DM-Camris' SKULL & SHACKLES Chapter 0: MURDER aboard the THROATY MERMAID (Inactive)

Game Master Camris

The passengers aboard the Throaty Mermaid are on a long voyage heading south towards Sargova. Everything is perfectly alright. Nothing unusual is happening...

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This is the part where we discuss Characters.

Character creation:
- 20 point buy, 1st level.
- Core Races preferred, but any race can be accepted. Just make sure you have a backstory to justify your Drow/Klingon...
- All Pathfinder classes are allowed. Summoners are restricted to the Unchained version.
- 2 Traits, including one Campaign. You can take another trait if you take a drawback.
- Max HP at first, Average+1 on subsequent levels.
- Backstories are appreciated, but don't feel compelled to write a novel. You can keep your background as brief as you like it, just be sure to have some reason to be on a long voyage to Sargova.
- Early Firearms are allowed, but not common.
- The Skull & Shackles Players Guide is VERY handy. Pirates of the Inner Sea, Razor Coast Freebooter's Guide and Razor Coast Fire as She Bears will also be useful sources.

- Players should be able to post at least every other day.

- I'm looking on starting 2-June.

Island Elf(link)
Fighter1/Monk4/Ninja4|HP30/62|Perc+10|AC18(20)T13)15)FF15(17)|CMB+8;CMD22|F +7R+11W+5(+2Vs Enchantments)|Init+4|Move40ft/Swim30ft

.....Races into thread....

.... Runs around madly glomp hugging every one....



Oh, and nobody needs to know each other beforehand. That is what this little adventure is for.

Island Elf(link)
Fighter1/Monk4/Ninja4|HP30/62|Perc+10|AC18(20)T13)15)FF15(17)|CMB+8;CMD22|F +7R+11W+5(+2Vs Enchantments)|Init+4|Move40ft/Swim30ft

I is rilly good at not knowin' LOTs a stuffs! (^_^)

Salty Sea Reavin' n' Slayin' Chap 2 -- HP: 22/22 | AC: 16 | T: 12 | FF: 14 | CMD: 17 | Fort: +6 | Ref: +4 | Will: -1 | Init: +2 | Perc: +5 | Rage: 6/6

Avast me hearties! And thanks for starting this up Camris (aka Bellamy). :)

Great to see you here too, Suny. :)

Time is not ideal atm, but posting every other day minimally is not bad at all. Count me in for sure!

Thinking of playing Reijo again. I just have to redo his stats, and I'm considering making him a bit more charismatic this time around. His backstory is of course already done; if you've not read it yet, check it out in my profile.

Oh and I found a new image of Reijo. I envision him with piercing blue eyes rather than brown, but otherwise it's close enough. :)

Salty Sea Reavin' n' Slayin' Chap 2 -- HP: 22/22 | AC: 16 | T: 12 | FF: 14 | CMD: 17 | Fort: +6 | Ref: +4 | Will: -1 | Init: +2 | Perc: +5 | Rage: 6/6

Btw, will Bellamy be an NPC? No pressure, but I'll miss him if not. :)

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Male Human Oracle (Heavens) L1/Bard (Seasinger) L1 - | AC16 (T12FF14) | HP 17/17 | Saves: F2R6W4 | Init: +2 | Perc: +4 (Dark 30ft) | Status: Normal

I figure Bellamy will stick around if no one else takes the clerical/healer role. Besides, someone needs to act as Reijo's foil!

Currently having issues with HeroLab. So generating a character is harder to do with good old pencil and paper.

Will try and either find a 1st level version of Suny or re-work her.

Personal time is... hectic.. so that's another thing that's slowing me down.

Wishing every one all the very best. (^_^)

Female Human Arcanist/1 ; HP 7/7 ; Reservoir 6/7 ; AC 11, touch 11, flat 10 (Dex +1); Init +1; Fort +1, Ref +1, Will +2 ; Perception +3

I'm working on putting together a level 1 version of Nhati.

Salty Sea Reavin' n' Slayin' Chap 2 -- HP: 22/22 | AC: 16 | T: 12 | FF: 14 | CMD: 17 | Fort: +6 | Ref: +4 | Will: -1 | Init: +2 | Perc: +5 | Rage: 6/6

Great to see you Nhati. :)

Say Camris, is average starting gold good? Or do you have another preference?

Average starting gold is fine.

Female Human Arcanist/1 ; HP 7/7 ; Reservoir 6/7 ; AC 11, touch 11, flat 10 (Dex +1); Init +1; Fort +1, Ref +1, Will +2 ; Perception +3

I should be good to go. Nhati is now a new first level arcanist. She's from Nantambu and has spent time in Port Peril, but has gone north towards Varisia to see some old Thassilonian ruins first hand. (She's more a scholar of Ghol-Gan ruins, as per the campaign trait.) Now she's on a ship heading back south.

She still has her familiar, Tai the parrot. Note that in the PaP game, the parrot spoke a language (Polyglot). I think that this was a mistake on my part, though; parrot's use raven statistics for familiars, but apparently don't get the language that ravens get. I would ask the GM to allow Tai the parrot to speak a single language just like a raven... OK?

Nhati: Your Parrot familiar speaking a language as per the Raven Familiar is OK by me.

Whew, just in time too. Helio's game just dropped to inactive now.

Island Elf(link)
Fighter1/Monk4/Ninja4|HP30/62|Perc+10|AC18(20)T13)15)FF15(17)|CMB+8;CMD22|F +7R+11W+5(+2Vs Enchantments)|Init+4|Move40ft/Swim30ft


Is we lookin' fer more crew, like? (>_>)

Yep; Soon as everyone has a chance to check in, we'll see what we have missing. Then we'll recruit a fine fellow or three.

Salty Sea Reavin' n' Slayin' Chap 2 -- HP: 22/22 | AC: 16 | T: 12 | FF: 14 | CMD: 17 | Fort: +6 | Ref: +4 | Will: -1 | Init: +2 | Perc: +5 | Rage: 6/6

Hmmm, can I entice you to allow the optional Background Skills rules? In a nutshell: everyone gets +2 skill ranks per level but only in certain, less frequently used "background" skills (crafts, professions, and a few others like knowledge (geography) and appraise). No pressure. I do love these rules though because they let players invest in skills which back up our background stories, skills we'd otherwise be kinda forced to skimp on. In my case, knowledge (geography) is nice to have ranks in when you're a navigator, but not when you have to choose between that or climb and swim, lol.

I have no problem with Background Skills, but it may not be fair for those who don't have Pathfinder Unchained.
IF everyone has access, I would be OK with it.

Salty Sea Reavin' n' Slayin' Chap 2 -- HP: 22/22 | AC: 16 | T: 12 | FF: 14 | CMD: 17 | Fort: +6 | Ref: +4 | Will: -1 | Init: +2 | Perc: +5 | Rage: 6/6

Coolio. I included a link to those rules in my last post.

Liberty's Edge

M Human Astrophysicist 10 / Linux Nerd 4 / Violinist 2 / Dramaturge 1

Yeah, all the roles in Unchained are on the PRD.

It is VERY handy if you're running something like a Fighter. Those guys get a pittance for skills.

Island Elf(link)
Fighter1/Monk4/Ninja4|HP30/62|Perc+10|AC18(20)T13)15)FF15(17)|CMB+8;CMD22|F +7R+11W+5(+2Vs Enchantments)|Init+4|Move40ft/Swim30ft

Okeys. I has a Suny of 1st level.

Bad news is my heroLab is all wonky so getting the character sheet onto the boards is hard work.

Free time for me is... not really a thing.

So, please be patient and I'll have things done as soon as possible.


Much cheers an' wishin' tha' bestest fer every one!

Salty Sea Reavin' n' Slayin' Chap 2 -- HP: 22/22 | AC: 16 | T: 12 | FF: 14 | CMD: 17 | Fort: +6 | Ref: +4 | Will: -1 | Init: +2 | Perc: +5 | Rage: 6/6

Still workin' on me gear, but otherwise my profile has been updated with my new stats.

And by the power of Photoshop, here's Reijo v2.0 with blue eyes. :)

Another shot of him.

Island Elf 'Pugalist':1/"Almost Monk":1 |Perc:+7|HP:18/18|AC:14|T:15|FF:10|Fort:+1|Ref:+5|Will:+4|Init:+4

I has a Sunny! (^_^)

Hey? Why is every one spendin' all'a their shine?

There's nuyffin' more I reckon I be needin'...

*Looks at tanned, natural self*

Salty Sea Reavin' n' Slayin' Chap 2 -- HP: 22/22 | AC: 16 | T: 12 | FF: 14 | CMD: 17 | Fort: +6 | Ref: +4 | Will: -1 | Init: +2 | Perc: +5 | Rage: 6/6

Sweet Jesus there's a lot of Sunys and Sunnys on your profile page. The more the merrier, lol.

Island Elf 'Pugalist':1/"Almost Monk":1 |Perc:+7|HP:18/18|AC:14|T:15|FF:10|Fort:+1|Ref:+5|Will:+4|Init:+4
Reijo Ilvonen wrote:
Sweet Jesus there's a lot of Sunys and Sunnys on your profile page. The more the merrier, lol.



Whut can I be sayin'?

I has bin in a lot a adventures.

Also, us Elfs is a rilly freindly bunch?


My record so far is having seven different Suny's adventuring in different games at one time. (^_^)

Yah, it did get confusing sometimes with which avatar I was posting with... :P

Island Elf 'Pugalist':1/"Almost Monk":1 |Perc:+7|HP:18/18|AC:14|T:15|FF:10|Fort:+1|Ref:+5|Will:+4|Init:+4

*Skipy, skipy, skipy, skipy, skip...*


Salty Sea Reavin' n' Slayin' Chap 2 -- HP: 22/22 | AC: 16 | T: 12 | FF: 14 | CMD: 17 | Fort: +6 | Ref: +4 | Will: -1 | Init: +2 | Perc: +5 | Rage: 6/6
"Sunny" wrote:

My record so far is having seven different Suny's adventuring in different games at one time. (^_^)

Yah, it did get confusing sometimes with which avatar I was posting with... :P

I'd bet it got confusing, lol. I stick with one active game per character myself, but I once tried running the same home-brewed campaign for three independent groups at one time. I believe the reason why I can't remember anything any longer is because I used up my brain's memory capacity trying to remember three alternate realities of my world: three versions of each NPC, each quest, and each storyline. I did good for a few years, but I then started forgetting which group did what... Fortunately, one of those games ended a while back, and a second is on hold, giving my brain some time to heal, lol.

Island Elf 'Pugalist':1/"Almost Monk":1 |Perc:+7|HP:18/18|AC:14|T:15|FF:10|Fort:+1|Ref:+5|Will:+4|Init:+4

Oooo. Running three games would be hard. (Much awesome cudos to DM's twho do so!)

Running 'varaints' of the same charcter I find easy. Sliding the single mind-set into the different events I don't find too hard.

Wishing every one all the very bestest! (^_^)

Island Elf 'Pugalist':1/"Almost Monk":1 |Perc:+7|HP:18/18|AC:14|T:15|FF:10|Fort:+1|Ref:+5|Will:+4|Init:+4

*Runs around waving tanned arms*

Yay! Tha' forums is back!

Tha' Goblins bin driven out'a tha' place.


OK, I see:
"Sunny" Pugilist 1
Nhati Arcanist 1
Reijo Ranger (Freebooter) 1
Bellamy Oracle 1

Looks to me like the fighter and arcane magic roles are covered.
Is there anything you want to see from the new recruits?

Island Elf 'Pugalist':1/"Almost Monk":1 |Perc:+7|HP:18/18|AC:14|T:15|FF:10|Fort:+1|Ref:+5|Will:+4|Init:+4
DM-Camris wrote:

Looks to me like the fighter and arcane magic roles are covered.
Is there anything you want to see from the new recruits?

Um, sorry I am fer jumpin' a tad early,like.

I sent a note ta' some one's askin' if'n they'd like ta' join in....


But I in't heard back from 'em yet.... (<_<)

I in't rilly fussed about whut t'is kind'a folks we be addin'.

Don't ferget Sunny be all tricksy with a couple a levels under her.. um... midrift....

But I be thinkin' a more fair spread a lasses ta' laddys might be called fer, kind'a.

Jus' sayin', is all....

Wishin' every one all'a very bestest. (^_^)

Island Elf 'Pugalist':1/"Almost Monk":1 |Perc:+7|HP:18/18|AC:14|T:15|FF:10|Fort:+1|Ref:+5|Will:+4|Init:+4


Freind replied to my ask and they can't make it. :(

Lookin' forwards ta' playin' with lots'a peoples! (^_^)

Liberty's Edge

M Human Astrophysicist 10 / Linux Nerd 4 / Violinist 2 / Dramaturge 1

We could probably use a druidy water or weather type.

Island Elf 'Pugalist':1/"Almost Monk":1 |Perc:+7|HP:18/18|AC:14|T:15|FF:10|Fort:+1|Ref:+5|Will:+4|Init:+4

Aye! S'more natural type peoples! (^_^)


OK, JUST a druidy/naturalist type? Don't we need a traps 'n locks guy or girl, or do you guys already have that covered?

Salty Sea Reavin' n' Slayin' Chap 2 -- HP: 22/22 | AC: 16 | T: 12 | FF: 14 | CMD: 17 | Fort: +6 | Ref: +4 | Will: -1 | Init: +2 | Perc: +5 | Rage: 6/6

I think we could use both, Camris. And six PCs is better than five imo.

I'll likely go the same route I did in the last game, multiclassing quite a bit. I'll get rage and sneak attack in the next few levels, but I won't get trapfinding. So having a trapfinder would still be very nice. Reijo's idea of lockpicking is to take an axe to the lock... or a pistol... or a swift thump o'the boot... :/

I'd be more open than to mention specific classes (i.e. I think certain slayer and ranger archetypes/talents give trapfinding). But personally, stating a preference to recruits for (a) a trapfinding-capable PC and (b) a watery-weathery-stormy-or-related divine caster PC is a sound plan imo. Let the people get creative.

Salty Sea Reavin' n' Slayin' Chap 2 -- HP: 22/22 | AC: 16 | T: 12 | FF: 14 | CMD: 17 | Fort: +6 | Ref: +4 | Will: -1 | Init: +2 | Perc: +5 | Rage: 6/6

Lol, my Will save is -1. It's not even zero!

Let's just say, I hope we don't run into too many enchanting NPCs... :o :D

Island Elf 'Pugalist':1/"Almost Monk":1 |Perc:+7|HP:18/18|AC:14|T:15|FF:10|Fort:+1|Ref:+5|Will:+4|Init:+4

Aye, I be agreein' with Reijo.

If'n ye open up tha' recruitment thread ye'll be gettin' lots'a people showin' interets.

Sunny will be going Ninja/Monk.. so she can be workin' out tha' sneaky stuff along side Reijo.


We can be 'Lock buddies' even! (^_^)

If'n people be havin' people in mind they wants ta' be invitin', maybe?

Or we can looky at whut peoples reply to tha' Recritin' thread?

Much cheers to every one.

Well, I invited Viktorra, but she seems reluctant to start over at first level...

Island Elf 'Pugalist':1/"Almost Monk":1 |Perc:+7|HP:18/18|AC:14|T:15|FF:10|Fort:+1|Ref:+5|Will:+4|Init:+4

Awe. :(

Any one else got any freinds they wan'a come play with?


Salty Sea Reavin' n' Slayin' Chap 2 -- HP: 22/22 | AC: 16 | T: 12 | FF: 14 | CMD: 17 | Fort: +6 | Ref: +4 | Will: -1 | Init: +2 | Perc: +5 | Rage: 6/6

Sadly, no. But looks like we'll have no shortage of applicants anyway. :)

OK guys, its coming down to the wire now. Does anyone have any opinions on the current crop of recruits?

Female Human Arcanist/1 ; HP 7/7 ; Reservoir 6/7 ; AC 11, touch 11, flat 10 (Dex +1); Init +1; Fort +1, Ref +1, Will +2 ; Perception +3

Oops... I wasn't even aware of the recruiting thread; can somebody link me to it? Or did I miss something above?

Edit: duh! There's a "Recruiting" tab at the top !

Salty Sea Reavin' n' Slayin' Chap 2 -- HP: 22/22 | AC: 16 | T: 12 | FF: 14 | CMD: 17 | Fort: +6 | Ref: +4 | Will: -1 | Init: +2 | Perc: +5 | Rage: 6/6

Hey Camris, I just PMed you my thoughts.

Lol Nhati. I'd joke about your low Perception mod, but I'm not much better. :)

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Female Human Arcanist/1 ; HP 7/7 ; Reservoir 6/7 ; AC 11, touch 11, flat 10 (Dex +1); Init +1; Fort +1, Ref +1, Will +2 ; Perception +3

See, but you noticed the Perception mods, so that's something....

Female Human (Chelaxian) Unchained Rogue (Burglar) 2 | hp --8-- 17/17 [0 NL] | AC 18, t 15, ff 13 | Fort +1, Ref +7, Will +0 | Init +8 | Perc +5 (+6 to find secret/concealed things/+7 to find traps); Trap Spotter +7 | Conditions: none

Reporting for duty!

And doing a 'dot & delete' on the Gameplay thread.

Glad to have been invited to join and looking forward to a fun game.

Aquatic Druid 2 | Init +1 | Perc +4 | AC 15 T 11 FF 14 | CMB +3 CMD 14 | HP 7/17 | F +5 R +1 W +7 | Icicle 5/6

Hey everyone, thanks for the invite!

Male Goblin Unchained Rogue (Knife Master,Scout) 1 | HP 11/11 | AC 18/FF 13/Touch 16 | Init + 6 | Fort +2 | Ref +7 | Will +2 | Darkvision 60' | Perception +7

<Gasp!> Zagrob invited? Zakgrob never win anything before!

Lol! I admit I'm surprised, there were a lot of good applications. Thank you for inviting me and giving me a chance to play (though Sunny will take some getting used to heh heh). =P

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