About Dragolan CanarioMale Chelaxian human oracle of life 1
Daily Expendables
Spells Known (CL 1st)
Languages Common (Taldane), Infernal SQ Combat Gear leather armor, light wooden shield, morningstar, light crossbow & 20 cold iron quarrels, dagger, mw backpack, healer's kit, bedroll, belt pouch (2), traveler's outfit, flint and steel, iron pot, sack (3), torch (5), twine (50 ft.), silk rope (50 ft.), survival kit, spices, antiplague (1) 5 pp, 10 gp, 2 sp, 4 cp Encumbrance #79; encumbrance w/o backpack & contents #41 SPECIAL ABILITIES Favored Class Oracle; +1 skill rank at L1 Spells Mystery Life Oracle's Curse Haunted. It takes at least one standard action to remove anything from a backpack, and objects dropped land 10' away in a random direction. Add ghost sound and mage hand to spells known at first level. Revelations
Dragolan is a large man in his early twenties, 6'2" and #240. He has curly reddish-brown hair (worn long) and a full beard. He dresses in serviceable but well-cut clothing with a tendency to have food and drink stains on the sleeves and front.[/spoiler] Background:
Dragolan is journeying to Sargava mainly because of what he's heard about the fecundity of the jungle. As an Oracle of Life, this attracts him strongly History:
The younger son of a moderately well-to-do Chelaxian family, Dragolan's oracular calling manifested itself when he was in his early teens. This was something of a shock to his family. They had aspired to become more influential in the new Cheliax, and were raising their children with that in mind (hence, Dragolan is fluent in Infernal). By that time he was already something of a gourmand, a tendency only amplified by his calling. He has a considerable zest for life, particularly wine and good food, and is an accomplished cook. His calling has also driven him into the wilderness before, to experience Life as it manifests in nature. (This last was also convenient for his family, who might otherwise have been persecuted for associating with an oracle of a non-diabolical Mystery.) Now (with the tacit encouragement of his parents) his Mystery calls him to the jungles of Sargava and the Mwangi Expanse. Old Version:
HP 24/24, AC 17/T11/FF16, F: +5/R: +2/W: +4; Init: +1, Perc: +1
Current XP 6760/9000 Male Chelaxian human oracle of life 3 N Medium humanoid (human) Init +1 Perception +1 Daily Expendables
Languages Common (Taldane), Infernal
SPECIAL ABILITIES Concentration exercises: +2 on all concentration checks Abednego Cantos: +1 on Will saves vs. compulsions Spells Mystery Life Oracle's Curse Haunted. It takes at least one standard action to remove anything from a backpack, and objects dropped land 10' away in a random direction. Add ghost sound and mage hand to spells known at first level. Revelation Channeling Revelation Healing Hands: +4 on heal checks, etc. Dragolan is a large man in his early twenties, 6'2" and #240. He has curly reddish-brown hair (worn long) and a full beard. He dresses in serviceable but well-cut clothing with a tendency to have food and drink stains on the sleeves and front. Background (old):
Dragolan is journeying to Sargava mainly because of what he's heard about the fecundity of the jungle. As an Oracle of Life, this attracts him strongly History (old):
The younger son of a moderately well-to-do Chelaxian family, Dragolan's oracular calling manifested itself when he was in his early teens. This was something of a shock to his family. They had aspired to become more influential in the new Cheliax, and were raising their children with that in mind (hence, Dragolan is fluent in Infernal). By that time he was already something of a gourmand, a tendency only amplified by his calling. He has a considerable zest for life, particularly wine and good food, and is an accomplished cook. His calling has also driven him into the wilderness before, to experience Life as it manifests in nature. (This last was also convenient for his family, who might otherwise have been persecuted for associating with an oracle of a non-diabolical Mystery.) Now (with the tacit encouragement of his parents) his Mystery calls him to the jungles of Sargava and the Mwangi Expanse. Notes: