DM-Camris' SKULL & SHACKLES Chapter 0: MURDER aboard the THROATY MERMAID (Inactive)

Game Master Camris

The passengers aboard the Throaty Mermaid are on a long voyage heading south towards Sargova. Everything is perfectly alright. Nothing unusual is happening...

From a central passageway a number of closet sized cabins.
Each cabin came with a bunk, a sea-chest, a narrow closet, a chest of drawers, a washbasin and a water pitcher. Each is lit with a small hurricane oil lamp. There is a resealable 8 inch square hatch in the hull that can be opened for sunlight or ventilation.
Full aft the passageway exits into a kind of common room, with tables, lamps and seats for everyone. There are maps and books in cabinets here, a port and starboard weatherproofed water closet (basically a hole in a plank overhanging the water), and glassed windows giving a wavering view overlooking the water.

Reijo Ilvonen. Passenger.
Shaedeen Valzanar. Passenger.
Sunny. Passenger. Often naked.
Thurden "Salt" Leadbeard. Passenger.
"No-Eyes" Bellamy. Passenger. Just a cook. With no eyes.

Aerys Movato Passenger, shut-in woman. Nobody's seen her since the voyage started.
Gelik Aberwhinge Passenger. Gnome, life of the party, on the lam from something.
Ishirou Passenger. Scruffy tian man, wandering swordsman, no sense of humor
Sasha Nevah, Passenger. Adventurous, hedonist.
Tybalt Bourchier, Passenger, Lieutentant, Army of Cheliax
Lord Master Sephriel, Passenger, high ranked elf ambassador.
Yhendorn Cairora "Then-Zeril", Passenger. Apprentice to Master Sephriel.

Kovack Vean, Captain of the Throaty Mermaid
Marzack Mallik, First Mate of the Throaty Mermaid
Ulamon, Human Navigator of the Throaty Mermaid
Anera, Taldan Human seaman (scarred, has Osprey animal companion)
Shira Acidaxe Dwarf cook (one eyed, mean tempered)
Killik, Besmaran Cleric (nasty, money-grubbing)
Velagon Dorhay, Male Human Quartermaster (greasy smile, odiferous)
Yeoman Azuretta, Captain Veane's girl... assistant.



1. Aft Deck
2. Main Deck (First Mate Marzack Mallik)
3. Fore Deck (Anera)
4. Captain's Cabin (Captain Veane)
5. Forward Cabins (PC's are lodged here)
6. Main Hold and Galley
7. Crew's Cabin
8. First Mate's Cabin (Lord Sephriel lodged here)
9. Cargo Hold
10. Forward Cargo Hold

Character creation:
- 20 point buy, 1st level.
- Core Races preferred, but any race can be accepted. Just make sure you have a backstory to justify your Drow/Klingon...
- All Pathfinder classes are allowed. Summoners are restricted to the Unchained version.
- 2 Traits, including one Campaign. You can take another trait if you take a drawback.
- Max HP at first, Average+1 on subsequent levels.
- Backstories are appreciated, but don't feel compelled to write a novel. You can keep your background as brief as you like it, just be sure to have some reason to be on a long voyage to Sargova.
- Early Firearms are allowed, but not common.
- The Skull & Shackles Players Guide is VERY handy. Pirates of the Inner Sea, Razor Coast Freebooter's Guide and Razor Coast Fire as She Bears will also be useful sources.

- Players should be able to post at least every other day.