DM Bigrin's Shattered Star (Group B) (Inactive)

Game Master bigrin42

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AC:22,t:14,ff:18; f:6,r:7,w:0 (+1vs fear); Init:4; Per:9 Catfolk Fighter 5/Rogue (Rake) 1 (HP57/57)

Season's greetings everyone, i hope Santa visited you all.

Female Grippli Diviner (Scroll Scholar) 6 / Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +7 / AC 17*, touch 13*, flat 15 (mage armor) / HP 40 of 40 / Init +9 / Perc +8 (darkvision 60 ft) / Status: none

Still ongoing for me, anyway. Extended family means multiple gatherings to attend. Hope you all had a good holiday though.

AC:22,t:14,ff:18; f:6,r:7,w:0 (+1vs fear); Init:4; Per:9 Catfolk Fighter 5/Rogue (Rake) 1 (HP57/57)

Happy New Year all, may it bring you lots of natural 20's and no natural 1's. (Except you DM Bigrin! For this game only please roll many many 1's!)

HP: 5/42, AC 19 t:13 ff:17, f+7 r+3w+8(+2vs illusions, +2 vs transmutations) Perc +12, init +1 Gnome Cleric of Desna 6

Happy New Year, everyone!

No one appears to have heard from Harbug in a few weeks. I sent him a PM, hoping he will respond back soon.

Male Orc
Witch (Beast Bonded) 5 || HP 21/37; AC 14 (T10/F14); F:+3,R:+1,W:+3; Init+0; Perc+1|+3 w/ Familiar) ----- Fang HP 36/36; AC 18 (T15/F15) F:+0,R:+3,W:+5;/Battle Form AC 14 (T11/F13); F:+1,R:+1,W:+5; Perc+5

Ohjesusgodsorry! I left for Christmas to my parents' place across the country then new years at my in-laws (they're Russian and so they do Christmas at new years). I got back today and will be back with a vengeance (or possibly with my hat in my hands)! But I totally spaced on them while I was away because I didn't have my laptop and thus didn't have a paizo window open all the time to refresh!

My heartfelt apologies to everyone! I'm back though and will be checking thoroughly!

Just glad you are okay. Welcome back!

AC:22,t:14,ff:18; f:6,r:7,w:0 (+1vs fear); Init:4; Per:9 Catfolk Fighter 5/Rogue (Rake) 1 (HP57/57)

Off to Greece to see the inlaws this week, should have internet, but bot me if i am being slow.

Enjoy your trip.

Sorry for the silence. We had 8" of snow dumped on us, and NC isn't exactly prepared for that. No power for 36 hours.

Female Grippli Diviner (Scroll Scholar) 6 / Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +7 / AC 17*, touch 13*, flat 15 (mage armor) / HP 40 of 40 / Init +9 / Perc +8 (darkvision 60 ft) / Status: none

That's okay. I'm currently fighting some strain of nasty bug so I could use the downtime for a day or so.

Male Orc
Witch (Beast Bonded) 5 || HP 21/37; AC 14 (T10/F14); F:+3,R:+1,W:+3; Init+0; Perc+1|+3 w/ Familiar) ----- Fang HP 36/36; AC 18 (T15/F15) F:+0,R:+3,W:+5;/Battle Form AC 14 (T11/F13); F:+1,R:+1,W:+5; Perc+5

Going to be at PAX East tomorrow through Sunday night; probably won't post much it at all. GM PC me if necessary. The intended target of the touch for Celestial healing is Jakscar.


Male Orc
Witch (Beast Bonded) 5 || HP 21/37; AC 14 (T10/F14); F:+3,R:+1,W:+3; Init+0; Perc+1|+3 w/ Familiar) ----- Fang HP 36/36; AC 18 (T15/F15) F:+0,R:+3,W:+5;/Battle Form AC 14 (T11/F13); F:+1,R:+1,W:+5; Perc+5

Shabbezz--3 minutes is 30 rounds =) (Makes your grease even better if it goes off): LINK "A round represents 6 seconds in the game world."

60 sec . . . . . 1 round
-------- .. x . . ---------
minute . . . . . 6 sec . . =10 rounds/minute

Female Grippli Diviner (Scroll Scholar) 6 / Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +7 / AC 17*, touch 13*, flat 15 (mage armor) / HP 40 of 40 / Init +9 / Perc +8 (darkvision 60 ft) / Status: none

You're right, 30 rounds it is. I should feel sheepish, but considering how fast I threw that post together before heading out to work, I'm just glad my math was even that close.

Male Orc
Witch (Beast Bonded) 5 || HP 21/37; AC 14 (T10/F14); F:+3,R:+1,W:+3; Init+0; Perc+1|+3 w/ Familiar) ----- Fang HP 36/36; AC 18 (T15/F15) F:+0,R:+3,W:+5;/Battle Form AC 14 (T11/F13); F:+1,R:+1,W:+5; Perc+5

I'm actually not sure about this issue re: celestial (infernal) healing: Normally a 1-round cast spell finishes at the beginning of a character or NPC's turn if they used their standard and move last round casting, but that is for spells like summon monster and sleep that just 'happen.' This spell requires a touch to deliver the effect. Does Harbug still have a standard action this round or did he use it delivering the touch? With something like summon monster or sleep, it just happens and you act regularly; here Harbug has to deliver a touch attack, which probably? takes his standard this round.

I think Harbug used it because (for instance) if he had cast shocking grasp (standard action to cast) and held the charge to deliver in this round, he would have to use his standard to deliver it, but... the rules say the touch attack for a regular standard action touch spell is a "free action" on the round you cast the spell (See reference link below labeled 'Free touch attack in round you cast'). I don't think there's any question that Harbug has a move action remaining though.

And I suppose a concurrent question: If Harbug were to move, start casting using his standard action, and then in the 2nd round use the "finish full-round action" action (see reference link below: start/finish full-round action) would he in the second round get the normal free touch attack to deliver the touch spell as part of that standard action?

Reference Links:
LINK: 1 Round spell: "A spell that takes one round to cast is a full-round action. It comes into effect just before the beginning of your turn in the round after you began casting the spell. You then act normally after the spell is completed."

LINK: Free touch attack in round you cast a touch spell: "Many spells have a range of touch. To use these spells, you cast the spell and then touch the subject. In the same round that you cast the spell, you may also touch (or attempt to touch) as a free action. You may take your move before casting the spell, after touching the target, or between casting the spell and touching the target. You can automatically touch one friend or use the spell on yourself, but to touch an opponent, you must succeed on an attack roll."

LINK: Start/complete standard action: The “start full-round action” standard action lets you start undertaking a full-round action, which you can complete in the following round by using another standard action.

For my own edification I made a post in the rules questions thread here, but I'd say just make a call on the issue so we can move on with the game.

Female Changeling "Varisian" Burglar 4/Fighter 2 (AC: 20 [T: 14 /F: 16] (+2 vs Traps); HP: 49/49; F+4, R+7 (+2 vs traps), W+1 (+2 vs Illusions/Fear); Init: +3; Perc: +16 [+18/+20], 60' darkvision)


As a GM, I would rule it as the free touch you get at the end of casting. So, your 1st round is a full cast, which resolves at the beginning of your 2nd round. If you are in a position to deliver the free touch that comes with casting a touch range spell, it happens in conjunction with finishing the 1 round casting time spell. Therefore, it resolves before your round 2 turn.

My interpretation is the same as Angelica's. Takes a full round to cast the spell (including the annointing). Just before your second turn, you get the free touch, meaning you have to be adjacent to them at the start of your next round. If you are not adjacent, then you are effectively holding the spell, and must move to get the free touch to discharge.

It's a little hinky in combat, because the intent is for the anointing process to be lengthy (full round), not just a touch.

I am going on vacation for the rest of the week, and I may or may not have internet. Proceed as if I am here.

Female Grippli Diviner (Scroll Scholar) 6 / Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +7 / AC 17*, touch 13*, flat 15 (mage armor) / HP 40 of 40 / Init +9 / Perc +8 (darkvision 60 ft) / Status: none

Just double-checking; like Harbug, I'm still waiting for the next round in order to act, correct?

Yup, I'm moving on as soon as I can get 10 minutes to do an update

Female Changeling "Varisian" Burglar 4/Fighter 2 (AC: 20 [T: 14 /F: 16] (+2 vs Traps); HP: 49/49; F+4, R+7 (+2 vs traps), W+1 (+2 vs Illusions/Fear); Init: +3; Perc: +16 [+18/+20], 60' darkvision)

Things may be going fairly slow for me until the end of the semester, I bit off more than expected, so please bear with me. Sunday at work is currently the only solid free time I've been able to find to post. I should have a post up today.

So, happy news. I was so caught up in RL things and getting you into this new level of the dungeon that I forgot to tell you...

CONGRATULATIONS! Welcome to Level 4!1!!!!11!111!One!!elventyelevensies!!!

AC:22,t:14,ff:18; f:6,r:7,w:0 (+1vs fear); Init:4; Per:9 Catfolk Fighter 5/Rogue (Rake) 1 (HP57/57)

Wooo! Thinking about a rogue (rake) dip, mainly for the extra skills and well who would say no to sneak attack! Would anyone complain? I figure it would be justified by watching Angelica. I am determined to be stealthy!!!

Male Orc
Witch (Beast Bonded) 5 || HP 21/37; AC 14 (T10/F14); F:+3,R:+1,W:+3; Init+0; Perc+1|+3 w/ Familiar) ----- Fang HP 36/36; AC 18 (T15/F15) F:+0,R:+3,W:+5;/Battle Form AC 14 (T11/F13); F:+1,R:+1,W:+5; Perc+5

I don't think a character as un-sneaky as Jakscar is allow a level in rogue... =p Go for it!

Jakscar puts the "crash" in dungeoncrasher

AC:22,t:14,ff:18; f:6,r:7,w:0 (+1vs fear); Init:4; Per:9 Catfolk Fighter 5/Rogue (Rake) 1 (HP57/57)

I know! How can i be that bad with +5? Maybe i will stand a better chance at +9!! But i'm not entirely convinced.

Male Orc
Witch (Beast Bonded) 5 || HP 21/37; AC 14 (T10/F14); F:+3,R:+1,W:+3; Init+0; Perc+1|+3 w/ Familiar) ----- Fang HP 36/36; AC 18 (T15/F15) F:+0,R:+3,W:+5;/Battle Form AC 14 (T11/F13); F:+1,R:+1,W:+5; Perc+5

Level 4 beast-bonded witch
HP +7 (Total 30) (½ 1d6=3 +1=4 +2 CON=6 +1 Favored Class)
BAB +1 (CMB, CMD, attacks increase by 1)
Will save +1
INT +1 (4th level increase)
Two new spells added to familiar; Patron spell* added to familiar
Cure Moderate Wounds
*Bear's Endurance
Spells Per Day: Gained 1 2nd level spell per day 1 1st level spell per day
(and, based on previous discussion forum, spells prepared):
2nd: Cure Moderate Wounds
1st: Celestial Healing
Class Ability: Enhanced Familiar (Beast-Bonded witch 4): Familiar counts as 1 level higher than my actual witch level.
Skills: +4 Ranks
+1 Intimidate, Spellcraft, Stealth, Perception

Fang: Counts as Level 5 familiar
Gained HP (because Harbug did)
Nat Arm +3
Int 8
Can speak with master
As Harbug

Female Grippli Diviner (Scroll Scholar) 6 / Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +7 / AC 17*, touch 13*, flat 15 (mage armor) / HP 40 of 40 / Init +9 / Perc +8 (darkvision 60 ft) / Status: none

Level 4 Controller Wizard
HP: 1d6 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 2 = 4 (26 total)
Will save +1
Intelligence +1
BAB: +1
CMB: +1
CMD: +1
Caster level: +1
Vs. SR: +1
Concentration check: +1
Melee touch +1
Ranged touch +1
Two new 2nd-level spells added to spellbook: create pit, gust of wind
Spells per day gained: +1 2nd level spell slot and +1 first level spell slot.
Skills: +7 ranks
+1 Knowledge (arcana), +1 Knowledge (dungeoneering), +1 Knowledge (nature), +1 Knowledge (planes), +1 Knowledge (religion), +1 Linguistics, +1 Spellcraft
Languages learned: Infernal

Should we wait until after our next rest to add the new level? Frankly I'm almost out of spells anyway.

HP: 5/42, AC 19 t:13 ff:17, f+7 r+3w+8(+2vs illusions, +2 vs transmutations) Perc +12, init +1 Gnome Cleric of Desna 6

not going to be able to update my character until tonight, but I'll be taking another level of cleric. Big surprise there.

AC:22,t:14,ff:18; f:6,r:7,w:0 (+1vs fear); Init:4; Per:9 Catfolk Fighter 5/Rogue (Rake) 1 (HP57/57)

Will be tmrw for me, sorry.

HP: 5/42, AC 19 t:13 ff:17, f+7 r+3w+8(+2vs illusions, +2 vs transmutations) Perc +12, init +1 Gnome Cleric of Desna 6

Level 4 Cleric
HP: 1/2 8= 4+1+2 con = +7 hp (31 total)
Charisma +1
+1 Fort
+1 Will
+1 BAB
CMB +1
Skills: 2+1 int + FCB = 4
Spells per day gained: +1 first and +1 second

Skills: +1 diplomacy; +1 religion; +1 spellcraft; +1 perception

AC:22,t:14,ff:18; f:6,r:7,w:0 (+1vs fear); Init:4; Per:9 Catfolk Fighter 5/Rogue (Rake) 1 (HP57/57)

Level 3 fighter/ Lvl 1 rogue (rake)

Hp 1/2 8+1 +2 (con)=7 for total 38

Ref+2 +1 (for extra dex)
+1 CMD (dex)
+1 to hit (dex)
+1 Init (dex)
Sneak attack 1d6
Bravado's blade-can swap sneak attack dmg for free intimidate check to demoralise.
Acrobatics +1 rank,+1dex= total+6
Bluff +1 rank= total+5
Diplomacy +1 rank= total+5
Disable device +1 rank,+1dex= total+6
Escape artist +1dex=total+2
Fly +1dex=total+2
Intimidate +1rank = total+6
Knowledge local +1 rank=total+6
Linguistics +1 rank=total+5 +Infernal
Perception +1 rank=total+8
Ride +1 dex= total+2
Sleight of hand =total+2
Stealth +1rank,+1 dex= total+10

Female Changeling "Varisian" Burglar 4/Fighter 2 (AC: 20 [T: 14 /F: 16] (+2 vs Traps); HP: 49/49; F+4, R+7 (+2 vs traps), W+1 (+2 vs Illusions/Fear); Init: +3; Perc: +16 [+18/+20], 60' darkvision)

Another Rogue (burglar) level, Though I think I might be taking a Ftr level at 5th. Two can play at that game Jak ;)

HP: 1d8 ⇒ 4 +1 (FC)
Ability score: Str +1
BaB: +1
Ref: +1

Class Ability: Careful Disarm, Rogue Talent (Fast Stealth)

Skill points (10):
Disable Device
Sense Motive x3

Female Changeling "Varisian" Burglar 4/Fighter 2 (AC: 20 [T: 14 /F: 16] (+2 vs Traps); HP: 49/49; F+4, R+7 (+2 vs traps), W+1 (+2 vs Illusions/Fear); Init: +3; Perc: +16 [+18/+20], 60' darkvision)

I apologize for my continued minimal presence, but the S**t storm of school work has been insane and I'm just working to keep up. Classes end soon, so please bear with me, and I will have the whole summer for posting.

FYI, I am travelling on business this week, but don't stop posting. I want to be able to keep things moving as much as possible.

Looks like we have stumbled to a halt. What can I do to help you guys move things along?

Female Grippli Diviner (Scroll Scholar) 6 / Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +7 / AC 17*, touch 13*, flat 15 (mage armor) / HP 40 of 40 / Init +9 / Perc +8 (darkvision 60 ft) / Status: none

I was waiting for our scouts to post before following along with the group, then I'd gotten stuck at work all Friday long without internet access. I'll try to post more aggressively even when my character isn't physically moving.

Question - How do you guys feel about creating Roll20 accounts? I am starting to run into limitations with MapTool, and since I have already moved to Roll20 for my RL games, I was thinking about doing the same with my PbP ones as well. It would let you control your own character, but you'd have to be able to log into Roll20 and move your own token, and I wouldn't be posting a pic of the map (would be double the work and there are no grid coordinates in Roll20). Let me know what you guys think. It's not an immediate need, but I am looking towards future encounters.

Female Grippli Diviner (Scroll Scholar) 6 / Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +7 / AC 17*, touch 13*, flat 15 (mage armor) / HP 40 of 40 / Init +9 / Perc +8 (darkvision 60 ft) / Status: none

I'm already on Roll20, so I wouldn't mind the change all that much. If you feel like it would make things easier/better, do it.

HP: 5/42, AC 19 t:13 ff:17, f+7 r+3w+8(+2vs illusions, +2 vs transmutations) Perc +12, init +1 Gnome Cleric of Desna 6

I'm already on it for a couple games, so one more won't be any trouble.

Male Orc
Witch (Beast Bonded) 5 || HP 21/37; AC 14 (T10/F14); F:+3,R:+1,W:+3; Init+0; Perc+1|+3 w/ Familiar) ----- Fang HP 36/36; AC 18 (T15/F15) F:+0,R:+3,W:+5;/Battle Form AC 14 (T11/F13); F:+1,R:+1,W:+5; Perc+5

I have an account already as well.

AC:22,t:14,ff:18; f:6,r:7,w:0 (+1vs fear); Init:4; Per:9 Catfolk Fighter 5/Rogue (Rake) 1 (HP57/57)

I also have one, the only issue i do have is that i find myself posting from my phone quite a lot and i can't access roll20 from there. Not a problem as such, but may mean on occasion (not regularly) that i will have to ask someone to move me, based on description.

Female Changeling "Varisian" Burglar 4/Fighter 2 (AC: 20 [T: 14 /F: 16] (+2 vs Traps); HP: 49/49; F+4, R+7 (+2 vs traps), W+1 (+2 vs Illusions/Fear); Init: +3; Perc: +16 [+18/+20], 60' darkvision)

I have a roll20 account, but can't access it from work (stupid work, making it hard for to game at times). I'm fine either way.

Thank you for your input. Since not everyone can reliably access Roll20, and there is no immediate reason to change, we'll stick with what we are currently doing until forced to do otherwise.

Female Grippli Diviner (Scroll Scholar) 6 / Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +7 / AC 17*, touch 13*, flat 15 (mage armor) / HP 40 of 40 / Init +9 / Perc +8 (darkvision 60 ft) / Status: none

Just a heads up, I'm going to be traveling out of town today. I should have internet access upon my arrival, but if the unforeseen should happen I shouldn't be out of commission for more than a day. Use Shabbezz as needed until then.

So, last week I saw a $150 magnetic dice tower made by Wyrmwood, and just had to see if I could make my own. Magnets are still on order, but here is a test run with everything held together by painter's tape. I can't wait for the magnets to get here so I can stain it and take it to my next RL game!

Male Orc
Witch (Beast Bonded) 5 || HP 21/37; AC 14 (T10/F14); F:+3,R:+1,W:+3; Init+0; Perc+1|+3 w/ Familiar) ----- Fang HP 36/36; AC 18 (T15/F15) F:+0,R:+3,W:+5;/Battle Form AC 14 (T11/F13); F:+1,R:+1,W:+5; Perc+5

What are the magnets for? Holding the tower onto the box? Looks cool either way. (Edit: watched the gif of taking apart the $150 one. Nifty!)

Female Grippli Diviner (Scroll Scholar) 6 / Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +7 / AC 17*, touch 13*, flat 15 (mage armor) / HP 40 of 40 / Init +9 / Perc +8 (darkvision 60 ft) / Status: none

Neat. I'm impressed with how it looks so far.

I am leaving for a family "vacation" (read that as traveling halfway across the country to visit my wife's family and go to our niece's wedding) tomorrow and won't be back until Monday, whereupon I immediately leave for a 3 day business trip. I should have plenty of internet to post 1-2 times per day, but I won't be as constantly on as I am normally (when I get bored or stuck at work I tend to just refresh the paizo forums every few minutes). It shouldn't impact my ability to post daily, just letting you know in case the worst should happen (no internet, yikes!) Also, I probably won't be able to make map updates, so we'll just have to use our imaginations...maybe.

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