Harbug the Slasher |

Thankfully the gold cost of teaching the familiar is ONLY the cost of the scroll (i.e. no magic inks needed like for wizards). However, you are correct on the 1 hour per spell level to teach it. I'll just hold onto the scrolls until there's some spare time to do the work, but it'd be nice to get them while I can. I'll suggest the following 2 options:
1) Since Harbug doesn't need rest (he's got full spells and HP), he can go shopping with Krass (also full HP) while Tia takes care of Angelica and shabbezz rests for spells...
2) Alternatively we could all go shopping, then rest with Tia doing a heal check on Angelica and Harbug can either assist in that check (at -1...) or feed scrolls to his familiar (taking 10 and succeeding).

Krass Kargoth |

Krass will need some heavy armor by level 5, but until then, his current armor will do. That means that I don't need to buy anything in particular. That being said, if someone has an urgent item or two they need, feel free to use my share of the gold :)

Shabbezz Whorlpad |

I'll toss that masterwork dagger I called dibs on back into the pot. Getting that wand of cure light wounds is important, and frankly if Shabbezz gets engaged in melee a +1 bonus isn't going to help me much.
What I do need for now is a new wand of magic missile at CL2 or CL3, and a wand of mage armor at any level, but preferably also CL2 or CL3.
If I can swing it, I'd also like to use my share to purchase some scrolls to learn as we go (the price for a wizard to learn each is included in parentheses). I can go without these if we're strapped,for cash, but ideally I'd like at least two on hand to learn so as not to waste my downtime.
Lvl 1
Feather Fall (to spontaneously cast through my bonded item for the others) 25gp (10 gp to learn)
Shield 25gp (10 gp to learn)
Lvl 2
Protection from Evil, Communal 150gp (40 gp to learn)
Web 150gp (40 gp to learn)
Assuming I can keep at least 10 of the crossbow bolts the potion of cure light wounds, and the potion of lesser restoration, and of corse the bracers of armor that we've scavenged, I really need anything else, at least not until I qualify to get a handy haversack. The others can do the shopping, I'm going to rest for spells and try a check to transfer my scroll of comprehend languages to my spellbook for 10 gp.

Angelica Nenaviste |

Angelica will:
sell her MW ST leather (for 87.5 gp), splitting 5 ways gives us each (17.5 gp more)
Putting the total at - 359.9 gp each
(That is of course if we each put in for the wand of CLW, which I think Harbug, Shabbezz, and I have agreed on. Krass and Tia, are you guys cool with it?)
Purchase a MW Chain Shirt (250 gp)
2 Potions of CLW (100 gp)
Leaving me with 9.9 gp
Angelica will stay at the lodge on shopping day if someone will do long-term care on her.
So, we stay the night we returned, shop and rest on the next day, return in the morning. (only two nights, and one day away from the Crow.)

Harbug the Slasher |

Yeah I think so. So 359.9gp each, a Wand of CLW for the party, and then buy yourself stuff?
DM Bigrin--can we get a full wand of CLW?
Angelica--are you still down 4 ability points on a single stat? (i.e. 2 8-hour rests)?
(Note to self: 193.9g for me with wand, 343.9 without).

Angelica Nenaviste |

I'm down 3, so 1 full rest with long-term care and I'll be fine, as 1 point down doesn't cause a penalty.
I was just waiting for someone to step up and roll the long-term care check.

Shabbezz Whorlpad |

Sorry, Wisdom -1 here as well. I can try, but I'm likely to fail it if I do. Tialara or Krass would have the best chances of success.
In any event, I'm ready to go if everyone else is. I'm just going to roll to copy that comprehend languages scroll into my spellbook before Shabbezz went to sleep that night.
Casting read magic (CL3, duration 30 minutes, automatically decipher all magical writing).
Spend one hour studying the scroll of comprehend languages and make a Spellcraft check at DC 15 + spell's level (1):
Spellcraft vs. DC16: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (8) + 10 = 18 Success.
The spell disappears from the scroll. Shabbezz spends 10 gp's worth of materials to copy the spell into her spellbook.

Angelica Nenaviste |

I was thinking Tia, especially as she suggested it, and has the best chances. I haven't heard from her since then, though. Are you still with us Tia?

Shabbezz Whorlpad |

I'm ready too. If someone else doesn't make the heal check by tomorrow afternoon I'll do it, though I'm pretty sure it will fail. Either way, we should keep going.

Angelica Nenaviste |

Yay, no penalties for the 1 pt of damage.... currently. Leave it to Angelica, she'll likely get poisoned some more somewhere else.

Shabbezz Whorlpad |

Just keeping track of what I gear I purchased and what loot I kept from the last excursion.
I sold that masterwork dagger for 151 gp. I'm not sure if Angelica added that up in her total, but if not that gives us each an extra 30.2 gp each.
bracers of armor +2
potion of cure light wounds
potion of lesser restoration
wand of mage armor (CL1, 11 charges) [Forgot that I called this when we divided up the spoils in the game thread; no need to buy.]
10 crossbow bolts
Purchased: (starting cash 359.9 gp [or 390.1 gp if the dagger wasn't factored in for 30.2 gp]
potion of cure light wounds x1 (50 gp)
scroll of feather fall (25 gp)
scroll of web (150 gp)
wand of magic missile (CL1, 15 charges) (225 gp)
-10 gp to add that comprehend languages scroll to my spellbook.
Total remaining: 49.9 gp (or 80.1 gp, respectively)

Tialara |

Angelica Nenaviste |

Caught me off guard. By the name I thought it was some classical piece, so when it began I was like 'Oh! Well I sure wasn't expecting that.'

Angelica Nenaviste |

This is just a heads up. I will have limited accessibility due to travel from 25 Jul until 9 Aug. I will have my computer, but will only be able to post as the wife and available internet access allow.

Harbug the Slasher |

Posting here to prevent clutter in the gameplay thread.
This may differ slightly as Evil Eye is a supernatural effect (Su), and not a spell (or spell-like ability (Sp)), but LINK
Succeeding on a Saving Throw: A creature that successfully saves against a spell that has no obvious physical effects feels a hostile force or a tingle, but cannot deduce the exact nature of the attack. Likewise, if a creature's saving throw succeeds against a targeted spell, you sense that the spell has failed. You do not sense when creatures succeed on saves against effect and area spells.
So for single-target spells with saving throws, the caster knows if it succeeded or not; I assumed Evil Eye was the same, but wasn't certain. Also of note is that Evil Eye, like most hexes, is (Su), but some hexes are (Ex) or (Sp).

Angelica Nenaviste |

Did you get a PM from Krass, or just based off posting silence? I'm just wondering since he's Gustar in my Mummy's Mask (with you and Suru).
I leave it up to you. We are in an odd place to add somebody new, so maybe DMPC them during recruitment. Also, since we are down to 3, do we want 1-3 more? Will you open recruit, or send personal PM invites?
We will need at least a tanky, but other than that anything else works (maybe a little more healing).
EDIT: speaking of the MM, I think both Brennan and Suru are up.

Shabbezz Whorlpad |

We need a tank, and a dedicated healer would be nice. Beyond that I feel comfortable leaving it to your discretion.
2-3 new players sounds best, in case one of them drops early on. How you go about recruiting is up to you.
I suppose you can DMPC Krass and Tialara for now, but if I could make a suggestion, having one of them take a serious injury in the near future would be a good reason for the party to retreat back to the lodge. Then we could add the new members and jump right back where where we left off.

Harbug the Slasher |

Despite being in this campaign for almost 2 years, I am still "new" to play-by-post; that said, Shabbezz' suggestion sounds quite reasonable to me.

Angelica Nenaviste |

Zaphomil Collander |

Hello! Stalwart here, in my new alias as Zaphomil. Still finishing up the character, but the profile is done and most of what I've already submitted is there (submitted for your approval, Bigrin). I mainly have to buy some gear; I've already selected a few things that will likely be masterwork, but I'm not sure if I'll have enough for any magic items of particular worth. Given my recruited role as healer, I'll likely pick up a wand of CLW and keep it at the ready.

Shabbezz Whorlpad |

Bob Evil, alias Shabbezz. Glad to have you aboard, we've been needing a dedicated healer.
Your gear set sounds good enough, we haven't picked up much other than a few silver weapons for wererats and some minor devils. In any case, that wand will be a solid investment at this level. You may also want to pick up some alchemist's fire and a few torches; we'd neglected to bring them before and it was a bit of an annoyance to work around.

Wilhelm Shieldbreaker |

Jakscar Silverclaw saying hi. Will get my profile sorted today or tomorrow. I'm pretty sure I had some money left over from my planned items (assuming Bigrin approves). I can either pick up some of those items or possibly Zaphomil, we could link our backstories and you could have it towards a wand etc.

Zaphomil Collander |

Bought my gear. It's in my profile now, for approval. Generally, I decided to go with some travel-related items to fit the theme.
Jakscar, I'm totally happy to merge backstories with you.
By the way, I could afford the wand myself, but if you have an idea for something else we can go together to buy, that's fine with me. For example, the campfire bead is a pretty neat little item, but costly for its true utility. I could throw that back and have a bit more gold for a joint purchase. (A wand of lesser restoration would be fantastic, but wow 2nd level wands are expensive.)

Jakscar Steelclaw |

Here is the current profile, fairly standard fighter gear. Still got over 300gp left (and my shortbow is probably a little unneccesarily strong, which would be 75/150 extra) which I can either spend on joint stuff, alchemist's fire or hang on to.
Zaphomil I would hang onto the campfire bead it seems appropriate. I was just thinking of keeping it simple and that we were the remains of a previous party, or just that we have travelled together before, then if I had previously known/known of Tialara that could make it easy to link us in. What do you think?

Zaphomil Collander |

That's fine. I was thinking that I had explored a few Thassilonian ruins, maybe around Korvosa, but didn't uncover any great works of renown (unless Bigrin wants to say I scratched the surface of someplace we're going to end up exploring -- that might be fun "I was here three years ago! I can't believe I missed that door!"). But otherwise I'd say I discovered some ancient Thassilonian buildings like a granary, or bathhouse, or brewery. Maybe a little slice of life from ancient Thassilon (since there had to be ordinary people doing regular things. It can't be all rune giants and mega-powerful wizards).

Jakscar Steelclaw |

That would work well with Jakscar, as I was thinking he had just come back from the Fenwall mountains. So could even just be that we travelled back together. I see what you mean about 2nd level wands ouch! Are there any other wands or scrolls that might be handy? Mage armour and shield would be a bit inappropriate for us, but maybe an attacking one or an enlarge person?