes her hand and bows over it in an outdated but still elegant style, pressing his forehead briefly against the back of her hand before straightening up and releasing it. He turns to go.
"Farewell. Valeria, enjoy your party!" Opening the door to the next room, he calls out, "Pack your things, Dragolan! You're going to Westcrown for a little while! Just leave my apprentices alone, hm?" Ahead of him the other three could hear the reply.
"Ah, marvelous! How is the food there? How is the wine?"
Chief Cook and Bottlewasher |
Female Human (Varisian)
Monk (Maneuver Master) 1
Mostly complete. Still need appearance etc and fine tuning on background.
As a member of the ship's crew, Alessandria will feel a responsibility to see the passengers to safety. After that, I expect her to at least want to see to the party's safety. She won't want to lead, but will keep track of tasks that need doing, and who's doing what when.
Age 25. Starting age for human monk is 15 + 2d6, so putting her age on the high side leaves time for at least a couple of years crewing.
Lhinneth Silvertide |
Indeed – the poor man has barely had time to review a third of the submissions so far, give or take. He's been probably taken aback by the sudden spike of popularity of this particular AP; though at least the first installment has a reputation for being quite good indeed.
Anyway: I think my submission is now finalized. As a full cleric, most of her usefulness will be as a healer (for the very first levels, at least), with her crossbow potentially providing some ranged damage as well. Despite her relatively high AC, I don't see her stepping into the middle of the fray if not to cast the occasional healing spell.
In time, I'll probably want to go down the Trip chain of Feats, figuring it might be a decent way to put her whip proficiency to good use. Thanks to her Domains, she can probably moonlight as a decent 'social' character as well, both through mundane (Bluff, Sense Motive, Diplomacy) and magical means.
As a disclaimer, I have been in a Serpent's Skull campaign before, on this very forum (but with a different character). It didn't manage to go too far, though, so as a player I only have approximate knowledge of the landing site's immediate whereabouts – which I obviously plan on keeping heavily compartmentalized.
Speaker for the Dead |
Speaker for the Dead wrote:Patience. He has a lot of submissions to wade through!It has nothing to do with impatience, Speaker. I just noticed that the line of critiques has followed his chart, then jumped and continued down the line. Noting my concern at observing an anomaly, nothing more.
Actually, I was counselling myself to be patient as much as you :-)
DM DoctorEvil |
Fear not, and try not to read a method to my madness. With a shortage of RL time this week, and the multitude of applicants (quality ones, at that), I have had little time to comb through as I would like.
Officially, applications are shut off. I will allow those who dotted to complete an app, but it'll get points off for being late.
With 30 people and just 5-6 spots, the competition, unfortunately, will be pretty fierce. I am contemplating two groups, but my RL time may not allow such a luxury.
If you feel you were skipped (or if you really were) then don't feel bad. Either I don't have specific questions or I just missed you. I will get to all and sundry in time.
At this point, some of my notes may be the dreaded termination notice. I need to cut the pool down to 4-5 in each subset, and while there is an enormous amount of cool stuff out there, some of you will be cut in a numbers crunch. I will try to tell you why you didn't make the cut, but in reality, I will have to be cutting some perfectly good applications based on numbers alone.
Now, I will get to work, and you begin to hear from me individually again.
DM DoctorEvil |
Human Cleric of Desna.
Just the crunch for now, currently working on my background.
I don't know that a background ever appeared for this character. As such, and with the multitude of Divine applicants, I am dropping him from the list.
If I missed something, please let me know.
Wildcat |
Actually, I was counselling myself to be patient as much as you :-)
I feel your pain. Serpent's Skull, along with the Feral Child archetype, are both things that I've always wanted to play but never managed to find a suitable time/group/etc. It doesn't help my confidence that the Feral Druid seems to be a really hard sell, and I get why, but I think this AP provides opportunity to fit one in more than others.
Anyhow, I'm leaving the computer so I don't climb out of my skin in anticipation. Best of luck.
DM DoctorEvil |
DM DoctorEvil |
littlehewy |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Hi there, here's my submission, hope you like it - there are still a few language choices to make, but apart from that, he's good to go :)
I'll make a profile if selected.
Gee, I don't think I've ever made a LG character that wasn't a paladin before...
(Also, I tried to be as un-minmaxy as possible, but I'm happy to change anything if it improves my chances of selection.)
Okhosa Vusutan:
Okhasa was born in Cheliax, has lived most of his life in Korvosa, Varisia, but his heritage is that of the Zenj people of the Mwangi Expanse. Six generations ago, his Mwangi ancestors were captured by Bekyar slavers and sold to a Cheliax noble family closely connected to House Thrune. After the ascension of Thrune following Aroden's death, Okhasa's grandmother (the family matriarch) somehow managed to gain her freedom for herself and her family. Shortly thereafter, the entire clan moved north to Korvosa, to escape the slavery-accepting society of Cheliax.
Okhasa represents a new generation of Vusutans born into relative financial security. His grandmother is still alive, and is considered a community leader to those of Mwangi descent in Korvosa, many of whom are also from former slave families in Cheliax. As he showed an early aptitude for magic, Okhosa was accepted into the Acadamae, where he found himself, somewhat naturally, drawn to the study of the Mwangi Expanse; not just its magical offerings, but also its history.
Okhosa boarded the Jenivere in Magnimar soon after graduating, so keen was he to revisit the land of his family's dominant heritage (while the Vusutan's have often married other Mwangi, they now have some Varisian blood in the family as well).
Okhosa is a studious and serious young man, brought up to believe in hard work and persistence in the face of adversity. He is quietly brave, intensely loyal, and kind to a fault. He is, unsurprisingly, sensitive to the plight of the unfortunate, the marginalised, and the oppressed. He can't wait to experience his family's ancestral homeland for himself, and to delve into the rich magical heritage that lies slumbering in the wilds.
Okhosa stands at 5'10", quite tall for his family, and though he is fit, he is slim and none too muscular. He has dark brown skin, short and tightly curled black hair, and striking blue eyes.
Male human conjurer 1
LG medium humanoid (24 y.o. 5'10", 180 lbs.)
Init +8 Perception +2
AC 12, touch 12, flat-footed 10 (+2 Dex)
hp 9
Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +6
Spd 30 ft. (6 sq.)/x4
Melee quarterstaff -2 (1d6-2/x2)
Ranged acid dart +2 (1d6) range 30'
Ranged light crossbow +2 (1d8/19-20) range 80'
Str 7, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 18, Wis 12, Cha 12
BAB +0, CMB -2, CMD 10
Feats Scribe Scroll, Spell Focus (conjuration), Toughness
Languages Common, Draconic, Polyglot
Special Abilities
*Arcane Bond (familiar): Garu, greensting scorpion (+4 Initiative)
*Arcane School: Conjuration; opposed schools are enchantment and necromancy
*Summoner's Charm: Increase duration of conjuration (summoning) spells by 1/2 wizard level in rounds
*Acid Dart: Unleash acid dart 7/day
0 – 3
1st – 2+1
0 - all except enchantment and necromancy cantrips
1st - colour spray, enlarge person, grease, mage armour, obscuring mist, protection from evil, silent image
Ease of Faith: Diplomacy receives +1 and is a class skill
Mwangi Scholar: Receive Polyglot language, +1 on history checks pertaining to Mwangi
Reactionary: +2 initiative
Appraise +0
Diplomacy +6 (1 rank, Cha +1, trait +1, class +3)
Kn. Arcana +8 (1 rank, Int +4, class +3)
Kn. History +8 (1 rank, Int +4, class +3)
Linguistics +8 (1 rank, Int +4, class +3)
Perception +2 (1 rank, Wis +1)
Profession (leatherworking) +5 (1 rank, Wis +1, Class +3)
Spellcraft +8 (1 rank, Int +4, class +3)
On Person
Quarterstaff (4 lbs)
Dagger (2gp, 1 lb)
Light Xbow (35gp, 4 lbs)
30 bolts (3gp, 3 lbs)
Spell component pouch (5gp, 2 lbs)
Backpack (2gp, 2 lbs)
Belt pouch (1gp, .5 lb)
On Person Total Weight: 16.5 lbs
Backpack (2 gp, 2 lbs), contains:
Spellbook (3 lbs)
Backpack Total Weight: 3 lbs
Total 51gp, 19.5 lbs
Belt Pouch:
9pp, 9gp
Alynthar42 |
![Erdrinneir Vonnarc](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/A7_Norrayl_Vonnarc_highres.jpg)
Remember, guys and DMs. If you don't get selected, you can sign up at this forum. Let's make this forum a big deal!
littlehewy |
As an aside, the idea for Okhosa is that he's super keen to get back to his roots, but he will shortly find that a) he's an outsider, and the Mwangi see him as such rather than one of them, b) he's slightly horrified at the way they are treated, and c) he wants to find out about his relatives from generations ago, but has no idea what to expect.
So yeah, there's a bit to play with there.
DM DoctorEvil |
Ok, I think I am going to change up a bit. In the interest of time, I have reviewed most all the builds, backstories, etc. I have not sent everyone a message as I think I will approach this differently at first.
Rather than reviewing everyone in great detail, I believe i am ready to make first cuts. While it's no fun to get cut, especially early, please understand these decisions are final. I am happy to explain my reason for cutting your app, but there may not be anything more than numbers working against you, or my personal biases. Please don't be offended. I think everyone did a great job.
I'd like the following PC's to stay in the hunt, and those not listed...thanks for your effort and interest. We will see each other again soon, I imagine.
Morgrym Seareaver - salty dwarf barbarian
Varya Tial - human paladin
Harbek - dwarf fighter and miner
St John Smythe - Taldan duelist fighter
Dragolan - human life oracle from Cheliax
Lhinneth - half-elf cleric of Calistra
Celine Moonveil - cleric of Sivanah; runaway
Jord Sturmsson - Ulfen cleric of Kurgess; pit fighter
Marik Whitethone - human diviner plagued by dreams
Lartis - refined half-orc wizard
Alain Shadestrom - verdant sorceror
Okhosa Vusutan - Mwangian wizard
Zuwena - Human ranger - stowaway escaping Bloodcove
Mikhail Ruben - Human bard archivist from Absalom
Shackleton - gnome rogue and trickster
Felix "Lucky Gits" Season - half-orc archeologist
DM DoctorEvil |
Congratulations to all who made it to the second round. As you can see, we still have 16 applicants, for 5-6 spots. It won't be easy to get in...In fact, I have a set of tasks for you...
I'd like to do something a little different for this round. Each remaining candidate needs to post an audition for the part (of the 4 major subgroups) they wish to play in the AP. Tell why you are the right choice to be chosen for the game. You may do this however you like, IC, OOC, via exposition etc. Creativity and cohesiveness will be rewarded -- you don't have to write a novel here, just hit the high points.
After that, each player should vote for their favorite character in each category, giving reasons why they gave the vote to that PC. You should vote for players in your category as well, but you may NOT vote for yourself.
I will tally the votes, and likely (GM discretion which is similar to a Venezualan election) use them to choose my finalists in each category, and the one (or two) wildcards based on next highest amount of votes.
You may post your vote here (if you are brave enough) or send me a PM if you don't wish to offend. Secret ballots will stay secret. No points will added/deducted for either method.
We will start the auditions NOW, continuing through Friday evening. You may commence voting at anytime, but you may NOT re-cast once sent, so waiting until the auditions are over makes sense. Remember, I want reasons why you picked your favorites, along with your votes.
Any questions?
DM DoctorEvil |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Damn. Now I have to read all the characters sheets too! :-)
Throw in the towel if you like...JK
YOu don't have to read their sheets, you can just read/listen to their auditions and decide from there.
You see how well I passed the buck of making the decisions...I am nothing if not a master delegator.
Varya Tial |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |
It's 2AM, I don't have anything better to do, so tada, I'll save myself and everyone else some time.
Morgrym Seareaver - salty dwarf barbarian
Varya Tial - human paladin
Harbek - dwarf fighter and miner
St John Smythe - Taldan duelist fighter
Dragolan - human life oracle from Cheliax
Lhinneth - half-elf cleric of Calistra
Celine Moonveil - cleric of Sivanah; runaway
Jord Sturmsson - Ulfen cleric of Kurgess; pit fighter
Marik Whitethone - human diviner plagued by dreams
Lartis - refined half-orc wizard
Alain Shadestrom - verdant sorceror
Okhosa Vusutan - Mwangian wizard
Zuwena - Human ranger - stowaway escaping Bloodcove
Mikhail Ruben - Human bard archivist from Absalom
Shackleton - gnome rogue and trickster
Felix "Lucky Gits" Season - half-orc archeologist
Tell me if any of these are broken, I didn't test them
Oh now he says you dont have to read their posts ;)
DM DoctorEvil |
It's 2AM, I don't have anything better to do, so tada, I'll save myself and everyone else some time.
Morgrym Seareaver - salty dwarf barbarian
Varya Tial - human paladin
Harbek - dwarf fighter and miner
St John Smythe - Taldan duelist fighterDivine
Dragolan - human life oracle from Cheliax
Lhinneth - half-elf cleric of Calistra
Celine Moonveil - cleric of Sivanah; runaway
Jord Sturmsson - Ulfen cleric of Kurgess; pit fighterArcane
Marik Whitethone - human diviner plagued by dreams
Lartis - refined half-orc wizard
Alain Shadestrom - verdant sorceror
Okhosa Vusutan - Mwangian wizardSkill
Zuwena - Human ranger - stowaway escaping Bloodcove
Mikhail Ruben - Human bard archivist from Absalom
Shackleton - gnome rogue and trickster
Felix "Lucky Gits" Season - half-orc archeologistTell me if any of these are broken, I didn't test them
Oh now he says you dont have to read their posts ;)
Oooooh, nice work!
I will say this. Remember those you are voting for are likely to be your teammates and fellow players in the game, so incorporate what due diligence you like in setting the table for yourself.