DM DoctorEvil |
If I am allowed to do this, I also have another character that I might want to play more than Alesse?
With as many applicants as we will have, I'd reallyl prefer to hold it to one app per player. Choose which one you want to throw in the pool, and then LMK. I have Alesse on the list until further notice.
trawets71 |
I have this character to submit, St. John Smythe. Made him for a SS campaign that died shortly after arriving on the island. I'd love to get to play him through and I'm up for more punishment from you as I do play in another campaign of yours.
DM DoctorEvil |
Updated list:
Dotted, but not submitted a final application
Speaker for the Dead
Jamie Somers
Yani Stands Tall
Those listed below have made an accepted submission.
Rydell - half-elf archer/fighter
Morgrym Seareaver - salty dwarf barbarian
Gronk - primitive half-orc barbarian
Varya Tial - human paladin
Harbek - dwarf fighter and miner
St John Smythe - Taldan duelist fighter
Fel - Kobold Oracle of Flame
Wildcat - Feral Child Druid
Nebdel - half-elf inquisitor of Desna/treasure hunter
Dragolan - human life oracle from Cheliax
Rankx - human feral child, raised by tigers
Dorian Fazure - human cleric of Desna
Marik Whitethone - human diviner plagued by dreams
Zuwena - Human ranger - stowaway escaping Bloodcove
Mikhail Ruben - Human bard archivist from Absalom
Benelon - half-elf ranger and trinket thief
Varya Tial |
Alright yes, I'll replace Alesse with this character then and post using this alias, if I need to, from now on. Thanks for the heads up, good luck sifting through all the applicants, haha.
Edit: Dang, slightly after you reposted that!
I'm also going to work on changing the backstory slightly to fit this campaign
DM DoctorEvil |
I have this character to submit, St. John Smythe. Made him for a SS campaign that died shortly after arriving on the island. I'd love to get to play him through and I'm up for more punishment from you as I do play in another campaign of yours.
Welcome Trawets, I have included St John in the list.
Double punishment for you if I catch you out of the thread after curfew again...
DM DoctorEvil |
DM, do my selections make more sense now after getting most of the background concept/Idea done now?
You are first on my list to dig into a bit deeper, so here are my comments. Please understand, I am not forcing you to change anything, but to think more deeply about the things you have already put in place. What you change, if anything, is up to you.
1. What is warp wood longbow? I can't find that in any of my source material, but maybe I am just missing something.
2. Man, I really don't like the Rich Parents trait. Having a level 1 PC with a 20 AC is just patently unfair, IMO.
3. Sounds like with the experience you want him to have, he'd be a much higher level PC than level 1. He's got mission experience, and is not a greenhorn. That is hard to reconcile with someone just starting out.
4. YOu have a trait indomitable faith, but I can't tell from your background why. I can't even tell who your character worships as deity, let alone why that would be indomitable.
5. The character is described as bi-polar. Serious and business like at times, fun and childlike at others. This seems hard to reconcile. Explain why he is both, or at what times he is either, or something. Otherwise, RP becomes a crap-shoot.
6. Why the soft spot for children or youngsters? Unexplained.
7. Does he have any inner conflict over being a half-elf? Most Golarion half-elves are not accepted by either lineage and spend their lives unhappily not affixed to either. Does Rydell have any parental or assimilation issues related to his half-breed status? Why or why not?
DM DoctorEvil |
Sorry DM, Ollurim is actually my alias from the previous SS game which still hasn't taken off. As you can see, I decided to make a different character with a core class (and wasn't an almighty Con-based caster). So you can scratch Ollurim off the list, I guess...FOREVER!
Got it.
By circumstance, you were the next character I dug into. My comments follow in spoilered text.
1. You have a trait Indomitable Faith, but I see nothing about that in your backstory. I don't even see what your deity is, let alone anything about unpopular worship of it.
2. I am with you on the former glory, now barely subsistence level of the dwarven family. Is there a trait for that?
3. You have taken the Saltbeard racial traits right? What about archetypes? Have you taken Sea Reaver and Drunken Rager? How do these tie to your backstory? I get the rage about loss of station etc, but how are you tying in the archetypes?
4. Personally, I think he is close. Tinker a bit more, and I'll consider you a strong candidate (no pun intended).
![]() |
Figit Heavyhand: Male Halfling
He begins as a brawler, but will take rogue starting at 2nd lvl on. He will fight unarmed and unless unavoidable will deal non-lethal damage.
. At the next port, the pirate bestowed the care of the child to one of the pirate's favorite bar wenches, who loved and raised Figit as her own, despite the race difference of her being a human and Figit being a Halfling. Growing up in a tavern atmosphere, especially one frequented by known pirates, Figit was quick to sharpen his pugilist skills, using his size to his advantage against larger opponents. Whether breaking up a threat to his "house", protecting his mother, or being underestimated due to his small stature. Figit excelled in finding the weak spots of his oppenents, winning brawls with an amazing finesse, always careful to perform a knockout non-lethaly whenever possible, these were patrons after all, and the means by which his mother earned a living. Unarmed fighting is not the only way to pass time in a tavern though, with plenty opportunity to imbibe alcohol, Figit also possesses the ability to drink liquids in an accelerated time.
. Whether it came from a sign at birth, magnificent tales shared through ale at the tavern by pirates, a search to find answers for questions he hadn't asked yet, or merely earn some coin... Figit often signed on to crews for various ships. As any able body seaman will attest, when crewing a ship, you pick up various skills that may not be required for your assigned duties. Sometimes out of necessity to fill an open assignment, or sometimes simply to pass the countless hours at sea. Of course, all crews are different and require an ability
to sense the motives of each individual. As can be expected in a area riddled with pirates, some rogue crews didn't always follow the path of the righteous. More often than not you can learn more from these type crews than your standard trade ships.
Hopefully the background helps justify character choices. Including the use of 1 level of "non-core" brawler on an otherwise typical rogue. Stats are easily viewed through this character's profile, but if you would like a crunch posted, I can provide it upon request.
Thank you for your consideration.
Rydell Valiros |
1- Actually, I have completely mind-blaned here, warp wood is not what I wanted/used (its a spell) I'll remove that, not sure what I was thinking now.. Possibly dark wood or whipwood... consider it nothing at the moment.
2- Eh, the rich parents is for the work done and I used most of it on the bow really, I could take a weaker armor, but even if I took chainmail I'd have an 18. On the other hand, even if I took just the "get the cargo through" trait, I wouldn't have enough for the bow, so would probably pick up the same armor. I could swap it out for "signature deed" Which I could easily implement into my backstory, (I was considering doing it anyway) via a small battle where he shows a rather skillful mastery of his bow.
3- I see it more as group work/guard detail/scouting/ etc. Not any -real- combat, enough to bump him to a class level instead of say, an NPC warrior. I can be more specific if you want. as In, "most of this work was non-combative, or group work such as scouting, finding certain areas, with the occasional group based skirmish"
4-Sorry, Its an old issue I have, I always used that trait to show self assurance and discipline, not, persay, devotion to a deity. I'll change it.
5-being both and elf and a human has different issues for different people. His child like side is from growing up among the elves, (which, asfik) are very non-serious minded (generically)at least for a good time. Usually, his serious side is "on" during combat and or other situtions, although the serious side is prone to making jokes, even if they are bad jokes. It's more in the way of "work mind" and "play mind", bi-polar was a poor use of terms.
6- He just enjoys their company really, He doesn't have a real "reason" to, he just finds that he does. Its in the way of why do you have a soft spot for "insert animal here". If you really want a reason, I can do something for it but I just had it as a personality quirk.
7- Not particularly, he spent most of his life in a "backwater"( I use that term lightly) elven village in a very warm climate forest.
reasons- His mother was an elf, so she kept him with her, and Rydell actually knows his father as he chose to live in the village and at this point in time, decidedly doesn't care what people think of his heritage too much. Rather he forces them to judge him by his actions/words/deeds. He does however, have a slight conflict with his world views, or, in other words, a little confusion. Not a lot, he has most of it sorted, but he is questioning whether or not he should continue his line of work as it will assuredly bring him to the "do the right thing" or "finish the contract, your contract is your word/honor" Ideal he has going.
hope that clears some up, and thanks for that catch.
Speaker for the Dead |
Speaker for the Dead wrote:I'd be interested in joining up. Is a Summoner core enough for your tastes? If not I can run a sorcerer.Your call here, Speaker. I have made my feeling known on the matter.
Your feelings are noted and respected :-)
Here's a sorcerer named Alain Shadestrom
Let me know if you'd like to see any changes.
Ellion Hesoni |
This is Krek from above. Curse the edit timer!
Though somewhat a work in progress as I must get to bed, allow me to submit Ellion tonight. I will polish some of the finer points (traits, gear) tomorrow.
He falls more-so into the skill category than the arcane category.
If there are any questions or critiques - GM or players alike - do let me know!
Jaime Sommers |
Hello GM, this is my submission for Celine Moonveil, Cleric of Sivanah:
Somewhere in Varisia, some time ago.
"Celine, my child, this nonsense has to stop right now. I've been a patient father, and lenient, perhaps too lenient since you've lost your mother, but you're seventeen now and it's past time you accept your responsibilities.
From now on, I don't want to see you in those awful cleric garments anymore. I don't want to hear anything about the Sacred Veil, the many facets of the moon reflected in a mirror or in the water, your birthmark, your destiny and such rubbish. You are my daughter and tomorrow you will meet the man you will marry. He's young, he's smart, he will take over the business when the time comes for me to retire, he will make sure you continue to live a life of prosperity and safety. This is your path, my child, and none other. I love you and I know what's best for you.
Now go and get ready for dinner."
That same night, Celine snuck into her father's shop and stole some money and equipment. She left him a note:
I am a veil, my destiny is to float away wherever the wind, the moon, the waters and my Lady wish me to. You will never pin me to the false, mediocre, hypocritical, empty life you have envisioned."
She then simply vanished into the night, never to be found again. Her father thought she had drowned herself somewhere and almost died of a heart attack. He never knew she had boarded the Jenivere under the false name of Celine Moonveil.
Celine Moonveil
Cleric 1
N medium humanoid (human)
Deity: Sivanah
Init 0 Perception 4
AC 17, touch 10, flat footed 17 AC Penalty -4
HP 12 (8+1+3 toughness)
Fort +3, Reflex +0, Will +5
Speed 20 ft
Ranged +0
Melee +1 (+2 w/masterwork morningstar, 1d8+1)
Str 13, Dex 10, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 14+2=16, Cha 16
Languages Common
Extra Channel
Rich parents (your starting cash increases to 900 gp)
Birthmark (+2 trait bonus to charm and compulsion effects)
Campaign trait: Boarded in Varisia (treat your spells with the mind-affecting descriptor as being +1 caster level higher when cast against creatures and natives of the jungle)
Skill points: 2+1(Human)+1 (Favored class)=4
Diplomacy (3+1+3)=7
Heal (3+1+3)=7
Perception (1+3)=4
Knowledge Religion (3+1)=4
Spells prepared - standard
Orisons: Create Water / Light / Spark
Level 1: Bless / Shield of Faith + LESSER CONFUSION
Special abilities
A good cleric (or one who worships a good deity) channels positive energy and can choose to deal damage to undead creatures or to heal living creatures.
Channeling energy causes a burst that affects all creatures of one type (either undead or living) in a 30-foot radius centered on the cleric. The amount of damage dealt or healed is equal to 1d6 points of damage plus 1d6 points of damage for every two cleric levels beyond 1st (2d6 at 3rd, 3d6 at 5th, and so on). Creatures that take damage from channeled energy receive a Will save to halve the damage. The DC of this save is equal to 10 + 1/2 the cleric's level + the cleric's Charisma modifier.
Celine channels POSITIVE energy (she'll take versatile channeler to channel negative energy as a cleric of 2 levels lower)
MADNESS: Vision of Madness (Sp): You can give a creature a vision of madness as a melee touch attack. Choose one of the following: attack rolls, saving throws, or skill checks. The target receives a bonus to the chosen rolls equal to 1/2 your cleric level (minimum +1) and a penalty to the other two types of rolls equal to 1/2 your cleric level (minimum –1). This effect fades after 3 rounds. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Wisdom modifier.
Domain Spells: 1st—lesser confusion, 2nd—touch of idiocy, 3rd—rage, 4th—confusion, 5th—nightmare, 6th—phantasmal killer, 7th—insanity, 8th—scintillating pattern, 9th—weird.
TRICKERY: Copycat (Sp): You can create an illusory double of yourself as a move action. This double functions as a single mirror image and lasts for a number of rounds equal to your cleric level, or until the illusory duplicate is dispelled or destroyed. You can have no more than one copycat at a time. This ability does not stack with the mirror image spell. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Wisdom modifier.
Domain Spells: 1st—disguise self, 2nd—invisibility, 3rd—nondetection, 4th—confusion, 5th—false vision, 6th—mislead, 7th—screen, 8th—mass invisibility, 9th—time stop.
Cleric's kit
Price 16 gp; Weight 32 lbs.
This includes a backpack, a bedroll, a belt pouch, candles (10), a cheap holy text, a flint and steel, an iron pot, a mess kit, rope, soap, a spell component pouch, torches (10), trail rations (5 days), a waterskin, and a wooden holy symbol.
Masterwork Morningstar 308 gp
Sling + 10 bolts 1 gp
Masterwork Breastplate 350 gp
Buckler 5 gp
2 Antitoxin 100 gp
1 Healer's kit 50 gp 10 uses
Blanket, winter 5 sp 3 lbs
Signal whistle 8 sp
One pound of flour 2 cp
Explorer's outfit 8 gp
Cleric's vestments 5 gp
Scholar's outfit 5 gp
(Tot. 849.32 gp) Remaining: 50.68 gp
Your feedback will be welcome and appreciated. Thank you!
Shackleton |
![Arnistolientar Popswicker](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO9211-Arnisto.jpg)
Twigs here, a day and a bit later than I'd planned. I got a little caught up in getting the mechanical feel right and finding an avatar that isn't too uh... Grobnar-esque while still feeling uniquely gnomish.
I'm envisioning a single-weaponed disabler type utilising the sicken-debuff from his archetype, disarm, and potentially the butterfly strike feat if the makeup of the party suits. A skill-heavy PC with a decent hit chance and lots of subtle ways to contribute to a fight. As a gnome I plan to amass as much magic as I can on a non spellcaster (and may take a dip somewhere along the line. What's a gnome without his illusions?). Have all but skills and equipment complete.
Going to withhold my backstory for now until I'm entirely happy with it but that shouldn't be too much longer. I want something with a bit of nuance to it, but also has that gnomish sense of wonder and whimsy (without leaning too far in that direction). Consider this submission a work in progress, Doc!
littlehewy |
While this is far from a complete submission, here is the concept that I'm just starting to build:
Okhasa was born in Cheliax, has lived most of his life in Korvosa, Varisia, but his heritage is that of the Zenj people of the Mwangi Expanse. Six generations ago, his Mwangi ancestors were captured by Bekyar slavers and sold to a Cheliax noble family closely connected to House Thrune. After the ascension of Thrune following Aroden's death, Okhasa's grandmother (the family matriarch) somehow managed to gain her freedom for herself and her family. Shortly thereafter, the entire clan moved north to Korvosa, to escape the slavery-accepting society of Cheliax.
Okhasa represents a new generation of Vusutans born into relative financial security. His grandmother is still alive, and is considered a community leader to those of Mwangi descent in Korvosa, many of whom are also from former slave families in Cheliax. As he showed an early aptitude for magic, Okhosa was accepted into the Acadamae, where he found himself, somewhat naturally, drawn to the study of the Mwangi Expanse; not just its magical offerings, but also its history.
Okhosa boarded the Jenivere in Magnimar soon after graduating, so keen was he to revisit the land of his family's dominant heritage (while the Vusutan's have often married other Mwangi, they now have some Varisian blood in the family as well).
Okhosa is a studious and serious young man, brought up to believe in hard work and persistence in the face of adversity. He is quietly brave, intensely loyal, and kind to a fault. He is, unsurprisingly, sensitive to the plight of the unfortunate, the marginalised, and the oppressed. He can't wait to experience his family's ancestral homeland for himself, and to delve into the rich magical heritage that lies slumbering in the wilds.
Okhosa stands at 5'10", quite tall for his family, and though he is fit, he is slim and none too muscular. He has dark brown skin, short and tightly curled black hair, and striking blue eyes.
Working on the numbers now.
Alynthar42 |
![Erdrinneir Vonnarc](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/A7_Norrayl_Vonnarc_highres.jpg)
Here is my first submission, a tiefling necromancer. I may roll up a human magus later. I have to go to work, so I'm just posting the essentials right now. I'll modify it to have all the details later.
Alynthar- Chaotic Good Tiefling Wizard
(Necromancer- forbidden: Enchantment, Abjuration)
Traits: Reactionary, Focused Mind- Due to the abuse he lived with, he learned to react very quickly in order to avoid punishment, and to focus on a task despite tremendous pain.
Bonded Item- Staff
Feats- Improved Initiative
Skills- Knowledge (Arcane, Religion, Dungeoneering), spellcraft,
Spells- Grease, Color Spray, Mage Armor, Ray of Enfeeblement,
Str- 9 (-1) HP- 5
Dex-16 (+3) AC-13
Con-8 (-1) Init- +9
Int-18 (+4)
Wis-8 (-1)
Cha-14 (+2)
Alynthar was born to parents who followed the Goddess of Beauty. When they discovered his Tiefling nature, they did not know what to do. An elf wizard in the region, Fastar, heard of the tiefling baby, and offered to take him in as his apprentice. Alynthar's parents agreed. Unfortunately, Fastar had no intentions of nurturing the child. For the next seventy-nine years, he experimented on Alynthar, finding new uses for various parts of a tiefling (he was particularly fond of blood and bones, which he regrew through regeneration potions made by a witch who owed him a favor), and used him as a slave. Because of his close involvement with the demented wizard, Alynthar was eventually able to pick up some basic magic, without his master's knowledge. Using this magic, he was able to escape, but his former master is now hunting him. Because of his master's experiments, Alynthar is severely deformed. His body is covered in scars, he is missing two fingers on his left hand, and one on his right, and his left ear. He has red slitted eyes, serrated teeth, and the stumps of two horns, which were cut off by his master and cauterized, so that they will not grow back. The torture his master practiced on him have left him frail and weak, but his natural dexterity is unharmed, due to his practice dodging blows and punishments when he was serving as a slave.
That's the basics. I've been running this character for a while in Runelords, and have a lot more character development in my head, but this is the first time I've ever put it to paper.
trawets71 |
trawets71 wrote:I have this character to submit, St. John Smythe. Made him for a SS campaign that died shortly after arriving on the island. I'd love to get to play him through and I'm up for more punishment from you as I do play in another campaign of yours.Welcome Trawets, I have included St John in the list.
Double punishment for you if I catch you out of the thread after curfew again...
And just how are you going to catch me, unless you are out after curfew too??? Then who's in trouble?!?!?
Lartis |
Adding my placeholder in for Lartis, Half-orc wizard who has lived a metropolitan life with his adopted parents and is quite separated from his more rough and tumble half-bloods.
I will adjust his racial abilities to reflect his lack of any true "orcish" upbringing leaving only the ones left behind due to genetics.
When he was old enough, his parents tested his magical aptitude and were delighted when he proved he could harness the fundamentals of magical energy. Spending the next 8 years learning the lore of magic and mystical places, Lartis grew fascinated with the untamed wilds of Mwangi. After finishing his apprenticeship, Lartis took only his cartography equipment, his father's battered beginner spellbook, and a few basic supplies before catching the Jenivere out of Magnimar.
I will be playing Lartis as someone who understands on an intellectual level that people will be treating him differently due to his mixed heritage, but he has never had to deal with any discrimination as part of his "real" life. Having been sheltered by his adopted parents, all he has really known is the motto of his parents "There is nothing in life that can't be solved by money, sweat or magic".
He sees the trip aboard the Jenivere as fascinating and will often be seen with the ship's navigator asking the how and why of things.
Edit: I will finish rest of crunch when I get home.
Morgrym Seareaver |
Morgrym Seareaver wrote:Sorry DM, Ollurim is actually my alias from the previous SS game which still hasn't taken off. As you can see, I decided to make a different character with a core class (and wasn't an almighty Con-based caster). So you can scratch Ollurim off the list, I guess...FOREVER!Got it.
By circumstance, you were the next character I dug into. My comments follow in spoilered text.
** spoiler omitted **
2. I haven't found any thus far. I'd bet there is one lurking in that handy guide to traits, but I prefer to stick to material I have and know most of the time. Unless you want me to find one. Wait, actually, I've been thinking and I'll try and find one.
3. Yes, I did take Saltbeard. Funny thing, though, not only did I not actually take Sea Reaver, but I never noticed until now that his title was an archetype. I took Drunken Brute and Invulnerable Rager, mostly for dwarven flavor (that Raging Drunk ability I like too), but to be honest they are not really linked up to my background. I think a good goal for him is to become a paragon of dwarvenkind without all the cavil, so I think that would fit nicely.
4. Thank you very much! If there is anything more specific I should change, please tell me (or not, actually, if you think it would give my submission an unfair advantage). I'm already thinking of taking off one of my traits and exchanging it for a more flavorful one of I find it.
Limnen_euron |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Yani's player here. As preannounced, I came up with another concept which I'm now glad to submit, DM DoctorEvil. I plan on jotting down a couple of lines about her appearance and personality too, but for the time being this should give at least a passable idea of the type of character I had in mind.
Half-elf cleric 1
CG M humanoid (elf, human)
Init +2; Senses low-light vision; Perception +5
AC 18, touch 12, flat-footed 16 (+5 armor, +2 Dex, +1 shield)
hp 8 (1d8)
Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +5; +2 vs. enchantments
Immune sleep
Speed 20 ft.
Melee whip +2 (1d3-1/x2)
dagger +2 (1d4-1/19-20)
Ranged light crossbow +2 (1d8/19–20)
Special Attacks channel positive energy 5/day (DC 12, 1d6)
Domain Spell-Like Abilities (CL 1st; concentration +4)
6/day—dazing touch (1 round), mirror image (1 round)
Cleric Spells Prepared (CL 1st; concentration +4)
1st—charm (DC 14), command (DC 14), endure elements
0 (at will)—create water, mending, purify food and drink
Domains Charm, Trickery
Str 8, Dex 15, Con 10, Int 13, Wis 17, Cha 14
Base Atk +0; CMB -1; CMD 11
Feats Skill Focus (diplomacy), Weapon Finesse
Skills 4 ranks/level (+2 cleric, +1 Int, +1 class); ACP -5
Bluff +6 (+1 rank, +2 Cha, +3 class)
Diplomacy +9 (+1 rank, +2 Cha, +3 class, +3 Skill Focus)
Knowledge (religion) +5 (+1 rank, +1 Int, +3 class)
Perception +5 (+3 Wis, +2 racial)
Sense Motive +8 (+1 rank, +3 Wis, +3 class, +1 trait)
Languages Common, Elven, Varisian
Traits Boarded in Varisia, Calistrian Courtesan, Charming
SQ aura
Gear medium load (58 lbs. / 30-60-90 lbs.)
scale mail 30 lbs.
buckler 5 lbs.
whip 2 lbs.
crossbow (light) 4 lbs.
bolts (20) 2 lbs.
backpack (mwk) 4 lbs.
bedroll 5 lbs.
holy symbol of Calistria (wooden) 1 lb.
spell component pouch 5 lbs.
waterskin 4 lbs.
But was it worth it, sweet Mother?
No, it wasn’t. Nothing was worth what he did to her. But there was no time for sentimentalism. The lone figure lying on the bed was seemingly asleep, but a closer look would reveal the uncanny immobility of his body, the tension in his muscles. The sister who’d sold her the scroll had told her the paralyzing spell wouldn’t last long, so she had to act quickly. It had cost her virtually every gold piece she had managed to put aside during the time she’d spent at the temple, but she’d decided it was well worth it. She could think of no other way to do it; none that she could stomach, at least.
The time for doubts had long past. Afraid he would recognize her, she had woven a spell to conceal her features; but it was her true face he was staring at now. She would have it no other way.
”Sleep well, Father.”
With a sharp gesture of her wrist, a dagger appeared in her hand out of one of the many concealed sheaths she carried hidden among her clothes. She slit his throat even as she placed one last kiss on his forehead.
*************************************************************************** ************
Penned in a powerful yet elegant handwriting, the letter had been carefully placed for the High Priestess to find on her own personal cathedra.
To the Revered One, Favored of Calistria, Grand Abbess of the Dome of the Savored Sting, Most Blessed Ayamyra,
as you are reading this, I’m on board the first ship departing Magnimar this morning, sailing towards whatever corner of Golarion my destiny has seen fit to direct me. The deed is done. Dormal Vanderale, father of bastards and murderer of lovers, is dead.
I apologize for the rashness of my actions. Leaving Magnimar as well as the soothing embrace of my brothers and sisters is painful to me, yet necessary. The Vanderales are a powerful enemy, and as much as I took every precaution, I deemed it wiser to have a change of scenery until the dust has settled – both for my own and, more importantly, our own Holy Temple’s safety.
When I came to the Savored Sting’s doorstep, I was only a little girl who had just witnessed the death of her mother – by the hand of a man she was told was none other than the father who had sired her. At the time, I did not understand the reasons behind it, the blackmailing, the drunken, senseless violence. I was but a lonely, scared creature, whose scream for justice was too weak to reach the lofty halls of the Summit; just as Calistria was only a name I used to hear muttered in my mother’s prayers.
Yet, I knew the burning sting of injustice all too well, and with it, the all-pervading craving for retribution. You taught me how to draw strength from it. You said that you could either give me my revenge right away, or help craft me in the tool of my own vengeance. Never in my years as an acolyte have I regretted the path I chose. If I acted before my initiation was complete, it is only because my contacts had informed me how his attentions had now shifted towards other lay sister of ours, a plea for help I could not find the strength to ignore. If I let my feelings get in the way of my mission, may Calistria’s frown linger on me but briefly.
The bliss of the Savored Sting be always upon you,
High Priestess Ayamyra rolled up the letter and threw it into the fireplace as soon as she was done reading it. As far as the City Watch was concerned, there had never been a half-elf named Linneth among the temple’s acolytes – not in the last few months, at least. From her chambers perched high atop the Dome of the Savored Sting, she cast a quick glance to the west, over the sea, before getting finally ready to attend to her daily duties.
Alynthar42 |
![Erdrinneir Vonnarc](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/A7_Norrayl_Vonnarc_highres.jpg)
Okay, here's my full character.
Alynthar- Chaotic Good Tiefling Wizard
(Necromancer (Undead)- forbidden: Enchantment, Abjuration)
Traits: Reactionary, Focused Mind
Bonded Item- Staff
Feats- Improved Initiative
Knowledge (Arcane, Religion, Dungeoneering, Nature)-8
Spells- Grease, Color Spray, Mage Armor, Ray of Enfeeblement, Magic Missile, Reduce Person.
Str- 9 (-1) HP- 5
Dex-16 (+3) AC-13
Con-8(-1) Init- +9
Int-18 (+4) BAB: +0
Wis-8 (-1) Conc: +7
Cha-14 (+2)
Fort: -1
Reflex: +3
Will: +1
CMB: -1
CMD: 12
MW Quarterstaff +0, 1d6-1
Melee dagger -1, 1d4-1
Thrown Dagger +3, 1d4-1
Light Crossbow +3, 1d8\
Alynthar was born to parents who followed the Goddess of Beauty. When they discovered his Tiefling nature, they did not know what to do. An elf wizard in the region, Fastar, heard of the tiefling baby, and offered to take him in as his apprentice. Alynthar's parents agreed. Unfortunately, Fastar had no intentions of nurturing the child. For the next seventy-nine years, he experimented on Alynthar, finding new uses for various parts of a tiefling (he was particularly fond of blood and bones, which he regrew through regeneration potions made by a witch who owed him a favor), and used him as a slave. Because of his close involvement with the demented wizard, Alynthar was eventually able to pick up some basic magic, without his master's knowledge. Using this magic, he was able to escape, but his former master is now hunting him. Because of his master's experiments, Alynthar is severely deformed. His body is covered in scars, he is missing two fingers on his left hand, and one on his right, and his left ear. He has red slitted eyes, serrated teeth, and the stumps of two horns, which were cut off by his master and cauterized, so that they will not grow back. The torture his master practiced on him have left him frail and weak, but his natural dexterity is unharmed, due to his practice dodging blows and punishments when he was serving as a slave.
Arknight |
![Male Human in Jungle](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/Opener_final_2.jpg)
This is a character I put together for another SS game that hasn't taken off....
Dengar the Exiled
Male human barbarian (mad dog, beast totem) 1 (Pathfinder Player Companion: Animal Archive, Pathfinder RPG Advanced Player's Guide)
NG Medium humanoid (human)
Init +2; Senses Perception +5
AC 19, touch 12, flat-footed 17 (+6 armor, +2 Dex, +1 shield)
hp 13 (1d12+1)
Fort +3, Ref +2, Will +1
Speed 40 ft. (30 ft. in armor)
Melee light flail +4 (1d8+3)
Ranged throwing axe +3 (1d6+3)
Str 16, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 13, Cha 10
Base Atk +1; CMB +4; CMD 16
Feats Pack Tactics, Precise Strike[APG]
Traits armor expert, get the cargo through, mentored
Skills Handle Animal +4, Knowledge (nature) +6, Perception +5, Profession (sailor) +3, Survival +5, Swim +3
Languages Common, Polyglot
SQ fast movement, heart of the wilderness
Other Gear agile breastplate, buckler, light flail, throwing axe (2), 51 gp
Tracked Resources
Throwing axe - 0/2
Special Abilities
Animal Companion Link (Ex) You have a link with your Animal Companion.
Armor Expert -1 Armor check penalty.
Fast Movement +10 (Ex) +10 feet to speed, unless heavily loaded.
Heart of the Wilderness +0 Negative Hp required for death increases by listed amount, +5 on CON checks to stabilize.
Mentored (Profession [sailor]) +1 to skill checks when making an aid another roll.
Pack Tactics Animal companion counts as having your teamwork feats for purpose of teamwork feat bonuses.
Precise Strike +1d6 precision damage for melee attacks if you and an ally with this feat flank the same target.
Exiled from his home in the Mwangi Expanse as a boy after a failed coup by his parents, Dengar had a tough time surviving. That is until he befriended Wevror (Savior in Dengar's native language), a small and agile dinosaur. They worked well together, working as a team to deal with any threats. When fighting, Wevror serves a a distraction for the most part, typically causing opponents to be more worried about the creature's claws and bites until Dengar lays into them with his preferred weapon, a flail.
He has recently been earning good money as a mercenary ensuring the safety of various vessels sailing in and out of Magnimar. For the last several months, he's been working aboard the Jenivere keeping ship and crew safe, and letting Wevror keep the hold free of rats and various other vermin as well.
Deinonychus (totem guide)
N Small animal
Init +3; Senses low-light vision, scent; Perception +5
AC 15, touch 14, flat-footed 12 (+3 Dex, +1 natural, +1 size)
hp 15 (+6)
Fort +6, Ref +6, Will +1
Speed 60 ft.
Melee bite +5 (1d4), 2 talons +5 (1d6)
Str 11, Dex 17, Con 17, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 14
Base Atk +1; CMB +0; CMD 13
Feats Weapon Finesse
Skills Acrobatics +3 (+15 to jump), Perception +5, Stealth +11
Special Abilities
Low-Light Vision See twice as far as a human in low light, distinguishing color and detail.
Scent (Ex) Detect opponents within 15+ feet by sense of smell.
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DM DoctorEvil |
Good Lord people, you are inundating me with applications. I may have to cut off the timeframe early, as I wasn't expecting this outpouring for a "less popular" AP. Tried to get all of you on this list, please LMK if I omitted someone.
Dotted, but not submitted a final application
Those listed below have made an accepted submission.
Rydell - half-elf archer/fighter
Morgrym Seareaver - salty dwarf barbarian
Gronk - primitive half-orc barbarian
Varya Tial - human paladin
Harbek - dwarf fighter and miner
St John Smythe - Taldan duelist fighter
Figit Heavyhand - halfling brawler (then rogue)
Dengar - mad dog barbarian w/dinosaur companion
Fel - Kobold Oracle of Flame
Wildcat - Feral Child Druid
Nebdel - half-elf inquisitor of Desna/treasure hunter
Dragolan - human life oracle from Cheliax
Rankx - human feral child, raised by tigers
Dorian Fazure - human cleric of Desna
Lhinneth - half-elf cleric of Calistra
Celine Moonveil - cleric of Sivanah; runaway
Jord Sturmsson - Ulfen cleric of Kurgess; pit fighter
Marik Whitethone - human diviner plagued by dreams
Alynthar- tiefling wizard necromancer
Edgerson - tiefling wizard admixture/elemental
Lartis - refined half-orc wizard
Alain Shadestrom - verdant sorceror
Zuwena - Human ranger - stowaway escaping Bloodcove
Mikhail Ruben - Human bard archivist from Absalom
Benelon - half-elf ranger and trinket thief
Ellion Hesoni - elf alchemist
Shackleton - gnome rogue and trickster
DM DoctorEvil |
By my count that's 27 applicants for 5-6 spots, with another half-dozen actively working on something...competition is fierce. I am still taking applications. Originally said a Friday cut-off, but may be moving that up.
Will try to get through a few more in detail applicants tonight, and then perhaps, start weeding out some folks tomorrow with first cuts.
Thanks to all for your interest, I didn't expect this outpouring.
DM DoctorEvil |
Let's see I think I was on:
DM DoctorEvil |
yeesh, das a lot of applicants.
also, Just incase it was overlooked , I did respond to your inquiries. (Not trying to rush you in the slightest, just with so many new applications, It may have been possible to overlook it)
I saw your response, don't worry. Thanks for checking.
DM DoctorEvil |
Tell me more about this monster you seek vengeance against. Any details?
How does Varya respond to morally ambiguous party members, like necromancer or CN rogue types? When is it okay to break a law if its for the greater good? Give an example, please.
Paladins are tough to pull off, and I applaud your willingness to dip a toe in that pool.
littlehewy |
I'm not on your list yet, but I've worked out all my crunch for the concept I outlined above, just have to format it when I get home and create a profile - should be in about 10 hours :/ And yes, that is a lot of applicants, but that probably has something to do with the very clear OP - despite the vocal "GMs just wanna restrict/disallow/nerf my awesome gonzo concept" faction of players on the boards, I think most players really enjoy knowing exactly what's expected of them...
Varya Tial |
** spoiler omitted **
Spoiler: I type too much in response.
Yeah I'm definitely aware it is a stranger character story. Essentially the reason behind it is that I'm not the biggest fan of the classic "epitome of good and perfection" that the paladin class naturally favors for character personality. I instead wanted a more flawed person that is trying to uphold themselves to that higher standard - like if a person that was naturally more inclined towards like the barbarian class was trained as a paladin and tried to overcome their nature. I just find that more believable and relatable.
The reason for the weapon was just that I wrote the character as more reckless, and a two handed weapon seemed to display that more than (what I see as) the more reserved style of sword and board. If it's a major concern, I'm fine with switching to longsword.
Looking at Torag, the paladin code actually fits the character much better anyway, hahaha. I am probably going try to rewrite her with Torag, I don't think it will change all that much though. More dwarven things.
I left the monster intentionally vague because I do not know the locations or likely monsters that pop up later in the adventure, but I do know we are not generally near civilization. I wanted maximum flexibility for plot hooks, I'd discuss it with you before the campaign started if I was chosen.
So, especially if I rewrite with Torag, Varya is okay with morally ambiguous as long as it's for the greater good and is monitored closely. Especially with the first book being stuck together, that will give time to prove that they are working to achieve good in the world.
Examples: Bob has a macguffin that is needed to save lives or defeat evil, but won't give it up. OK with stealing or intimidating for it provided we have determined they will not trade it, and Bob is not harmed in the process. Try to return it afterwards if possible.
Necromancy to directly save lives or defeat evil forces? Will take convincing, or for it to be immediately obvious that it will save lives. If sentient creature corpses, putt the corpses to rest immediately afterwards. She is primarily a warrior trained to destroy evil, and not someone who desires to preach to others about the fate of their souls.
Yeah paladins are hard, and me not wanting to play the average paladin makes it harder. If any of these explanations help you understand where I was coming from, that's pretty cool, and if it sounds better now, I can immediately make those changes. Either way good luck with the campaign.
DM DoctorEvil |
DM DoctorEvil |
I'm not on your list yet, but I've worked out all my crunch for the concept I outlined above, just have to format it when I get home and create a profile - should be in about 10 hours :/ And yes, that is a lot of applicants, but that probably has something to do with the very clear OP - despite the vocal "GMs just wanna restrict/disallow/nerf my awesome gonzo concept" faction of players on the boards, I think most players really enjoy knowing exactly what's expected of them...
sorry, I left you off the list, littlehewy. Nothing intentional, I assure you. You have time; I look forward to your submission.