DM Bigrin's Shattered Star (Group B) (Inactive)

Game Master bigrin42

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Male Orc
Witch (Beast Bonded) 5 || HP 21/37; AC 14 (T10/F14); F:+3,R:+1,W:+3; Init+0; Perc+1|+3 w/ Familiar) ----- Fang HP 36/36; AC 18 (T15/F15) F:+0,R:+3,W:+5;/Battle Form AC 14 (T11/F13); F:+1,R:+1,W:+5; Perc+5

"See if you can lock or jam any of these doors shut. If we can stick two of them, then we can explore the third with slightly fewer worries."

Female Changeling "Varisian" Burglar 4/Fighter 2 (AC: 20 [T: 14 /F: 16] (+2 vs Traps); HP: 49/49; F+4, R+7 (+2 vs traps), W+1 (+2 vs Illusions/Fear); Init: +3; Perc: +16 [+18/+20], 60' darkvision)

She looks at Harbug and nods, "Well, if any one of you has any pitons, it would be easier, but I'll see what I can do. We're already here at this door, so I'll try to offset the other two and we can go this way I guess." With that she tries to do her best to unhinge the other two doors enough to make them either hard to open, or loud when attempted.

Disable Device east door 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (19) + 13 = 32
Disable Device south door 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (11) + 13 = 24

Angel's efforts on the east door severely damaged the latch mechanism. It isn't clear whether that door will ever open again. The southern door was a bit of a problem. No matter how she jimmied the latch, it just would not stick.

Female Grippli Diviner (Scroll Scholar) 6 / Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +7 / AC 17*, touch 13*, flat 15 (mage armor) / HP 40 of 40 / Init +9 / Perc +8 (darkvision 60 ft) / Status: none

Shabbezz scratched her virtually non-existent chin with an elongated finger as Angelica struggled with the door.

"I suppose we'll have little choice but to leave that one open as we head onward. We'll just need to watch our backs as per usual."

Male Hobgoblin Fighter 3 - 34/34HP - AC21/T13/F19 - F5 R3 W4 - +4 Perc - +2 Init - CMD18

"No need in changing the routine. Patterns are good."

Female Catfolk Druid (Menhir Savant) 3
HP: 21/21 | F: +4, R: +3, W: +5 | AC: 14 (T 12/ F12) | Per: +8 | Init: +4

"And patterns can get you killed." Tialara mumbled to no one in particular.

Male Orc
Witch (Beast Bonded) 5 || HP 21/37; AC 14 (T10/F14); F:+3,R:+1,W:+3; Init+0; Perc+1|+3 w/ Familiar) ----- Fang HP 36/36; AC 18 (T15/F15) F:+0,R:+3,W:+5;/Battle Form AC 14 (T11/F13); F:+1,R:+1,W:+5; Perc+5

"Well, anyway, let's see what's behind the third door." Harbug looks at the door from where he stands with his spear ready.
perception: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (20) + 1 = 21

Female Changeling "Varisian" Burglar 4/Fighter 2 (AC: 20 [T: 14 /F: 16] (+2 vs Traps); HP: 49/49; F+4, R+7 (+2 vs traps), W+1 (+2 vs Illusions/Fear); Init: +3; Perc: +16 [+18/+20], 60' darkvision)

Having already checked the doors earlier for traps, Angelica considers herself done with affixing the other two in place. She indicates they should return to their previous order of movement by waving Krass to feel free to open the western door when he is ready, with a simple, "After you." Once he's ready she will fall into step right behind him in the method they have adopted.

Making your way down the western hallway, a light ahead illuminates the intersection. Glowing runes set in the floor surround a small flame writhing in the air about three feet off the ground.

Here's the map

Female Changeling "Varisian" Burglar 4/Fighter 2 (AC: 20 [T: 14 /F: 16] (+2 vs Traps); HP: 49/49; F+4, R+7 (+2 vs traps), W+1 (+2 vs Illusions/Fear); Init: +3; Perc: +16 [+18/+20], 60' darkvision)

Angelica leans back and calls over her shoulder to the other three, "Hey, any of you wiggle-fingers know what this writing is about? I ain't going anywhere near a floating flame surrounded by magical markings or some such without a little advance warning." With that she tries to look for signs of it being a trap, without getting too close.

Perception 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (15) + 8 = 23
+1 vs traps, and +4 vs stone like creatures

Female Grippli Diviner (Scroll Scholar) 6 / Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +7 / AC 17*, touch 13*, flat 15 (mage armor) / HP 40 of 40 / Init +9 / Perc +8 (darkvision 60 ft) / Status: none

Shabbezz steps forward in front of Krass, leaving some distance between her and the circle of runes.

Move to L-25.

"Steady now--aside from the flame itself, there's a possibility that the runes themselves could be booby-trapped to harm whomever tries to read them."

She motions to the others.

"Angelica, we're going to need this circle checked for traps. Tialara and Harbug, like me you have the ability to discern magical auras, so I can use your assistance to get an idea what types of magic this thing possesses. And Krass, this could get dicey fast, so please be ready to step in if this goes sour. My apologies for ordering you all around, but discretion is the better part of valor."

Shabbezz casts detect magic on the circle and flame (CL3, casting time: 1 standard action, components: V and S, range: 60 ft., duration: concentration up to 1 min. per level [3 min.], saving throw: none, spell resistance: no). I intend to maintain concentration for the full three rounds if possible in order to get the maximum amount of information.

Knowledge (arcana) vs. DC 15 + spell level (or DC 15 + 1/2 caster level for a nonspell effect) to determine the first aura: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (18) + 8 = 26

I will make additional Knowledge (arcana) checks if it has more than one aura.

Female Catfolk Druid (Menhir Savant) 3
HP: 21/21 | F: +4, R: +3, W: +5 | AC: 14 (T 12/ F12) | Per: +8 | Init: +4

While not having any particular skill with the Grippli's type of magic, Tialara speaks a strange phrase while waving a hand in front of her eyes. She then looks at the circle.

Aid Another, Knowledge (Arcana) vs DC 10: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (8) + 1 = 9

Oh come on!

Male Orc
Witch (Beast Bonded) 5 || HP 21/37; AC 14 (T10/F14); F:+3,R:+1,W:+3; Init+0; Perc+1|+3 w/ Familiar) ----- Fang HP 36/36; AC 18 (T15/F15) F:+0,R:+3,W:+5;/Battle Form AC 14 (T11/F13); F:+1,R:+1,W:+5; Perc+5

"You got it." Harbug says before he quickly casts detect magic and joins Shabbezz in looking at the circle and the fire.

Rolling both possibilities as appropriate.
Knowledge Arcana: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (11) + 7 = 18
Spellcraft: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (20) + 8 = 28

It seemed clear that the runes were some sort of containment circle. Something like a Protection Against Evil circle, but having to do with fire. The Thassilonian runes were difficult to make out, but that was the gist of it, anyways.

Female Grippli Diviner (Scroll Scholar) 6 / Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +7 / AC 17*, touch 13*, flat 15 (mage armor) / HP 40 of 40 / Init +9 / Perc +8 (darkvision 60 ft) / Status: none

Shabbezz finished her casting and turned around to address the party.

"Alright, so we've been able to determine that the runes are written in Thassilonian and serve as some form of containment circle akin to a magic circle against evil, but keyed to the element of fire instead of one of the moral alignments. So it seems obvious that whatever is contained within the circle is some sort of elemental fire being, or there would be little point for the containment diagram."

She crossed her arms and looked back over her shoulder toward the flame.

"I'm not sure that we could edge around the circle to pass it without disturbing it, which would most likely disrupt it and free the being. And whatever it is, it's most likely been here a long time and may not be in the best of moods to parley, if it even possesses the capacity for doing so. So here's the question: do we proceed, disturb the circle and deal with the consequences, or turn back and look for another route?"

Male Hobgoblin Fighter 3 - 34/34HP - AC21/T13/F19 - F5 R3 W4 - +4 Perc - +2 Init - CMD18

"Turn back and look for another route UNLESS any of you can magically protect us from fire."

Female Grippli Diviner (Scroll Scholar) 6 / Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +7 / AC 17*, touch 13*, flat 15 (mage armor) / HP 40 of 40 / Init +9 / Perc +8 (darkvision 60 ft) / Status: none

The grippli shakes her head.

"Nothing of that order in my spellbook as of yet, I'm afraid."

Male Orc
Witch (Beast Bonded) 5 || HP 21/37; AC 14 (T10/F14); F:+3,R:+1,W:+3; Init+0; Perc+1|+3 w/ Familiar) ----- Fang HP 36/36; AC 18 (T15/F15) F:+0,R:+3,W:+5;/Battle Form AC 14 (T11/F13); F:+1,R:+1,W:+5; Perc+5

"Let's not be too hasty in running from trouble." Harbug says, walking forward. He looks into the room and around the corner from the hall.
Move to L-21, look around the corner as best as possible from there.

Harbug moves to take a closer look, and sees around the corner a hallway leading south, and what appears to be a door in the far wall.

Here's the map

Female Changeling "Varisian" Burglar 4/Fighter 2 (AC: 20 [T: 14 /F: 16] (+2 vs Traps); HP: 49/49; F+4, R+7 (+2 vs traps), W+1 (+2 vs Illusions/Fear); Init: +3; Perc: +16 [+18/+20], 60' darkvision)

Angelica smirks and nods as Harbug moves forward, "Buggy's right, the thing looks small enough that we can walk around it at least. As long as there isn't any creepy-crawlies, I don't see why we can just walk around it?"

Female Grippli Diviner (Scroll Scholar) 6 / Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +7 / AC 17*, touch 13*, flat 15 (mage armor) / HP 40 of 40 / Init +9 / Perc +8 (darkvision 60 ft) / Status: none

Shabbezz looks concerned, but gives in.

"Fine, but let's just be cautious about it. Single file, no rushing, keep to the wall if possible. I singe easily."

Male Hobgoblin Fighter 3 - 34/34HP - AC21/T13/F19 - F5 R3 W4 - +4 Perc - +2 Init - CMD18

"Fine, but if anything goes, it is on you guys! Lead the way, Angel, I got your back/"

Female Changeling "Varisian" Burglar 4/Fighter 2 (AC: 20 [T: 14 /F: 16] (+2 vs Traps); HP: 49/49; F+4, R+7 (+2 vs traps), W+1 (+2 vs Illusions/Fear); Init: +3; Perc: +16 [+18/+20], 60' darkvision)

Angelica shrugs, and smirks, before accepting "No problem, let's go." With that she assumes her regular posture and walks so that she follows the southern corner of the room, while avoiding the circle.

Stealth 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (11) + 10 = 21
Perception 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (8) + 8 = 16
+1 vs traps, and +4 vs stone like creatures

It wasn't difficult to skirt the runes, except for Krass, who had to scrape sideways to avoid leaning into the area covered by the runes. Shabbezz almost got too close while examining the runes. A twist of movement in the flame inside showed her what might be contained within.

Once around the rune circles, you see that you have turned into a long hallway, with a door immediately on your right, and an intersection at the limit of your vision on the left.

Here is the map


You think you saw a small humanoid figure twisting in the flame.

Female Grippli Diviner (Scroll Scholar) 6 / Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +7 / AC 17*, touch 13*, flat 15 (mage armor) / HP 40 of 40 / Init +9 / Perc +8 (darkvision 60 ft) / Status: none

Shabbezz looked back uncertainly at the flame contained in the circle of runes.

"Perhaps, once we've thoroughly explored this place, we can come back and take a closer look at that again..." she murmured, but continued onward with the others.

Male Orc
Witch (Beast Bonded) 5 || HP 21/37; AC 14 (T10/F14); F:+3,R:+1,W:+3; Init+0; Perc+1|+3 w/ Familiar) ----- Fang HP 36/36; AC 18 (T15/F15) F:+0,R:+3,W:+5;/Battle Form AC 14 (T11/F13); F:+1,R:+1,W:+5; Perc+5

"What was in there?" Harbug asks, looking back toward the circle.

Female Grippli Diviner (Scroll Scholar) 6 / Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +7 / AC 17*, touch 13*, flat 15 (mage armor) / HP 40 of 40 / Init +9 / Perc +8 (darkvision 60 ft) / Status: none

“I'm not certain, looked like a humanoid, only in miniature scale. And I think it was moving within the flame."

Female Changeling "Varisian" Burglar 4/Fighter 2 (AC: 20 [T: 14 /F: 16] (+2 vs Traps); HP: 49/49; F+4, R+7 (+2 vs traps), W+1 (+2 vs Illusions/Fear); Init: +3; Perc: +16 [+18/+20], 60' darkvision)

Angelica creeps up to the door nearby, and makes a quick check of it. First she looks it over for any threats, and if she finds none, she tries to listen through it for any sign of what may lie beyond.

Stealth 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (5) + 10 = 15
Look for traps, Perception 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (3) + 9 = 12
Listen, Perception 1d20 + 8 - 5 ⇒ (6) + 8 - 5 = 9 (through a door penalty applied), +4 vs stone like creatures

Angelica finds no traps, and the door is unlocked. Her ear to the door finds only silence on the other side.

Female Changeling "Varisian" Burglar 4/Fighter 2 (AC: 20 [T: 14 /F: 16] (+2 vs Traps); HP: 49/49; F+4, R+7 (+2 vs traps), W+1 (+2 vs Illusions/Fear); Init: +3; Perc: +16 [+18/+20], 60' darkvision)

She shrugs, shakes her head 'no', and motions that it's clear for Krass to open.

Female Grippli Diviner (Scroll Scholar) 6 / Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +7 / AC 17*, touch 13*, flat 15 (mage armor) / HP 40 of 40 / Init +9 / Perc +8 (darkvision 60 ft) / Status: none

Shabbezz steps aside to give the hobgoblin some space in case of nasty surprises.

Krass pushed the door open to find a short hallway that opened to a large room on the right, and a beaded red curtain to the left. A shuffling sound could be heard from the area to the right.

Here's the map

Female Grippli Diviner (Scroll Scholar) 6 / Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +7 / AC 17*, touch 13*, flat 15 (mage armor) / HP 40 of 40 / Init +9 / Perc +8 (darkvision 60 ft) / Status: none

"Can you see anything?" the grippli asked from near the back of the group.

Male Orc
Witch (Beast Bonded) 5 || HP 21/37; AC 14 (T10/F14); F:+3,R:+1,W:+3; Init+0; Perc+1|+3 w/ Familiar) ----- Fang HP 36/36; AC 18 (T15/F15) F:+0,R:+3,W:+5;/Battle Form AC 14 (T11/F13); F:+1,R:+1,W:+5; Perc+5

Looks like there's a red curtain on the left wall near the back, but I can't tell if there's anything behind it from here." Harbug mutters.
perception: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4
Harbug moves a little ways into the room, then looks back at Angelica "Maybe you should sneak up and take a look? I'm not much for subtlety."
Move to T-12

Female Changeling "Varisian" Burglar 4/Fighter 2 (AC: 20 [T: 14 /F: 16] (+2 vs Traps); HP: 49/49; F+4, R+7 (+2 vs traps), W+1 (+2 vs Illusions/Fear); Init: +3; Perc: +16 [+18/+20], 60' darkvision)

Angelica nods, and scrunches up her face as if to say 'of course', which for her is closer to 'no duh'. With that she tries to skulk her way up to the corner of the curtain and peer in.

Sneak up to S10, peer into the rest of the room.
If there's nothing there, move to T8, and peek behind the curtain
Stealth 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (13) + 10 = 23
Perception 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (11) + 8 = 19
+1 vs traps, and +4 vs stone like creatures

Angelica cautiously moved forward into the hallway and peered around the corner. She barely muffled a shriek as she came face to face with a creature that looked like a humanoid creature made entirely of melted blobs of flesh and fat. Its glistening skin undulated sickeningly as half-formed limbs reached for her. The ragged hole that was its mouth let out a tremendous wail, which was quickly echoed by the other two creatures in the room.

Round 1:



Here's the map

Male Orc
Witch (Beast Bonded) 5 || HP 21/37; AC 14 (T10/F14); F:+3,R:+1,W:+3; Init+0; Perc+1|+3 w/ Familiar) ----- Fang HP 36/36; AC 18 (T15/F15) F:+0,R:+3,W:+5;/Battle Form AC 14 (T11/F13); F:+1,R:+1,W:+5; Perc+5

"Whatever's making that noise, let's use this doorway to our advantage!" Harbug cried out while drawing his longspear.
Move to T-16 while drawing longspear, ready an action to Evil Eye the first thing in view that isn't Angelica to give it -2 to attacks. (DC 13 will, -2 to attack rolls for 5 rounds if failed, 1 round if success).
Possible appropriate knowledge rolls:
Knowledge (Arcana): 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (1) + 7 = 8
Knowledge (History): 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (20) + 6 = 26
Knowledge (Nature): 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (8) + 7 = 15
Knowledge (Planes): 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (2) + 6 = 8

Female Grippli Diviner (Scroll Scholar) 6 / Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +7 / AC 17*, touch 13*, flat 15 (mage armor) / HP 40 of 40 / Init +9 / Perc +8 (darkvision 60 ft) / Status: none

"You don't have to tell me twice!" the wizardess responded to the orc.

Move to S-16, drawing the wand of magic missile.

Knowledge check on the first creature to come into view:
Knowledge (Arcana): 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (8) + 8 = 16
Knowledge (Dungeoneering): 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (20) + 8 = 28 Natural 20.
Knowledge (History): 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (2) + 8 = 10
Knowledge (Nature): 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (10) + 8 = 18
Knowledge (Planes): 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (9) + 8 = 17
Knowledge (Religion): 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (20) + 8 = 28 Natural 20.

K.Planes DC12, but only after you can see them:

These are lemures, low-level devils that can do a rough form of shapeshifting; usually a rough mimicry is as much as they can manage. Like most devils they are resistant to cold and acid, and completely immune to fire and poison. Good or silver weapons can penetrate their natural defenses.

Female Grippli Diviner (Scroll Scholar) 6 / Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +7 / AC 17*, touch 13*, flat 15 (mage armor) / HP 40 of 40 / Init +9 / Perc +8 (darkvision 60 ft) / Status: none

Once the creatures finally come into her field of vision, Shabbezz shouts:

"Lemures! They're devils! They're resistant to cold and acid, and are completely immune to fire and poison. We need good-aligned or silver weapons to harm them!"

Will move things along this evening


1d20 + 2 ⇒ (11) + 2 = 13
1d4 ⇒ 1

1d20 + 2 ⇒ (9) + 2 = 11
1d4 ⇒ 3

Angelica moved back as Krass moved forward, plugging the short hallway with steel and claws. Harbug moved in to support, with Tia and Shabbezz on his flank. The lemures lurched forward, their claws scraping off the armor of the front liners.

Round 2:


Here's the map

Female Grippli Diviner (Scroll Scholar) 6 / Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +7 / AC 17*, touch 13*, flat 15 (mage armor) / HP 40 of 40 / Init +9 / Perc +8 (darkvision 60 ft) / Status: none

From her position at the doorway, the grippli raised the wand at and fired at the devil facing down Angelica.

Activating the wand of magic missile (12 charges, CL1, range 110 feet, no attack roll needed) to hit the lemure at S-10.

Damage: 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5

Male Orc
Witch (Beast Bonded) 5 || HP 21/37; AC 14 (T10/F14); F:+3,R:+1,W:+3; Init+0; Perc+1|+3 w/ Familiar) ----- Fang HP 36/36; AC 18 (T15/F15) F:+0,R:+3,W:+5;/Battle Form AC 14 (T11/F13); F:+1,R:+1,W:+5; Perc+5

With a shout, Harbug charged in to assist in killing the creatures.

Longspear, Charge: 1d20 + 5 + 2 - 2 ⇒ (14) + 5 + 2 - 2 = 19; Dmg if hit: 1d8 + 6 ⇒ (3) + 6 = 9 Charge to T-12 (Behind Krass) and attack, the creature may have cover/partial cover bonus to its AC. Did the Evil Eye (prior round's readied action) have any effect (as far as Harbug can tell)?

Not as far as you can tell. I'm not sure how you would know, honestly. It's not like Daze or some such where there would be an obvious visible effect

Female Changeling "Varisian" Burglar 4/Fighter 2 (AC: 20 [T: 14 /F: 16] (+2 vs Traps); HP: 49/49; F+4, R+7 (+2 vs traps), W+1 (+2 vs Illusions/Fear); Init: +3; Perc: +16 [+18/+20], 60' darkvision)

Having trouble with the map at work.

Hearing what she needs to hear, she gives Shabbezz a wink for the info and draws the silver dagger she's been carrying and using a lot since they've entered the pillar. With it in hand, she strikes at the nearest blob-man.

Assuming by text, that she and Krass are the front line.
Move action, draw silver dagger
Standard, attack nearest injured Lemure 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (5) + 6 = 11, if that hits 1d4 ⇒ 2


1d20 + 8 ⇒ (8) + 8 = 16
1d6 + 3 ⇒ (5) + 3 = 8

1d20 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 2 = 6
1d4 ⇒ 4
1d20 + 2 ⇒ (5) + 2 = 7
1d4 ⇒ 2

1d20 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 2 = 6
1d4 ⇒ 4
1d20 + 2 ⇒ (13) + 2 = 15
1d4 ⇒ 4

Harbug's thrust with his spear hit the creature in front of Krass, though the spear didn't seem to penetrate like it should. It wounded the creature, but not badly. Krass, on the other hand, had no troubles at all as his mithral sword slashed deeply into the things side and belly. Likewise, Shabbezz's spell took Angelica's foe in the face, pocking the horrid flesh with a deep crater, while the rogue completely missed her strike.

The lemures' return strikes were slow and easily dodged, though they continued to press on.

Round 2:


Here's the map

Female Grippli Diviner (Scroll Scholar) 6 / Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +7 / AC 17*, touch 13*, flat 15 (mage armor) / HP 40 of 40 / Init +9 / Perc +8 (darkvision 60 ft) / Status: none

Pressing the advantage, Shabbezz steps forward into the hallway and lines up another shot.

5-foot step to S-13.

Activating the wand of magic missile (11 charges, CL1, range 110 feet, no attack roll needed) to hit the lemure at S-10.

Damage: 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3

Harbug? Angelica?

Male Orc
Witch (Beast Bonded) 5 || HP 21/37; AC 14 (T10/F14); F:+3,R:+1,W:+3; Init+0; Perc+1|+3 w/ Familiar) ----- Fang HP 36/36; AC 18 (T15/F15) F:+0,R:+3,W:+5;/Battle Form AC 14 (T11/F13); F:+1,R:+1,W:+5; Perc+5

Harbug grunts with effort and tries again to stab the creature in front of Krass. "Silver weapons... crap" he mumbles as the spear misses the creature.

Longspear: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (5) + 5 = 10; Dmg if hit: 1d8 + 6 ⇒ (1) + 6 = 7

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Male Hobgoblin Fighter 3 - 34/34HP - AC21/T13/F19 - F5 R3 W4 - +4 Perc - +2 Init - CMD18

No worries man, we're only level 1. We'll learn from this encounter (next time we won't assume they're squatters) and adapt accordingly. S#%*ty rolls will be s#%&ty rolls - if one of us two had passed the save it would've been a completely different (and probably way easier) fight.

Male Orc
Witch (Beast Bonded) 5 || HP 21/37; AC 14 (T10/F14); F:+3,R:+1,W:+3; Init+0; Perc+1|+3 w/ Familiar) ----- Fang HP 36/36; AC 18 (T15/F15) F:+0,R:+3,W:+5;/Battle Form AC 14 (T11/F13); F:+1,R:+1,W:+5; Perc+5

Yeah, and since I'm only at -1 and stabilized a heal check (after combat) can probably at least get me conscious and able to move.

Female Grippli Diviner (Scroll Scholar) 6 / Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +7 / AC 17*, touch 13*, flat 15 (mage armor) / HP 40 of 40 / Init +9 / Perc +8 (darkvision 60 ft) / Status: none

Sorry Harbug. For once I'm not playing a divine caster, or I'd have got your back.

Also, did I miss something? How did the enemy manage to avoid that magic missile? Was he able to get off a shield spell, or was it just spell resistance?.

He didn't. Mayhaps my description was confusing. The man just didn't want to take it in the face.

Male Orc
Witch (Beast Bonded) 5 || HP 21/37; AC 14 (T10/F14); F:+3,R:+1,W:+3; Init+0; Perc+1|+3 w/ Familiar) ----- Fang HP 36/36; AC 18 (T15/F15) F:+0,R:+3,W:+5;/Battle Form AC 14 (T11/F13); F:+1,R:+1,W:+5; Perc+5
DM Bigrin wrote:
The man just didn't want to take it in the face.

"Wussy." Harbug mumbles from unconsciousness.

Female Grippli Diviner (Scroll Scholar) 6 / Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +7 / AC 17*, touch 13*, flat 15 (mage armor) / HP 40 of 40 / Init +9 / Perc +8 (darkvision 60 ft) / Status: none

Aha, thought I winged 'im. :) Carry on.

Male Orc
Witch (Beast Bonded) 5 || HP 21/37; AC 14 (T10/F14); F:+3,R:+1,W:+3; Init+0; Perc+1|+3 w/ Familiar) ----- Fang HP 36/36; AC 18 (T15/F15) F:+0,R:+3,W:+5;/Battle Form AC 14 (T11/F13); F:+1,R:+1,W:+5; Perc+5

I'm stupid. I just remembered that I'm not one of the core races I usually play... And I'm not (technically) unconscious: Ferocity says I'm still up and kicking... So several questions arise:

1) Can I choose to go unconscious?
2) If I cannot choose to go unconscious, do I need to roll a bluff check to "play" dead (if I want to do so)?
3) For purposes of this fight, am I unconscious (because I declared as much)?
4) If I'm not unconscious, should I roll bluff/whatever to "play" dead going forward (if i want to) and/or can I get up and chop him dead? [sarcasm]I'll be fine! I've got from -1 to -14 before I die![/sarcasm]

I'm reading through the glossary to figure out how this works for orcs specifically; so far the relevant pieces seem to be:

So my read is: dying=negative HP, make a stabilization check each round to stop bleeding out (this refers to unconsciousness, but does not seem to require it).
Disabled=no longer bleeding out, staggered, and strenuous acts will make me start bleeding again--refers to stable which is why I think I still get stabilization checks while conscious and negative.
Stable=not bleeding out; if you don't get your HP above 0 or have someone doing heal checks on you, then make another stabilization check once an hour or bleed 1 HP.

I'd say down for the last round, but can act as normal (ferocity) this round. I'm not all-knowing, so I missed it too. Surprise attack! Don't forget your staggered and other ferocity conditions.

Male Orc
Witch (Beast Bonded) 5 || HP 21/37; AC 14 (T10/F14); F:+3,R:+1,W:+3; Init+0; Perc+1|+3 w/ Familiar) ----- Fang HP 36/36; AC 18 (T15/F15) F:+0,R:+3,W:+5;/Battle Form AC 14 (T11/F13); F:+1,R:+1,W:+5; Perc+5

Tialara--I just looked at your carrying capacity when I saw you had 20ft move speed... please, please ask Harbug to carry something for you! =p

She dropped her pack outside to free up carrying capacity. But, by all means share the loads

Female Catfolk Druid (Menhir Savant) 3
HP: 21/21 | F: +4, R: +3, W: +5 | AC: 14 (T 12/ F12) | Per: +8 | Init: +4

Actually, she picked it back up before heading in.

Male Orc
Witch (Beast Bonded) 5 || HP 21/37; AC 14 (T10/F14); F:+3,R:+1,W:+3; Init+0; Perc+1|+3 w/ Familiar) ----- Fang HP 36/36; AC 18 (T15/F15) F:+0,R:+3,W:+5;/Battle Form AC 14 (T11/F13); F:+1,R:+1,W:+5; Perc+5

I'm mildly confused; it appears from the latest map that Shabbezz and Tialara are both bleeding out, but I only see Shabbezz taking 6 (5/11)...

(Realized my mistake on Tialara--was looking at AC not HP.)

This doesn't mean they're hunky-dory, but they're not on death's door (and unable to act) quite yet unless I've missed something somewhere.

My bad on shabbezz.

Male Hobgoblin Fighter 3 - 34/34HP - AC21/T13/F19 - F5 R3 W4 - +4 Perc - +2 Init - CMD18

Eventually the rogue and I will wake up to save the day. Or at least save what's left to save xD

Female Changeling "Varisian" Burglar 4/Fighter 2 (AC: 20 [T: 14 /F: 16] (+2 vs Traps); HP: 49/49; F+4, R+7 (+2 vs traps), W+1 (+2 vs Illusions/Fear); Init: +3; Perc: +16 [+18/+20], 60' darkvision)

Nothing more fearsome in combat than two blind meleers limited to no actions each round.... we'll wrap this up no problem :P

Ah, now I see where the confusion lays. I forgot to give a legend for the token states. The bloody drops just mean that someone has taken a significant amount of damage, leaving them below 1/3 of their full hit points. I didn't actually think that Tialara was down , since when I made my post, her header still read 9/9 HP. Her action took her from 0 to -1, and I'll update the state next map refresh.

From now on, if I add a new state, I'll spell it out for you.

Male Hobgoblin Fighter 3 - 34/34HP - AC21/T13/F19 - F5 R3 W4 - +4 Perc - +2 Init - CMD18

I do not envy your role as DM ;)

I don't envy your role as possible fuel for the slave trade :)

Male Hobgoblin Fighter 3 - 34/34HP - AC21/T13/F19 - F5 R3 W4 - +4 Perc - +2 Init - CMD18

Hobgoblins know the lash of the whip all too well.

Female Catfolk Druid (Menhir Savant) 3
HP: 21/21 | F: +4, R: +3, W: +5 | AC: 14 (T 12/ F12) | Per: +8 | Init: +4

This is what I get for not preparing healing spells.

Male Orc
Witch (Beast Bonded) 5 || HP 21/37; AC 14 (T10/F14); F:+3,R:+1,W:+3; Init+0; Perc+1|+3 w/ Familiar) ----- Fang HP 36/36; AC 18 (T15/F15) F:+0,R:+3,W:+5;/Battle Form AC 14 (T11/F13); F:+1,R:+1,W:+5; Perc+5

Well, I can't find anything that says you can, nor anything that says you can't take AoO's while disabled/staggered. I wrote a short "treatise" on the issue (and thereby necro'd a thread about it from 2011). Summary of what I wrote:
AoO's don't have an action type (that is, they are not "standard"/"free"/"immediate"/"swift" actions, so they are not covered by the rules for disabled/staggered characters. However, in the case of disabled characters (@0 or negative and stabilized), they're clearly strenuous and would make you start bleeding. I'm going to make the attack in the PBP, and ask you to rule (here or there) whether:
1) this prevents me from taking a standard action on my turn this round (I would argue it has no effect and so I can take a standard and keep right on bleeding!) and
2) whether I take an additional point of bleed damage for doing strenuous stuff; I already took one point this round when I healed Shabbezz as a standard action (and failed to stabilize anyway). (I want the answer to be "no damage," but if I were GMing, I'd probably say "you can take the AoO but it's gonna make you bleed more Mr. Ferocious Orc.")

=) Really enjoying this BTW--it's definitely tense, even as a PBP!

Male Orc
Witch (Beast Bonded) 5 || HP 21/37; AC 14 (T10/F14); F:+3,R:+1,W:+3; Init+0; Perc+1|+3 w/ Familiar) ----- Fang HP 36/36; AC 18 (T15/F15) F:+0,R:+3,W:+5;/Battle Form AC 14 (T11/F13); F:+1,R:+1,W:+5; Perc+5


My ruling would have to be #2. It is essentially a free action that is strenuous. So, by the definition of staggered, you would get to make the attack and then wince as you abdominal wound tears open some mor and your attention turns to trying to hold your intestines back in place.

Male Hobgoblin Fighter 3 - 34/34HP - AC21/T13/F19 - F5 R3 W4 - +4 Perc - +2 Init - CMD18

Ha, it seems we won this war of attrition!

Sure. A win. If that's what you have to tell yourself ;-)

I'll give it until tonight for someone to post something else before you and Angelica come to your senses.

don't look:

1d20 ⇒ 9
1d20 ⇒ 16
1d20 ⇒ 9
1d20 ⇒ 16

Sure. A win. If that's what you have to tell yourself ;-)

I'll give it until tonight for someone to post something else before you and Angelica come to your senses.

don't look:

1d20 ⇒ 18
1d20 ⇒ 19
1d20 ⇒ 19
1d20 ⇒ 14

Male Hobgoblin Fighter 3 - 34/34HP - AC21/T13/F19 - F5 R3 W4 - +4 Perc - +2 Init - CMD18

What's with these dice..

Has Harbug already hit himself with a healing hex today?

Female Catfolk Druid (Menhir Savant) 3
HP: 21/21 | F: +4, R: +3, W: +5 | AC: 14 (T 12/ F12) | Per: +8 | Init: +4

Yep, that was his first action.

Male Orc
Witch (Beast Bonded) 5 || HP 21/37; AC 14 (T10/F14); F:+3,R:+1,W:+3; Init+0; Perc+1|+3 w/ Familiar) ----- Fang HP 36/36; AC 18 (T15/F15) F:+0,R:+3,W:+5;/Battle Form AC 14 (T11/F13); F:+1,R:+1,W:+5; Perc+5

I think Shabbezz is at 9--I hit her with a Healing Hex for 4 here when she was at 5. (She said in the following post: "Well I intended to move from L8 to L5, but since I haven't been moved on the map, I guess we can play it as if I just dropped prone within reach next to Harbug at L8." and then cast Acid Splash from there).

Female Grippli Diviner (Scroll Scholar) 6 / Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +7 / AC 17*, touch 13*, flat 15 (mage armor) / HP 40 of 40 / Init +9 / Perc +8 (darkvision 60 ft) / Status: none

Right you are. Updated my sheet accordingly.

Male Orc
Witch (Beast Bonded) 5 || HP 21/37; AC 14 (T10/F14); F:+3,R:+1,W:+3; Init+0; Perc+1|+3 w/ Familiar) ----- Fang HP 36/36; AC 18 (T15/F15) F:+0,R:+3,W:+5;/Battle Form AC 14 (T11/F13); F:+1,R:+1,W:+5; Perc+5

DM Bigrin--What's your call on casting spells with alignment descriptors? (i.e. [evil]/[good]/[chaotic]/[lawful]?) Do any/all of them tend to move your character toward that alignment just by casting the spell, or do you prefer the consequentialist argument (i.e.: it's not about the spell's descriptor, it's about what you do with it)?

Casting Infernal Healing [evil] to save a good person/ally's life
Casting Summon Monster I [good] (by virtue of summoning a celestial template eagle) and then having it destroy an orphanage or something

(Mostly: can I use Infernal Healing on myself/allies without a likely alignment change; this mostly will affect what scrolls I want to buy: Infernal Healing vs. Cure Light Wounds.)

I tend to fall into the Kim Harrison or Jim Butcher camp when it comes to spells with alignments. Their source does indeed rub off on you, tainting you with their influence. Someone who casts certain evil spells over and over would possibly be seen as darker, more evil for others looking at their auras or spell sources, but their internal alignment would not shift. Likewise, a cleric who summons celestial monsters to do evil things might not be seen as evil under a detect alignment, but eventually their internal alignment would shift.

In your case, I would think that the spell's components and effect would definitely ring out as evil, and overuse would definitely taint your soul. Specifically, the spell says that the target detects as evil, which is a soul(aura) effect, and a deep one. Being neutral to start with, you don't have far to slide, even with relatively minor nudges.

That said, I normally allow a Celestial Healing variant that uses angel blood or holy water, has the good descriptor replacing all uses of the word evil. Magnimar is a big enough place that you could find a place that had a version of that spell.

Male Orc
Witch (Beast Bonded) 5 || HP 21/37; AC 14 (T10/F14); F:+3,R:+1,W:+3; Init+0; Perc+1|+3 w/ Familiar) ----- Fang HP 36/36; AC 18 (T15/F15) F:+0,R:+3,W:+5;/Battle Form AC 14 (T11/F13); F:+1,R:+1,W:+5; Perc+5
DM Bigrin wrote:

I tend to fall into the Kim Harrison or Jim Butcher camp when it comes to spells with alignments. Their source does indeed rub off on you, tainting you with their influence. Someone who casts certain evil spells over and over would possibly be seen as darker, more evil for others looking at their auras or spell sources, but their internal alignment would not shift. Likewise, a cleric who summons celestial monsters to do evil things might not be seen as evil under a detect alignment, but eventually their internal alignment would shift.

In your case, I would think that the spell's components and effect would definitely ring out as evil, and overuse would definitely taint your soul. Specifically, the spell says that the target detects as evil, which is a soul(aura) effect, and a deep one. Being neutral to start with, you don't have far to slide, even with relatively minor nudges.

That said, I normally allow a Celestial Healing variant that uses angel blood or holy water, has the good descriptor replacing all uses of the word evil. Magnimar is a big enough place that you could find a place that had a version of that spell.

+1 =)

Female Grippli Diviner (Scroll Scholar) 6 / Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +7 / AC 17*, touch 13*, flat 15 (mage armor) / HP 40 of 40 / Init +9 / Perc +8 (darkvision 60 ft) / Status: none

Everyone alright? Activity seems to have slowed to a crawl both here and a few other places online. Figured it might be due to that big storm that's set to hit the east coast of the States.

Female Catfolk Druid (Menhir Savant) 3
HP: 21/21 | F: +4, R: +3, W: +5 | AC: 14 (T 12/ F12) | Per: +8 | Init: +4

Well I'm still breathing here.

I am just waiting on everyone to decide what to do once you've rested up.

Male Orc
Witch (Beast Bonded) 5 || HP 21/37; AC 14 (T10/F14); F:+3,R:+1,W:+3; Init+0; Perc+1|+3 w/ Familiar) ----- Fang HP 36/36; AC 18 (T15/F15) F:+0,R:+3,W:+5;/Battle Form AC 14 (T11/F13); F:+1,R:+1,W:+5; Perc+5

Can we work under the assumption that I was able to purchase scrolls before we arrived at the Underbridge? (It won't change spells memorized, but will make a difference in the long run).

Whoever was writing down the loot before it is split, please note that Harbug has spent 11g of his share.

Yup. Purchases can be made on the way. That's kind of factored into the time it takes to get there.

Female Changeling "Varisian" Burglar 4/Fighter 2 (AC: 20 [T: 14 /F: 16] (+2 vs Traps); HP: 49/49; F+4, R+7 (+2 vs traps), W+1 (+2 vs Illusions/Fear); Init: +3; Perc: +16 [+18/+20], 60' darkvision)

Has anyone else been reading the other group's (Group A) adventure thread? It's kind of interesting to see how another group handles the same situations, with the same GM.

I stumbled on it when I saw an (x new) and was ,"oh, hey new ones". Then noticed after that it was the other group and just continued to see where they were. They do A LOT more back and forth little discussion than we do (not that we don't do plenty ourselves), and they didn't get walloped by color spray as bad as we did either. Interestingly enough, they started a week before us, but we caught up to and passed them in the story by the time we got to Zograthy (so it isn't spoiler-y, as they are behind us.)

If it's one thing I have learned by watching them with the same DM, it's that DM Bigrin wasn't kidding when he said it's up to us to act. They miss stuff we didn't because we were a little more proactive on taking actions and using skills.

I hope my reading theirs isn't an issue for you DM? If so, just let me know.

Not an issue at all, as long as it doesn't affect your gameplay. And, if they start to get ahead of you guys (somehow), if you can't read their story without meta-gaming yours, then I'd ask you to stop reading.

This 2-group adventure is really an experiment of mine. And you have hit the main aspect of it - given (mostly) the same information and the same DM, how do different groups react? And am I flexible enough to try and keep the story flowing, even when it goes wildly apart from the scripted adventure?

Group comparison spoilers:

  • Both groups got ambushed by the color spray, though one took more care to scout first.
  • One group is more willing to pay for info and make active checks, while the other is more passive about information gathering.
  • One group took the precaution of tying up Plutarch and interrogating him, while the other got focused on why Plutarch tried to ambush you in that way to begin with.
  • Both groups have strong "leaders" and some quiet "supporters".

    There are more, but those are the ones that first stuck out to me. I'll say this though. Both groups are well-set to move forward.

  • BTW you guys might be happy to know I just finished the first map of the next area.

    Male Hobgoblin Fighter 3 - 34/34HP - AC21/T13/F19 - F5 R3 W4 - +4 Perc - +2 Init - CMD18

    I try not to go into TOO much detail with regards to tactics and approaching situations. After all, my guy is only level 1. But it is fun to hear you relate as to how we're doing compared to the other group. If anything, we are very light on pure front-line power. But once we do get some of the spell combo's rolling .. AND scout properly .. we got a lot of power.

    Can't wait to see some of those awesome Menhir powers come into play :)

    Female Catfolk Druid (Menhir Savant) 3
    HP: 21/21 | F: +4, R: +3, W: +5 | AC: 14 (T 12/ F12) | Per: +8 | Init: +4

    It's going to be fun trying to give them fun descriptions, that's for sure.

    Male Hobgoblin Fighter 3 - 34/34HP - AC21/T13/F19 - F5 R3 W4 - +4 Perc - +2 Init - CMD18

    I'm going to play again tonight, so I won't post till 2-3 am or tomorrow morning!

    Anybody home?

    Female Catfolk Druid (Menhir Savant) 3
    HP: 21/21 | F: +4, R: +3, W: +5 | AC: 14 (T 12/ F12) | Per: +8 | Init: +4

    Still here. just waiting to what happens next.

    Female Grippli Diviner (Scroll Scholar) 6 / Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +7 / AC 17*, touch 13*, flat 15 (mage armor) / HP 40 of 40 / Init +9 / Perc +8 (darkvision 60 ft) / Status: none

    Ditto. Just waiting to move on as well.

    Male Hobgoblin Fighter 3 - 34/34HP - AC21/T13/F19 - F5 R3 W4 - +4 Perc - +2 Init - CMD18

    I'll be traveling to Sweden tomorrow. Since I haven't seen my gf in a few months I probably won't post tomorrow, but I'll do my best to pop by!

    No worries. Enjoy Sweden. If we need to move on, I just will, you can catch up when you get back. have a good trip.

    On a somewhat related note, next weekend I am traveling to Canada on business and won't be back until late Tuesday (Dec 18) night.

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