DM Dr Evil presents Serpent's Skull - Group A (Inactive)

Game Master DM DoctorEvil

Deck of the Jenivere

Map of Smuggler's Shiv

Loot Tracker

Current Characters

Aerys Mavato - NPC

played by DM DoctorEvil (17 posts)
Count Saleno
Dragolan Canario

HP 10/10, 0 NL, AC Chelaxian Human ***INACTIVE*** Life Oracle/1

played by John Woodford (633 posts)
Peren Ambergross
Gelik Aberwhinge - NPC

played by DM DoctorEvil (18 posts)
Supreme Hunter
Ishirou - NPC

played by DM DoctorEvil (9 posts)
Jask Derindi
Jask Derindi - NPC

played by DM DoctorEvil (18 posts)
Master Basaalee Minvandu
Mikail Ruben

Male Human from Absalom Bard (archivist) 1 (AC 15, HP 13, Fort +2 Reflex +3 Will +2, Perc +4, Init +1, Atk Rapier +1, 1d6+1, Spells slots: 4/2 Bardic performance 7/7)

played by Diego Rossi (191 posts)
Morgrym Seareaver

Male Dwarf Barbarian 1 | AC 15/10/15 | HP 16/16 | F +5, R +1, W +4 (+2 vs. spells, SLAs, and poison) | CMB +4, CMD 14 | Init +2 | Perc +7

played by Saving Cap'n Crunch (41 posts)
Okhosa Vusutan

Status: poisoned (-5 Dex); Conjurer 1 | AC 12 T 12 FF 10 | HP 9/12 | F +2 R +2 W +3 | Init +8 | Perc +2

played by littlehewy (66 posts)
Sasha Nevah - NPC

played by DM DoctorEvil (14 posts)
Varya Tial

played by Saafris (94 posts)

Current NPCs

DM DoctorEvil

(17,529 posts)

Previous Characters

Liberty's Edge Diego Rossi

Rule Lawyer 6 Houseruler 4
(16,119 posts)