About Jord Sturmsson.
Stat Block
Fort +6, Ref +2, Will +8; Offense
Dagger +5 (1d4+2)(SandP)
Ranged Javelin +4 (1d6+2)(P)(30ft) Feats Traits Skills:
Touched by the Sea
Skills: 18
*Perception (Wis) +10 (2R+1 Trait) *Knowledge (Religion) (Int) +5 (2R)
*Diplomacy (Cha) +7 (2R) Background Skills: 12
Combat Gear Javelin *3 (3/6) Morning Star (8/6) Large Wooden Shield (7/10) Scalemail (50/30) Dagger (in Boot) Gear
On Ship
Gold: 330
-------------------- Spellcasting -------------------- Domains Travel Strength Channel energy 2d6, 30ft, 5/day Concentration D20 + CL(4) + 4 (Wis) Cast Defensively 15 + 2*spell lvl Cleric Spells Memorised (CL 4th) 2nd (3+1/day)(CL 16)- BullsStrength*, Summon monster 2*2, Burst of Radiance 1st (4+1/day)(CL 15)- Enlarge Person*, Bless, Divine Favour*2, Shield of Faith 0 (at will)(CL 14)- Light, Guidance, Stabilize, Create Water. --------------------
Domain Spells: 1st—enlarge person, 2nd—bull's strength, 3rd—magic vestment, 4th—spell immunity, 5th—righteous might, 6th—stoneskin, 7th—grasping hand, 8th—clenched fist, 9th—crushing hand. Travel
Dimensional Hop (Sp): At 8th level, you can teleport up to 10 feet per cleric level per day as a move action. This teleportation must be used in 5-foot increments and such movement does not provoke attacks of opportunity. You must have line of sight to your destination to use this ability. You can bring other willing creatures with you, but you must expend an equal amount of distance for each creature brought. Domain Spells: 1st—longstrider, 2nd—locate object, 3rd—fly, 4th—dimension door, 5th—teleport, 6th—find the path, 7th—greater teleport, 8th—phase door, 9th—astral projection. Appearance:
Big dark beard and long hair, he is a big brawling roisterer of a man, at 6'2" and 200lbs Jord is quite a large one. He is well muscled with a bit of a gut, all the better to help him float. He wears loose shirts and blousy pants, with a sash across his waist, this allows him to be comfortable and to move easily when he is engaging in one of the inevitable competitions he gets into. When he is expecting combat or on alert he adds a leather shirt under his armour and a belt to hold his weaponry Personality:
His booming voice is only drowned out by his booming laughter, which can generally be heard in a tavern accompanied by prodigious amouts of ale and meat. He loves competition and he is all about honouring the competition, if he is beaten by an opponent he is the first to offer his hand in congratulations and he expects the same. Loud and proud is Jord, fighting, drinking eating and wenching are his passions and none does them more ostentatiously than he. He has a naive quality about him in that the important things are life are what he cherishes and not the recollections of the evils that can be done. Background:
Jord is an Ulfen and he was born in Halgrim city in the Lands of the Linnorm kings. As a military brat he was always listening to the stories of the raids of the Ulfen reavers and he like all the other children wanted to go off and fight when he was old enough. As the son of a merchant (Mother Bola) and a City Guard (Father Sturm, injured in a raid) he had a lot of options growing up. The local Kurgessian priests were very active in the community and a particular father Torquist took an interest in the local gang/group of children that Jord was a part of. He helped guide their passion, playfulness and ability to get into all sorts of trouble in meaningful ways. In Jords case he helped Jord focus on a natural talent of his and Jord became a good fighter. Jord never really forgot the influence of the faith of Kurgess it always resounded strongly within him and when he was old enough he joined the church, initially because he didn't just want to be a reaver and raider on the seas, but as he grew into himself he realised that he would serve much better as an example of the will of Kurgess, showing off his skills and abilities and helping where he could. As he got older Jord grew into himself and he loved a good competition, to honor himself and Kurgess he entered the fighting pits. He did quite well for a few years, never being great but good. As fighting outside of the arena goes, Jord has no taste for it, he wants to compete in honourable competition and do Kurgess honour, not kill people. He will fight to defend himself and his companions and he will do so to the best of his ability he just won't do it without reason. Jord has finished with his pilgrimage to the Widowmaker Isles in the shackles where the bloody gladiatorial competition known as the Carnival of Kurgess is held, he is continuing his journey down the coast he has decided to travel where he may and gain himself enough experience so that next year he can return to the shackles and be able to compete in the carnival. Port Peril was Jords next destination, this rough and tumble town was a good source of fighting pits and he would regret not coming to see them before heading back home. Jord watched a few fights at an amateur arena but he was told the best fighting pit in Port Peril was invite only and the best place to get an invite was at the Formidably Maid. That night Jord found his way to the "Formidably Maid" trying to scope out a "contact". He entered the bar and shouted to the assorted bar patrons "Good Evening All, Blessings of Kurgess be on ye!" and with a quick prayer he unleashed a blast of channelled healing energy upon those in the bar. The healing energy is a welcome relief to the patrons and they give up a cheer of thanks. He finds no tables spare, so he finds a likely youg lad and sits down at his table "barkeep Ale for me and me friend here!" and he flicks a coin to the barkeep. When the ale is delivered Jord takes several large pulls from his mug, finishing off his ale when he looks at the young man who's table he had so rudely invaded, he was not drinking! The lad just looking at Jord with contempt "Your not drinking, get into it, nothing better.. that right LADS!" he declares loudly to the room. "I never asks for your company or your stinking drink Ulfen" growls back the young man and he stands quickly pushing his chair back, Jord stands to match him and the lad punches him square in the jaw. The young mans momentary elation at landing such a strong blow turns to an expression of regret as Jord rolls with the punch robbing it of much of it's force and that motion is channelled back into a blow aimed at him. He has a short time to contemplate the folly of his actions before Jords return punch topples him back over his chair and into oblivion Jord sits down, reaches over and takes the lads mug of ale and takes a drink "I don't mind if I do" After a while of no success in finding a contact he went down to the docks to take in a view of the sea to help clear his head. The last thing he remembers is a blow to the back of the head and the waves rushing up to meet him, Time for a swim?. gear from Grok:
6 flasks of alchemist's fire and 2 potions of Cure Light Wounds |