DM B's PFS PbP GD4 The Lost Legacy (3-7) GAME (Inactive)

Game Master Beckett

When a samsaran dies, he is reborn again with few memories of his past lives. The cycle continues until he has earned a righteous place in the afterlife. After years of service and lifetimes of accomplishment, Venture-Captain Bakten nears the end of his noble existence and has begun investigating his past lives as a means of understanding Tian Xia's rich history. However, he cannot complete his research alone, and only with was he able to begin to delve into his own past lives. You where there to witness two of those past live's major karmic achievements be undone, and in the end Bakten himself attacked and assassinated in a psychic duel with an unknown entity.

Upon returning to the Sanctuary of the Unbound Knot, you find that Bakten, somehow, did manage to reincarnate one last time, and you are being called upon once more to aid in exploring a troubling legacy secreted within the mountains of Zi Ha. It is up to the Pathfinders to ascend into the ice-capped mountains to unveil the crimes of past generations and save one of the region's greatest heroes.



Subtier 3-4


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Silver Crusade

Grallen Jotunbane AC 16/18, hp 22 Fort +7, Ref +5, Will +5, Perception +7

I did not mind it but it is hard to use a character that is not your own in these things.

Sovereign Court

cure light wounds - 37; endure elements - 50; ill omen - 47; mage armor - 46; magic missile - 41
Male Human (Taldan) Witch 5 - Init +8 - AC 16 12 | touch 12| ff 14 10 - hp 29 - Fort +3, Ref +4, Will +6; Speed 30 ft.; Perception +6 (+8)*; Confidante 2/2

The updated chronicle sheets are up? I can't find the link...

Shadow Lodge

||CORE Rotating DM ||Fingerprints||King Xeros ||Serpent's Skull||

I'll do it now. Thanks for the reminder.

Shadow Lodge

||CORE Rotating DM ||Fingerprints||King Xeros ||Serpent's Skull||

Ok, It's been updated. It is I the same location, but HERE is the link again.

Sovereign Court

cure light wounds - 37; endure elements - 50; ill omen - 47; mage armor - 46; magic missile - 41
Male Human (Taldan) Witch 5 - Init +8 - AC 16 12 | touch 12| ff 14 10 - hp 29 - Fort +3, Ref +4, Will +6; Speed 30 ft.; Perception +6 (+8)*; Confidante 2/2

@DM Beckett, can you record in the sheet that Andruss "completed a mission tied directly to enhancing or preserving the reputation of the Pathfinder Society in the eyes of another nation or organization", for the Faction Journal goal, please? :x

Shadow Lodge

||CORE Rotating DM ||Fingerprints||King Xeros ||Serpent's Skull||

Sure, give me like 30 seconds. Maybe more as I don't think there is too much room.

Shadow Lodge

||CORE Rotating DM ||Fingerprints||King Xeros ||Serpent's Skull||

Ok, it's up. Let me know if that looks ok, or if you want me to alter it. I removed a few words to help it fit, so it reads:

"Andruss completed a mission tied directly to preserving the reputation of the Pathfinder Society in the eyes of another nation."

Sovereign Court

cure light wounds - 37; endure elements - 50; ill omen - 47; mage armor - 46; magic missile - 41
Male Human (Taldan) Witch 5 - Init +8 - AC 16 12 | touch 12| ff 14 10 - hp 29 - Fort +3, Ref +4, Will +6; Speed 30 ft.; Perception +6 (+8)*; Confidante 2/2

Looks fantastic! Thank you! ^^

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